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To D. E. - We Really Don't Need New Filler.


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  We need all of that, sure. But we also need more Tilesets and weapons honestly can't hurt.

I'm sure I don't have to tell you how much I think spamming weapons hurt the game ;)

I'm all for more weapons, but weapons that are carefully balanced and tuned as they come out. Still have faith that this game can be turned around; but still grumbling over the direction things seem to be headed. I hope that the bit of slowdown in pace of weapons popping out has more to do with them finally re-focusing on fixing core issues instead of adding more time consuming glitter.

Not really sure how far ahead content is compared to people being put in motion.

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Terrible troll attempt, deception was obvious and burn was non-existent.

How is that a troll. Im saying I want more weapons and tilesets. Im starting ti think people dont want to read stuff any more and resort to calling them trolls when they see key words.


*CrazyCanadian24 sees the name TF2*

"Well obviously this is a troll..."

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I'm sure I don't have to tell you how much I think spamming weapons hurt the game ;)

I'm all for more weapons, but weapons that are carefully balanced and tuned as they come out. Still have faith that this game can be turned around; but still grumbling over the direction things seem to be headed. I hope that the bit of slowdown in pace of weapons popping out has more to do with them finally re-focusing on fixing core issues instead of adding more time consuming glitter.

Not really sure how far ahead content is compared to people being put in motion.



 Weapons will always release more often then anything else Baki. They are easy to put together and get into the game. Especially Melee weapons. DE expressed that long ago.

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 Weapons will always release more often then anything else Baki. They are easy to put together and get into the game. Especially Melee weapons. DE expressed that long ago.

Shhh! We had few weeks without new melee! Don't provoke Them!

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I agree with OP on the weapon part of things. We have lots of them.

I am mastery rank 10 and still haven't used all the weapons in the game.


It is good that the specific factions have their own versions of every guntype. The Grineer are now 'complete' in my book, and so are the Corpus.

Both factions have very good weapon variety that allows them to provide a challenge in any situation.

I'm also for weapon development in the bio and chemlab. They have the possibility to provide unique fighting mechanics.


Tilesets are super important! We need more as soon as possible. They essentially provide diversity.

I'm sick and tired to always sit in the same defence room.

Also, plz compare to a favourite classic of mine, Diablo 2. In D2 you have 4 tilesets in the first act alone (marshland, caves, ruined castle, catacombs), then 5 in the second act (sewers, desert, tombs, palace halls, fortress of madness), the list goes on.


At the moment we have a total of 6 tilests in the whole game (Corpus ship, Grineer ships, Corpus base, Grineer base, Grineer settlement, Orokin void/Dojo) with one more Corpus set coming up. Note that I do not count infested maps as seperate Tilesets.

I think it is very important to increase the variety so the warframe universe will come to life even more.

I think it is also important to make a randomization in the tiles themselves a possibility. Boxes and crates shouldn't always be placed in the exact same spots, so we get more variety in the map itself.


As far as the AI is concerned, I share the feeling that not a lot is being done to improve it. In fact, I think things have gone worse, since they changed the aggro mechanics on the mission objective. Mobs running in circles or moving completely at random happens more often than before.

Nothing noteworthy is being done to improve group interaction between the mobs, afaik. At least nothing has been announced.

Enemies taking cover, retreating and changing position is nice but I think it could be even better, especially when the enemy base is at full alert and they send in assault teams to dispatch us.

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Regarding AI improvements.


Ive been playing Splinter cell: Blacklist, the last couple of days, and can honestly say, ive never seen enemyes behave as intelligent as they do,..

maby DE could learn a couple of tricks from watching them..

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Maces aren't very ninja-y...


 Neither is Warframe.


 With that out of the way, I'd rather have a huge variety of weapons of a large range of styles and appearances then just a bunch of 'lel live out the weaboo fantasy!' gear forever.


 Simply because it widens the possibilities for the sort of stuff they can add.

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 Neither is Warframe.


Considering just how agile even frames like Rhino are... yeah, it's pretty ninja-y.


Yes but battleaxes and greatswords are lol


I'll give you your point on battleaxes (and, I assume, hammers), but I wouldn't really call the Gram a greatsword. Maybe space Nodachi that's being used in the wrong way?

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 But I kinda still want a Mace


New melee with new mechanic, new animation and cool Mynkish (that's the word now, deal with it)look instead of reskin/twin/dagger version of existing one would be really nice, I agree.

Edited by SabreUr
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I think another facet that affects this game besides AI is Lore, there is no overall story for us to work towards. In Dragon Nest you have an overall story that the missions you run work towards. In Warframe it just simply comes down to farming to create the next best weapon so you can do more farming for the next best weapon and so on. Nothing we do affects whatever overall story there is if any, there is no goal other than to make the next best weapon or frame. An example also of DE trying to balance combat is when cryo is out of whack on a ship and it only affects the Tenno, really? It makes no sense for an environmental change to take place without affecting everyone, this is not good combat balancing this is simply stacking the deck which is lazy. 

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I think it's hard for DE to make a move and change anything with community as bipolar as Warframe. We have one side that ask for the game to be more tactical, more challenging. At the same time, we also have players who use it as space murder simulator and state that the game is good as it is.

Whatever they do will upset someone, I feel a bit bad for criticizing them sometimes.

Ah, well. Let's see what I want from Warframe.

1. Power system. Players should be made responsible for their actions more than the current model. Yes, I'm once again talking about ultimates. While many players believe that these powers are a crutch, I think of it as a tool to negate difficulty (big &#! crutch). Instead of moving in a cautious pace and eliminate enemies with other tools given to us, we rush to the middle of the group and simply press 4 to destroy a whole squad of Grineer and move on. Talk about time wasted on developing new AI. What is the point of developing new FEAR level AI if we can obliterate them with one button.

To create a more tactical but fast gameplay through power, I think DE should ...

- Give the AI ability to resist powers, temporarily.

- AI with ability to create forcefield that negate power effect. Bring down the forcefield generator to continue mowing them down.

- Increase the interval between ultimate casting. Use it tactically, not spamming. They can be buffed to a new height for all I care if it can be cast once every 5-10 minutes at great cost.

- More obvious synergy between powers. ME3MP is a good example for this cast one power on the target and let your teammate cast another power on he same target result in EXPLOSIVE SYNERGY. Tech explosion and biotic explosion is a core gameplay for caster classes in ME3MP. It promotes fast gameplay but retains the cooperative feeling.

2.AI. I don't believe that DE will be able to polish AI to the point that it can compete with us (that will make them the cause of WW3 with Skynet). I think DE should give more abilities to the Elite unit.

- Grineer Commader should be able to buff damage of nearby units similar to Roar.

- Corpus tech should be able to cast holographic shield to protect himself similar to Electric shield.

- Grineer engineer with ability to setup an anti-power forcefield.

- Toxic ancient capable of throwing toxic goo at player.

- Infest that can camoflague itself and ambush player.

- Infest with advance sense to detect cloaked unit.


3.Blockade mechanic. The problem is the fact that players live skipping content for the sake of efficiency. This one should act as a method to stop player from progressing too fast through the level. Once player skip a few tiles with below quota killcount, the game organize a group of enemies with a fortified position at the next choke point. Engineer setup the forcefield, Shield Lancer erect a line of defense to protect Elite units, Commander stays back and buff the entire squad's damage output.

4. Loot. In order to make player feels like killing and staying in the mission, improve loot.

I made a topic about this before and I will make it again, loot in Warframe is lackluster. What we have is like Diablo2 with socketable sword and we to hunt for Runes/Gems to fill the socket.

No armor, no ring, no amulet, no boots, no belt... Just helmet.

Meh, imo.

DE made many guns but all of them fail to live longer than a few days, why?

They don't have variation by themselves. If we draw similarity form many ARPG, we don't have fiery longsword of destruction. We just have longsword with sockets.

Personally, I think we should expand the "part" system for weapons. Many weapons already feature this system - void weapons, Miter, Seer. Giving these spare parts that you get from hours of farming like 10 miter chassis, 6 Miter blade, etc some meaning.

- The first, easiest step would be giving elite unit guarantee drop in mod and material. Weapon part should be rare drop.

- Allow player to construct each part to replace the one in existing weapon.

- Each part confers different pros and cons to the weapon.

- Replacing parts should be done in the foundry and take no time.

- It's still the same weapon therefore no extra slot required.

- Each part has different tiered rarity that confers higher pros and cons.

It should give better incentive to kill enemies in the level more, less skipping content.

5. Less straight line in level design. No brainer here, less straight line means more place to ambush the players.

6. More powers for each frame. Surely, more diverse builds for each frame will benefit the game greatly.

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I think it is also important to make a randomization in the tiles themselves a possibility. Boxes and crates shouldn't always be placed in the exact same spots, so we get more variety in the map itself.

I am sincerely scared of this. Ever seen a nice green barrel...sunk down 5/6 of the way in a cemented floor?...

The strange container spawn at times in non-ship maps (the less linear ones, having quite a variable Y axis) are...not very interesting to see at times. It's fine to see them "buried" under ice, sand, or dirt...but to see them "buried incompletely" in concrete floors?...That's a scary sign.

Now imagine if you get nicely unlucky to have a crate stuck right beside a door...or slightly under it, making the door a little "smaller"...maybe even too small for a slide maneuver to fit in.....

I'll second this if they fix those seemingly harmless container spawns...Code being reusable in today's programming principles sort of tells me that they'd be using a "slightly" tweaked code from the containers to achieve this.......which by all means, might put us in a not-so-favorable position.

(there's even this bug when breaking a window in another room, taking an elevator while that's going on, and undoing the lock after. It leaves some doors open, and one green door somewhere, maybe more than one, will never be open no matter how many objects go near it.)

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All I am going to say is that we are still in beta and Update 10 will definitely be launched sometime in September. 

I'm going to say beta means very little at this point and update 10 will bring very little to ease the complaints in this thread

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We need all the things that have been added so far, and we need things that have not been added yet.


For example more tilesets, weapons and warframes are definitely needed. Without it the game will feel very repetitive.


Tilesets and weapons are some of the lowest complexity items to add to the game, they use the existing code. Think of it as adding another book to a bookshelf. In addition a lot of the work can be done by the graphics designers rather than the people who code the engine.


When it comes to AI that is a much more complex issue to code, it also has the limitations that it needs to be able to run well on an average spec machine so that there are enough players able to host games.


A new way of handling nightmare mode would take a lot of work, about the same as that needed to develop the current mission types and to be honest I am happy with nightmare mode as it is.


These larger elements need significantly more work because the involve writing completely new code elements for the game and integrating them with the existing code. This work cannot be done quickly.


On top of all this DE are a relatively small company who do not have the money of a publisher behind them. Improvements will take time but they are happening.

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