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With Nyx's rework she needs a new augment for her 1. Here's one


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All numbers are just examples and not final ideas and can (should) be tweaked. The important part is the idea, not the number (or names).

With Nyx's rework, and her augment being added in the base ability, she needs a new augment for her 1. Here's mine. I have pondered for a long time on the state of Nyx (she is my favorite prime, have you seen her helmet or what!?) and how to rework her but never posted it, and I think it's time to not let my chance slip away.

New Augment : Pain Link

  • Effect : The mind controlled target stores all damage done to it. Upon death, all damage stored is multiplied by 5 and distributed evenly to all enemies with a LoS on it in a 15m radius. Friendly fire (from Tennos) is ignored.
  • Example : Infested charger suffers 100 total damage from 5 lancers and dies. 4 lancers are in range with LoS, they suffer 500 damage each (4x500, not 500:4).
  • Balancing : I used the number x5 for the damage amplification as it is the double as Octavia's 1 (both are 1st abilities), but Octavia's hit multiple times (even multiple times/second depending on the mandachord) whereas my augment hits only once.
  • Usage : You will now have 3 different things to consider when picking a target to MC : the utility it'll provide (aura from eximus/ancients), the damage/tanking/CC it can provide (heavy units/eximus), the damage it will do upon death as a suicide unit (light units that rush the enemy to get in range).


Edited by zorgy
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14 minutes ago, zorgy said:

With Nyx's rework, and her augment being added in the base ability, she needs a new augment for her 1.

Does she though? Why cant the current augment just stack with the rework? Surely what will happen now is some synergy between the current augment and the updated ability. This should add more value to the augment than before - if enemies get a reasonable amount of damage, multiplying that is better.


As for your suggestion: I do not like it at all. I would not use this. I have always used MC and tried to keep the same enemy for a while - I do not want it to die. The current augment is far, far superior to your suggestion in this respect. 

  • If the enemies are not preferentially targeting the controlled target, it will be fairly useless regardless.


As a side question: can a player die from enemy fire while absorb is active? (is an absorb bubble the best way to describe your proposed augment?)

Edited by krc473
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23 minutes ago, krc473 said:

Does she though? Why cant the current augment just stack with the rework? Surely what will happen now is some synergy between the current augment and the updated ability. This should add more value to the augment than before - if enemies get a reasonable amount of damage, multiplying that is better. 


25 minutes ago, Recel said:

I'm not sure she actually needs a new one. I mean, the new proposed rework doesn't conflict with the augment, it simply enhances it. They could work additively for a more Mind Control centred build.

You guys know that the purpose of an augment is to change how the ability works, right? It's not just supposed to just straight buff it. It adds an additional effect or modifies the ability and that is the buff, it's not like "base ability does +x% damage" like her current augment would. There is no augment that straight buffs the base ability damage numbers.


23 minutes ago, krc473 said:

As for your suggestion: I do not like it at all. I would not use this. I have always used MC and tried to keep the same enemy for a while - I do not want it to die. The current augment is far, far superior to your suggestion in this respect.  

  • If the enemies are not preferentially targeting the controlled target, it will be fairly useless regardless.


As a side question: can a player die from enemy fire while absorb is active? (is an absorb bubble the best way to describe your proposed augment?)

If you don't like the augment and prefer to keep the ability like it is and keep your target alive, you're free to not use the augment. Obviously it's just to add a layer of depth to it, and give you more options.

I don't really get your question. if the player stays inside the MC target's bubble, is he invincible? no. it's just subtleties that DE can figure out, like the bubble isn't literally an absorb bubble, it can just he a halo, light effect, shader, or attacks could go through it.

Edited by zorgy
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26 minutes ago, zorgy said:

It adds an additional effect or modifies the ability and that is the buff, it's not like "base ability does +x% damage" like her current augment would.

What about just giving another option? If I am too lazy to shoot at the MC'd enemy, the current augment would allow me to buff its damage a little. 

26 minutes ago, zorgy said:

like the bubble isn't literally an absorb bubble

The point I was making is that the description needed a slight change. Because what you were proposing was not an Absorb bubble.

26 minutes ago, zorgy said:

There is no augment that straight buffs the base ability damage numbers.

There are augments that straight up enhance one aspect of an ability though. Resonance for example - hitting the Sonar spot essentially recasts Sonar at a reduced duration. Chroma's Afterburn mod literally adds damage based on ability duration. Then you have Khora's Accumulating Whipclaw ability that allows successive hits to stack extra damage. You could even argue that Excalibur's Chromatic Blade augment adds damage - a 100% viral proc could be justified as adding damage. Then we could go into all the augments that allow abilities to strip armour. They all increase the damage output. *This is not an exhaustive list, I decided I had enough examples.


Let's not forget that Mind Freak increases the base damage of Mind Control by a grand total of zero damage. It increases the strength of the enemy affected by the ability. Mind Control itself does no damage at all. So your point of "buffs the base ability damage numbers" is completely irrelevant. A large number of augment mods add to the potential damage output of the relevant ability, that is all Mind Freak would do here. 

  • You are welcome to argue why I am not correct in this. 
  • I completely accept that some balance changes might be required for Mind Freak. A 500% (affected by power strength) increase could be too much with the updated ability. Given the low damage output compared to EHP of enemies though, I am not sure how essential this would be.
Edited by krc473
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Mind Control need an augment that boost or add the target's stat. Not just raw damage ranged or melee weapon.


Increased movement speed

Fire rate to weapon and attack speed to melee

Elemental damage to weapon

Ability strength to eximus

Periodically spawn pickup health orb/energy orb or ammo.

MC target can cast Chaos upon enemies

Within duration of Mind Control, Nyx allies gain max efficiency and energy by 50%.

MC become stronger in damage stat the more Nyx kills.

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30 minutes ago, krc473 said:

There are augments that straight up enhance one aspect of an ability though. Resonance for example - hitting the Sonar spot essentially recasts Sonar at a reduced duration. Chroma's Afterburn mod literally adds damage based on ability duration. Then you have Khora's Accumulating Whipclaw ability that allows successive hits to stack extra damage. You could even argue that Excalibur's Chromatic Blade augment adds damage - a 100% viral proc could be justified as adding damage. Then we could go into all the augments that allow abilities to strip armour. They all increase the damage output. *This is not an exhaustive list, I decided I had enough examples.

You're mistaking what I'm talking about. These augments, and (afaik) all augments, make the ability stronger, you're right about it, but not by buffing the numbers of the ability itself. which is what Mind Freak would do (because now the MF effect is included in the base ability). "But me not having to shoot the target is a buff, I don't spend time on it" technically you'd be right with this argument ... but it's a lazy augment. Imagine if an augment just allowed to skip charging any ability and have it at max power instantly (like thurible or Ember/Hydroid's 1). It works ... but I'd prefer a completely new effect/way of using the ability.

Augments buff the ability by adding a new effect to it. Chromablade doesn't read "Exalted blade now deal 100% more damage", it adds an effect that makes it stronger depending on the energy color. Afterburn does not straight up make Chroma's 1 do more damage, it adds an effect that throws a fireball, etc, I won't dissect every augment, but the final result is that the ability being more powerful/efficient because it has another layer to it.

It's like weapon augments, they don't buff the base damage like serration would, they add an effect/ability to the weapon, and that addition is a buff. Augs make the weapon (or ability) more powerful in the end, but not by boosting numbers.

40 minutes ago, krc473 said:

The point I was making is that the description needed a slight change. Because what you were proposing was not an Absorb bubble.

it can still be an absorb bubble, just it will act differently than Nyx's 4. I leave the subtleties to DE ; the idea is the important part : turning the target into a remote bomb.  

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6 minutes ago, zorgy said:

I won't dissect every augment, but the final result is that the ability being more powerful/efficient because it has another layer to it.

I guess it depends how you want to interpret it. I would say that it is fairly easy to argue both points - ultimately it is up to DE to decide what to do. 

  • I do understand what you are saying though. I just disagree with your interpretation of it - this is not a point to argue.

I do think the changes have the potential to make the current augment either irrelevant or grossly overpowered. Depending on how it applies.

  • I should note though, I am expecting to see a change in this augment. Regardless of how I am interpreting the 'function of an augment mod', I do expect it to change at least a little.
11 minutes ago, zorgy said:

it can still be an absorb bubble

The problem with this description is that an Absorb Bubble means something in game already. Hence why I was suggesting a change. Something about "a sphere that stores a percentage of the damage dealt to the MC'd enemy, releasing on death/ability expiration".

  • To me, it just sounds more like the enemy would explode when the ability expires - the enemy could be invincible. For balance reasons you would probably need to sacrifice an amount of duration. 

I cannot say your suggestion is actually bad. Just that it is not for me - because I like to keep my enemy. This is personal preference.

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2 hours ago, krc473 said:

The problem with this description is that an Absorb Bubble means something in game already. Hence why I was suggesting a change. Something about "a sphere that stores a percentage of the damage dealt to the MC'd enemy, releasing on death/ability expiration".

  • To me, it just sounds more like the enemy would explode when the ability expires - the enemy could be invincible. For balance reasons you would probably need to sacrifice an amount of duration. 

I cannot say your suggestion is actually bad. Just that it is not for me - because I like to keep my enemy. This is personal preference.

I understand the confusion. I'll edit the OP. thanks

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18 minutes ago, 1pedepano said:

Regarding the absorb, I would channel all the damage absorbed to the weapon that was in use in case it would be a modification in the assimilate mod.

so, the more damage the target receives during the duration of the ability, the more power he gets? isn't it basically the proposed solution by DE, except it's *our* damage and only during the first few seconds of the ability? seems redundant.

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I'm pretty sure Mind Freak will work as:

Enemy Boosted Damage = ( Enemy Base Damage * ( 1 + ( Current Level - Base Level ) ^ 1.55 * 0.015) + Damage Intake) * Mind Freak Bonus

A lvl 100 Bombard doing without Mind Freak taking an additional 10k absorbed into it's damage should be:

( 65 * ( 1 + ( 100 - 4 ) ^ 1.55 * 0.015) + 10,000) = 86,813

The same lvl 100 Bombard with the same absorbed damage using base 500% Mind Freak should be:

( 65 * ( 1 + ( 100 - 4 ) ^ 1.55 * 0.015) + 10,000) * ( 1 + 5.0) = 520,878

There's not much reason to change her 1st Augment.

There is very good reason to change her Chaos Sphere augment and fix her Pacifying Bolts though.

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