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Chroma Prime is not a fun Warframe


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24 minutes ago, ZodiacShinryu said:

They didn't "fix" it, they changed it. They basically "corrected" the problem by substituting an apple with an orange rather than getting a new apple. It was multiplicative but now it is additive, that isn't just a fix of the calculations. They could have left it multiplicative (we wouldn't be having the Roar vs Vex discussions quite as frequently)... but they didn't. No matter what would have happened it would have been a change of efficacy thus his strength removed (which is a nerf, justified or not).

"Best Turret" is relative, after all the 'rosiest smelling crap is still crap in the end'. It is an energy hog that 'randomly' (it is a windowed timer without the augment) stuns and that randomly attacks single targets (yes it is not AoE). Unless you mean procs which by that it is element dependent and single target (just as random). I honestly can't say for sure how much (if at all) Vex helps Effigy but it still takes around 2k energy to kill a level 120 corrupted Heavy unit. And his 1 will always be trash even with Vex boost as long as its aiming is wonky and it locks you into a stance (like exalted states). When you could just use a Lato and easily surpass your 1s output with everything it makes you do... its not good.

Its okay but you then sacrifice other aspects allowing every other amp frame to close the gap (which isn't extremely large to begin with). But fun is what you make it.

Not if ur playing him for a support tank. Hes a great support tank.

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1 hour ago, (PS4)big_eviljak said:

Not if ur playing him for a support tank. Hes a great support tank.

Rhino accomplishes the support tank role better for two main reasons. One, you don’t have to stay close to Rhino to keep roar. And two, he has an ultimate that has a legitimate chance of being the best CC ability in the game.

Chroma just gives you stats, some of which (multiplicative armor) are useless for a lot of the  Warframes, and only if you’re actively standing near Chroma. 

So Chroma is really much better played as a selfish tank than a support tank. 

Edited by Gurpgork
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1 hour ago, Gurpgork said:

And two, he has an ultimate that has a legitimate chance of being the best CC ability in the game.

🤣 right then, im sure limbo, vauban, gara, frost, nyx, NOVA, octavia, volt, saryn, loki, ivara, excalibur, atlas, banshee would agree with this.


This kind of statement really tells all. Good luck with that!

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1 hour ago, Gurpgork said:

Rhino accomplishes the support tank role better for two main reasons. One, you don’t have to stay close to Rhino to keep roar. And two, he has an ultimate that has a legitimate chance of being the best CC ability in the game.

Chroma just gives you stats, some of which (multiplicative armor) are useless for a lot of the  Warframes, and only if you’re actively standing near Chroma. 

So Chroma is really much better played as a selfish tank than a support tank. 

Chroma is a great tank but hes a great support too.

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25 minutes ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

🤣 right then, im sure limbo, vauban, gara, frost, nyx, NOVA, octavia, volt, saryn, loki, ivara, excalibur, atlas, banshee would agree with this.


This kind of statement really tells all. Good luck with that!

Rhino does have one if the best cc ults in the game. However one of the best... Isnt the best.

I mean there isn't a best. So dont get your panties in a wad.

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6 hours ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

🤣 right then, im sure limbo, vauban, gara, frost, nyx, NOVA, octavia, volt, saryn, loki, ivara, excalibur, atlas, banshee would agree with this.


This kind of statement really tells all. Good luck with that!

It petrifies everything instantaneously in an absolutely colossal 25 meter radius. And unless they've changed it, it ignores LoS (I know it used to, and if it doesn’t now, then I stand corrected). I know we used to use it in Law of Retribution after Mirage’s Prism got nerfed. Prism did as much work in that mission as M-Prime and Radial Disarm combined, and Stomp wasn’t far behind pre-nerf Prism.

Limbo and Nova are really the only two you listed who can meaningfully compete with Stomp. Nova because M-Prime can reach much further (but it’s not a HARD CC like Stomp is), and Limbo because he has a longer duration, it’s continuous, and you can keep applying it to enemies as you go. 

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Heh, XD.

Anyways, first ability could use the beam rework imo. A 10 hits per second fire rate at its current damage would be decent. Second it needs MUCH BETTER crosshair tracking.

Effigy needs the same treatment, and in a prior topic i suggested having the effigy act as a range extender on chromas buffs, having its own copy of the aura so you can get the buffs from effigy or chroma.


As for vex and elemental armor, they are good. Elemental could use a buff to the statis chances but thats it..

Shock chroma is one of my favorites. The stuns are good enough that effigy can solo handle arbitration interception nodes, and if you have the power buff it is lethal to corrupted heavy gunners at 100+.

So imo chroma mostly need qol buffs. 

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Heh, XD.

Anyways, first ability could use the beam rework imo. A 10 hits per second fire rate at its current damage would be decent. Second it needs MUCH BETTER crosshair tracking.

Effigy needs the same treatment, and in a prior topic i suggested having the effigy act as a range extender on chromas buffs, having its own copy of the aura so you can get the buffs from effigy or chroma.


As for vex and elemental armor, they are good. Elemental could use a buff to the statis chances but thats it..

Shock chroma is one of my favorites. The stuns are good enough that effigy can solo handle arbitration interception nodes, and if you have the power buff it is lethal to corrupted heavy gunners at 100+.

So imo chroma mostly need qol buffs. 

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42 minutes ago, (PS4)ForNoPurpose said:

Anyways, first ability could use the beam rework imo. A 10 hits per second fire rate at its current damage would be decent. Second it needs MUCH BETTER crosshair tracking.

An idea I’ve been toying with (in addition to giving it the beam rework) is giving it a chance to inflict random combination elements of your chosen element. So like Cold could inflict Blast, Magnetic, and Viral, while Toxin could inflict Corrosive, Viral, and Gas. 

It would make his 1 a pretty good CC and an unparalleled Condition Overload booster, while tying into the master of the elements idea. 


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Upon further reflection, an alternative third ability for Chroma is to remove that effigy altogether and replace it with the vex armor ability. It works as it does today, buffing the team, but here's where the difference is: his vex armor acts to build up stacks like Nidus. The more damage you take, the more powerful your fourth ability becomes. When you do your Proud Roar, its power is exponentially increased by how much damage you've acquired while in vex mode. Activating your fourth resets your damage boost, but it is all expended in your aoe roar. If you get 1300% damage, then your roar damage will be increased by certain percentage of your buff, say 50% or whatever, to a specified capped amount. Base damage per second, strength and range mods on roar without the vex buff can be adjusted, and exactly how much the vex buff should apply to proud roar can be discussed, but what I mean is hopefully understood.

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not sure if it's just me, but when reading both sides of the debat on him needing attention or not, I'm finding myself starting to cringe at how far reaching the arguments against him getting rework are becoming. 

In order for those "reasons" as to why his X move is good or another frame needs work more than he does because he "still does this one thing" decent, to carry any weight or sound competent, people have to reeeally try hard now, and honestly it seems to be getting worse as time goes on.

Further, in reading some of the posts about Chroma having a good turret or etc, I can't help but feel like some of these players haven't really gotten to know Chroma... as in his frame/ability ceilings, how he *actually* performs and functions playing on a team that's actually under solid pressure (higher level enemies and in later game modes).  Not talking level 70/80 and below where everyone is just breezing through enemies all lone wolf status and all jumping around the map like they're drinking a glass of sugar.

in high level content, I'd be embarrassed being revived without the pelt on because my team can then see front and center I was in fact trying to commit suicide and drain all my energy while doing so, therefore becoming a burden to the mission and danger to the team for the revive + wasted player slot for someone that brought a frame DE isn't actively trying to sweep under the carpet.

I'd argue Vauban has more use than Chroma.  (sorry Vauban mains I know you all are having it rough right now too.  Respect for sticking with it. #MakeVaubanGreatAgain)  Actually saying that... he also has received more attention from DE than Chroma.   Yes... Vauban

Edited by Conflux59
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13 hours ago, Dark_Chroma_Prime said:

Not multiplicative, it works like any other armor mod

Fairly certain they meant 'percentage' based (it is a form of multiplicative but its product is instead added at the end) being that 'useless on a lot of warframes' was also said. Combined with making the aura a bit more useful for team play means that you are likely bringing down its top end potential. +XXX% of base additional is leagues more useful on already tanky warframes (like say Valkyr who also isn't in any actual particular need of it) than say like Ember. In contrast Oberon has a flat additive buff that is the same for everyone (more useful in buffing up the lower end survivability than the higher end who don't really need it because of diminishing returns).

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