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Nekros suggestion


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Problems with Nekros:

1. Very passive/boring gameplay. Toggle your 2 on at the start of the mission and then keep up your 4 every minute or so,that's it. He's a Desecrate bot and therefore, not fun.

2. Very mod hungry if you try to build him properly. You want Despoil, 200+ strength for Shield of Shadows (2-3 mod slots), Equilibrium to cast your 4 to refresh it, Despoil, Vitality, possibly Health Conversion - I can't think of another frame that has so many must have mods. Not to mention, all that extra strength does nothing offensively since minion damage and Soul Punch damage is pathetic. Going into Arbitration as Nekros changes almost nothing in your gameplay or modding, compared to frames like Oberon who can single handedly heal and beef up everyone, and make Defense Arbitrations a joke.

3. Limited mobility due to Shield of Shadows range/recall issues.



1. Soul Punch is bad. You get better value with Blast or even Impact procs on your weapon. Does zero damage to anything armoured and needs rework. It's single target in a horde-style game while not working on bosses at the same time. Should be entirely reworked. Example for max rank: Circle of Death - Nekros covers a ground area of 10 meters (affected by range) with smoke for 5 seconds (affected by duration). Any enemy that is killed by Nekros or his Shadows in the area causes the cloud/smoke to deal 100 base damage + 5% of the targets health/shields as Viral damage with 10% status chance (affected by power strength), ticking every second. Only 1 Circle can be active at a time. Damage from multiple enemies dying in the Circle of Death stacks.

Augment: Soul Drinker - Standing in the Circle of Death will replenish Nekros energy and health by 15 with each enemy kill. Actually, maybe someone else has a better idea.

2. Terrify - First off, armour stripping needs a bit better values, at 20% it isn't great at all. 25-30% would be more appropriate considering a 75 energy cost. Augment bonus needs to be built in for the ability to be useful. The only game mode where Nekros shines is Survival, and in Survival you want enemies to come to you, not to run away.

Reworked augment should simply increase damage of Nekros and his Shadows against Terrified enemies based on the number of enemies affected, with your Shadows getting triple effect. Example: 5% increased damage for 1s per each enemy affected. Affect 20 enemies, you get 100% increased weapon damage for 20 seconds and your Shadows get 300% increased damage for 20 seconds. If you wait 15 seconds, cast again and affect 10 enemies, you still get 100% damage for another 5 seconds, but afterwards you will have only 50% damage for another 5 seconds (since only the "strongest" casting should be in effect, stacking would be too OP).  

Putting this ability as an aura would be a big mistake. You already have 1 aura (Desecrate), and 1 semi-aura (Shadows being cast once a minute). This would do nothing to change the boring playstyle of Nekros, you'd also take away the possibility of stripping all of the armour if you wanted to.

3. Desecrate is fine but if Nekros gets a buff in other areas a small decrease in % chance would be acceptable.


This way, Nekros can have a little bit more synergy in his kit. You can cast 1 to kill enemies and then build up damage for your AoE DoT, cast 2 to strip some of the armour and slow enemies down, making sure they spend more time in range of your first ability and take more damage from it, while boosting damage of you and your Shadows.

Anyway, that's just some ideas I threw together, I've seen plenty of other, but one thing is for sure - Nekros needs some buffs/reworks, he's as plain and boring as just running around without using any abilities at all.

Edited by Bristoling
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On 2018-12-16 at 2:32 PM, Bristoling said:

Problems with Nekros:

1. Very passive/boring gameplay. Toggle your 2 on at the start of the mission and then keep up your 4 every minute or so,that's it. He's a Desecrate bot and therefore, not fun.

2. Very mod hungry if you try to build him properly. You want Despoil, 200+ strength for Shield of Shadows (2-3 mod slots), Equilibrium to cast your 4 to refresh it, Despoil, Vitality, possibly Health Conversion - I can't think of another frame that has so many must have mods. Not to mention, all that extra strength does nothing offensively since minion damage and Soul Punch damage is pathetic. Going into Arbitration as Nekros changes almost nothing in your gameplay or modding, compared to frames like Oberon who can single handedly heal and beef up everyone, and make Defense Arbitrations a joke.

3. Limited mobility due to Shield of Shadows range/recall issues.



1. Soul Punch is bad. You get better value with Blast or even Impact procs on your weapon. Does zero damage to anything armoured and needs rework. It's single target in a horde-style game while not working on bosses at the same time. Should be entirely reworked. Example for max rank: Circle of Death - Nekros covers a ground area of 10 meters (affected by range) with smoke for 5 seconds (affected by duration). Any enemy that is killed by Nekros or his Shadows in the area causes the cloud/smoke to deal 100 base damage + 5% of the targets health/shields as Viral damage with 10% status chance (affected by power strength), ticking every second. Only 1 Circle can be active at a time. Damage from multiple enemies dying in the Circle of Death stacks.

Augment: Soul Drinker - Standing in the Circle of Death will replenish Nekros energy and health by 15 with each enemy kill. Actually, maybe someone else has a better idea.

2. Terrify - First off, armour stripping needs a bit better values, at 20% it isn't great at all. 25-30% would be more appropriate considering a 75 energy cost. Augment bonus needs to be built in for the ability to be useful. The only game mode where Nekros shines is Survival, and in Survival you want enemies to come to you, not to run away.

Reworked augment should simply increase damage of Nekros and his Shadows against Terrified enemies based on the number of enemies affected, with your Shadows getting triple effect. Example: 5% increased damage for 1s per each enemy affected. Affect 20 enemies, you get 100% increased weapon damage for 20 seconds and your Shadows get 300% increased damage for 20 seconds. If you wait 15 seconds, cast again and affect 10 enemies, you still get 100% damage for another 5 seconds, but afterwards you will have only 50% damage for another 5 seconds (since only the "strongest" casting should be in effect, stacking would be too OP).  

Putting this ability as an aura would be a big mistake. You already have 1 aura (Desecrate), and 1 semi-aura (Shadows being cast once a minute). This would do nothing to change the boring playstyle of Nekros, you'd also take away the possibility of stripping all of the armour if you wanted to.

3. Desecrate is fine but if Nekros gets a buff in other areas a small decrease in % chance would be acceptable.


This way, Nekros can have a little bit more synergy in his kit. You can cast 1 to kill enemies and then build up damage for your AoE DoT, cast 2 to strip some of the armour and slow enemies down, making sure they spend more time in range of your first ability and take more damage from it, while boosting damage of you and your Shadows.

Anyway, that's just some ideas I threw together, I've seen plenty of other, but one thing is for sure - Nekros needs some buffs/reworks, he's as plain and boring as just running around without using any abilities at all.

How about giving the way to command or control the shadows? I mean focusing to summoner warframe. I'm agree to his ability and status are going to be boring, especially 'Limited mobility'. 'Warframe' game has high mobility with high speed progress with move and action. Nekros play style need to fix for more mobility to follow other warframes. Usually his ability better when stay one positioned with shadows. Also lack of de-buff and high damaging method are make nekros take more time to kill enemy than other warframe. 

So just give him the way to nekros can be endure before summon the shadows. Also method to more damage to his enemy by shadows or de-buff for enemy can take more damage. Nowadays terrify is really limited armor reduction with make enemy runaway which make hard to catch them in the middle of battlefield. Someone mentioned about using the 'Creeping terrify', but that means this ability need to use 'Augment mod' and without this mod it means it's effectiveness really bad.  Also no reduction to shield enemy and only health infested. So 'Terrify' seems like need to fix it's number or function.

 About 'Shadow of the dead', meaning the summoner warframe is more mobility way to shadows with give benefit by command which like 'Hunter mod set' option(Slash proc enemy will take more damage from kavat or kubrow, helminth charger.) with 'Hunter command' mod. Also Kora's order ability to 'Venari' which 'Attack', 'Defense', 'Heal'. Those things are can be use to nekros shadows. For example, 'Search & Destroy' giving shadows move pointed direction with increase damage. 'Guard' order give shadows surrounding summoner and try to make cover for nekros with gain damage reduction. 'Runatic' will rush in to the enemy with hard fight and gain speed boost to their attack & movement bonus with end of their 'Health bar' can be volatile like 'Volatile runner'(Increase health reduction percentage). Instead of 'Runatic', 'Death sentence' will give targeted enemy will focused fired by shadows and take more damage with additional damage. There are variable way to give or change his 4th ability mechanism. :)

But also disagree about 'Desecrate' part. This ability not affected power mod unlike other warframe who has drop chance augment mod. Hydroid already 100%, Atlas has only 25% but affected by power strength. You can say even atlas gain full strength will only drop chance 59.25%(I'm not sure is it right?) but it has 'petrify' & 'Scan chance' & '50% take more damage' & '100% drop chance of rumble'. But 'Desecrate' only 54% with fixed number and with augment mod just pay health instead of energy... even his armor 65 and health can be 300 without any modding(Nekros prime status). Also has health orb drop chance... So that's why disagree about 'Desecrate' part. 

 Thanks for reading and write your opinion in this post. Have a nice day. :) 

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On 2018-12-16 at 12:32 AM, Bristoling said:

3. Desecrate is fine but if Nekros gets a buff in other areas a small decrease in % chance would be acceptable.

Honestly i rather they not touch nekros, agreed Soul punch sucks and terrify sucks, but they will probably just break the whole kit.


2 minutes ago, Hidronic said:

Also method to more damage to his enemy by shadows or de-buff for enemy can take more damage. Nowadays terrify is really limited armor reduction with make enemy runaway which make hard to catch them in the middle of battlefield.

The only time i use terrify is on interception and honestly its crap.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ohh boy! Talking about my main boi Nekros.

First off his passive... "Nearby enemy death replenishes 5 hp." We NEED something different.

Soul Punch: If you haven't already noticed... it isn't bad... but it IS bad. Everyone loves silly ragdoll physics so anyone touching "space program" skill will be shot down with a Tigris. So! Let's keep the ragdolliness and add a charge mechanic. Remember that scene during the Nekros Prime Trailer? Yeah... that... let's do that. Hitting enemies with a charged Soul Punch will require more energy and will stun them in place, the soul will rocket out of the body and slowly move back towards it, once it reenters it's body it'll move around again.. Perfect CC, isn't op. 

Augment: Give revived allies a immunity state for 3 seconds... FOR CHEM'S SAKE!

Terrify: I agree... I hate chasing after chickens with their heads cut off. Do I want it as a toggle tho? That's up in the air. I like the idea of it being a aura, but ehh... What I do want is instead of armor reduction, it'll be damage multiplier. I hate how bias it is against armored units so what about unarmored units?! Oh and how do you scare robotics? Instead, shut them down. Kinda like Mag's augment, "Counter Pulse." Robotics are disabled, sounds good to me.

Augment: I want this to be an innate effect. 

Desecrate: Change it from energy per body to energy per second. Despoil is a must have in every build. Vanilla Deserate eats up all your energy in matters of seconds making its augment mandatory in order to play it.

Augment: Leave it as it is. 10hp per body at max rank is better than energy per body.

Shadows of the Dead: The coolest skill yet the most boring of skills... Shadows you spawn does no damage, if anything its comparable to watching paint dry. Shadow unit type is based on this "priority" system, that needs to be reworked btw (I DON'T NEED 5/7 TO BE NULLIFIERS, HOLY CLEM!) AI is non existing. It's almost depressing using this skill effectively. Yes, I know the shadows have a higher threat level than the warframes, so being meat shields is okish. That doesn't really amount to much.

So! I purpose we up their damage a bit MORE and give a command wheel, kinda like Khora's kavat. Press 4 once to summon shadows then press 4 again to tell your shadows to attack, defend, or standby(follow Nekros). Hold 4 to heal or resummon. 

There also has to be a way to kill off your shadows, cause sometimes you get a unit that you just don't like (NULLIFIERS), so why not use Soul Punch on them. Banish unwanted Shadows and you get a energy refund. 

Augment: Cool, get rid of the lines that's attached to the shadows... its cluttering the screen and my allies screen.

Overall, he needs changes... What I offered isn't something game breaking nor am I seriously changing any of the skills, just tweaks that'll make Nekros more interesting than a "farmingframe."

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Remember that scene during the Nekros Prime Trailer? Yeah... that... let's do that. Hitting enemies with a charged Soul Punch will require more energy and will stun them in place, the soul will rocket out of the body and slowly move back towards it, once it reenters it's body it'll move around again.. Perfect CC, isn't op. 

That honestly sounds fine. And if added functionality would be removing Shadows we don't want, that would be a bonus. Although in all honesty, a single target CC would still feel quite useless in a horde game. It needs something extra still.


What I do want is instead of armor reduction, it'll be damage multiplier. I hate how bias it is against armored units so what about unarmored units?! Oh and how do you scare robotics? Instead, shut them down. Kinda like Mag's augment, "Counter Pulse." Robotics are disabled, sounds good to me.

Maybe if we stopped thinking about Terrify as Terrify, and instead reworked it as a curse, applying a damage multiplier (and higher damage multiplier for the minions), that would work better?


Desecrate: Change it from energy per body to energy per second. Despoil is a must have in every build. Vanilla Deserate eats up all your energy in matters of seconds making its augment mandatory in order to play it.

Agreed, maybe we wouldn't need Despoil on every single Nekros build out there if that was the case and drain wasn't too big.



About 'Shadow of the dead', meaning the summoner warframe is more mobility way to shadows with give benefit by command which like 'Hunter mod set' option(Slash proc enemy will take more damage from kavat or kubrow, helminth charger.) with 'Hunter command' mod. Also Kora's order ability to 'Venari' which 'Attack', 'Defense', 'Heal'. Those things are can be use to nekros shadows. For example, 'Search & Destroy' giving shadows move pointed direction with increase damage. 'Guard' order give shadows surrounding summoner and try to make cover for nekros with gain damage reduction. 'Runatic' will rush in to the enemy with hard fight and gain speed boost to their attack & movement bonus with end of their 'Health bar' can be volatile like 'Volatile runner'(Increase health reduction percentage). Instead of 'Runatic', 'Death sentence' will give targeted enemy will focused fired by shadows and take more damage with additional damage. There are variable way to give or change his 4th ability mechanism. 🙂

If we had Defend, Attack, Rush commands of some sort maybe? Let's say Defend is default, Shadows have their normal stats but slightly lower health drain cost. Attack is supercharged attack damage and attack speed at the cost of their defensive stats and slightly higher health drain per second. And Rush would supercharge their movement speed while sacrificing defensive stats and keeping their offense/drain at base.

We could have current behaviour minions, high damage minions (one can dream of), or high mobility minions which would keep up with you on Capture/Extermination missions.

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4 hours ago, DaMasque said:

Ohh boy! Talking about my main boi Nekros.

First off his passive... "Nearby enemy death replenishes 5 hp." We NEED something different.

Soul Punch: If you haven't already noticed... it isn't bad... but it IS bad. Everyone loves silly ragdoll physics so anyone touching "space program" skill will be shot down with a Tigris. So! Let's keep the ragdolliness and add a charge mechanic. Remember that scene during the Nekros Prime Trailer? Yeah... that... let's do that. Hitting enemies with a charged Soul Punch will require more energy and will stun them in place, the soul will rocket out of the body and slowly move back towards it, once it reenters it's body it'll move around again.. Perfect CC, isn't op. 

Augment: Give revived allies a immunity state for 3 seconds... FOR CHEM'S SAKE!

Terrify: I agree... I hate chasing after chickens with their heads cut off. Do I want it as a toggle tho? That's up in the air. I like the idea of it being a aura, but ehh... What I do want is instead of armor reduction, it'll be damage multiplier. I hate how bias it is against armored units so what about unarmored units?! Oh and how do you scare robotics? Instead, shut them down. Kinda like Mag's augment, "Counter Pulse." Robotics are disabled, sounds good to me.

Augment: I want this to be an innate effect. 

Desecrate: Change it from energy per body to energy per second. Despoil is a must have in every build. Vanilla Deserate eats up all your energy in matters of seconds making its augment mandatory in order to play it.

Augment: Leave it as it is. 10hp per body at max rank is better than energy per body.

Shadows of the Dead: The coolest skill yet the most boring of skills... Shadows you spawn does no damage, if anything its comparable to watching paint dry. Shadow unit type is based on this "priority" system, that needs to be reworked btw (I DON'T NEED 5/7 TO BE NULLIFIERS, HOLY CLEM!) AI is non existing. It's almost depressing using this skill effectively. Yes, I know the shadows have a higher threat level than the warframes, so being meat shields is okish. That doesn't really amount to much.

So! I purpose we up their damage a bit MORE and give a command wheel, kinda like Khora's kavat. Press 4 once to summon shadows then press 4 again to tell your shadows to attack, defend, or standby(follow Nekros). Hold 4 to heal or resummon. 

There also has to be a way to kill off your shadows, cause sometimes you get a unit that you just don't like (NULLIFIERS), so why not use Soul Punch on them. Banish unwanted Shadows and you get a energy refund. 

Augment: Cool, get rid of the lines that's attached to the shadows... its cluttering the screen and my allies screen.

Overall, he needs changes... What I offered isn't something game breaking nor am I seriously changing any of the skills, just tweaks that'll make Nekros more interesting than a "farmingframe."

 His passive, actually it is really better than other warframes passive. But problem is... 10m range with his status. Enemy dies within 10m range, but nekros armor just 65 points. It's hard to say can survive during the close combat in high level. Only way to using this passive by using the 'Health conversion' with 'Despoil' augment mod, or using the 'Shield of Shadows' with high strength modding. Both are recommended to modding, without does option it's hard to survive. Also 'Nekros' need to using the shotgun or melee weapon for close combat within 10m range. Seems like it will better to increase his armor points or increase paasive range. Maybe better to change passive mechanism. For example, Not limited by range, just killing the enemy by nekros or his pet, shadows will offer 5 points HP.

Soul punch, personally it's good, because 500 impact damage with 50m range(without mod). Also can be throw away the enemy from turret or front line. Following the 'Nekros prime trailer's effect which stun effect. Good, hope to be they change this ability like oberon prime trailor and ingame change what they did. But, augment... 'Soul survior'... Even I using this augment mod during the mission or 'Teralyst' hunting, players prefer to revive themselves. Also it can't use during the arbitration. Need to change. Like, 'Soul chain' casting the living player, when player died. It will prevent reach 0 HP and return to the casting 'Nekros' player with 10% HP. This will better to use in arbitration or other missions with same role.

About 'Terrify'... nothing for mention in this reply. Because already mentioned in main post and 'yes' it need to be change for it's mechanism or armor reduction to damage multiplier. Maybe both of them. :)

Desecrate, it can say good. But not always. Maybe it will better to change activating ability with ability duration. Like cast 50 energy, during duration time 30secs no matter how many corpses affect this ability. Also it can be refresh it's duration reactivate ability during the ability. Actually, 'Desecrate' good for farming or support by generate 'Health orb' or variable 'Ammo'. But it's all... it's great but also so need enemy dead body for ability active and only for support. Even the 'Nekros' need to kill the enemy faster than other warframes or killing enemy by shadows. He need to way to increase damage output for faster killing by debuff enemy or buff himself. Debuff way already exist with 'Terrify'(Not say it is good...) so how about adding the nekros or with shadows are gain the damage boost.

Shadow of the dead. Yes, it need to change for more usable as already mentioned in main post also giving the command will be nice. 

Happy New Year :)  

Edited by Hidronic
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  • 1 month later...

Its Nekros, so I think a bit of thread Necromancy is okay here.

Anyways, I really only have 1 gripe with Nekros, I can't build the Shadows for damage.  I just went full power build, and they still didn't output enough damage to really matter.  Maybe give shadows a bonus to power %, because in order to increase the power, you seriously decrease the survivability of Nekros, so I think its a fair trade.  I'd gladly take a different augment that does this over tank augment.

My DREAM fix to this.  Is to give Nekros a single powerful pet (Much like how Khora works).  Make him a pet edgelord melee Death Knight or something.  Throw mods on him, and a % of the mods you equip on him, goes to your shadows.  Alas, that is my dream.

Edited by Klaleara
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SP to true damage (or % max enemy HP)

Terrify instead of the suggestion to be a on enemy entry cost aura (desecrate style, not channeled/upkeep energy cost) should IMO be the augment while the current CT slow gets baked into default to not disrupt allies as much (so 35% slow default PS pushing up to 80%, but with augment it keep stacking/ramping with armor strip while within range)

Desecrate/Despoil is good, no touchy (instead passive turned into 1% lifesteal that applies to all allies within desecrate range would be nice)

SotD just needs a mandachord like (additional tab) simulacrum mechanics (enemy selection) style ui that lets players choose the enemy priority, movement and attack behavior. As in let the nekros pick if they want their mooks to stick around close not attacking just giving buffs, stick within Shield of Shadows range while just pulling aggro and doing cc or go suicide bumrush enemies attacking without care for their survival. Their DPS is more of a issue of ai behavior and mook priority instead of armor (which still is a massive dps loss when it comes to grineer/corrupted/robot dps, but shouldn't be solved by buffing them, that is for the armor rework and till then 4x corrosive projection or pox secondary solves it).

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3 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

SP to true damage (or % max enemy HP)

Terrify instead of the suggestion to be a on enemy entry cost aura (desecrate style, not channeled/upkeep energy cost) should IMO be the augment while the current CT slow gets baked into default to not disrupt allies as much (so 35% slow default PS pushing up to 80%, but with augment it keep stacking/ramping with armor strip while within range)

Desecrate/Despoil is good, no touchy (instead passive turned into 1% lifesteal that applies to all allies within desecrate range would be nice)

SotD just needs a mandachord like (additional tab) simulacrum mechanics (enemy selection) style ui that lets players choose the enemy priority, movement and attack behavior. As in let the nekros pick if they want their mooks to stick around close not attacking just giving buffs, stick within Shield of Shadows range while just pulling aggro and doing cc or go suicide bumrush enemies attacking without care for their survival. Their DPS is more of a issue of ai behavior and mook priority instead of armor (which still is a massive dps loss when it comes to grineer/corrupted/robot dps, but shouldn't be solved by buffing them, that is for the armor rework and till then 4x corrosive projection or pox secondary solves it).

 Personally, 'nekros' problem is too much depend on mods and weapons. He has same number of slot for modding like other warframes, but with his passive limited range with basic status, it can't use well. For example, power based nekros player better to use 'Shield of the dead' augment mods instead of 'Health conversion' and also his choice of weapon must be highly damage for short time like well modded 'sniper' weapon, because gather the first 7 shadows for surviving. During arbitration, before he gather 7 shadows he can easily erased by enemy fire power and when host migration happened he lose all his bonus with all summoned/stacked shadows in the middle of fight... he must be killed 7 enemy again without any shadows(Only 65 armor points). That is the most dangerous moment to nekros player. 65 armor points it's not recommend to fight enemy in close range but his passive has limited range. 'Health conversion' case need to always equip 'Despoil' with 'Fetch' or 'Vacuum' modded pets are needed. Without them, nekros player must running for gather the health orb for keep his 'Health conversion' bonus. 

7 hours ago, Klaleara said:

Its Nekros, so I think a bit of thread Necromancy is okay here.

Anyways, I really only have 1 gripe with Nekros, I can't build the Shadows for damage.  I just went full power build, and they still didn't output enough damage to really matter.  Maybe give shadows a bonus to power %, because in order to increase the power, you seriously decrease the survivability of Nekros, so I think its a fair trade.  I'd gladly take a different augment that does this over tank augment.

My DREAM fix to this.  Is to give Nekros a single powerful pet (Much like how Khora works).  Make him a pet edgelord melee Death Knight or something.  Throw mods on him, and a % of the mods you equip on him, goes to your shadows.  Alas, that is my dream.

  That's why I check it 'Like' because if he gain 'Exalted pet' like Khora, his play will better to build without 'Sentinel','Kubrow','Kavat','MOA'. 

 Anyway his current status just feels like something missed or lost from him. Using the 'Shadows of the dead' with 'Shield of shadows' for survival, but it must be done for killed 7 enemy with his own 65 armor and weapon. 'Health conversion' also forced to equip 'Despoil' and must killed 3 enemy and drop 'Health orb' before his shield broken.

3 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

Terrify instead of the suggestion to be a on enemy entry cost aura (desecrate style, not channeled/upkeep energy cost) should IMO be the augment while the current CT slow gets baked into default to not disrupt allies as much (so 35% slow default PS pushing up to 80%, but with augment it keep stacking/ramping with armor strip while within range)

Desecrate/Despoil is good, no touchy (instead passive turned into 1% lifesteal that applies to all allies within desecrate range would be nice)

 Without 'Creeping terrify' mod. It's hard to kill runaway enemy, because player firearm better to hit enemies head or weak points for more damage like infested and grineer(Except MOA, their battery pack positioned their back). So, 'Terrify' base build recommended to use 'Creeping Terrify'. Also damage reduction points to low to use for grineer and there is not benefit points during the fight with infested(High health) and corpus(Shield with health).

 'Desecrate/Despoil'. Even the Atlas 'Ore gaze' has petrify with damage boost with scan, Hydroid 'Pilfering swarm' grab the enemy for stun with keep damage to them. Others has at least two perform for aid their battle. But what about this 'Desecrate/Despoil'. Changing energy cost to health cost is great, but that's all. Only generate health orb is different.  That's why I write it need something to do for aid nekros battle like giving more defensive ability for his survive until he gain 7 shadows with 'Shield of the dead' or triple stack with 'Health conversion.


Thanks for reading and write the opinion or suggestion in this post :)

Have a nice day!

P.S. still using nekros for playing warframe. But hard to choose in 'Eidolon' or 'Profit-taker'. It's usually people use volt, chroma, inaros... there is no seat for him... TT(That's why I using chroma for boss fight...) Even he can revive other palyer with 'Soul punch' mod... Also consider to use Atlas or Hydroid instead of nekros...

Edited by Hidronic
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27 minutes ago, Hidronic said:

P.S. still using nekros for playing warframe. But hard to choose in 'Eidolon' or 'Profit-taker'. It's usually people use volt, chroma, inaros... there is no seat for him... TT(That's why I using chroma for boss fight...) Even he can revive other palyer with 'Soul punch' mod... Also consider to use Atlas or Hydroid instead of nekros...

Over 80% of the frame cast is denied a usage for the "all your S#&$ doesnt work" bosses, thats not a issue of the frames, but of the boss design. As far as the rest of your comments, i think bone daddy just aint a frame for you.

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15 minutes ago, Andele3025 said:


Over 80% of the frame cast is denied a usage for the "all your S#&$ doesnt work" bosses, thats not a issue of the frames, but of the boss design. As far as the rest of your comments, i think bone daddy just aint a frame for you.

:sadcry: Well... I started this game with Nekros still my profile showing nekros/nekros prime are 1&2 high priority usage... Every time I try to using him in every mission.(Related boss fight... I choose solo play cause other player usually unpleased when saw him in team list.) Even it's not best to play this game. But keep change weapon for success every mission. So I'll keep play with him maybe more, and this post just write about how can be nekros can suitable all the mission without deny or escape the grade of 'Farmer frame'. Just hope to be change his current evaluation to be like 'Excaliber' or 'Oberon', 'Hydroid'. They are better fame after rework. So I just hope to reworking the nekros change his situation but not forcing, just type my idea and suggestion. Just read others opinion and reply how I think. Also that's why I suggest some of his ability need to rework or change.

(Actually... try to play 'Hydroid prime', 'Chroma prime', 'Atals' are better than nekros. But cause of 'Necromancer' concept warframe. Why I always return to play him. :inlove:  Nowadays, also consider to play Revenant... But it seems like need more time.)

Edited by Hidronic
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20 hours ago, Andele3025 said:

SP to true damage (or % max enemy HP)

Terrify instead of the suggestion to be a on enemy entry cost aura (desecrate style, not channeled/upkeep energy cost) should IMO be the augment while the current CT slow gets baked into default to not disrupt allies as much (so 35% slow default PS pushing up to 80%, but with augment it keep stacking/ramping with armor strip while within range)

Desecrate/Despoil is good, no touchy (instead passive turned into 1% lifesteal that applies to all allies within desecrate range would be nice)

SotD just needs a mandachord like (additional tab) simulacrum mechanics (enemy selection) style ui that lets players choose the enemy priority, movement and attack behavior. As in let the nekros pick if they want their mooks to stick around close not attacking just giving buffs, stick within Shield of Shadows range while just pulling aggro and doing cc or go suicide bumrush enemies attacking without care for their survival. Their DPS is more of a issue of ai behavior and mook priority instead of armor (which still is a massive dps loss when it comes to grineer/corrupted/robot dps, but shouldn't be solved by buffing them, that is for the armor rework and till then 4x corrosive projection or pox secondary solves it).

I like the mandachord idea.  Be really neat to be able to customize things.  But that only solves some of the issues.

Still want a Nekros Exalted Pet though :-p.

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