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anyone notice a slight problem with melee weapons


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I'm not sure how to explain it, but when you're attacking, you're basically rooted to the spot, only ever moving when your weapon pushes you forward, before you would be able to move around freely, but now you literally halt all movement the second you attack.

I remember that before the Chimera update, melee was so much more fluent and free, but now it just feels really restrictive.

Can somebody give me some information on whether or not this is a bug, or if it an intended feature in order to nerf melee weapons because I haven't seen this feature under 'Melee 3.0' so I'm not sure if this is actually going to be permanent or temporary, I just hope it's temporary because it feels really clunky to use melee weapons now, especially if they're short ranged.


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3 hours ago, (PS4)Pizza_Parker said:

yup, some people noticed.

iirc no one knows if its permanent (but some people think it is cause console players experienced that aswell, and at this point they already should've fixed it), but they might change it/fix it with enough complaints.

It's not something to really revert or fix. It's something we just have to live with tell melee 3.0 comes and finishes the changes. The mainline update was altered to remove 3.0 for extra polish and some base code changes seems to have not been removed correctly or was so embedded it was impractical.

Edited by Firetempest
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I doubt they'll flix it if melee 3.0 is sooner than we thought so why bother wasting resources on that. But on the other hand they added new melee weapons after saying they didn't add Revenant's melee because they did rather wait for melee 3.0, so who knows. It just seems to be some melee types affected by this, mainly swords/dual swords. I just removed melee from my loadouts until 3.0 or a fix, trying to use them is just a gameplay downgrade and no enjoyment.

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