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Solaris United ARG


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Again just gunna voice my opinion, I'm all for ARG but having something were thousands have to rely on someone going somewhere IRL to take a crystal clear picture tweet it with it's location (which most people didn't do cause they don't know the rules since DE is the worst at giving them), and now we have so many new pictures and they are not online??? Like those tweets and all these messages are gunna flood and sink into the depths they will have to comb through to see if we found the answers. They are holding an event ffs I would be online the second I could to comb through what people found so I can see how hard they have worked. There is no "Check back Monday!" on this nonsense, it's an event going on right now. Like???

We had to solve codes, metadata, morse, figure out what the hell the morse code was for, oh it's locations? What's at that location? Graffiti? A sign? No, it's ads that not everyone can just go to and take a picture and not everyone knows a friend in New York to say "Ey Paul, go to the park and take a picture of this here ad." 

But now there is this wall, we don't have answers, DE isn't responding and we have no way of getting someone to take a picture of those ads in NYC unless someone can get a hold of someone and have them do it. Now we're all just sitting here waiting for answers. It's really irritating.

Edited by Sludge_Puppy
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1 minute ago, Sludge_Puppy said:

Again just gunna voice my opinion, I'm all for ARG but having something were thousands have to rely on someone going somewhere IRL to take a crystal clear picture tweet it with it's location (which most people didn't do cause they don't know the rules since DE is the worst at giving them), and now we have so many new pictures and they are not online??? Like those tweets and all these messages are gunna flood and sink into the depths they will have to comb through to see if we found the answers. They are holding a game ffs I would be online the second I could to comb through what people found so I can see how hard they have worked. There is no "Check back Monday!" on this nonsense, it's an event going on right now. Like???

We had to solve codes, metadata, morse, figure out what the hell the morse code was for, oh it's locations? What's at that location? Graffiti? A sign? No, it's ads that not everyone can just go to and take a picture and not everyone knows a friend in New York to say "Ey Paul, go to Park and take a picture of this here ad." 

But now there is this wall, we don't have answers, DE isn't responding and we have no way of getting someone to take a picture of those ads in NYC unless someone can get a hold of someone and have them do it. Now we're all just sitting here waiting for answers. It's really irritating.

Because of real world limitations ARG's can't always be perfect. The Ads were placed in heavily populated area's and DE knows they have players in those areas. it's just the timing of when we figuring out the locations was late and if DE is closed on sundays we just have to wait but if we can get all the pictures we'll be finished when they come back

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5 minutes ago, Sludge_Puppy said:

Again just gunna voice my opinion, I'm all for ARG but having something were thousands have to rely on someone going somewhere IRL to take a crystal clear picture tweet it with it's location (which most people didn't do cause they don't know the rules since DE is the worst at giving them), and now we have so many new pictures and they are not online??? Like those tweets and all these messages are gunna flood and sink into the depths they will have to comb through to see if we found the answers. They are holding an event ffs I would be online the second I could to comb through what people found so I can see how hard they have worked. There is no "Check back Monday!" on this nonsense, it's an event going on right now. Like???

We had to solve codes, metadata, morse, figure out what the hell the morse code was for, oh it's locations? What's at that location? Graffiti? A sign? No, it's ads that not everyone can just go to and take a picture and not everyone knows a friend in New York to say "Ey Paul, go to the park and take a picture of this here ad." 

But now there is this wall, we don't have answers, DE isn't responding and we have no way of getting someone to take a picture of those ads in NYC unless someone can get a hold of someone and have them do it. Now we're all just sitting here waiting for answers. It's really irritating.

dude, ffs, just calm the fck down.

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1 minute ago, Gerdaro said:

dude, ffs, just calm the fck down.

Me voicing my opinion doesn't mean I am upset, irritated yes but I am calm. I can voice my opinion on something that many who have been at this for a while now also can agree with ya'know.  

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2 minutes ago, electric4pie said:

Because of real world limitations ARG's can't always be perfect. The Ads were placed in heavily populated area's and DE knows they have players in those areas. it's just the timing of when we figuring out the locations was late and if DE is closed on sundays we just have to wait but if we can get all the pictures we'll be finished when they come back

That's the problem, there is no communication because people who live there are obv not onto this event like we are here. Plus why be closed when you know you have an event going on? Why not plan ahead so you have a team who can be there or online at least during the weekend in case people find clues? I don't care about the reward, I just want this event to come to a close haha, and with this wall it's like all those days of solving stuff has just came full stop, that's why it is irritating. 

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1 minute ago, jayblaster said:

y'all do know that some arg's can go on for weeks right?

There have been ARG's that go on for months. But thats obviously not the case here. I'm sure DE would either stop it or just give us the answers by the time Fortuna makes it's way out to us.

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3 minutes ago, jayblaster said:

y'all do know that some arg's can go on for weeks right?

This one has gone on for about 2 weeks. Thats not the issue. The issue is that we've figured out and sent about 6 of the tags but have only heard back on two of them

Edited by electric4pie
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4 minutes ago, Gerdaro said:

dude, ffs, just calm the fck down.

i agree. just chill out?? its ONE tiny little step that requires people to actually go outside. that's not BAD. there's a lot of people that can't participate in this irl egg hunt, so what? no need to be angry and bleeding out your ass like one irl focused step of an ARG ruined your entire life. You can still interact by trying to figure out what the letters add up to anyway. It's also barely been a day, and you're acting like we've had to sit and wait for nothing for weeks. complaining about it aint gonna make things go faster

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Just now, DjAirsurfer said:

i agree. just chill out?? its ONE tiny little step that requires people to actually go outside. that's not BAD. there's a lot of people that can't participate in this irl egg hunt, so what? no need to be angry and bleeding out your ass like one irl focused step of an ARG ruined your entire life. You can still interact by trying to figure out what the letters add up to anyway. It's also barely been a day, and you're acting like we've had to sit and wait for nothing for weeks. complaining about it aint gonna make things go faster

I find it amusing that both of the posted responses to that comment came off as significantly more bent out of shape than the OP

Maybe you two should take your own advice.

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Just now, DjAirsurfer said:

i agree. just chill out?? its ONE tiny little step that requires people to actually go outside. that's not BAD. there's a lot of people that can't participate in this irl egg hunt, so what? no need to be angry and bleeding out your ass like one irl focused step of an ARG ruined your entire life. You can still interact by trying to figure out what the letters add up to anyway. It's also barely been a day, and you're acting like we've had to sit and wait for nothing for weeks. complaining about it aint gonna make things go faster

Haha, again I am not "bleeding out my ass" me voicing my opinion doesn't mean I am upset frustrated yes because this hasn't been going on for a day, this has been going on for almost two weeks if you have been around since then. Now with the IRL bit it feels like all that time is like running into a brick wall. I ain't that mad over a video game, I am frustrated which I have a right to be over a frustrating situation that many others are also feeling. 

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1 minute ago, DjAirsurfer said:

i agree. just chill out?? its ONE tiny little step that requires people to actually go outside. that's not BAD. there's a lot of people that can't participate in this irl egg hunt, so what? no need to be angry and bleeding out your ass like one irl focused step of an ARG ruined your entire life. You can still interact by trying to figure out what the letters add up to anyway. It's also barely been a day, and you're acting like we've had to sit and wait for nothing for weeks. complaining about it aint gonna make things go faster

he wasn't angry just voicing a valid opinion cause it does kinda suck. The problem isn't the going outside, the problem is that we would like confirmation on the stuff we found but aren't getting any replies

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1 minute ago, Oreades said:

I find it amusing that both of the posted responses to that comment came off as significantly more bent out of shape than the OP

Maybe you two should take your own advice.

It was coming across that way yes.

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Just now, Oreades said:

I find it amusing that both of the posted responses to that comment came off as significantly more bent out of shape than the OP

Maybe you two should take your own advice.

im chill lol, just not that interested in seeing someone complain about having to wait less than a day over an ARG. its pointless and annoying.

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It's entirely possible that the ads that biz has shared don't necessarily "confirm" them, it could just be official channels promoting that "hey, this is what you're looking for". The video said we were supposed to find the tags, that could mean All of them, and Biz won't respond until we've figured out what all the letters add up to.

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5 minutes ago, DjAirsurfer said:

It's entirely possible that the ads that biz has shared don't necessarily "confirm" them, it could just be official channels promoting that "hey, this is what you're looking for". The video said we were supposed to find the tags, that could mean All of them, and Biz won't respond until we've figured out what all the letters add up to.

Him confirming it is so there's an official public knowledge about which tags have been found so people know what we're looking for and what's already been found so they don't go looking for one we already have

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1 minute ago, electric4pie said:

Him confirming it is so there's an official public knowledge about which tags have been found so people know what we're looking for and what's already been found so they don't go looking for one we already have

Understandable, have people tried extrapolating possible combinations from the letters that we 100% know? (i.e. no blurry pics)

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