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Akvasto Prime recoil is weird.


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8 minutes ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

So when the Akvasto Prime released, we were excited to have this ONE flaw corrected a little bit. So you can imagine our disappointment when we saw ANOTHER drawback attached to it, in the form of this weird, unwarranted recoil.

I'm with you on this. But for me, id say at least don't add an unnecessary nerf to the new akimbo which actually does not keep anything consistent.

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The extra recoil is a dealbreaker. Taking advantage of the firerate costs a modslot. No outstanding stats or mechanics to make the sacrifice worth it.

I'll stick to AkLex P, pretty much the same rof if you actually want to hit stuff and way more damage. The normal (akimbo) variants balance each other out, Akvasto P is just garbage.

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16 hours ago, Helljack84 said:

The extra recoil is a dealbreaker. Taking advantage of the firerate costs a modslot. No outstanding stats or mechanics to make the sacrifice worth it.

I'll stick to AkLex P, pretty much the same rof if you actually want to hit stuff and way more damage. The normal (akimbo) variants balance each other out, Akvasto P is just garbage.

Little bump of the day number 2 . This is pretty much that.

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On 2018-12-10 at 7:45 PM, Helljack84 said:

The extra recoil is a dealbreaker. Taking advantage of the firerate costs a modslot. No outstanding stats or mechanics to make the sacrifice worth it.

I'll stick to AkLex P, pretty much the same rof if you actually want to hit stuff and way more damage. The normal (akimbo) variants balance each other out, Akvasto P is just garbage.

I guess by "firerate" you meant using Steady Hands, right?

And even with steady hands, the recoil on the Prime is STILL higher than the regular Akvasto.

So yeah, they deformed the Prime so much, it´s hardly the same as the weapon we loved to use so much.

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On 2018-11-18 at 2:56 PM, Nepelwerfer said:

As if fanning one hammer isn't hard enough... It's tough being twice the man McCree is, you know.

Overwatch player detected. 😃

Yes, we know is not much realistic, but it´s a game.

And we loved (I still do) the regular Akvasto. The playstyle, the sound, the looks, the SEXY reloading animation.

All DE had to do was bump up the damage and that was it.

But they went ahead and butchered the gun beyond any reason.

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4 hours ago, (PS4)negativ21 said:

The recoil significantly alters how the gun is used/played differently more so than any previous akimbo made version. This is not reasonable nor necessary imo. 

you speak truth, my friend. lets just hope that they realise what they've done in the wrong way and improve it, without slapping a new useless nerf on top of the fix...

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On 2018-12-12 at 2:42 AM, mikakor said:

you speak truth, my friend. lets just hope that they realise what they've done in the wrong way and improve it, without slapping a new useless nerf on top of the fix...

Why they thought it was a good idea to nerf the gun in the first place is beyond me.

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23 hours ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

Yup. We liked how the original Akvasto played. No reason to change it. All it was needed was a boost in dps.

Second bump for the second thread. We'll now see if they listened. Last day of hope. Bring any people you know that is disgusted by the changes and inconsistency of the Prime Akvasto to bump and write here.

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No offense but you can't call a fix if nothing is really broken or just working as intended. You may disagree with how things are designed though but until DE does fix it or say it's broken, you're just giving your own opinion, relevant or not.

People give feedback, DE decides what's going on or not in the game that's how it has always worked. A few people (especially you) have already spammed the feedback thread with AkVasto posts, i don't think people working at DE are blind or anything. We're just speaking about some virtual weapon in a F2P game here, no one's life is put in jeopardy...

Edited by 000l000
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On 2018-12-02 at 9:26 PM, (XB1)RDeschain82 said:

The problem here is consistency.

If I use Vasto Prime in one hand and a Glaive in the other, Vasto Prime has little to no recoil. Yet if I equip two Vasto Primes all of a sudden magically we now have a lot of recoil. giphy.gif

Likewise when I run AkVasto Prime during a mobile d or excavation and then pick up a data mass/cell. Now my Vasto Prime has a lot of recoil...ParchedOpenHake-small.gif

Umm wut?! 


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4 hours ago, 000l000 said:

No offense but you can't call a fix if nothing is really broken or just working as intended. You may disagree with how things are designed though but until DE does fix it or say it's broken, you're just giving your own opinion, relevant or not.

People give feedback, DE decides what's going on or not in the game that's how it has always worked. A few people (especially you) have already spammed the feedback thread with AkVasto posts, i don't think people working at DE are blind or anything. We're just speaking about some virtual weapon in a F2P game here, no one's life is put in jeopardy...

All we can do is report these threads for spam, normal people would’ve gotten the message a long time ago 

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6 hours ago, 000l000 said:

No offense but you can't call a fix if nothing is really broken or just working as intended. You may disagree with how things are designed though but until DE does fix it or say it's broken, you're just giving your own opinion, relevant or not.

People give feedback, DE decides what's going on or not in the game that's how it has always worked. A few people (especially you) have already spammed the feedback thread with AkVasto posts, i don't think people working at DE are blind or anything. We're just speaking about some virtual weapon in a F2P game here, no one's life is put in jeopardy...

Probably, but then explain how it makes sense they make a prime weapon worse than a normal version, making lots of people prefering the normal version over the new one. Doesn't this says that there is a problem?

2 hours ago, GinKenshin said:

All we can do is report these threads for spam, normal people would’ve gotten the message a long time ago 

Thanks dude, appreciated 🙂 But as player, it's our duty to give feedback, and such make sure that DE notice it. If you don't agree, too bad. DE ruined the weapon for a lot of people, when they had an easy job on how designing it. Even just a reminder would have make people happy with "Prime" slapped on it. And so DE need to see and acknowledge it.


Edit : it looks like the AKvasto Prime recoil have been reduced. I am not able to check how it is right now but I'm glad it is, I hope it have been put at the same level than its normal counterpart.

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6 hours ago, 000l000 said:

No offense but you can't call a fix if nothing is really broken or just working as intended. You may disagree with how things are designed though but until DE does fix it or say it's broken, you're just giving your own opinion, relevant or not.

People give feedback, DE decides what's going on or not in the game that's how it has always worked. A few people (especially you) have already spammed the feedback thread with AkVasto posts, i don't think people working at DE are blind or anything. We're just speaking about some virtual weapon in a F2P game here, no one's life is put in jeopardy...

Did DE state that it was working as intended? I didn´t see it anywhere.

We didn´t spam anything. I made a thread in the wrong place (general discussion) and asked it to be moved. When it didn´t, I made it in the right place.

It may not mean much for people who don´t like or use the weapon, but for us long akvasto fans, it was disappointing to see it the way it was.

I say WAS, because DE reduced the recoil with the last hotfix.  

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1 minute ago, Zeclem said:

if you seriously think the standard akvasto is somehow better than akvasto prime you gotta get your eyes checked. 

Yes, the Prime has more damage, but it doesn´t play like the Akvasto anymore. So yea, the regular is better.

Or rather WAS, because DE just fixed the recoil with the last hotfix. 

So, thanks, DE.

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3 minutes ago, Fenrys_Delta said:

Yes, the Prime has more damage, but it doesn´t play like the Akvasto anymore. So yea, the regular is better.

Or rather WAS, because DE just fixed the recoil with the last hotfix. 

So, thanks, DE.

well thats good news that it got buffed. but sorry i'll be busy laughing at this comment that its worse than its regular counterpart. have a good day. 

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Just now, Zeclem said:

well thats good news that it got buffed. but sorry i'll be busy laughing at this comment that its worse than its regular counterpart. have a good day. 

Apparently you can´t read. Or at least you have a hard time getting the meaning of what you read.

So let me connect the dots for you: if all that matters to you is damage, sure the prime is delicious.

But in MY opinion, if you take away what I liked most about the gun, which is how it was played, then yes, it´s worse in my book.

Good day to you, too.

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On 2018-12-18 at 3:51 AM, 000l000 said:

People give feedback, DE decides what's going on or not in the game that's how it has always worked. A few people (especially you) have already spammed the feedback thread with AkVasto posts, i don't think people working at DE are blind or anything. We're just speaking about some virtual weapon in a F2P game here, no one's life is put in jeopardy...

Well given that it took me all of 30s a day to continue posting in this thread, id say we put in the requisite amount of effort given the relative "severity" of the situation. 

On 2018-12-18 at 3:51 AM, 000l000 said:

You may disagree with how things are designed though but until DE does fix it or say it's broken, you're just giving your own opinion, relevant or not.

Well.. I guess we were right huh? Its just as you say. DE does what DE does, and we can't change that. It just turns out that in this instance, either they never intended it to have that much recoil, or they heard our complaints. Pick whichever one you like, or find a new one to excuse it. In the end, the change happened. 

On 2018-12-18 at 8:05 AM, GinKenshin said:

All we can do is report these threads for spam, normal people would’ve gotten the message a long time ago 

Also these are feedback forums. If anyone does happen to think a certain thread is spamming or unnecessary, then I implore you to report it as you say and move on. No need to waste your time with anything else.

Why people feel the need to degrade others victories which they worked for is beyond me. Sure its not even a big deal, but its not like anyone lost an arm and a leg posting on these forums for it. So we can be about as happy as we want to given the circumstances and results.

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