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Been logged out of WF for quite a few years, what can I expect?


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Oh.,.. my last post here was in 2013! It's really been a while.

The last thing I vividly remember was farming parts for Nekros.

Downloading the game via Steam now, what can I expect when I log-in?
Will my old gear be relevant?
I think I have some platinum...


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I don't need a summary really, I can find that via google. EDIT: although that thread does look very informative, thank you!

I guess I just want to hear why people think this game is great and what I should be excited for.

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vor 8 Minuten schrieb Zakalwe:

I don't need a summary really, I can find that via google. EDIT: although that thread does look very informative, thank you!

I guess I just want to hear why people think this game is great and what I should be excited for.

I don't get it, why would you ask other people if it's great for them? They can't tell you if you like it. Go ahead and experience all of it by yourself, I have done it too.

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Well, since you left few years ago, you probably missed a few things. I'll do very , very quick recap of the most important.

- Did prime versions of stuff exist when you left ? Like Warframes and weps , if not, that's new.

- Archwings.. Know what they are ?

- 2 Open world area with quests / mining / fishing / grinding for mats.

- Probably tons of new planets / quests to do ( We now have 18 planets I think ? )

- Probably many new Warframes ( we have 37 or 38 different now, not counting prime version of some )

- A lot of weps / mods

- Relic system with fissures to collect Warframe/wep parts/blueprints ?

- And a overall very nice community

That's kinda on top of my head.. I started playing just a tad over 3 months ago..

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10 minutes ago, Zakalwe said:

I guess I just want to hear why people think this game is great and what I should be excited for.

well the only thing I can say is 5 years worth of content and many reworks on many systems , onther when that read "welcome back tenno" thread

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1 minute ago, tigerstorm74 said:

Well, since you left few years ago, you probably missed a few things. I'll do very , very quick recap of the most important.

- Did prime versions of stuff exist when you left ? Like Warframes and weps , if not, that's new.

- Archwings.. Know what they are ?

- 2 Open world area with quests / mining / fishing / grinding for mats.

- Probably tons of new planets / quests to do ( We now have 18 planets I think ? )

- Probably many new Warframes ( we have 37 or 38 different now, not counting prime version of some )

- A lot of weps / mods

- Relic system with fissures to collect Warframe/wep parts/blueprints ?

- And a overall very nice community

That's kinda on top of my head.. I started playing just a tad over 3 months ago..

Prime stuff is all I see that's  familiar.
We can fly?
Oh my...

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Just now, Zakalwe said:

Prime stuff is all I see that's  familiar.
We can fly?
Oh my...

Some missions are in space, and you can use your "archwing in both open worlds freely. Even have a skateboard of sorts too now. And what else.. Craftable melee and secondary weps, pets to help you ( Kubrows / Kavats ) and..well I dunno, but for me it's all very fun. Like I said.. 3 months in game, over 1k hours played, 95% of time solo...lol

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booty prime



Big sentients(Three types)

Massive disappointment from spacemom


Rip raids

Sentients drop arcanes




did I mention FISHING?!






New war lore

I mean

that's off the top of my head, enjoy your stay

Login system reworked

Mastery rank 26 is here

Operator cosmetics!



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You can expect to be completely confused lol.

There are many new systems and ones that you remember probably work differently now. I do not want to spoil anything for you but, if you enjoyed the game enough back then to be a founder then I think  you will be pleasantly surprised as to what the game has become over time. 

My suggestion for you is to immerse yourself in the game once more. I think you will like it even more then you did back in the day. 

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8 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

booty prime



Big sentients(Three types)

Massive disappointment from spacemom


Rip raids

Sentients drop arcanes




did I mention FISHING?!






New war lore

I mean

that's off the top of my head, enjoy your stay

Login system reworked

Mastery rank 26 is here

Operator cosmetics!



Ha, I'm feeling quite overwhelmed.

Standing in my Orbiter and I have no idea what I'm supposed to do.

All my gear is still here... the mod system has completely changed... I guess I should just dive into some missions and try to learn as I go... there's so much to take in!

3 minutes ago, (XB1)Thang Hung said:

You can expect to be completely confused lol.

There are many new systems and ones that you remember probably work differently now. I do not want to spoil anything for you but, if you enjoyed the game enough back then to be a founder then I think  you will be pleasantly surprised as to what the game has become over time. 

My suggestion for you is to immerse yourself in the game once more. I think you will like it even more then you did back in the day. 

Expectation matched, lol.

And yes, I'm just going to dive in and hope for the best! Cheers Tenno!

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4 minutes ago, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:


let him get used to it


One more thing you should probably know, the games changed, for sure. 

The forums have become a nasty place mostly filled with self-righteous smartasses who will do anything to sound smart and corny

Yeh, I've noticed the other sub-forum by now and have requested a mod move the thread.

And so far we're running with a majority of helpful, the forums always had their fair share of the opposite. 😛

Just now, CalcualtedMurderMachine said:

I'm quite curious, what did you mean when you said wrong place?

Where else could he post a topic, regarding warframe and it's interesting, and find out about new additions and information?

Please do elucidate.

I'm assuming the PHP sub, but this isn't that far off General talk. I doubt anyone's going to sustain lasting damage by it.

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2 minutes ago, (XB1)Cubic Clem said:

You answered your question yourself already, there's mostly no positive stuff about the game in this forum.. sadly.. 

Edit: I meant it as in "most answers won't be positive" I'm surprised though, wonders happen, merry Christmas ^^

Oh, that makes perfect sense now.

And yes, I'm aware how fired up core communities can be. There has always been a fair share of that in WF (look at my "recent" post history for feedback threads where I'm literally lamenting about people moaning all the time! and that was back in 2013...).

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The forums will never really be happy with things... but honestly the community as a whole is extremely good IMO.

You missed... a lot... lol. Forget basically everything you know and just roll with it.

Also, avoid spoilers for major quests. If you haven't done the Second Dream quest yet, do it as soon as you can and don't spoil it for yourself. It'll blow your mind 🙂

I've only been playing a couple years and only have about 450 hours on the game so i'm basically a baby in terms of the real meat of the game. Still having tons of fun and highly recommend the game to anyone willing to give it a chance (it can be... complex... lol).

Anyway, welcome back Tenno. Have fun with it 🙂

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1 minute ago, Zakalwe said:

No worries, that was a nicely avoided forum drama there! 

 I have 6k platinum, is there any kind of limited time thing I should buy now even if it's for later when I understand the game more?

You have more than enough for anything you'll need for a long time.

The only things that you really NEED plat for are more inventory slots. And those are super cheap. It is also useful to have for reactors and forma... but those are 20-35p themselves.

Don't spend any big plat on stuff like Rivens etc. until you REALLY mean it. And even prime mods (usually go for 400'ish plat) aren't even remotely necessary for 99% of the game.

Hit up warframe market (google it) and search around if there are specific mods you want/need when you get a build setup you want to try. The vast majority are cheap and you can decide if you want to farm them or just dump 20-50 plat into the mods.

But yea... really... unless you go hog-wild and buy rivens or a couple arcane energize or something, you'll likely not need to worry about plat anytime soon.

gl man 🙂

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