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Dps - Ruins The Fun


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I've felt this about pretty much any game you can "game" the numbers at. When you know exactly how much damage you're doing, how much life an enemy has and what mods boost, I find it ruins a bit of the game.


For example, by knowing every detail, there is in fact a perfect gun with the right mods, without a doubt, against a certain enemy. That means if you don't spend the time to know this stuff, you can't compete with the people who sit down and figure all the numbers down empirically.


In reality (I know this is a game), there is no life bar. There is no dps calculator. There is no "damage per second". There are ways to figure out which weapons are more powerful against certain materials though.


I'm not saying they should remove dps and enemy life, but it would be nice if it was unknown. Maybe this gun layout is better than this gun layout, but it's hard to say because there wouldn't be any actual numbers to base it off of. It opens the field for other weapons to be used more and balanced better. It doesn't make sense to know if an enemy has "1000 HP and requires 20 shots with x gun using y mods" but rather to know that certain enemies take a hell of a lot more damage before falling.


I know I can always disable the stuff on my side, but if that's your suggestion you didn't read what I wrote. This is just something that made me a bit disappointed to see in this game.



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Personally I find making builds tailored to specific fights all part of the fun.


Fun is subjective you know.


You could still do that. There would still be ways of determining which weapons and gear is most likely best suited, but there wouldn't be "You need to use this layout, anything else is not as good", since nobody would really know.

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mmhm, in the end if this is implemented people will just do something like time how long it takes, or how many shots it takes to kill x mob/boss at y level with z setup, and end up making minmaxed builds anyway.


Minmaxed builds are a lot more realistic. Again, I understand this is a video game, but empirical numbers don't make sense in any other context so why allow them here?


Also timing how long it takes, or how many shots it takes to kill x mob/boss, is something you'd do in real world situation.

Edited by MaxHardwood
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min maxed builds are what people are doing already, because (right now) there really are only 2 builds, crit, or elemental damage.

you're minimizing utility build (fast hands, zoom increase) for maximizing damage output.


If you're gun has high crit chance... you know what do to, if not, you know what to do.

Edited by AXCrusnik
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You are playing on a computer, there will always have to be numbers behind whats happening in the game, so matter how much you obfuscate whats going on. There will also always be people who will spend half their lives and sell their grandmothers to find out what those numbers are, and publish them.


Even if someone tried doing what you suggest its only a matter of (very little) time before the numerically best thing will emerge.

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Wow... way to make the Warframe even more useless since the Warframe only compliments the Tenno abilities, and doesn't give them the abilities... I think its cool that the Warframe has a built in scanner device that keeps track of the trajectory of every bullet, how it penetrates, where it hits, how badly the enemy is hurt from each shot, and tells me exactly how I am doing as I am killing them... Welcome to the future... where my suit tells every detail from the bullet in my chamber, to the bullet leaving my chamber, to the bullet entering the enemy's body, to the bullet's speed, trajectory, puncture, power, to the bullet entering a vital area, to the damage the bullet has done I.E. cut veins, cut arteries, puncture lungs, enter the brain...

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but there wouldn't be "You need to use this layout, anything else is not as good", since nobody would really know.

that is already not relevant. if people are telling you abcdeft because you're not using Acrid or Flux, well, they're morons. 

almost 30% of the equipment is currently viable. and we're working on making the other 70% just as much so. 



personally, even though i don't min/max anything, ever, i still like having numbers. it gives baselines for me to judge against other situations so i know how the current situation is going.


and if we remove stats from the gameplay, we then also need to remove all of the numbers from the HUD, and we need to remove stats from weapons and frames. so energy, bullets and stamina would all be boolean, rather than numbers. 

otherwise people can min/max that too @.@




but what if i like ammunition efficiency and i use weapons without spamming constantly regardless of weapon type? because i like doing that :v

i don't want any weapon other than a sniper rifle to suddenly become a weapon you just spam because ammunition is just a boolean.

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This would just make it more annoying to find out, and even harder for people who don't actively look. CoD has damage, clip size, RoF etc, even if they are not accurate. Nobody calculates the exact time to kill a boss anyway. How about makes the guns do from 70% to 130% damage per shot? Or make it do less damage in arms and legs, more in upper torso ect like it does in most shooters. Those are way better alternatives then your stupid idea. Or how about leave it as it is, fun is subjective, I don't do stuff like that and I can still compete, don't complain that some people are better than you and claim it's because they spend all day making spreadsheets of DPS.

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How does one..."remove dps and enemy life"?

Do you feel cheated because you don't put as much time understanding the rules of the game as much as another person? This is just like a board game -- certain rules apply in certain circumstances. Being ignorant of said rules is fine...I guess...but they are going to be applied to you regardless.

Or are we just going to turn this game into a 4 year old's game of cops and robbers? "I shot you! You're dead!" "No you didn't, I dodged!" "Yes huh" "Nuh uh".

Rules provide a framework for critical thinking. Hiding the rules does nothing but frustrate until you can reverse-engineer the rules. Ever play that terrible, terrible game of...Maw? Some card game where no one knows the rules until they break them. Its frustrating and only good for people who are looking for the most superficial game possible where no thought is required of them.

EDIT: Waitamin...did I just get trolled? Surely OP isn't serious.

Edited by honeybadger
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I for one am a person who who enjoys sitting down and crunching the DPS of a weapon, most people just do the best weapons, or with maxed mods and such, but I even like to do it for a new weapon with maybe a rank 1 serration instead of my maxed one, what you call fun, would make me dislike the game and most probably leave it.

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The Warframe is so highly advanced that at the same time your doing all the combat it is taking data and relaying it directly into your brain at the speed of light. On a high speed level as the information is being poured into your brain even though you see numbers what the suit is really taking data for is stuff like this

and turning it into numbers so you don't have to consciously perceive these things in mid combat.

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The Warframe is so highly advanced that at the same time your doing all the combat it is taking data and relaying it directly into your brain at the speed of light. On a high speed level as the information is being poured into your brain even though you see numbers what the suit is really taking data for is stuff like this

and turning it into numbers so you don't have to consciously perceive these things in mid combat.


See this is a good explanation, and would work a lot better if mobs had more than two states (alive, dead). It would make sense to have a percentage rather than a hard number. Also there already are visual cues when you're hitting an enemy that has shields, so it wouldn't be much of a stretch to have others depending on the damage.

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