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Rivens need to be revisited!


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20 minutes ago, .Re-light. said:

Let's say rivens don't exist.

    I am all ears to hear how do you make the next new weapon desirable? Your idea is to make side grades from here to kingdom come or what?


i Only have rivens for maybe 3 of my regular weapons and i have a rotation of about 12 weapons I favor and the ones with out rivens dont suffer the lack that badly

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On 2018-12-05 at 2:37 PM, Reaver_X said:

So i been feeling for a while that rivens are mostly not worth the time and effort unless you have no issue with dumping loads of plat into it, because its unrealistic to expect that your going to get what you want by rerolling them on your own. Scott from DE in a recent vid from Tactical potato said they don't think having the ability to lock one stat on a riven is a good idea because then they become OP....well here's the thing, theres already OP rivens in the game, and unfortunately are basically gated by the rediculous amount of plat they go for. So that point doesnt make any sense because we already have OP rivens with optimal stats, just your unlikely to roll one yourself.

TBH i think this is the biggest off put to the riven system for me, i rarely get involved with it, due to both how hard it is to roll a riven with good stats and how expensive it can get to get a riven with the right stats. I want to be involved more with this content, but its just so hard due to either the cost, or the low low LOW probability of even getting close to something you want.

i think the idea that the rivens arent supposed to be these amazingly powerful mods and are supposed to be these quirky expermiental things is denying the reality of it. People want optimal stats....otherwise they wouldnt be shelling out 10k-20k platinum for it, majority of them really don't care about having a *quirky* mod for they're gun.

having the ability to lock in one stat (and only one) would make the game overall more healthy tbh as far as rivens are concerned. Yes it would drive down that price but that'd also be a very good thing. I'm pretty sure i speak for more than just myself when i say that I'd happily pay 1000 plat each for 10 mods than 10,000 plat for one mod.

I don't think you guys notice how much your proving Rivens are completely ok. By "you guys" I'm referring to the people who complain about Rivens. 

Just think about it. I'll spend up to a few hundred on a Riven, but I'm also down to spend hours farming Kuva. Some people will spend thousands for the perfect roll. And some people feel more like you. "Not worth the time and effort". 

So who's being left out? If you care enough, you'll farm and roll or you'll spend a lot of plat for the roll you want. Or you just don't bother with any of it. DE makes some money and nobody gets hurt. Why would they make it easier for the people who clearly don't care? 

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40 minutes ago, BL4CKN0ISE said:

I don't think you guys notice how much your proving Rivens are completely ok. By "you guys" I'm referring to the people who complain about Rivens. 

Just think about it. I'll spend up to a few hundred on a Riven, but I'm also down to spend hours farming Kuva. Some people will spend thousands for the perfect roll. And some people feel more like you. "Not worth the time and effort". 

So who's being left out? If you care enough, you'll farm and roll or you'll spend a lot of plat for the roll you want. Or you just don't bother with any of it. DE makes some money and nobody gets hurt. Why would they make it easier for the people who clearly don't care? 

Again- it's not a matter of not having something for vets. It's about that rivens design are bad and just rushed/lazy. Pure RNG on top of RNG is not a solution.

Nobody says that rivens are bad as idea but how their mechanic is designed is bad. At least we should be able to lock one stat so we at least feel we grind and farm with some progress, not just to pray yet again to RNGesus.

Rivens are ok as idea, they are however bad introduced. Simple as that.

I think it's you who didn't notice where there problems is highlighted.

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vor 6 Stunden schrieb (PS4)Cargan2016:

Not according to DE themselves when that exact question was put to them during the Q&A by TackticalPotato  He said Rivens where borderline game breaking as they where and the ability to lock out the unwanted stat like that would make them just that gamebreaking


The interview was fun ... til that issue came. I love and respect DE and usually agree with them to 95% an all matters. But hearing that arguement want me to scream "You basically introduced god mode by giving us rivens. You already broke your game. And everyday 100s of godmode-rivens are created and mess with many aspects of the game. You have to do somehting!" at them.

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vor 2 Stunden schrieb BL4CKN0ISE:

So who's being left out? If you care enough, you'll farm and roll or you'll spend a lot of plat for the roll you want. Or you just don't bother with any of it. DE makes some money and nobody gets hurt. Why would they make it easier for the people who clearly don't care? 

Damage is done to the trading chat.

Damage is done by people both defending rivens and simultanesly asking for harder content and therefore haste the vicious power creep circle.

Damage is done to older frames (CC becoming less and less important because you can oneshot anything with rivens: Vauban; also DPS-Fames like Ember whose kits can't  compete with the scalability of rivens) 

Damage is done by people using sick rivens on meta weapons in puplic missions and marginalizing other players.

Edited by Sahansral
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6 hours ago, Sahansral said:

Damage is done to the trading chat.

Damage is done by people both defending rivens and simultanesly asking for harder content and therefore haste the vicious power creep circle.

Damage is done to older frames (CC becoming less and less important because you can oneshot anything with rivens: Vauban; also DPS-Fames like Ember whose kits can't  compete with the scalability of rivens) 

Damage is done by people using sick rivens on meta weapons in puplic missions and marginalizing other players.

and this is why they are saying that rivens are borderline breaking the game and making ability to lock the stats on roll would just make it worse so as he said in the video basically anyone who brings it up  as had a few times gets shouted down by rest

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vor 28 Minuten schrieb (PS4)Cargan2016:

and this is why they are saying that rivens are borderline breaking the game and making ability to lock the stats on roll would just make it worse so as he said in the video basically anyone who brings it up  as had a few times gets shouted down by rest

and this why everyone asking for less RNG in rivens also asks to balance the stats of rivens accordingly. 

Cut the pure damage stats in half and make the other stats like recoil matter more, introduce better mechanics to influence the stats on a riven. 

I guarantee that would create a better balance than we have now.

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14 hours ago, (PS4)Cargan2016 said:

Not according to DE themselves when that exact question was put to them during the Q&A by TackticalPotato  He said Rivens where borderline game breaking as they where and the ability to lock out the unwanted stat like that would make them just that gamebreaking


at 15:55-18:00 is actually de statement on this  it wasnt just his opinion on it he flat out said it was a general consensus for DE every time some one new bringd the idea or similar idea up 

Doesnt mean they're right about it, you really should take everything DE does or says with a grain of salt, they've had to backtrack on things many times.

Remember the Doggo Slot machine? i remember the Doggo slot machine.

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2 minutes ago, Reaver_X said:

Doesnt mean they're right about it, you really should take everything DE does or says with a grain of salt, they've had to backtrack on things many times.

Remember the Doggo Slot machine? i remember the Doggo slot machine.

that wasnt backtracking on what they had said that was them realizing they basically added in what amounts to loot boxes and them not wanting to be associated with that mess as even they admit its anticonsumer and they want to avoid that no matter how much it made them in short run as they looking at long term keeping us the consumer happy.  I was around then Ive been around since day 1 was founders pack purchaser and had excal prime but exclusively on ps4 now.  long story but due to exwife i dont have access to my old pc account any more

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26 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

and this why everyone asking for less RNG in rivens also asks to balance the stats of rivens accordingly. 

Cut the pure damage stats in half and make the other stats like recoil matter more, introduce better mechanics to influence the stats on a riven. 

I guarantee that would create a better balance than we have now.

thats just it it may make sense to you but if they cut the damge like that we would have 3 times the people now crying about them because they would see it as a nerf not as better balancing.  take the last changes to them for balancing because of alot of them were so powerful they were game-breaking.    people with them where 1 shoting eidolon limbs and what not.  eidolons where not ment to be taken down that fast even then with no riven and with right squad loadout especially if most or all running deadeye aura I can 1-2 shot them with my loadout i have for eidolon hunts if can keep combo count going It takes work and a bit of luck to do partially because of crit ammount spread.  also the same people crying about how there no challenge left in game are in large part the same ones crying because the rivens they had that where way more powerful than intended becasue of RNG spread got stats cutback becasue they where game breaking so they basically being spoiled brats because want it both ways they want weapons making them have "god-mode" yet want a challenge ignoring fact that the two actually work against each other so cant have both

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Well, i can live with DE hesitating to nerf rivens to avoid backflash. At the end rivens are already in the game and the majority seems to be ok with it. Pandora‘s box has been opened.

I for one won’t stop posting that if DE knows that rivens can break the game, they should fix them so they can‘t break it anymore.

I just can’t stand the „we know that rivens are gamebreaking, but it‘s ok as long as only xy% of the playerbase break the game.“

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It is getting very annoying to listen to so many people cry and whine about rivens this or rivens that.  When they are ignoring a very important fact Rivens where never ment to make the top tier mainly popular weapons more powerful primarily they where mostly added to make most of the mediocre MR fodder weapons more viable to be plaid for sake of being used and not a chore that was a dread to do for sake of ranking up.  so when people complain of thier riven for the best of (x) weapon type got reballanced to reflect how the weapon really performs they either fail to realize or just ignore how childish it makes them seem becasue they are effectively complaining that the spaghettie strainer isnt working as a soup bowl in effect.  becasue it never was its intended purpose to begin with,  and to be honest the "best weapons"  (rubico, Gram , arcaplasmor, amprex, etc)  really probably never should of been included in the riven list to begin with because of the original purpose of rivens where in first place.  and yes i know most of this especially that last will probably make me enormously unpopular but i dont care its the truth of the matter

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4 minutes ago, Sahansral said:

Well, i can live with DE hesitating to nerf rivens to avoid backflash. At the end rivens are already in the game and the majority seems to be ok with it. Pandora‘s box has been opened.

I for one won’t stop posting that if DE knows that rivens can break the game, they should fix them so they can‘t break it anymore.

I just can’t stand the „we know that rivens are gamebreaking, but it‘s ok as long as only xy% of the playerbase break the game.“

the thing is its not them hesitating to avoid the backlash its that reevaluating and updating the dispositions to keep it uptodate with current state of game is huge job and rarely do they have the free staff for long enough to do it

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9 hours ago, Sahansral said:

Damage is done to the trading chat.

Damage is done by people both defending rivens and simultanesly asking for harder content and therefore haste the vicious power creep circle.

Damage is done to older frames (CC becoming less and less important because you can oneshot anything with rivens: Vauban; also DPS-Fames like Ember whose kits can't  compete with the scalability of rivens) 

Damage is done by people using sick rivens on meta weapons in puplic missions and marginalizing other players.

This right here. Rivens should be just little better Legendary mods. Dispo 4 and 5 rivens stats should be cut by half.

This game does not need power creep. It needs CONTENT. Not RNG power creep to introduce artificial time sink for people who have 3k hours in the game. And honestly those people should maybe take a break- there won't be constant new content every month/6 months for them. That is impossible, even for triple A studio (like for example Blizzard and WoW), not mentioning smaller one like DE. It's NOT GONNA HAPPEN.

I prefer finished new content than half-baked lazy solution that rivens are that only hurt game in the long run.

At some point- every game is done/finished in terms of content and then there are just long breaks before new content arrives- MMO have proven that in last 2 decades. Maybe at some point its time to move on.

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