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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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unless you can get mods and materials from Search The Dead its gonna be a useless ability pretty much in every game mode theres tons of ammo being dropped from enemies and in defense, survival and mobile defense theres always ammo and energy everywhere so it would only be useful for health if you actually lose any other than that useless 

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Necro NEEDS to have a revamp in powers COMPLETELY His powers are all wrong...

I was excited for this Warframe and now Necro has disappointed me and a lot of warframe players! I demand a change in at least 2 of his powers!

Please DE... T_T I wanted this to be an awesome frame like Nova and Vabuan but it appears he will turn out like Loki which is the opposite I expected from him.

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After reading ThePhysicist8's post, I want to make a revised list of what I think the necro warframe's kit should be like. I will also be posting a suggestion for his name. 


Siris/Ausar (named after Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead)


1- SOUL SIPHON: Siris rips an enemy's soul from their body, weakening them and reducing their armor rating. 


Soul Punch is a great ability, But I think this would be more fitting. If your going to violently punch an enemy's soul, might as well take it from them. 


2- DOOM GOLEM: Summons a nanite golem that terrifies enemies. Lasts for X sec. and causes enemies near the golem to freeze in fear. All other enemies will flee in terror. 


Terror Totem is another great ability. Honestly though... the name is hoaky. Plus, I see the Necro warframe as a supportive frame, made to disable and slow down enemies. This would be a fitting ability for him. Besides, creating a giant golem to mess with enemies would be fun.


3- DESECRATE: Slowly exhumes the life out of nearby enemies (Damage over time effect on enemies = X% health over Y sec.) Upon death, Enemies will drop health and/or energy globes. 


Search the dead is not really effective if your target is going to die in a split second. Dealing damage that can help turn up more loot as you kill them is more effective in my opinon. Plus, I think that the name of the ability is more sutible. As the word Desecrate is to violently tamper with the remains of the dead or sacred. 


4- REANIMATION: Siris uses nanomachines to recreate the last X enemies Siris has killed to serve as his allies. 


Clone the dead is also a hoaky name. Reanimation sounds a lot better. Plus, it's the name that fits the ability and what it does. Also the title of a horror film on lovecraft-inspired hijinks. Everyone love hijinks... 


Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

YES ^^^ 

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instead of the search the dead ability i was thinking this:


Vampire Cloak - turns invisible for a short amount of time and steals an amount of health when you walk through enemies (or just damage)


I understand it's ambitious and the name isn't very good, but i think it'd be awesome..

love Necro otherwise

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This is by far the most lackluster warframe ever.

Soul Punch: There is no need to debuff enemies when they are already easy to kill.

Terror totem: Oh great. A radial blind reskin.

Search the dead: Not even worth talking about.

Raise the dead: AI isn't good in this game so I have no idea how this is gonna work.

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we know Necro is a terrible name, so... 'Mortem'. Latin for Death. frankly it sounds better than anything else i've seen.

but what we absolutely should NOT name this frame is Thanatos. that's the textbook definition of cliche, overused, and unimaginative.


names for the powers, that sound a lot better. i know the names were WIP but well, they sound bad.


-(this one might be okay) (someone said 'Hand Of Fate', that sounds good)





How about Soul Rend instead of Soul punch..

i thought of this too, but because the soul will be ripped out of the enemy and become a projectile (apparently), i decided soul punch was okay, because the only thing i could come up with that was better was in Latin :p


i see people trying to power creep immunities and resistances into this Necro frame. 

no. that is all.


2. I don't like the idea of a static object placement (Totem) to scare away enemies. Rather make an area in front of cause enemies to go insane and hold their heads in fear and pain as they realise their worst nightmares. Same effects really just different in delivery.

i really like this.


i mean does infested and moa's even suposed to have a soul and feel fear?

MOA's have a personality, look at how they move. so they probably have a soul. (by definition, atleast)

Infested have analytical thought, to some degree, they use some strategy. so they probably have souls as well.


Also I think the feet need a better design perhaps something more along the lines of floating instead of being able to walk or perhaps more infested stylized legs.

agreed. he should probably have something like a cloak as his lower half, and maybe he could float around, or atleast have 'legs' inside the cloth, and boney feet sticking out, like how his hands seem to be 100% bone.




the third power seems like asking for trouble. corpses dissapearing quickly ALONE makes this power almost useless. and if corpses didn't dissapear quickly, nobody could play the game anyways, there'd be several hundred corpses on the ground then. it would be a mess.


so, what i think sounds great, would be if that third power, instead - puts an Aura on Necro, and enemies inside this aura damaged by teammates (but not Necro himself) provides a bit of health for the entire team. not a lot, but enough to make a difference. 

enemies inside this Aura would also have a minor slowing effect, to superimpose that this Aura is something you should be afraid of. 

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After reading ThePhysicist8's post, I want to make a revised list of what I think the necro warframe's kit should be like. I will also be posting a suggestion for his name. 


Siris/Ausar (named after Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead)


1- SOUL SIPHON: Siris rips an enemy's soul from their body, weakening them and reducing their armor rating. 


Soul Punch is a great ability, But I think this would be more fitting. If your going to violently punch an enemy's soul, might as well take it from them. 


2- DOOM GOLEM: Summons a nanite golem that terrifies enemies. Lasts for X sec. and causes enemies near the golem to freeze in fear. All other enemies will flee in terror. 


Terror Totem is another great ability. Honestly though... the name is hoaky. Plus, I see the Necro warframe as a supportive frame, made to disable and slow down enemies. This would be a fitting ability for him. Besides, creating a giant golem to mess with enemies would be fun.


3- DESECRATE: Slowly exhumes the life out of nearby enemies (Damage over time effect on enemies = X% health over Y sec.) Upon death, Enemies will drop health and/or energy globes. 


Search the dead is not really effective if your target is going to die in a split second. Dealing damage that can help turn up more loot as you kill them is more effective in my opinon. Plus, I think that the name of the ability is more sutible. As the word Desecrate is to violently tamper with the remains of the dead or sacred. 


4- REANIMATION: Siris uses nanomachines to recreate the last X enemies Siris has killed to serve as his allies. 


Clone the dead is also a hoaky name. Reanimation sounds a lot better. Plus, it's the name that fits the ability and what it does. Also the title of a horror film on lovecraft-inspired hijinks. Everyone love hijinks... 


Thanks for taking the time to read this. 

You should check back to page 25, I wrote a way to update the terror totem and make it viable.

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These powers for the Necro seem to be extremely lackluster and ineffective in the fast pace combat of Warframe. Maybe a complete reimagining of what his powers should be is in order?


My ideas on the matter are that maybe he should have one or two aggressive powers that deal damage and some kind of after effect, dots or life drain ability are always nice. Perhaps a lich transformation power, that would be unique in warframe, acts like a buff to the necro and a debuff to all enemies in a certain radius, maybe in pulses so it doesn't just activate for the enemies around the necro at activation. And of course he wouldn't be much of a necromancer if he didn't conjure or reanimate a horde of enemies in his wake, and it should be a horde, not just one.


As far as stats, his appearance suggest an agile frame. Fast but can't take a hit like frost or rhino. Maybe the transformation power I suggested should change that around completely and make him into some kind of floating, slow tank of sorts?

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This is by far the most lackluster warframe ever.

Soul Punch: There is no need to debuff enemies when they are already easy to kill

I take it someone hasn't tried to play on high level maps without a poison weapon.

And would be absolutely shocked at the prospect of someone wanting to use something else.

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Rename Terror Totem to Kill Zone and add an additional effect to Soul Punch. After killing an enemy with Soul Punch, Necro obtains Soul Units. These units allow Necro to shoot out an energy orb that afflicts an area [Kill Zone]. Kill Zone damages enemies within its area of effect for X amount. Necro siphons X % life from the damage Kill Zone inflicts after Kill Zone's duration is complete.

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So in summation: Abilities look interesting. Some people love them, some people think they're clones of other abilities ignoring that they said the same thing about Vauban and now consider him incredibly powerful on his own.

And everyone wants Search the Dead to be removed.

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To be honest, it's not like reanimating the dead is impossible. Modern scientists are able to revive a pig heart to oxygenate blood, I think they revived a dog who was dead for an hour... It's not all that unlikely you can reanimate the dead from bodies that you keep frozen in a different dimension that you bring out with wormholes from the ground 5,000,000,000 years from now.

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To be honest, it's not like reanimating the dead is impossible. Modern scientists are able to revive a pig heart to oxygenate blood, I think they revived a dog who was dead for an hour... It's not all that unlikely you can reanimate the dead from bodies that you keep frozen in a different dimension that you bring out with wormholes from the ground 5,000,000,000 years from now.

If enemy ragdolls didn't disintegrate so fast Search The Dead would step up from being near useless to meh. And sometimes the enemies are dumb as hell so I don't see the point of Necro's abilities until enemy AI is revised and reformed.

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After reading ThePhysicist8's post, I want to make a revised list of what I think the necro warframe's kit should be like. I will also be posting a suggestion for his name. 


Siris/Ausar (named after Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead)


1- SOUL SIPHON: Siris rips an enemy's soul from their body, weakening them and reducing their armor rating. 


Soul Punch is a great ability, But I think this would be more fitting. If your going to violently punch an enemy's soul, might as well take it from them. 


2- DOOM GOLEM: Summons a nanite golem that terrifies enemies. Lasts for X sec. and causes enemies near the golem to freeze in fear. All other enemies will flee in terror. 


Terror Totem is another great ability. Honestly though... the name is hoaky. Plus, I see the Necro warframe as a supportive frame, made to disable and slow down enemies. This would be a fitting ability for him. Besides, creating a giant golem to mess with enemies would be fun.


3- DESECRATE: Slowly exhumes the life out of nearby enemies (Damage over time effect on enemies = X% health over Y sec.) Upon death, Enemies will drop health and/or energy globes. 


Search the dead is not really effective if your target is going to die in a split second. Dealing damage that can help turn up more loot as you kill them is more effective in my opinon. Plus, I think that the name of the ability is more sutible. As the word Desecrate is to violently tamper with the remains of the dead or sacred. 


4- REANIMATION: Siris uses nanomachines to recreate the last X enemies Siris has killed to serve as his allies. 


Clone the dead is also a hoaky name. Reanimation sounds a lot better. Plus, it's the name that fits the ability and what it does. Also the title of a horror film on lovecraft-inspired hijinks. Everyone love hijinks... 


Thanks for taking the time to read this. 


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Soul punch should ditch the armor reduction (you said you're reworking armor anyways) and provide some bonus for killing an enemy with the ability - you successfully punched out their soul >.> I would suggest a damage buff or an energy regen.


3rd ability should be the debuff, not the first.



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Soul Punch seems to be useful only against weak targets.  I really think a new name is needed.


Terror Totem could be useful for reviving fallen teammates. You place the Terror Totem and quickly revive you buddy while your enemies run in fear. 


Search The Dead should should have a greater chance to spawn rare loot, mods etc. It could be very useful if you could loot a boss a second time when you're looking for rare drops like parts. I prefer the last idea a lot more but this power could come in handy at some point. Just an idea for a name, Grave Digger.


Clone The Dead is a very bad name straight up. I like the idea but it all depends on how they let us use it. Pared with Continuity this could work quite well. If the enemies you resurrected fought beside you until they are killed this mod would be useful. Name idea, Resurrection.


Either way Necro looks BADASS! I think the powers need a lot of work but eventually we will have a really fun frame to play...... I hope.

Edited by JahziLLa
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Search the dead should becoem a mod not a skill, give necro a lifedrain skill, this would not only be more "necro", it would also increase his damaging capabilities and support function, maybe you can make it a small AoE(7m) with medium damage(600, AP) and low health recovery? Or a high-damage single target killer that splits up the targets healt to the team! Or how about a sustained ray of death that sucks off life and costs energy per second?

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I'm generally not negative to new ideas, but honestly this frame sounds really lack-luster.  Like it was mentioned, his number 3 ability sounds like fluff that most people are going to end up forma'n the slot to something useful.


"Terror Totem" needs a name change and in general the concept doesn't have much REAL ULTIMATE POWER or even a space-like feel to it.  Now if you said it creates a field of shadows that disorients the enemies that enter or are in it or an area of dark energy filled with nano-bots that fill the enemy with terror and horror.  We're getting a little closer.


Honestly though, I don't like the necro theme at all.  When I think about Ninjas messing with dead bodies, I think of women with stringed instruments dancing bodies like puppets.

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After reading ThePhysicist8's post, I want to make a revised list of what I think the necro warframe's kit should be like. I will also be posting a suggestion for his name. 


Siris/Ausar (named after Osiris, the Egyptian god of the dead)


1- SOUL SIPHON: Siris rips an enemy's soul from their body, weakening them and reducing their armor rating. 


Soul Punch is a great ability, But I think this would be more fitting. If your going to violently punch an enemy's soul, might as well take it from them. 


2- DOOM GOLEM: Summons a nanite golem that terrifies enemies. Lasts for X sec. and causes enemies near the golem to freeze in fear. All other enemies will flee in terror. 


Terror Totem is another great ability. Honestly though... the name is hoaky. Plus, I see the Necro warframe as a supportive frame, made to disable and slow down enemies. This would be a fitting ability for him. Besides, creating a giant golem to mess with enemies would be fun.


3- DESECRATE: Slowly exhumes the life out of nearby enemies (Damage over time effect on enemies = X% health over Y sec.) Upon death, Enemies will drop health and/or energy globes. 


Search the dead is not really effective if your target is going to die in a split second. Dealing damage that can help turn up more loot as you kill them is more effective in my opinon. Plus, I think that the name of the ability is more sutible. As the word Desecrate is to violently tamper with the remains of the dead or sacred. 


4- REANIMATION: Siris uses nanomachines to recreate the last X enemies Siris has killed to serve as his allies. 


Clone the dead is also a hoaky name. Reanimation sounds a lot better. Plus, it's the name that fits the ability and what it does. Also the title of a horror film on lovecraft-inspired hijinks. Everyone love hijinks... 


Thanks for taking the time to read this. 


thePhysicist8 approves.

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