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Warframe on Nintendo Switch: ACCOUNT MIGRATION!


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          How long do you think the account migration will last? Knowing from the previous migrations (which only lasted a month each) it's probably going to end around December 20th, which may be a problem noting that a lot of people might get a switch for christmas and might want to transfer their accounts when they get it. I might get a switch for christmas, so I just suggest it would probably be smart to have it go until around December 30th.

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On 2018-12-04 at 4:38 PM, (NSW)CaelThunderwing said:

Epic Games can afford to deal with making it work, DE's far deal smaller and not as well off in that respect. it would burn money and along the fact fortnite the game version is the same across all platforms outside maybe one or 2 few platform exclusive cosmetics, game builds do lag a fair deal between PC and console arent always teh same. what is 23.5.0 on the switch (for example) may not be the exact same 23.5.0 build PC saw, data loss prevention is something DE takes seriously(this is why 1: your told to stay in mission when an hotfix on PC is being rolled out, [Server 's Database for Player data likely goes Read-Only while Updated World-Content is installed. while likely player data is also backed up.,] 2: after a hotfix you have 15 mins to finish what your doing if in-mission or if in orbiter you cannot do anything that changes account info (foundry/loudout/market purchase/enter alerts etc.) till you restart to update.

there's more to consider for a small company like DE than "XXX game can do it so why cant they?" (time, Money, Size, Effort, Complexity, additional strain on servers, uniformity of game Data, etc) (and yes Microsoft and Sony do have a Rapid Cert process it costs an absurd amount for a small company to constantly be pushing update after update after update doing so because its an extra charge more than the normal process they already deal with. )

Simply put the ever fast Development phase Warframe is in is Why, it would haveto slow down drastically, (double edge sword of ticking off vets and casuals alike and how they use PC for their bug testing as the millions of PC players  put the game thru so many scenarios that cant be possible in testing at thier offices) and by slowing down More bugs stay longer, more updates will have high chances of getting rejected during QA & Cert processes and longer gaps of Content Drought which not only drive off existing players but drive away new players that just looking into the game or that just started.

What you are referring to here is a different reason to why cross progression is a challenge. Your initial comment was that the platform holders would not allow it. I stated that this may no longer be the case given the current fortnite example. 

I appreciate that Warframe is a considerably harder game to unify data sets (outside of the fact that they are a smaller company that someone like Epic). But I do not think it is impossible, even with the different versions across platforms. I actually think it is something that they could outsource to database specialist IT company - they do this stuff all the time for companies that want to have multiple applications reading off a common data model. But yes, all this would come at a cost - and maybe the demand from people like me is to small for it to be a viable investment.

However if they did achieve something like this, it would set warframe apart. Being able to take a looter shooter mmo type game with the quality of warframe and play on a mobile game console when away from a PC is not something that any other similar  game can boast. 

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1 hour ago, Dosed11 said:

But yes, all this would come at a cost - and maybe the demand from people like me is to small for it to be a viable investment.

However if they did achieve something like this, it would set warframe apart. Being able to take a looter shooter mmo type game with the quality of warframe and play on a mobile game console when away from a PC is not something that any other similar  game can boast. 

The issue is, that people don't play games, because of the possibility to play these games on the go.
People play games because they like the gameplay. PLaying it on the go would only be a nice addition.
Why do I say this? Because Cross-play and such won't generate revenue for DE. It won't increase the player count. DE would pay a lot of money so a few people can happily enjoy their cross-play, and that's the end of the story. DE spend a lot of money and won't get anything in return.

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Is there any way to create a warframe switch account without having a switch right now? Or is a nintendo account all that's needed? Used to have one so I already have an account and I'm interested in picking one up again for mobile warframe, but that'd be next month only.. but of course that's only if I can get my account there.

Also, still no news on how long it'll be available for?

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On 2018-12-06 at 2:59 AM, WhiteMarker said:

The issue is, that people don't play games, because of the possibility to play these games on the go.
People play games because they like the gameplay. PLaying it on the go would only be a nice addition.
Why do I say this? Because Cross-play and such won't generate revenue for DE. It won't increase the player count. DE would pay a lot of money so a few people can happily enjoy their cross-play, and that's the end of the story. DE spend a lot of money and won't get anything in return.

Not sure I agree with this. Firstly, I can hand on heart say that I would be more likely to purchase resource/affinity/credit boosters if I could use my Switch as a grind machine.

Secondly, there is always elements of investments that improve player experience as opposed to being tied directly to increased revenue. Why on the recent Dev Stream did they talk about outsourcing chat moderation to a professional organisation that specialises in this area? How is that being tied directly to increased revenue for DE?   

A bigger question on whether this would be worth while is how many people would use it to justify the investment. 

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6 hours ago, Dosed11 said:

Not sure I agree with this. Firstly, I can hand on heart say that I would be more likely to purchase resource/affinity/credit boosters if I could use my Switch as a grind machine.

Yeah, as I said, you don't play a game just because of crossplay.
If you don't like the gameplay, you won't start playing the game just because it has crossplay. But people say, crossplay would generate more players. That's not how it works. That's, what I said. No wonder, you aren't sure if you can agree. You missed the point.

6 hours ago, Dosed11 said:

Secondly, there is always elements of investments that improve player experience as opposed to being tied directly to increased revenue. Why on the recent Dev Stream did they talk about outsourcing chat moderation to a professional organisation that specialises in this area? How is that being tied directly to increased revenue for DE?   

Outsourcing makes stuff cheaper.
Do you think all the companies out their use outsourcing because of better user experience? They do it, because it's cheaper than doing it inhouse.
Outsourcing is all about the revenue.
If DE continued to do their chat moderation the way it is now, then it would be cheaper for DE. But if DE wanted to step up their game in chat moderation, then outsourcing is the cheaper solution.

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So why can't we transfer from console to console, ie: (xbox1 to the switch)?

Why are the PC players favored over other dedicated fans? I would like a 1 time transfer from Xbox1 to Switch, if it's just saved files it can't be anymore different then a transfer from pc to anything else. I don't mean to sound like I'm complaining but I just don't get why the console players get second rated to PC. I understand PC is the master race but 😄 , but viewing the other fans as equals is what it really comes down to. I have invested a lot in this game and it's disheartening to see things happen like this.

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On 2018-12-11 at 11:36 PM, (NSW)SuperDaD said:

So why can't we transfer from console to console, ie: (xbox1 to the switch)?

Because Microsoft has a saying in this.
Everytime you buy plat on xbox, Microsoft gets a cut.
If you transfered to Switch, chances are you won't buy anymore plat on xbox. So Microsoft makes less money. Why would they want that to happen?
That's why there is no transfer from console to console.
And now, please, get over it.

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So i played bout 80 hours in NSW got till MR5, then though i can play it on my PC, did the migration thing, and realize all my progress is #*!%ed and also just noticed i misunderstood this " Any items purchased in-game with Platinum on Nintendo Switch in-game Market will be overwritten and the Platinum returned to your new migrated account; items purchased with Credits will be overwritten by your PC account." great, back to square one. omg im an idiot idk if i want regrind all those stuff. im ded inside now.

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On 2018-12-15 at 8:55 AM, WhiteMarker said:

Because Microsoft has a saying in this.
Everytime you buy plat on xbox, Microsoft gets a cut.
If you transfered to Switch, chances are you won't buy anymore plat on xbox. So Microsoft makes less money. Why would they want that to happen?
That's why there is no transfer from console to console.
And now, please, get over it.

Then why will the founders pack in Paladins and smite transfer from console to console? They shouldn't favor one platform, if anything PC shouldn't even have gotten the ability to transfer so it would be fair play for everyone. 

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8 hours ago, (XB1)TVirusPlague said:

Then why will the founders pack in Paladins and smite transfer from console to console?

And in World Of Warcraft you have to pay a monthly fee so you can play the game.
I don't know why we are throwing random facts about random games around.

Fact is we are playing Warframe, and no other game. It's not important what another game does. It doesn't matter.

You fail to understand the point of migrations and how stuff works.

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On 2018-12-11 at 5:47 PM, WhiteMarker said:

Yeah, as I said, you don't play a game just because of crossplay.
If you don't like the gameplay, you won't start playing the game just because it has crossplay. But people say, crossplay would generate more players. That's not how it works. That's, what I said. No wonder, you aren't sure if you can agree. You missed the point.

Outsourcing makes stuff cheaper.
Do you think all the companies out their use outsourcing because of better user experience? They do it, because it's cheaper than doing it inhouse.
Outsourcing is all about the revenue.
If DE continued to do their chat moderation the way it is now, then it would be cheaper for DE. But if DE wanted to step up their game in chat moderation, then outsourcing is the cheaper solution.

I didn't miss your point, I just disagreed with it. You say that crossplay wont generate more players, and that this is not how it works. Firstly - what research have you done on this subject? You seem to be coming from a place of higher understanding about the industry - so I am assuming you are not just some dude posting on a forum - and someone that has actual insight? [/sarcasm]

Secondly - I raised the outsourcing chat moderation as a direct response to your claim that DE only invest in revenue generating features. What additional revenue will be generated by a better chat moderation experience? None - it will result in a better EXPERIENCE for the player. As would cross progression. 

Thirdly - this conversation is redundant. DE themselves have said they are investigating this, but did not have the time/resources to have it ready by the Switch launch. See Skillups youtube interview with Steve and Rebecca here at the 9:26 mark. No commitments, but there is intent. 

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What’s with the lack of TennoGen content on Switch? I’ve never played Warframe before and I only started when it came out on Switch, played more than 100 hours so far. The TennoGen category in the Market is practically empty, there are only like 7 skins for weapons in there and tbh they all look really bad. I would really love it if we can have some of the items available for PC players like syandanas, helmets, warframe skins. Is it like that for PS4 and Xbox players too? Will we ever get some of the cosmetics PC players have? I know some of them are PC-exclusive but what about the rest? A lot of the TennoGen items look a lot better than the ones made by DE and I would definitely buy some of them. 

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1 hour ago, (NSW)NeonNebula said:

What’s with the lack of TennoGen content on Switch? I’ve never played Warframe before and I only started when it came out on Switch, played more than 100 hours so far. The TennoGen category in the Market is practically empty, there are only like 7 skins for weapons in there and tbh they all look really bad. I would really love it if we can have some of the items available for PC players like syandanas, helmets, warframe skins. Is it like that for PS4 and Xbox players too? Will we ever get some of the cosmetics PC players have? I know some of them are PC-exclusive but what about the rest? A lot of the TennoGen items look a lot better than the ones made by DE and I would definitely buy some of them. 

TennoGen is, more or less, owned by Steam and by the guys that make the TennoGen skins. In order to sell it on PS4 and Xbox1, DE had  to work out some "contracts". They will have to work out that stuff for the Switch aswell.

5 hours ago, Dosed11 said:

Thirdly - this conversation is redundant. DE themselves have said they are investigating this, but did not have the time/resources to have it ready by the Switch launch. See Skillups youtube interview with Steve and Rebecca here at the 9:26 mark. No commitments, but there is intent. 

They also said, that they will never hold back the PC version. So consoles have to step up their update-game. And with the Switch port being made by another company, this won't happen anytime soon. So people should accept this.

Aside from updates, they have to look into other stuff aswell. Stuff like Platinum (is console plat the same as PC plat? Can you trade it across platforms?), trading in general (will the ingame market explode? Just look at prices from PC and from console), and even relays (on Xbox there were other relays destroyed than on PC. How will Baro work?)

These are just a few things they have to look into. So again, it will not anytime soon. Waiting for it won't do anybody good.

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On 2018-12-18 at 9:48 AM, WhiteMarker said:

TennoGen is, more or less, owned by Steam and by the guys that make the TennoGen skins. In order to sell it on PS4 and Xbox1, DE had  to work out some "contracts". They will have to work out that stuff for the Switch aswell.

I don’t mind waiting, I just hope that’s not it and that we get more than just a couple of skins for weapons I’m sure no one is interested in. 

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