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I've been trying really hard to wrap my head around this, and nobody ever gives anything resembling an answer, useful, intelligent, or otherwise:


You get 75 plat for $5. If you're very patient, you can get 75 plat for $2.50, when you get a 50% sale in your daily login--these seem to average about once every 45 days.


Most stuff in the game, besides full-out purchases(complete warframes and such) cost a fraction of 75 plat, or 75 plat.


Then there's people who go on and on about how X or Y has plat or needs plat or seems OH SO EXPENSIVE...


And I'm just sitting here going "...but you get 75 plat for $2.50..."


It's really useful, but it's also REALLY cheap. Why does anyone have a problem with this?


Am I missing something, or is there merely something wrong with these people, or what?


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You shouldn't need a discount for something to seem reasonably priced. The average cost of a warframe is $15, same for weapons.


You get 75 plat for $5. If you're very patient, you can get 75 plat for $2.50, when you get a 50% sale in your daily login--these seem to average about once every 45 days.

Great, once every 45 days, something is reasonably priced. They last 2 days right? That means every 4.44...4% of the time, it's reasonably priced.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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You can't buy anything meaningful for 75 plat ($5 worth) - frames and weapons are in the $15 range.

As many in the community feel, the 50%/75% discounts only come right after you buy something. It's true for me - the only two times I got 50% discounts were the day after I bought my founders package and the day after I upgraded it.


Otherwise, Plat is priced so high because 1) DE needs money and 2) DE wants the prohibitive costs to make farming seem more desirable. Not ideal, but it works well enough.

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The discounts can work against the platinum purchasing as well. 


Given people will wait untill they get the discount, so may realise that they didnt want the platinum as much as they thought having already waited.  Or actually gotten the item they were going to purchase with the discounted platinum, so no longer actually want the platinum.

Edited by Loswaith
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If you're really lucky, you can get 75% off.  I got 170 plat for $2.50.  But you know, I have no complaints about plat being expensive, consdering that the whole game is FREE.  And of course you can get everything (excpet cosmetic stuff) by just playing.  I kind of wonder what the potential of this game would be if it was simply a pay for game.  Like a regular $30 game.  If I didn't already have it, I'd fork over $30 to buy this game!

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If you're really lucky, you can get 75% off.  I got 170 plat for $2.50.  But you know, I have no complaints about plat being expensive, consdering that the whole game is FREE.  And of course you can get everything (excpet cosmetic stuff) by just playing.  I kind of wonder what the potential of this game would be if it was simply a pay for game.  Like a regular $30 game.  If I didn't already have it, I'd fork over $30 to buy this game!

Only cosmetic items you can't get without Plat(Currently) are Sentinel items and the clan badge. All the alt helms can be obtained through patience, hopes, prayers(If you believe in such), and the Alert System. Unreliable as it is, it is certainly doable. I think I'm only missing like, two or three helmets in the whole game right now(Chloraaaaaa! :shakes fist: )? About 315 hours of gameplay, arguably, but still, it can be done.


Really, Plat prices aren't that bad compared to a lot of other FTP games and their cash shops. Nothing they sell is ABSOLUTELY necessary, (Like, I dunno, hotkeys? Yeah, Elsword actually makes you pay money to get more hotkeys for your skills), and the items, while pricy, are actual weapons and frames that you can use, and max out, also they come with a free catalyst/reactor. So that's a nice bonus. They aren't all just completely worthless cosmetic items that are ALSO extremely overpriced.


signed Plat is pricy, sure, but so is game development.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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Only cosmetic items you can't get without Plat(Currently) are Sentinel items and the clan badge. All the alt helms can be obtained through patience, hopes, prayers(If you believe in such), and the Alert System. Unreliable as it is, it is certainly doable. I think I'm only missing like, two or three helmets in the whole game right now(Chloraaaaaa! :shakes fist: )? About 315 hours of gameplay, arguably, but still, it can be done.

This is true, and it's very nice of them, but you forgot slots, one of the most important things in the game, AND colors. Now colors are fine being plat only (cosmetic item completely, but at the same time, 75 plat for 3 colors with those dumb flag color packs is silly), but and true slots MIGHT be a reward for mastery (MIGHT cannot be stressed enough here)


Really, Plat prices aren't that bad compared to a lot of other FTP games and their cash shops. Nothing they sell is ABSOLUTELY necessary, (Like, I dunno, hotkeys? Yeah, Elsword actually makes you pay money to get more hotkeys for your skills), and the items, while pricy, are actual weapons and frames that you can use, and max out, also they come with a free catalyst/reactor. So that's a nice bonus. They aren't all just completely worthless cosmetic items that are ALSO extremely overpriced.


signed Plat is pricy, sure, but so is game development.

Zylo the Wolfbane

Eh, just because other games are worse doesn't make it any better for warframe. (and arguably slots ARE required, hgaving oly one spare frame slot, and 1 spare weapon slot base I think)


And yeah, game dev is pricey, but you know what brings in the cash? Properly pricing whatever you sell. I.E., you open a lemonade stand, and you want to make $10, now, you can either TRY to sell one cup on lemonade for $10, or you can sell cups of lemonade for 25 cents each.

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Slots, colors, potatoes, sentinel swag, clan badges, resource packets... All 75 plat or less.


$5 is for 75 plat is a very reasonable price. The fact they actually offer discounts is amazing.


You can get EVERY FRAME IN THE GAME for FREE, save excal prime(which you can get an almost identical version of). You can get EVERY WEAPON IN THE GAME for FREE, save vandal versions(which you can get a nearly identical version, if you can get it at all).


So, there is nothing in the game that you can't get for free that costs more than 75 plat. Nothing at all.


This seems completely lost on most people responding here. o.0

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What you're missing is, is that while you can get everything for free, that doesn't help DE, if you decide "Well, I REALLY don't feel like farming for X or Y, I think I'll just buy it instead." you'll end up paying roughly $15 for it. That's right, buy 4 weapons, you'll have paid for a triple A game's price.


That's what's lost on you. Not everyone wants to spend the time to farm for, say ember, or excal (who is on pluto...), or nova, or spend WEEKS/MONTHS waiting for vauban. They should be available for a decent price, A price that makes people go "ehhh... I don't feel like waiting weeks for this, and it's only X platinum, that's a GREAT deal!"

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Slots, colors, potatoes, sentinel swag, clan badges, resource packets... All 75 plat or less.


$5 is for 75 plat is a very reasonable price. The fact they actually offer discounts is amazing.


You can get EVERY FRAME IN THE GAME for FREE, save excal prime(which you can get an almost identical version of). You can get EVERY WEAPON IN THE GAME for FREE, save vandal versions(which you can get a nearly identical version, if you can get it at all).


So, there is nothing in the game that you can't get for free that costs more than 75 plat. Nothing at all.


This seems completely lost on most people responding here. o.0



It's awesome that you're a trust fund kiddie that can afford to spend the literally hundreds of hours necessary to do what you propose because you don't have to work or go to school or have a life or friends.


Meanwhile in the real world, people play more than one game and have real lives, something which is apparently completely lost on you.

Edited by -Kittens-
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There is nothing wrong with them, you need to understand that not anyone is like you, for exemple, im 14 and have no credit card, and my parents are terrified from the option of using they're card and i'l pay them back, just 5 dollars, so i have NO option of buying credits even if it costed one cent, so yeah

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There is nothing wrong with them, you need to understand that not anyone is like you, for exemple, im 14 and have no credit card, and my parents are terrified from the option of using they're card and i'l pay them back, just 5 dollars, so i have NO option of buying credits even if it costed one cent, so yeah

So.... Because you can't buy plat, the prices are fine? Wow. That reasoning sucks.


edit: Honestly, are you saying $15 on average for a weapon or frame is fine? Really? Honestly?

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Slots are cheap.  They are the only thing that needs to be purchased.  Complaining about the high cost of weapons and frames is like complaining the first class airline tickets are cost prohibitive and the airlines need to lower their prices.

Not at all. Why should weapons and frames be overpriced? How does that help DE? Honestly, everyone wins if DE prices weapons and frames correctly.

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I spent $15 and have all the frames and a slot for Necro.  I have 5 full pages of weapon slots.  I have 3 color packs, I bought 2 potatoes, and still have 90 plat.  There should be no complaining about it being too expensive.

Did you buy weapons? Or frames? I find it hard to believe you (mostly because it's impossible )managed to fill 5 pages of weapons (plus slots), and all frames (plus slots) on $15 (now just slots is different, but not everyone goes hardcore and farms every frame or weapon, or wants to)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Did you buy weapons? Or frames? I find it hard to believe you (mostly because it's impossible )managed to fill 5 pages of weapons (plus slots), and all frames (plus slots) on $15 (now just slots is different, but not everyone goes hardcore and farms every frame or weapon, or wants to)

I guess some people would rather play the game than pay the game.

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I guess some people would rather play the game than pay the game.

Not everyone wants to spend 300+ hours farming every weapon, or every frame. It's those people DE should want to target with weapons/frame purchases, the people with money, but no time.


edit: Oh, and I meant you used $15 to buy all weapons + frames, yeah, it's "easily" doable to fill up all those pages with weapons etc, just very time consuming.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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I dont understand it, if you want something either you can spend the plat to have it immidialty or grind your &#! off and save the money. If you get 50 or 75% coupon you can buy more than 75 plat. It isnt locked to 5 $ packs. So if you spend 5 $ with 50 % off coupon you get 10 $ worth of plat. What do you want? 500 plat for 5 $? And then you would still wait for 50 % off coupon and whine about prices.


Yes, items might seem overpriced but on the other hand you can get most in game items for free and those plat items doesnt change much.

Edited by RoboDog
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I dont understand it, if you want something either you can spend the plat to have it immidialty or grind your &#! off and save the money. If you get 50 or 75% coupon you can buy more than 75 plat. It isnt locked to 5 $ packs. So if you spend 5 $ with 50 % off coupon you get 10 $ worth of plat. What do you want? 500 plat for 5 $? And then you would still wait for 50 % off coupon and whine about prices.


Yes, items might seem overpriced but on the other hand you can get most in game items for free and those plat items doesnt change much.

Again, not the point. Overpriced is overpriced, and only hurts DE.

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Did you buy weapons? Or frames? I find it hard to believe you (mostly because it's impossible )managed to fill 5 pages of weapons (plus slots), and all frames (plus slots) on $15 (now just slots is different, but not everyone goes hardcore and farms every frame or weapon, or wants to)

I don't mind being called out.


http://imgur.com/a/uEKej#0  I don't show my potatoed frames, but just take my word for it that i've got Rhino, Nyx, Nova, Trinity, and Loki charged.  The extra two reactors are for Necro and Mag Prime while I've yet to decide what I want to use the 5 catalysts on.


I also bought the starter pack on 75% ($10) 


Not everyone wants to spend 300+ hours farming every weapon, or every frame. It's those people DE should want to target with weapons/frame purchases, the people with money, but no time.


edit: Oh, and I meant you used $15 to buy all weapons + frames, yeah, it's "easily" doable to fill up all those pages with weapons etc, just very time consuming.

I play the game because I like it.  I'd advise you to do the same.  I started played in June, if that gives you any frame of reference.

off from the community choice sale over the summer.

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I don't mind being called out.


http://imgur.com/a/uEKej#0  I don't show my potatoed frames, but just take my word for it that i've got Rhino, Nyx, Nova, Trinity, and Loki charged.  The extra two reactors are for Necro and Mag Prime while I've yet to decide what I want to use the 5 catalysts on.


I also bought the starter pack on 75% ($10) (assuming this goes here) off from the community choice sale over the summer.

If you read my edit, I meant it's impossible to BUY all the weapons + frames with $15 (even with the community, you can farm the mats no problem, but the pricing of slots/potatoes isn't the problem, it's the weapons + frames pricing.


So yeah, not calling you out, I'm saying it's not possible to buy 5 pages of different weapons and frames with $15 (or even with the extra plat from the starter pack). It's easily done if you farm the weapons mats, just time consuming, I know from personal experience farming to MR 9 (with like 7k to MR 10).


I play the game because I like it.  I'd advise you to do the same.  I started played in June, if that gives you any frame of reference.


Errr where did this come from? I said not everyone wants to spend 300+ hours farming for weapons and whatnot, the plat prices are there for people who want the weapon/frame now, but that doesn't mean they should be gouged for not dedicating potentially hours for farming for that one rare bit.

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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Edit:  If this didn't get the point across;  You don't need 300 hours, and even if you do, you should play because you enjoy it, not because you feel you have to.  This is only to get all the weapons/frames, if you find something you like and only want to use that, you totally can.

Edited by MeteorKing
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