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Official Necro Ability Discussion


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That's what it does do!  It is extra survivability!

Only if the RNG gods like you. Again that is assuming it works as I am expecting. I'm expecting it to be a AoE effect, when enemy dies they drop stuff with additional stuff, which could EITHER be more ammo, energy, health, ect. Meaning it has a chance to drop ammo instead of health. If it was a 100% chance for enemies to drop energy/health then by all means I'll use it because it has the ability to help me AND my team. But if it's just like a 50% chance for more health and energy and 50% chance for more ammo, no.


I know I'm not the only one who is tired of all the RNG in the game. If this "Search the Dead" power gives a 100% or even 80-90% chance for additional health or energy to drop it will satisfy the basic desire everyone wants for a "life drain" ability while also providing the extra benefit of more ammo droping.

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Another possible alternative to "Search the Dead":


Decay: The necro drains all enemie's life force in the area, lowering their HP, their armor and their dmg by % (could be 20-30-40-50%) for a set amount of time (could be 5-10-15-20 seconds) after which enemies recover their full power.

Increased by Focus, Continuity and Stretch


Fixes to "Terror Totem":


This skill will need to affect a certain number of targets, Unlimited = Bad, you just nerfed bastille... it would not be consistent if you allow Terror Totem to block unlimited targets, i hope you realize this.

Also i would change the mechanic and let the skill work like Overheat, casted upon myself and i'm able to move and spread it around.


Fixes to "Clone the dead":


In the current meta it will be impossible for the necro to use this skill optimally because there are too many frames with "1_click_clear_the_room" skills that will get the kills... i suggest you to let "Clone the dead" work like Molecular Prime: Infect all the enemies in a certain radius and, upon death, they rise as minions. Easy and effective.

Edited by Phoenix86
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TERROR TOTEM, uh, I think robots will not freeze in terror and even more to flee, because the machines are not led by emotions, including fear!

well nyx is able to mind control and confuse the crap out of them but anyhow i have a theory on how the TT(terror totem) works.

lets say it sends out tiny nanobots that in the case of living targets flies into their brains and thereby makes them scared s**tless and the robots are even easier since all they have to do is fly inside them and muck around with their machinery

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oh i just had a new idea that might be instead of search the dead or a feature for it.

here is my thoughts if clone the dead is like chaos (aka no casting if you still have active minions) it could cause some real problems if you have like one grineer sawman that refuses to die preventing you from spawning 10 heavies it would just be annoying as hell so the solution to this is.



you use this on a minion you don't want it dies and spreads its hp among the remaining minions and you get a bit of energy this one has a low cost and by that i mean super jump low or even lower.

useful if you get disrupted or the rng gods just trolls you or if the scenario i mentioned in the beginning would occur.


alternatively you could add this to search the dead.


i hope i made sense

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Another possible alternative to "Search the Dead":


Decay: The necro drains all enemie's life force in the area, lowering their HP, their armor and their dmg by % (could be 20-30-40-50%) for a set amount of time (could be 5-10-15-20 seconds) after which enemies recover their full power.

Increased by Focus, Continuity and Stretch


Fixes to "Terror Totem":


This skill will need to affect a certain number of targets, Unlimited = Bad, you just nerfed bastille... it would not be consistent if you allow Terror Totem to block unlimited targets, i hope you realize this.

Also i would change the mechanic and let the skill work like Overheat, casted upon myself and i'm able to move and spread it around.


Fixes to "Clone the dead":


In the current meta it will be impossible for the necro to use this skill optimally because there are too many frames with "1_click_clear_the_room" skills that will get the kills... i suggest you to let "Clone the dead" work like Molecular Prime: Infect all the enemies in a certain radius and, upon death, they rise as minions. Easy and effective.

I like the Decay idea, but let's tweak it a lil bit more shall we? Instead of it lowering Damage as well, let's make it drain HP and Energy for X amount of time which has a CHANCE to kill them if it drains enough HP. And now, let's give it a "link" ability. Any warframe near these "decaying" enemies would be given the HP, Energy % drained from them.

Good terror totem idea, but we do need more area denial stuff so having it work like bastille and be a deployable is great. That way we if we want to "lock down" an area we don't always need vauban.

I love your idea for "Clone the Dead" and it makes perfect sense, specially with everyone running Rhino or Nova and just clearing entire rooms. I'd love it if the idea for decay get's passed over, combine that with Clone the Dead would be awesome. As they slowly die and feed you and your team mates health and energy, when they die you get minions.

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I like the Decay idea, but let's tweak it a lil bit more shall we? Instead of it lowering Damage as well, let's make it drain HP and Energy for X amount of time which has a CHANCE to kill them if it drains enough HP. And now, let's give it a "link" ability. Any warframe near these "decaying" enemies would be given the HP, Energy % drained from them.

Good terror totem idea, but we do need more area denial stuff so having it work like bastille and be a deployable is great. That way we if we want to "lock down" an area we don't always need vauban.

I love your idea for "Clone the Dead" and it makes perfect sense, specially with everyone running Rhino or Nova and just clearing entire rooms. I'd love it if the idea for decay get's passed over, combine that with Clone the Dead would be awesome. As they slowly die and feed you and your team mates health and energy, when they die you get minions.




About Decay, yes it has a chance to kill them if they are already below the 50% mark for example, bout the Link part... i dunno... it could be useful but not so "necroish style" well, this is just personal taste ofc :)


About mixing up Decay and Clone the Dead would make that skill really strong and i like it!

But than we need to think about something different to put instead of Search the Dead


In the end, about terror totem, i suggested to be a "skill on the move" because we have so many "deployables" and only Ember/Rhino being able to "carry their skills around" (Overheat, Iron Skin)

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I think "Cloning" the dead doesn't make as much sense as simply "Re-animating" the dead, as others have suggested. I also agree that the "Search the Dead" ability probably won't be used anywhere near as much as the others. I like the "Decay" idea much better.

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I think "Cloning" the dead doesn't make as much sense as simply "Re-animating" the dead, as others have suggested. I also agree that the "Search the Dead" ability probably won't be used anywhere near as much as the others. I like the "Decay" idea much better.

Considering the bodies vaporize after a certain amount of time, Re-animating wouldn't work because there is nothing left half the time.

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Considering the bodies vaporize after a certain amount of time, Re-animating wouldn't work because there is nothing left half the time.



Ah, but what if the power doesn't apply until you kill enemies, or only for very recent kills?


they said that it doesnt matter how many bodies are on the floor, the "kill counter" always works even if they disappear, it will work for the kills made by the Necro in the last X seconds (i heard 10 seconds)

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I wonder if the search the dead power could work more like a damage over time slow-release nuke which functions in conjunction with some form of corpse explosion.


Like, something which does a slowing (a-la ice) DoT, ticks down for say 5 seconds for about 500ish damage over all and ends with the enemy's corpse exploding into an AOE infection which continues the cycle and produces loot (energy balls, etc.) . This would grant the Necro frame some slow release damage and crowd control while making positioning and timing key to maximizing spread. It'd reward those who waited for the appropriate moment to hit enemies with this single target spell by creating the possibility of making from it an effective nuke.


Otherwise, search the dead seems more appropriate for some sort of thieving warframe, as the purview of a necromancer involves communication with and mastery of the dead, as opposed to corpse robbing for trinkets.

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This was my intial Necroframe design a month ago and my abilities I suggested.




Kamikaze - [50 Energy]

This ability creates (resurrects) a zombified enemy type (Grineer Soldier, Crewman, or Infested Runner) from the ground in front, where it has 50% increase movement with no shields and 100 health. It will run towards the direction that it is placed attracting enemies towards it where it then fights until it dies causing an explosion dealing 50/75/100/150 AoE damage.  

+ Affected by Focus

+ It is basically a mobile decoy with damage. 

+ Can help save downed players.

- Can't be used again until the previous one is destroyed.

- It can die from gunfire before it reaches target.

- Casting can be interrupted.


Phase Shift - [50 Energy]

This ability makes the user into a ghost state (Screen will be distorted) where they are invisible and can walk through enemies, but can't use any weapons. Walking through and contacting enemies with your body will cause them to have 50% decreased speed and 50% decreased armor. Lasts for 4/5/6/8 seconds. 

+ Affected by Continuity 

+ You are completely stealthed.

+ Causes enemies to be weaker letting allies to take them out.

- You're not immune to status effects (Poison, Electricity, Fire)

-  You can't use any form of weaponry.


Darvaza - [75 Energy] - (Name of this ability is a refers to (Persian:The Gate, also known as Darvaza)


- This ability is unique that you can hold the ability button for a longer casting time to achieve full effect (Hold button longer to increase radius, max size is 4 in game meters for 5 secs casting ). It creates an ethereal pit where any enemy that walks over it is grappled in by dead beings dealing 500 damage to each target. It dissipates after 4/5/6/8 enemies cross it. Enemies that die are dragged in, tougher enemies will stay until damage is dealt then proceed ahead 25% slowed until out of AoE.

+ Affected by Focus 

+ A semi-permanent damage ability that disappears after a specific amount of enemies are killed.

+ Slows down enemies

+ Radius is customizable the longer you cast it.

​- Can be interrupted if you cast too long.

- Walking over it can make you slowed (Including team mates).

- Enemies that walk over it more than once won't be dealt any damage.


Resurrection - [100 Energy]

- This ability creates 5 Zombified units ( Any random enemy type) that come out around the caster and fight for you (Melee only)(They have no shield, but have 50% increased damage and 25% increased speed). They will infect other enemies if they are hit by them. They fight until a max of 6/7/8/10 enemies are hit (infected) then all zombified units (Including infected) decompose.

+ Affected by Continuity

+ They follow you until they find an enemy to infect.

+ Infection increases the amount of enemies that will ultimately die (Max 10 or 15 with Max Continuity).

- Bosses aren't affected by infection, but still take damage from attacks.

- Zombiefied units can be killed before infecting anything.

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I've done more thinking and I kinda see where they wanted to go with Search the Dead. They wanted to give the Necro and his allies some additional sustain while working in the whole corpses mechanic to fit the Necro theme. This is overall a good idea, but the implementation will just turn him into "that loot frame."

Here's a suggestion to keep the target functionality without relying on the loot system and turning him into nothing but a farm-factory:

Consume the Dead

The Necro frame releases nanobots that disassemble the corpses of slain enemies around him. The materials resulting from this process are then harnessed into a small amount of energy, health, or ammo for the equipped weapon of each party member. The effect could be a melting animation like Saryn's Miasma kill effect and a particle stream moving from each enemy corpse to each party member in range to represent the nanobots carrying the harvested materials to the frame(s) in question.

This suggestion keeps the intended sustain effect based on corpses, but also removes the ammo clutter that would result from the initial idea, keeps the Necro frame from being loot-centric, and does not require the allied players to run around picking up the energy/health/ammo to function.

very good and it uses nano bot like the ult

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At first I thought the abilities sounded cool but looking at it now it's like the have a hat full of abilities and just draw randomly from them and give them descriptions to match the frames theme. There's no synergies with these spells and one is entirely useless (I know they will probably change it though).

we can only hope they change it the only problem i have with the frame is only one ability uses nano bots which is like ember only using one fire attack

i just like DE needs to change their idea no match nano bots or come up with something different 

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A big problem with Necro's abilities is the lack of synergy. What is his role? I mean sure, the names of the abilities and probably the visuals will fit his design, but how do I apply his abilities together on the battlefield? He has no area of effect attack and no way of hitting multiple enemies with an ability from what I can see, which doesn't allow him to combo into his ultimate ability.


His first ability is a debuff, primarily. Followed by a disabling move. Followed by utility. Then an ability that relies on him killing enemies. The problem here is that he can't feed into his last skill with any of the others directly.


DE needs to select a role for him to fulfill, and then reformat his abilities to specifically fill that role. That's where they messed up with Ember and Trinity. They didn't make the abilities fit the role, and when they finally fixed it, people were used to the way it was and didn't like it. They need to get it right when Necro releases instead of later in the update when he's reworked.

what i was trying to get at thank you

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While it might well be impossible to say that I, amongst the entire populace of Warframe, wanted this warframe to happen the most... But I can most certainly tell you that I have been told, directly, that I am at least constantly thought about in the DE offices when the Necro-themed warframe came up... as shown here. https://twitter.com/sheldoncarter/status/368851518755069952

At E3 I had the chance to interview and geek out with Sheldon, Scott, Steve, Rebecca and other members of the Warframe team... and while standing with all 4 of them, and watching The Calling trailer together on the Sony PS4's giant ring-shaped screen, I lamented that the Necro frame had lost the Design Council's voting by such a tiny margin. For the next 5 minutes or so we talked about the frame, what niche it might fill, it's look etc... I suggested it bear a resemblance to a Dungeons and Dragons "Lich", gaunt but smooth-moving and using grand gestures. To say I'm glad to see those traits manifest is an understatement. Also, I do hope the name suggestion sticks. ;)

However... back then it's abilities were only theoretical... and looking upon these abilities here, I must draw upon something I said which took Scott aback when I was describing my play style in Warframe. You see, I play a Rhino as my "Go To" frame, but I don't slot Rhino Charge, or Stomp (back then also it was Blast as well). Back then, I only slotted Iron Skin... and as it still is today, I told him that I had Formaed the Ability 3 and 4 slots since I really had no interest in Charge, Stomp and Blast. Scott told me he took a little offense, since he designed those abilities and if I had no interest in them, then the abilities weren't up to snuff.

I then must reference this by saying... Search the Dead will not be an ability I slot into my Lich (Necro). It's an ability which either becomes necessary for farming (if it drops resources or mods) or is nearly worthless (if it only drops ammo, energy etc) as either mods or ammo boxes take care of any shortages, or weapons are swapped... it's an ability so situational that I would rather Forma out the ability slot and put in extra survivability...

I implore you... I beg you... Scott, my man... as the guy who fought tooth and nail to see this Frame, the guy who blew your mind at E3 at least twice with what I had to say... please reconsider Search the Dead. Classic Necromancy (or Nano-Necromancy here?) should involve some sort of life-draining ability. Give Lich an ability that helps heal himself and his party... we have a female healer warframe... I think we could use a male one as well. :)

And if I may... though such suggestions are small...

"Soul Punch" renamed "Soul Driver" (Suggests a more 'punching through' feeling, considering the cone of damage behind the target)

"Terror Totem" renamed "Terrifying Visage" (Instead of a totem, briefly put a ghostly image of something horrible overtop the Warframe. Same effect though.)

"Clone the Dead" renamed "Reanimate the Dead" (Friendly nanobots reassemble pieces of defeated enemies into faximilies of your foes.)

I can only hope this reaches you... and I can only hope my words resonate enough. Either way... Lich here will be my default warframe.

Goodbye Rhino... we had a good run buddy. But it's time for the dead to rise...


While it might well be impossible to say that I, amongst the entire populace of Warframe, wanted this warframe to happen the most... But I can most certainly tell you that I have been told, directly, that I am at least constantly thought about in the DE offices when the Necro-themed warframe came up... as shown here. https://twitter.com/sheldoncarter/status/368851518755069952

At E3 I had the chance to interview and geek out with Sheldon, Scott, Steve, Rebecca and other members of the Warframe team... and while standing with all 4 of them, and watching The Calling trailer together on the Sony PS4's giant ring-shaped screen, I lamented that the Necro frame had lost the Design Council's voting by such a tiny margin. For the next 5 minutes or so we talked about the frame, what niche it might fill, it's look etc... I suggested it bear a resemblance to a Dungeons and Dragons "Lich", gaunt but smooth-moving and using grand gestures. To say I'm glad to see those traits manifest is an understatement. Also, I do hope the name suggestion sticks. ;)

However... back then it's abilities were only theoretical... and looking upon these abilities here, I must draw upon something I said which took Scott aback when I was describing my play style in Warframe. You see, I play a Rhino as my "Go To" frame, but I don't slot Rhino Charge, or Stomp (back then also it was Blast as well). Back then, I only slotted Iron Skin... and as it still is today, I told him that I had Formaed the Ability 3 and 4 slots since I really had no interest in Charge, Stomp and Blast. Scott told me he took a little offense, since he designed those abilities and if I had no interest in them, then the abilities weren't up to snuff.

I then must reference this by saying... Search the Dead will not be an ability I slot into my Lich (Necro). It's an ability which either becomes necessary for farming (if it drops resources or mods) or is nearly worthless (if it only drops ammo, energy etc) as either mods or ammo boxes take care of any shortages, or weapons are swapped... it's an ability so situational that I would rather Forma out the ability slot and put in extra survivability...

I implore you... I beg you... Scott, my man... as the guy who fought tooth and nail to see this Frame, the guy who blew your mind at E3 at least twice with what I had to say... please reconsider Search the Dead. Classic Necromancy (or Nano-Necromancy here?) should involve some sort of life-draining ability. Give Lich an ability that helps heal himself and his party... we have a female healer warframe... I think we could use a male one as well. :)

And if I may... though such suggestions are small...

"Soul Punch" renamed "Soul Driver" (Suggests a more 'punching through' feeling, considering the cone of damage behind the target)

"Terror Totem" renamed "Terrifying Visage" (Instead of a totem, briefly put a ghostly image of something horrible overtop the Warframe. Same effect though.)

"Clone the Dead" renamed "Reanimate the Dead" (Friendly nanobots reassemble pieces of defeated enemies into faximilies of your foes.)

I can only hope this reaches you... and I can only hope my words resonate enough. Either way... Lich here will be my default warframe.

Goodbye Rhino... we had a good run buddy. But it's time for the dead to rise...


While it might well be impossible to say that I, amongst the entire populace of Warframe, wanted this warframe to happen the most... But I can most certainly tell you that I have been told, directly, that I am at least constantly thought about in the DE offices when the Necro-themed warframe came up... as shown here. https://twitter.com/sheldoncarter/status/368851518755069952

At E3 I had the chance to interview and geek out with Sheldon, Scott, Steve, Rebecca and other members of the Warframe team... and while standing with all 4 of them, and watching The Calling trailer together on the Sony PS4's giant ring-shaped screen, I lamented that the Necro frame had lost the Design Council's voting by such a tiny margin. For the next 5 minutes or so we talked about the frame, what niche it might fill, it's look etc... I suggested it bear a resemblance to a Dungeons and Dragons "Lich", gaunt but smooth-moving and using grand gestures. To say I'm glad to see those traits manifest is an understatement. Also, I do hope the name suggestion sticks. ;)

However... back then it's abilities were only theoretical... and looking upon these abilities here, I must draw upon something I said which took Scott aback when I was describing my play style in Warframe. You see, I play a Rhino as my "Go To" frame, but I don't slot Rhino Charge, or Stomp (back then also it was Blast as well). Back then, I only slotted Iron Skin... and as it still is today, I told him that I had Formaed the Ability 3 and 4 slots since I really had no interest in Charge, Stomp and Blast. Scott told me he took a little offense, since he designed those abilities and if I had no interest in them, then the abilities weren't up to snuff.

I then must reference this by saying... Search the Dead will not be an ability I slot into my Lich (Necro). It's an ability which either becomes necessary for farming (if it drops resources or mods) or is nearly worthless (if it only drops ammo, energy etc) as either mods or ammo boxes take care of any shortages, or weapons are swapped... it's an ability so situational that I would rather Forma out the ability slot and put in extra survivability...

I implore you... I beg you... Scott, my man... as the guy who fought tooth and nail to see this Frame, the guy who blew your mind at E3 at least twice with what I had to say... please reconsider Search the Dead. Classic Necromancy (or Nano-Necromancy here?) should involve some sort of life-draining ability. Give Lich an ability that helps heal himself and his party... we have a female healer warframe... I think we could use a male one as well. :)

And if I may... though such suggestions are small...

"Soul Punch" renamed "Soul Driver" (Suggests a more 'punching through' feeling, considering the cone of damage behind the target)

"Terror Totem" renamed "Terrifying Visage" (Instead of a totem, briefly put a ghostly image of something horrible overtop the Warframe. Same effect though.)

"Clone the Dead" renamed "Reanimate the Dead" (Friendly nanobots reassemble pieces of defeated enemies into faximilies of your foes.)

I can only hope this reaches you... and I can only hope my words resonate enough. Either way... Lich here will be my default warframe.

Goodbye Rhino... we had a good run buddy. But it's time for the dead to rise...

i agree with everything you say but terror totem should be nightmare and clone the dead should be named grave digger

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One of the big flaws in the Necro's current design is that, as awesome as Clone the Dead (Seance/Witching Hour) is, it's only stated to work on enemies he has personally killed... and he doesn't have very much AoE. So if another frame comes along and spams their ultimate to deal with a heavy, he's unable to pop his.


It turns kill-stealing into a legitimate issue (rather than just a NERF NOVA excuse), because it actively affects performance.


Something to consider if you want to consider touching up/scrapping Search the Dead.

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One of the big flaws in the Necro's current design is that, as awesome as Clone the Dead (Seance/Witching Hour) is, it's only stated to work on enemies he has personally killed... and he doesn't have very much AoE. So if another frame comes along and spams their ultimate to deal with a heavy, he's unable to pop his.


It turns kill-stealing into a legitimate issue (rather than just a NERF NOVA excuse), because it actively affects performance.


Something to consider if you want to consider touching up/scrapping Search the Dead.


As I suggested here (not to spam same stuff again and again), Clone dead could be an AoE marking ability, which would rise the no matter who killed them.

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Please don't change the name of Soul Punch, it just sounds so metal, very fitting to his overall theme. Search the dead is meh, but honestly I'm not too worried about it, almost every frame has that one lackluster ability (bounce, super jump, psychic bolts, etc). There are some good suggestions out there for replacements, but even if it stays the frame overall seems really interesting. Love the artwork and style of the frame as well.

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