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Possible Weekly/Monthly? POE Event. *Second Dream Spoilers*


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     Currently, the Plains of Eidolon day/night cycle can be pretty annoying. Especially if you want to fight an Eidolon, and you find out that it won't be night until an hour and 40 minutes later. The event I was thinking of an eclipse event. With the moon back in regular space, and is visible from the plains, there must be some effect on Earth right? The idea is that the Lua every so often will eclipse the Earth and cause 1-2 days of a permanent night on the Plains. Normal bounties would not be affected, but maybe Nakak could sell special cosmetics. I wouldn't add more zaws or weapons as the goal of this event is to make Eidolon hunting, not easier, but more efficient? 

     As for the lore, as stated above, Lua is back in normal space orbiting Earth, but its orbital pattern has been disrupted. This is causing the Plains of Eidolon to experience a total solar eclipse once every X days or weeks. With the night being extended the Eidolons have no reason to retreat every 50 minutes.

     There are a few lore complications though. For example, what happens to people who have not completed the Second Dream? For that I say, have two different voice lines for Konzu(he informs you of the eclipse). We know that Lua has some weird time portals things, so for none second dream completers, Konzu could say something along the lines of "Something has eclipsed the son. I cannot tell what, but I fell like it is something to come." This would be an allusion to the Second Dream and the Moon without giving anything away. For people that have completed the Second Dream Konzu would just come out and say that the moon is eclipsing the sun while stating the reasons previously stated.


tl;dr: Lua eclipses the Plains of Eidolon for 1-2 days for a permanent night for this time frame.


I hope that I have covered everything here and would love some feedback on this event.

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43 minutes ago, TheCoolcg10 said:

I wouldn't add more zaws or weapons as the goal of this event is to make Eidolon hunting, not easier, but more efficient? 

This makes it both easier and more efficient. Efficiency of grind is one of the worst possible justifications for DE to make a recurring event. Between @Helch0rn's point and this just being an official Arcane farm time, why would this be made? What more does it add to the game except more Arcanes in the economy?

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5 hours ago, Helch0rn said:

screwing newbies out of the plains for 2 days because they can't kill Vomvalysts is no good idea in my opinion

Newbies can run around the plains and ignore all sentient enemies. I say this as a returning player who screwed around in PoE for a month before learning to take down Eidolons, and it really wasn't bad. It gave me a sense of awe to see such a monster that I couldn't immediately kill.

I am for it.

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Lua is static though isn't it? Isn't it at the same place at all times just not/barely visible at day?

The idea is good but lorewise Lua is beeing hold in the same place by the orokin tech on the moon iirc.

Edited by German
moon not planet
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I also dont like the idea to be honest... but I personally hate eidolon hunts but that aside it annoys the hell out of me when it is night. Eidolons are just interesting for late game players (or players that like the "challenge") but for people like me it's just a "oh no not again...". We maybe need new events but dont just include late game content that just a part of the players like.

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