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Update 9.8


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Look in my opinion when you think of a overheat you think of power SO even though overheat does do power it was a great defense skill. Granted nothing compared to iron skin BUT you could make it into a iron skin+roar type of move seeing as "overheat" sounds like a power house and the flames could protect you the effect of the skill could be oh i dunno 30 seconds or something? Perhaps stackable? Something along those lines should give it back the defense it had and give it a simple attack boost and overheat would be perfect and just boost all her other skills more. As for vauban I personally LOVED trolling people with vortex especially those jerks who just talk smack or try to be a hero or badass thinking they can do it all, for their stupidity I would purposely toss a vortex and not allow anyone to be able to revive them just for the simple fact of going down so early on due to stupidty. Bastille is way mega nerfed now I mean only top frames that would be good enough for high level defense would be nyx,frost,nova as it already was but vauban made it in due to bastille Granted I myself don't care much I enjoy frost/nova more than vauban but there are others who prefered him. Least make bastille hold double the capacity that it does now I'm sure EVERYONE would be ok with that even if it's not infinite enemies I mean it truly was a OP skill but it's just like Snowglobe and chaos and Molecular Prime Everyone has their 1 OP skill and now vauban has none.


As for the Mods I am upset and how someone stated early forgot their name copies of mods are pointless now but not only that after you did that and some of us used our copies to level up other mods now you're going to change it or least hinting that you plan on changing that? I mean guys make up your mind if you keep it as it is now fine I don't mind I got over it as will others. But in that case scenario add more mods into the game take up suggestions with the community and council because seeing as some of us are completionist once we finish maxing all the mods then game over and some of us that have been playing for a long time are now really close and others have already done that.


I also suggest trying to implement the story soon also I mean this game is great but so far all it really is just farming and yes granted every game in the ends tends to be about farming least mmos but give every planet/mission more unique features more mission styles some different very repetitive too early on in the game.


Also focus on one of the biggest bugs that everyone hates still which is the chat, I personally believe the chat could be done so much better and the scrolling needs work as well. Same for Dojo lists, now personally I could care less about clans and what not I solo a lot or duo with a friend but for some people who wish to have good active big clans try adding like a "Last online date" So leaders can kick or do what they wish to keep their clan 100% active and not just have ghosts.


Now with that I hope someone from DE reads this at least and others can agree with some of my points.

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its founders useless ... only spoil the game will take their pests on their birthday cakes ... the new one is not apelona you guys not tidy their useless sticks VARIOUS OF RAIN clubs, Club
His blackout ... Japanese leticias African @#&$, I demand that you guys arranges this pussy game I'm getting annoying I want the logo uptade 10, i want i want ... ok warned?
You packed the dropamento of cell orikin his $&*^, I'm the A****** full of anger you ... I want cell oreikin right back .. would be possible? tbm uptade10 Afonso
@google traducors



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its founders useless ... only spoil the game will take their pests on their birthday cakes ... the new one is not apelona you guys not tidy their useless sticks VARIOUS OF RAIN clubs, Club
His blackout ... Japanese leticias African @#&$, I demand that you guys arranges this pussy game I'm getting annoying I want the logo uptade 10, i want i want ... ok warned?
You packed the dropamento of cell orikin his $&*^, I'm the A****** full of anger you ... I want cell oreikin right back .. would be possible? tbm uptade10 Afonso
@google traducors


One of us has been snorting to much crack before posting, and as far as I can tell, I don't think it was me.

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can we go back to the old mod system? i don't like seeing the mods i'm using on my other weapons even if a single mod can be used on multiple guns...what if they change it back to one mod only being able to go on one gun after i have sold all my duplicates? i would have to acquire a whole new set for each of my other guns again... :(


That won't happen... You won't need duplicates for all of your own weapons any more, but it seems like you won't be able to use the same mod on your own weapon and your sentinel's weapon at the same time in the future.

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I really like the new mod system after doing some organizing and playing with it. Cuts down on grinding and makes you think before you forma something, because now ranking a good mod up could throw off another weapon/frame's set up.


My one gripe? I hate that every single mod you own is now on the weapon/frame mod screen. Waaaay to cluttered in my opinion. Can we go back to just showing the currently equipped gear and unequipped gear? And just for fusions and such, leave the little bar at the bottom full of all equippable mods, that's good.

I agree with your gripe. I don't see a way to tell what is installed on your current weapon, so, which one do I fuse?

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Cool updates and fixes nice but... this new mod thing is disgusting, i have 8 Warframes, 6 primary weapons etc and trying to fuse mods and things is just giving me a headache now for instance trying to upgrade my 'redirection' mod on a certain Warframe, I've got like 4 at the same level and I have no clue which is the one I need, not to mention the overwhelming amount of mods im looking at on one page...


Please change this or revert back to how it was before because so far this doesn't look like an improvement in any way, it seemed pretty flawless and easy to navigate before whatever you call this happened!

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the vauban "change" wont make the ppl happy...at all


as well as the ember "nerf"

but i think that will be changed again soon....just see the reaction in this thread



however, to ay thaat nove needs to be nerfed, causeshesop, wont help anything and wont redo the changes made in this update, even IF they would nerf nova´s ulti...after that nerf she may is as much worth as the dirt under my shoe



im asking myself everytime when i see those updates who the hell had the idea for such changes like ember and vauban and which person agreed to it...

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I do not like the ember skin changes at all. Please change it back as it was fun for a majority of ember players and factored into why we chose ember. I should not have to roll a Rhino to be defensive and not all female frames should be squish.


It also counter balanced the uselessness of world on fire in a vast majority of situations due to other factions besides infested being contained within the game and allowed Ember to have a use in other situations.


This does however make my gaming/purchasing schedule easier as it allows me to put something else in. Whereas previously: "Buy some plat in warframe", it can now be "buy some magicka dlc", or "buy some guild war 2 gems", for example.

Honestly ember was supposed to be a dmg frame from the start (from wt I know) and her 2nd, the skin was a little too much like the rhino skin (Before the buff of it) only it did damage and it had 70% dmg reduction (I think) so really they are just changing her to wt she was supposed to be from the start...... I myself never really used that power cuz rarely did the enemies ever survive long enough to hit me.... And WOF is actually good on all factions its just stronger on infested..... I can wipe out masses of grineer on kapa easily. So just stop complaining and use her the way she was ment to be.

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Nyx's Psychic bolts are almost where they need to be. Have you thought about have the projectiles bounce if they hit walls, then continue to seek the target? The skill only shines when there is a large map. And since most maps are pretty tight rooms it's difficult to find this skill useful in many cases.

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Very interesting, but you have to solve the problem of resuscitation that crashes sometimes, change weapons: because when you reload and change weapons sometimes crashes, the attack boosted weapons to melee also locks that if you can solve these problems will make happy a lot of player CYA

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i never post here..but now i have to say that last nerf was bullsh1t...nuff said....


ah ...and stop changing mod names frequently.....also i am german player so change whole game to german or

leave it in english but not 2 languages....this sux...


oooh i forgot.... its a beta....



Edited by Kazumibot
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Upon logging out , the menu displays some in-game menu objects from the arsenal at the bottom left hand of the screen.

Login back into the game and clicking any of the planets from the star chart yields the same results. Thus i am unable to join any game unless i am invited to it.



This has been a bug long, long, LOOOONG time now. If I recall right I have been experiencing this from the start which is from somewhere update 6.9 ----> so about 6 months or so. I'm surprised that his has never gotten a fix either nor have I ever seen others have the problem but it is very annoying bug since the only way to fix is, is to restart the game and when I do so, I have to wait till steam advertise until I can even restart the game again. Not only this but it happens very often as well. About every 7th mission or even more often I have to restart the game.

This has something to do with the fact that the client tries to join a game which has a terrible host for the player, it get's stuck on that and refuses to progress forward. If you try to back up, it locks the game until you restart it again.

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The biggest problems with this patch are not of the balancing nature (although Trinity simply needs a complete redesign in my opinion... she just doesn't work this way). I've been stumbling upon bug after bug after freeze after bug after bug after freeze and so on. The game was perfectly (well not really, but there were no major issues) fine before this big patch which I still don't understand what the point of it was. I have random freezes now and quite a lot of them. I'm not the only one either, my cousin is experiencing the same thing as well as countless other random players with which I played. I've had trouble with some defense missions being bugged because the timer wouldn't start, meaning the enemies wouldn't come, meaning we couldn't advance with the waves. I've also had trouble with Deception (I believe they were...) missions having the datapad bugged, meaning nobody had it, rendering the mission unable to be finished. This seemed to have something to do with host migration, meaning the problem (since it's actually older than this patch) was intensified after the patch because more people had problems with freezes / crashes. Mobile Defense missions seem to be absolutely broken for me right now. I simply do not see all the enemies in them, meaning I can't defend what I'm supposed to defend. This lead to pretty much every attempt at those missions ending in a failure, which wasn't the case at all before the patch. I'm don't think I'm the only one either. Your netcode is simply terrible, it kind of always has been, but now it's even more so than before. I was forced to set a ping limit before because of how laggy some missions were. Now not even that cuts it. Please fix the technical issues first as the game is simply broken and pretty much unplayable for me (and others as well) right now. You can move onto the mechanical issues and what not after that.


I hope this post won't just be ignored and you actually take some actual feedback. Thanks you in advance!


Edit: Forgot to mention that the deployed hotfixes as of now have not helped with any of this.

Edited by Drakenreiter
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