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Suggestion; Umbral Reactor


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I am suggesting a way to reduce the drain of the Umbral Mods on Warframes with a new item the "Umbral Reactor."  Umbral Reactor would work similar to the Orokin Reactor in upgrading and being applied the same way.

The Umbral Reactor would reduce the drain of each Umbral mod by 3 points. Equiping all three Umbral mods would reduce the drain a total of 9 points.

Three maxed Umbral mods total drain of 48 now reduced to 39.

I realize this does introduce some power creep, for me a player who has an orokin reactor, an exilus adapter, all non Umbral slots polarized [and extra forma to unforma 2 D slots] on a warframe like Inaros I still have a empty slot on my frame.


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Warframe is one online game  where I don't care about power creep. It's not a game-breaking issue.

But Umbral mods are in a good place right now. They require some sacrifice (ha) and dedication to the frame/weapon.

Edited by Uthael
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1 hour ago, Wyrvox said:

I am suggesting a way to reduce the drain of the Umbral Mods on Warframes with a new item the "Umbral Reactor."  Umbral Reactor would work similar to the Orokin Reactor in upgrading and being applied the same way.

The Umbral Reactor would reduce the drain of each Umbral mod by 3 points. Equiping all three Umbral mods would reduce the drain a total of 9 points.

Three maxed Umbral mods total drain of 48 now reduced to 39.

I realize this does introduce some power creep, for me a player who has an orokin reactor, an exilus adapter, all non Umbral slots polarized [and extra forma to unforma 2 D slots] on a warframe like Inaros I still have a empty slot on my frame.


No ty, at the moment those mods and their limitation have a meaning game wise and story wise, I refuse to trivialize them as another "pay-wall" to min-max.

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4 hours ago, Wyrvox said:

I am suggesting a way to reduce the drain of the Umbral Mods on Warframes with a new item the "Umbral Reactor."  Umbral Reactor would work similar to the Orokin Reactor in upgrading and being applied the same way.

The Umbral Reactor would reduce the drain of each Umbral mod by 3 points. Equiping all three Umbral mods would reduce the drain a total of 9 points.

Three maxed Umbral mods total drain of 48 now reduced to 39.

I realize this does introduce some power creep, for me a player who has an orokin reactor, an exilus adapter, all non Umbral slots polarized [and extra forma to unforma 2 D slots] on a warframe like Inaros I still have a empty slot on my frame.


No. I consider players lucky that we can even equip these umbral mods on non-umbra frames already. We don't need more than that.

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No thanks, the added power creep isn't necessary and umbral mods on non-umbra frames work well enough, already being a bit of a power creep themselves. If this was added, only the exilus slot would be left empty and that's not much of a sacrifice.

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My nidus and rhino can create a 400% roar right now, and if paired with equinox makes over 500% and all 3 fissured, they can make over 1,500% roar. Imagine if I could fit just one more mod(or 2). My nidus has 374% strength but low energy. If I could increase my energy or reduce the cost it would be OP. Same goes for rhino which is at 337%(can’t fit all 3). My nidus alone can make equinox reach 80% on third ability(which is max). Also there’s growing power aura. 

My point is, they are over powered as is. So I can understand why DE might not allow their cost be reduced. Maybe once DE creates a much more powerful enemy that no low MR players could handle. Then I can see y’all’s suggestion to reduce cost of umbral mods for other warframes.

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I would be down for your proposal if there was any kind of content that warranted that kind of power to be honest. 

Couple of nights ago i went into recruit to do a chill Mot fissure endurance run with random frames and no real camping - we stood in the same room but that's about it, no team comp, random frames, i think we only had 1 cp and one guy dropped before 30 mins. I brought my Oberon with full Umbral set and it took enemies over level 300 with 3x damage before i actually started to feel the strain and over lv 400 before i actually started not being able to handle their damage output. 

Why would you need more power for lv 100- standard damage content is beyond me.

Edited by Autongnosis
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