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Something for the Devs :)


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This kind of issue is very prevalent in Warframe. Hope it helps.

Edit: I did an oopsie doopsie, here's some context:

There is more than one scenario where this comes to play. One of them is survival.

Im pretty sure, when DE designed survival missions, that they were not expecting camping to become such a meta way to run it. Nowadays there are entire squads dedicated to the "sit in one spot and spam abilities" tactic, such as Speedva-Pilfroid-Desecrate-EV combo.

Now, I'm not asking DE to force an active playstyle, but rather encourage it. Maybe running around shooting things will make enemies has higher rare loot droprates than staying in one room, something along those lines.

I have no objection to the braindead farming that I am sometimes even guilty of, but camping tactics has become so prevalent in survival it's almost impossible to avoid in public groups, harder even when trying to get a "non-camping" squad in recruiting chat.

I've seen from many reviews that this kind of braindead veteran gameplay drives away alot of new players that were expecting to, you know, actually kill things with their guns and whatnot.

Edited by Cephalycion
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I agree that there is currently a problem of incentives that is lessening the enjoyment of certain modes, though ultimately I also think the solution to that will involve some degree of forcing somewhere: key aspects unique to the implementation of a mode, such as the spawning algorithm for enemies in Survival, cause an optimal playstyle to arise that maximizes the rewards that can be obtained, minimizes the effort needed to succeed, or both. Ideally, this optimal playstyle is also the most fun playstyle around, but as it stands it frequently isn't, which is why players in Survival are pushed to huddle in a narrow room and spam abilities, when most people consider it more fun to either roam about the tileset and go on a killing spree, or treat a life support tower like a defense objective and kill every incoming enemy around it.

In this respect, the optimal solution may be to simply change the spawning algorithm, so that instead of spawning enemies right outside of whichever room the player's in, the game should distribute spawns so that some enemies spawn near, and some spawn one extra room farther, or at least alter enemy density so that the flow of enemies eventually thins out if one stays too much in the same area. This would force players to move around, and so would render current camping strategies suboptimal (which will make some players complain), but could still have a net beneficial effect to the game if it succeeds in getting players to constantly move, as the resulting optimal strategies would likely be far more interesting. This doesn't just have to apply to Survival, but if there are any particularities to a mode that push players to play in a less fun way, the game should likely readjust its mechanics so that it doesn't do that, rather than tack on some contrary incentive to encourage players to play differently.

Going further, I also think this is going to apply to some kits, especially older kits like Hydroid, Ember, etc. who can get pretty high rewards in certain cases for playing passively: the problem with a lot of older design is that there's a confusion between abilities that look cool, and abilities that are fun: summoning a kraken with Tentacle Swarm definitely looks cool, but when you're pressing 4 all the time to summon this deployable that kills enemies for you (sometimes), and drops double loot, that's not really fun. Overall there are far too many deployable nuke abilities that basically take gameplay away from the player, doing a lot of killing without the player needing to truly participate. These abilities need to be reevaluated, and changed so that the player does in fact have to do something to reap the benefits, besides press a button. This too would be "forcing" players to play differently, and would doubtless generate complaints from people who don't want things to change, but it would also prevent passive playstyles from arising in the first place, and so would make for more interesting gameplay overall.

Edited by Teridax68
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There is so many different types of content and so many different frames I would like the game to encourage doing it all.

What I wanted was the different tenno focus schools to get increased focus gain from playstyles that suited that school. Naramon has a passive that increases melee focus gain, but that is a tiny thimble drop of water compared to what it should be.

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On 2018-12-10 at 6:56 AM, Cephalycion said:

I have no objection to the braindead farming that I am sometimes even guilty of, but camping tactics has become so prevalent in survival it's almost impossible to avoid in public groups, harder even when trying to get a "non-camping" squad in recruiting chat.

Because the games spawn mechanic requires everyone to sit in one spot to spawn enough enemies to be able to get though survival with enough life support.

You simply dont generate enough passive life support to be able to last long enough in survival.

Maybe if survival required half as many life support charges or packs it would be a different story but you get this sort of behavior when game modes simply suck. But the fact of the matter is jumping all over the place make enemies spawn slower and drag out missions because npcs are chasing them the whole time while life support gets down to 24%.

Lets not even get into the fact that loot? which drops off of those enemies is now spread all over the place and when you are ready to go i have to run around picking that up.

go farm octavia for a month, where you spend as many 20 minute sessions as you can stand just to hope you get her neruoptics...


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