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About Nyx... Why?! Why She Is So Under Played?!


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Ya that is true, I still prefer the thrak I don't like the appearance of vanguard and while the .27 movement bonus is fun I would still take the bonus 25 health, 50 dmg, and 60 more iron skin already having the move speed of the rhino boosted with the rush mod.



WTF? I take both, the helmet and the rush mod... speed for the win. Nothing is hard in this game anyway and missions are only rushed. And when mobs become lvl 100+, the little stats wont save you anyway.

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I didn't read all of the replies so pardon me if I repeat what has already been said.

Nyx isn't played because:

1. Low survivability. All of the idiots who claim that the Nova is squishy should try playing the Nyx.

2. Chaos and Mind control- her two functional abilities- are utterly negated by aoe spamming; mind controlled enemies die instantly because people cannot see that they are supposed to be allies and Chaos is pointless when a Vauban can just throw down a Bastille.

3. Psychic bolts and Absorb are both too weak. Absorb has really high damage potential but it relies on enemies attacking the Nyx with guns and for said enemies not to die before the channelling time on Absorb has finished (good luck with that). And Psychic bolts... well... it's a joke. A really bad joke.

4. For all her squishyness and lack of decent abilities she's slow. Really slow, meaning that you either waste a mod slot on Rush or get bum-rushed by Toxic Ancients.

I wish DE would stop listning to all of the Rhino players because the Rhino has had enough attention lavished onto it, in fact it's a really good frame now! It's time for them to fix the Nyx. Way overdue, in fact.

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Nyx is a great, great frame when things go hairy. Every defense mission gets quite easy with her.  I dont know why people take Vauban above her. But this quality is rarely needed, since this game is easy.


If DE would suddenly decide to make a nightmarish nightmare difficulty with lvl 100+ mobs, she would be the top frame to take with.

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I don't play Nyx since she's rank 30; gonna rank up the rest of my frames first before going into a polarization frenzy.


Also, some play frames based on their playstyles, not because of their performances. Also, not everyone goes to do Endless Defenses and Mobile Defenses all day.

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Nyx is my most played frame and I've used multiple formas on it as well, and while I feel she is among the better frames she is just not wanted. If I look for a group with Nyx after 20 mins no ones invs me, with Vauban it takes about 3-5 mins to get into T3 def. In which I personally believe Nyx is a better choice.

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I'm sorry, I have to disagree with OP here.


All frames are powerful, some are good at killing in large numbers. Just look at frost, how many high level mobile defenses would be agonizingly difficult without snow-globe, it always helps, thanks frost bud'.


Also, Saryn is none other than the eluding and might I add... *smugthrakface* fiesty, warframe of the poison element, naturally making her a lethal, and beautiful killer. 

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Actual post:



I think it's funny that the most groups that went over 2 hours of the survival usually brought a Nyx. And how largely irrelevant the damage potential of the nukes got in higher waves.

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Okay, now.

The reason nobody plays Nyx is that they are scared.


Nyx is definitely in for a nerf, but nobody knows what KIND of nerf (Well, obviously leaning towards Chaos).

This is going to happen, and until it does, people will worry about getting Nyx just incase when they put all their time into getting her, she suddenly sucks. People are just going to run from the blast zone and survey the wreckage afterwards.

Nyx was originally one of the frames I wanted to get, and I tried hard, but then I saw the decent levels of "nerfinbound" on her character, and avoided her until I see what she can do afterwards. Once update 10 comes out, if we actually DO get a nerf, then I can go back to looking at Nyx.

Of course, if we don't get a nerf, I'll still look at Nyx, because I'm not waiting until update 11 to spam the main "I win" button in the game.

Don't you think Nyx has been nerfed too much? I mean, if Nyx was that OP, people would use her more than Nova or Vauban.

Chaos was nerfed twice.

MC is the bullet sponge creator and CAN heal you situationally.

Absorb is a suicide button and is outperformed by Antimatter Drop.

Psychic Bolts are utter crap in maps like corpus ship and you can get way better results with Shuriken and Null Star which cost 25 energy.

Nyx is good for CC but has no skills to fight bosses.

Edited by Teknique0
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It's possible that necro might replace nyx, I hope the livestream today spreads some light on the new frame.  Nyx and chaos at higher levels is pretty helpful and my clan found it helped a lot during T3 defence hopefully they don't just make her useless comparatively. 

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 - Rhino is fine. literally. 

 - Saryn already uses damage ticks, if you didn't notice. Miasma isn't a Miasma by definition, but i aim to change that.

 - Nova is nothing new, we know the story.


anyways, Nyx is good, yes. i enjoyed getting the Mastery on Nyx. i ultimately sold her because she's not my thing, but it was interesting. 

if only Psychic Bolts was more useful, it was my favorite power after i realized i could aim it like artillery. 


and Absorb does have very limited damage output, i admit. even enemies that shoot at it the entire duration of Absorb don't take considerable damage. 


Go play over wave 5 on Xini, then you can express your concerns over Saryn and Rhino...

i have no issues uses Saryn on level 100 Infested. i used Saryn for the Infested Survival Alerts. it was fine. i basically WAS the CC frame in each match, nobody else could match me. killing 100% of the trash mobs and eating ~half of the health on an Ancient, while giving them a medium duration stun. very useful. more useful than Stomp most of the time IMO, enemies falling over backwards makes it hard to hit weakpoints.

Molt / Decoy was also critical to group up enemies for Survivals unless you had overhead air support to kill enemies in the spawn doors across the whole map, which we don't. same story for Defense, you can direct the tide of Infested to some place other than the objective, for convenient CC. 

Edited by taiiat
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and Mind Control is so underpowered and situational, I won't ever turn to it.

wat o.o

Dat lvl 200+ corpus tech tanking fo you <3. Dat ancient healer healing you <3 Dat ancient toxic not poisoning you <3


Psychic Bolts is utterly useless atm, nobody is really disputing that and it's definitely in need of a rework.


Absorb can be very useful but requires team coordination.

I think thats the reason in general why you won't see Nyx in many pub games... she needs teamwork to shine, and you're lucky to get some people in pub games that don't play rambo running and run around everywhere, but getting a group that understands/knows the mechanics of nyx is just a pipe dream.


As for Saryn, Miasma is fine actually but her Venom needs to be restored to its former glory, because thats the power that actually stays useful for a rather long time/high lvls.


And about Rhino: I kinda agree, either his stomp needs to be tweaked or other ults (that are no pure CC) need to be adjusted to the same effectiveness, including Miasma, as it stands Stomp is considerably stronger. For example Stomps dmg could be halfed, but even then it still would be more useful than most ults, at least with the current armor scaling.


And well discussing nova is a whole nother can of worms I don't feel like opening right now ;o

Edited by DitsyPixie
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well the livestream said that psychic bolts have been re-worked/buffed (about time! and hopefully they wont suck anymore!)


and asorb is getting its minimum damage increased along with more agro...





as far as "OP frames" are concerned...  I have no issues with any of them. some frames are clearly more suited for things like survival/defence. but it still doesnt influence me in choosing my frames, I play who I want to play. and I like all the frames I have basically equally.


the only frame I would say is POSSIBLY underpowered is Ember... I dont know what it is; perhaps I just dont play her the way she should be played. I just struggle when I believe I shouldnt have issues... having said that it still doesnt stop me from playing her, shes still a lot of fun.

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Nyx is boring. Cast Chaos, then just afk.

Her ult sucks horribly

Mind control is decent but only when used on strong enemies (heavy gunners/toxic ancients/ancient healers)

Bolts just suck in general.

Nyx is boring?


Not quite there my fellow Tenno. Yes, Chaos is power that gives you freedom to go to the bathroom or get a drink during a game, but MC isnt just decent. She is defense missions frame and people should undrestand that. For anything else bring some other frame.


As for MC, you can control battlefield with it as good as with Chaos, if you cast it on the right target. Only change that MC could use is that of visibility ( having some mark over the head so teammates can recognize MCed target ).

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I didn't read all of the replies so pardon me if I repeat what has already been said.

Nyx isn't played because:

1. Low survivability. All of the idiots who claim that the Nova is squishy should try playing the Nyx.

2. Chaos and Mind control- her two functional abilities- are utterly negated by aoe spamming; mind controlled enemies die instantly because people cannot see that they are supposed to be allies and Chaos is pointless when a Vauban can just throw down a Bastille.

3. Psychic bolts and Absorb are both too weak. Absorb has really high damage potential but it relies on enemies attacking the Nyx with guns and for said enemies not to die before the channelling time on Absorb has finished (good luck with that). And Psychic bolts... well... it's a joke. A really bad joke.

4. For all her squishyness and lack of decent abilities she's slow. Really slow, meaning that you either waste a mod slot on Rush or get bum-rushed by Toxic Ancients.

I wish DE would stop listning to all of the Rhino players because the Rhino has had enough attention lavished onto it, in fact it's a really good frame now! It's time for them to fix the Nyx. Way overdue, in fact.

Not only Chaos or Mind Control. Absorb is utterly useless because other warframes just AOE kill everyone and faster before anything happen with stack damage. Like Nova.

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