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Sniper rifle efficency.


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Im here to talk as it is written in the title. Sniper rifles are mostly bad not because they are bad weapons, but there is huge problem with ammo - it's not that easy to get it during mission. These rifles' ammo is the rarest ammo ever in the game. 

Assault rifles dont have such a problem - they have like 500 ammo like Tiberon Prime, shotguns like Hek(100+) or Sobek(~500) and those are ones of the guns that need some ammo mutation mod or Carrier to prosper well during hard and long missions.

But still, there is no sniper rifle that has more ammo than 100 units - all of those have like 80 ammo capacity. And all of them need Ammo Mutation Mod or Carrier, and there is a problem - they are must have for sniper rifles; for assault rifles - its optional, or even useless.

That's what i wanted to mention to be changed. I love all sniper rifles created in this game(exception - Lanka, its' chargin mechanic is awful, but understandable) and i want to have fun of them all the time, not only when im killing Eidolons, some quick Assasination missions or maybe Events. I hope there are more of people like me who love sniper rifles.

That is what I have in my mind as solutions:

1. Increase max ammo capacity for sniper rifles and increase a chance of droping it by enemies on kill by some amount so it could be more enjoyable for people like me - sniper rifles geeks.

2. Rifle ammo could be one type for all rifles. I dont think it should work, but it is still an idea.

I would like to make this conversation as nice as possible.

Greets for all Tenno. :)

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Hm, TBH, the only time I come close to running out of Ammo with Snipers is during Eidolons
(my Riven of choice has an annoying -max Ammo penalty lol).

All those one-shot kills in regular missions make Snipers pretty Ammo-efficient,
and while somewhat RNG-dependent, Sniper Ammo seems to drop enough to get me through a mission just fine. *shrug*

I guess, learn to aim better so you don't waste Ammo lol maybe use your other two weapons (also damage abilities if available) a bit more,
those are there in part for that exact reason, to have something to use if your Primary runs dry / while you gather more Primary Ammo.

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I have in mind that i may be not as good shooyer as i think i am, but still - with maxed Tiberon Prime u are able to kill mostly with one hit at semi, just like snipers... But is has 10x more max ammo and 5x more ammo in magazine(?) than Vulkar Wraith. There is even more assault rifles that can one tap enemies, but those are more efficient than sniper rifles.

And that is my point.

With not maxed sniper rifles its pretty bad for newcomers to enjoy them - only maxed are viable.

Dont you think it could make things better?

I just want to enjoy sniper rifles in harder mission like last sortie mission survival with armor enchantment/eximus stronghold, then it takes more than 1 shot to kill an enemy.


If u are able to not change your weapon while using assault rifle bcoz you have some ammo problems(it doesnt run out that fast), you have to do that while you are trying to have fun with sniper rifle. That is kinda...


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7 minutes ago, mhhmm said:

I have in mind that i may be not as good shooyer as i think i am, but still - with maxed Tiberon Prime u are able to kill mostly with one hit at semi, just like snipers... But is has 10x more max ammo and 5x more ammo in magazine(?) than Vulkar Wraith. There is even more assault rifles that can one tap enemies, but those are more efficient than sniper rifles.

And that is my point.

With not maxed sniper rifles its pretty bad for newcomers to enjoy them - only maxed are viable.

Dont you think it could make things better?

I just want to enjoy sniper rifles in harder mission like last sortie mission survival with armor enchantment/eximus stronghold, then it takes more than 1 shot to kill an enemy.


If u are able to not change your weapon while using assault rifle bcoz you have some ammo problems(it doesnt run out that fast), you have to do that while you are trying to have fun with sniper rifle. That is kinda...


Sniper rifles have 2 factors over other weapons which very much justifies a much lower ammo pool:

1) Their effective range is a MINIMUM 33% higher than that of all other primary guns; projectile weapon falloff range for functional/non rng aim being around 200m (most)~250m (the few weapons with 80~100m/s speed) unless its a sniper/the lanka or the buzlok while all other hitscan weapons are capped at 300m

2.) Sniper rifles build their own combo counter based on hits, thus making them scale to a degree other guns cant even dream of when it comes to enemies that are immune to status and/or have non armor forms of DR.

P.S. Snipers got headshot bonus damage ontop of normal headshot bonus and headcrit modifier making armor enchanced eximus units still die in a shot unless its the vulkar with its coinflip crit chance/only 1 of 2 bullets shot at a time on average critting), tho if you truly have issues with a low ammo weapon, Pizza, Carrier and Sahasa doge all fix it (weapons with a lower total ammo pool but high bullet efficiency having a massively higher benefit and smoother game flow when using any one of the options compared to guns that are inherently ammo inefficient but have a bigger starting ammo pool).

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Ok, I understand that - as you said, it is already balanced by having more damage and bonuses from zooming and combo counters.

Maybe I should look at it from another angle, just like you did.

Also - thanks for quick responses. 🙂

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5 minutes ago, Celthric317 said:

After turning to my trusty Carrier Prime, I haven't had an issue with ammo ever since.

And that's what i meant. If u have some support like nekros/carrier/or other ammo-helper that is actually must-have, u have no problem with ammo. What if u dont?

I have a conclusion:

If low ammo capacity is refunded by huge damage bonuses from weapon-abilities(zoom, special combo counter), then it is quite understandable. But IMO ammo situation it is still inefficient. If only it may be like 20 more max ammo capacity - it could be great.

I have been thinking about it for some hours, so i thought - sniper ammo drop chance may be good, but the capacity may be higher so players won't have to look for ammo that often, bcoz u need to get out of your good position and be able to be killed much easier - AND that is bcoz i just think assault rifles dont have that problem.

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Eh, Considering you in all likelihood will one shot most enemies you hit, and ammo restores exist (infinite gear wheel makes not equipping ammo restores inexcusable), it's a non issue. You'll likely only run out of ammo if enemies are exclusively dying to your sniper rifle (i.e. not using offensive powers, your secondary or your melee, and you're solo) and less than one enemy dies per bullet on average. It's a fair balancing mechanic, considering that sniper rifles are the highest DPS guns in the game. 

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