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Update 9.8


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2:53 PM addition:


  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.
  • Addition: If you find yourself saying "Now I wasted mods fusing up duplicate X because I can equip the same mod twice on Sentinel/etc." This will likely not be possible in the future so don't sell your duplicates!



So basically, the decision for this mod sharing is not final yet, do don't fuse or sell your duplicates yet.


.To be quite honest, I'm surprised such a change has been made to the game.  I mean yes, I'm sure people complained about switching mods from one weapon/frame to another, and some of us went whatever, and kept on fusing cards anyways because we were too lazy to switch anything but the most valuable mods around.


Now, for the moment, since mods are shared across weapons and frames, you could potentially be at a point where there's no need to play anymore since you have all your mods modded to maximum once, so there is no need to mod another up since it is shared.  About the only thing that some people may do is to mod up cards so they have one for every power level number, so it would be easier to adjust powers easily.  Not that there is anything wrong with this, it is quite a change to what has existed previously.


Not that I have any issue with how it works now, but I would imagine people are probably going to scream for more higher level content now to use their fully upgraded cards on... But it isn't like that wasn't happening before...  I guess I see the cards being more finite with the way it currently is, and I'm probably the only one that thinks this way.


Best of luck with whatever you add with Warframe, I'll keep on playing it.  Lets see what develops

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2:53 PM addition:


  • You may notice that mods you have equipped in a weapon are in your options for customization in other weapons. You no longer need to remove the mod from weapon X to equip in weapon Y, it will appear in the UI for you now.


Floating mods? This update could have been nothing more than this one change, and I would still be super excited. Excellent work!

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Game is messed up for me since the patch... Trying to run void alone and i get a message saying something along the lines of "unable to join session",  after closing out the message all the planets disappear and the names are joined together next to where the alert missions pop up.  Unable to back up or zoom out, have to relaunch the game completely.

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Still curious about this. No clarifications seem to be found yet.

I hope its not what I think it is, because it sounds like they took armor ignore away from impact type weapons. Which sounds crazy unless its prep for the big armor changes coming up. But what are we supposed to do until then...

Edited by Coca-Cola_Addict
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Bastille:  Ability now has a set number of targets. 6-8-10-12

- I feel the nerf bat was hit a little hard here. This is primarily used against infested, often wears out against high leveled enemies before they are dead anyways. Just by reading this I'd say the ability is now about 75% less useful than before. I always assumed this ability was so good to make up for the fact that his ult does pretty crappy damage.

Added embedded damage radius to projectiles.

Changed damage done by embedded projectiles to be affected by armor.

- What exactly is this effecting, and how?

Indicated items in the Gear area of the Market are being retired in a later update - Last Chance!

- I guess I'll find out what this means as soon I finish updating.

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Game is messed up for me since the patch... Trying to run void alone and i get a message saying something along the lines of "unable to join session",  after closing out the message all the planets disappear and the names are joined together next to where the alert missions pop up.  Unable to back up or zoom out, have to relaunch the game completely.


same here. Game is unplayable -.-

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  • Addition: If you find yourself saying "Now I wasted mods fusing up duplicate X because I can equip the same mod twice on Sentinel/etc." This will likely not be possible in the future so don't sell your duplicates!

oh my god i already fused my serration/split chambers

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