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Some beef I have with hildryns kit atm


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I bought hildryn off the game market because atm it's impossible to get her parts from the exploiter orb cus it can't be killed yet, so far I do feel she's fun and has a decent amount of survivability, but there are SO many holes in her kit that will sometimes fk her over in certain common scenarios or just make her feel really clunky.


So hildryns passive states it has a shield gate when her shields deplete, and when overshields deplete into shields, no idk if I'm reading this wrong but the overshields to shields gate doesn't seem to be working, I'm not sure if theres supposed to be only 1 gate between health and shields and the description is just hella wonky, or if there is actually supposed to be a shield gate there that's missing.


Oh balefire how you anger me so XD, balefire does respectable damage, the highest damage in the game if you also give hildryn some good ol power strength, but the supporting stats like crit and status on this weapon are SO bad which actually makes it less powerful overall than some of the other explosion type weapons, and it makes it suck against armor. More beef I have with this weapon is the fact that its outright clunky, charging the weapon makes hildryn go into this REALLY slow walk where you can't jump at all, and after she fires theres almost a full half second of being unable to do anything except walk very slowly, and the range on the weapon is abysmally low. At base the weapon has 3 meters of range which is basically nothing, you have to actively mod hildryn for lots of range or else it just won't hit enemies sometimes even on direct hits! Its buggy in the sense that you'll sometimes directly hit an enemy, and if you're running a lower range you'll for some reason hit the guys beside the direct hit, but not the guy who got directly hit? The last thing is there is really no incentive to charge the balefire shots, not charging them at all doesn't commit you to an animation, it does more DPS(but slightly less per shot), costs less by a huge amount, and the range doesn't noticeably change if it changes at all from a charge to a non charge.

Shield pillage:

This is undoubtedly her best ability by far, but the biggest problem with it is that it basically only works against corpus, doesn't work against grineer before level 50, and ABSOLUTELY doesn't work against the infested at all. Shield pillage is great against shields because enemy shield values on corpus are quite high compared to warframes, because of the whole enemies having more health than warframes thing. The big problem is with armor, as of now shield pillage treats armor values as if they were shield values, but armor isn't as high in numerical value compared to shields, even though they do way more at creating eHP, any common grineer troop below level 50 won't give back more shields then you use to cast shield pillage, and a grineer butcher at level 100 plus STILL only gives back about as much shields as you spend to cast the ability, however once you go past level 50 enemy armor scales so damn high (the whole armor scaling problem) and in this sense hildryns viability also scales with it. The infested are a whole other story, I think hildryn is literally the ONLY warframe who can't do jack with their kit when fighting the infested, she has to rely on passive shield regen when fighting them, which is hard because a lot of infested ancients have damaging auras which interrupt shield regeneration. The whole thing about cleansing status effects is pretty good, but because ofthe nature of certain enemies being able to give a steady stream of status such as eximus auras, cleansing doesn't do much if the status effect keeps coming back


HAVEN IS SO BAD OMERGAD, haven increases shield regen of teammates and lowers the cooldown before shield regen starts, and it damages enemies nearby, the big problem is that shields are literally useless outside of harrow, hildryn, and maybe revenant, and haven doesn't affect hildryn herself. The damage on haven on enemies is downright pitiful, and it's only saving grace is I'm pretty sure it can give radiation procs to enemies therefore giving some cc, although I'm not sure what the status chance of this is, or if it's even coming from haven. The one good thing about haven is I'm pretty sure it gives teammates the shield gating effect that hildryn has, but given that teammate shields are so low to begin with it doesn't get used to it's best potential as the shield regeneration is also percentage based.

Aegis storm: 

Now this ability needs some work, its outright clunky, as we feared it's slow, and has a plethora of other problems. First things first, it suffers from a height cap, but the height cap is based off how far the ground is underneath hildryn, meaning if you accidently float off an edge you'll sink like a rock into the abyss. Second thing is her speed, shes so damn slow, floating at or near to 2m/s speeds, and she has this problem where I've seen volt speed buffs on me when I'm in aegis storm, but I think she wasn't designed to go as fast as even 4m/s because the more speed she has the more momentum she has and she has a LOT of momentum, making it sort of hard to fly her around at anything faster than base speed. The ascending and descending speed is too slow as well. Third problem, how come balefire doesn't get some sort of buff in this mode? Hildryn literally pulls out a second balefire, but it doesn't do any extra damage, doesn't have any extra fire rate (what akimbo weapons usually have), no extra anything, it's purely cosmetic. How come you can't use shield pillage during aegis storm? The ability is quite shield hungry because you have to use balefire alongside it also draining your energy, on that note, how come she can't use anything but balefire? If she can't at least make the balefire not cost anything when using aegis storm because the power drain is too much. The last issue is that enemies inside her CC aura will quite commonly come out of her CC momentarily whenever they get hit, which I think is a bug.

Other game mechanics:

Energy orbs can be created via aegis storm, but energy orbs basically do nothing for hildryn, they give back a measly 25 shields back to her, and although they do reset her shield regen cooldown they don't do this when using her abilities at all, with exception of just holding balefire.

Edited by birdobash
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the passive is the shield depleting, you get the invulnerability at that point, the overshield just stops damage from bypassing the shield, thats all

for her balefire, it is kinda weird i agree on that, but it has a decent status, you can easily go for a status build with it, and corrosive, but its main point is the damage anyway, with a bit of range it has ~5m blast radius, which is really nice, a tip, jump before you shoot, the walking animation is not that anoying when you do this

her second ability is really decent, its the best vs corpus, not so good against grineer, but on high level they give you a lot of shield aswell (you can go into overshield with a single lvl 150 heavy gunner for example) and dont forget that it does strip armor, which makes you a walking corrosive proc machine, BUT, if your team decide to bring corrosive projectile into the mission then youre just f*cked, and yes, infested is just a straight counter to you, similar to how  they counter squishy frames thanks to their toxin procs, they dont have armor or shield so your second ability doesnt do much

her Haven gives shield to your allies, not just making it regenerate, its really useful, especially when theres more hildryn in the team, 4 hildryn and youre basically never die because you just regenerate so much shield there no way you ever going to die, also if it gives your passive to them, then its even more useful, since their shield regenerate even when they take damage, which means after their shield out, they go invulnerable, and if you mod your frame right, they should have their shield back up alredy, also the shield stay after they leave your range, which is really nice 

her 4th ability is really nice, you probably cant go high because its a CC/support ability, it gives energy orbs, A LOT of energy orbs, it has a really decent range and damage, it has an enemy cap i think, for how many of them you can lift at once, so you  have to rely on your teammates, as for why you cant use your second ability, i have no idea, i hope this is actually a bug, same for not getting any bonus for your first ability, you really should(also i think the bug youre talking about, when the enemy goes out of the CC, is when they generate energy/smash into the ground)


also, energy orbs start the shield regenerating, i think this isnt mentioned anywhere on her ability screen, but its really a big thing especially if you got a mod which increase shield regen speed 

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3 hours ago, vid23 said:


also, energy orbs start the shield regenerating, i think this isnt mentioned anywhere on her ability screen, but its really a big thing especially if you got a mod which increase shield regen speed 

This last bit, ik that energy orbs regen shield, but again she can't regenerate shields when shes using any of her abilities, shield pillage stops shield regen when activated, balefire stops it when activating and every time you fire, and haven and aegis storm straight up don't let you regen shields at all, making this perk less than useful. If energy orbs instead let her regenerate shields WHILE shes depleting shields or getting hit, it would be so much more useful, basically a similar effect to arcane aegis where shields still come restore when being used or damaged.

Edited by birdobash
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5 minutes ago, birdobash said:

This last bit, ik that energy orbs regen shield, but again she can't regenerate shields when shes using any of her abilities, shield pillage stops shield regen when activated, balefire stops it when activating and every time you fire, and haven and aegis storm straight up don't let you regen shields at all, making this perk less than useful.

So she got two Channeling Abilities for her Shields?

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2 hours ago, Whitestrake0 said:

Or you can wait like a normal person and not use the frame that is obviously mediocre even on a glance 

speak for yourself man, its like saying mag is useless because you dont know how to play with her, i enjoy playing with the new frame, a lot, she is far from being mediocre

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23 minutes ago, vid23 said:

speak for yourself man, its like saying mag is useless because you dont know how to play with her, i enjoy playing with the new frame, a lot, she is far from being mediocre

I mean, if you really wanna say that you also have to realize you're clouded by the fact that you dropped 300 plat on her which will obviously make you biased. Offering advice so that people don't end up with a disappointed use of platinum cause if you really like the frame you can see how good it is once its free and people actually make comments on it.

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12 minutes ago, Whitestrake0 said:

I mean, if you really wanna say that you also have to realize you're clouded by the fact that you dropped 300 plat on her which will obviously make you biased. Offering advice so that people don't end up with a disappointed use of platinum cause if you really like the frame you can see how good it is once its free and people actually make comments on it.

i bought every single frame in the past 2 year, i dont think that 300 plat would make me see a frame any differently, since i hated Garuda when she came out and i even told people not to buy her, just because i have money and i want to spend it, it doesnt mean that i will see everything through rainbow glasses, i genuinely like her, thats all, and since i tried her out, i think i can have an opinion on it,more than people who havent tried her at all, hating on something you never even tried is just bad in my opinion, i mean, i did it too, i disliked movies before i even saw them for example, but i never tried to tell others not to buy something just because i never tried t and i think its bad, and they shouldnt buy it either because of my opinion on it 

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2 minutes ago, vid23 said:

i bought every single frame in the past 2 year, i dont think that 300 plat would make me see a frame any differently, since i hated Garuda when she came out and i even told people not to buy her, just because i have money and i want to spend it, it doesnt mean that i will see everything through rainbow glasses, i genuinely like her, thats all, and since i tried her out, i think i can have an opinion on it,more than people who havent tried her at all, hating on something you never even tried is just bad in my opinion, i mean, i did it too, i disliked movies before i even saw them for example, but i never tried to tell others not to buy something just because i never tried her and i think its bad and they shouldnt buy it either 


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On PS4, so don't have Hildryn, but based on :

8 hours ago, birdobash said:

Energy orbs can be created via aegis storm, but energy orbs basically do nothing for hildryn, they give back a measly 25 shields back to her, and although they do reset her shield regen cooldown they don't do this when using her abilities at all, with exception of just holding balefire.

Did DE decide to not use a 1:1 Shield to Energy ratio for Hildryn?

That would seem odd given the 1st part of Hildryn's defensive stats to sustain damage is also her source of energy for abilities.

I was thinking it would be like Nekros switching from energy to health with Despoil.


If it was similar than an Energy orb should replace an equivalent ratio amount.

That seems like a huge oversight.

Could even be like Scarab Armor where Efficiency is fixed for the health to armor conversion.


Hopefully this can be addressed soon

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Share pretty similar complaints.  AFAIK regarding her passive what it really means is that if you're status procced while she has overshields she won't take health damage because when her overshields are active they take all the damage.  The overshields themselves has a gate mechanic meaning all damage she would receive at say 1 overshield left is gone.  Doesn't hit her normal shield pool.  The invulnerability effect she gets only triggers when she goes from normal shields to no shields.  In order to have that proc again you'll have to at least fill your entire shield bar again.  (no need to get overshields.)

I believe this is deliberate.  If she was constantly getting the invulnerability period or shield gate period when she had any shields she'd be practically impossible to kill when considering her overshields and their effects.  However it feels rough right now because Shield pillage is a 1:1 return rate.  Meaning armor isn't a good source to get shields from in early game.  And it doesn't do jack for her against infested/stripped enemies.

I had heard that heaven gives her allies some part of her passive (via headshots video) but he didn't say which.  Nor do I have the ability to field test since i'm on console.  But yeah.  If it didn't do that then heaven would basically be pointless as she doesn't get any benefit from heaven herself and shields on their own are not beneficial for majority of frames out there.

Edited by (XB1)Knight Raime
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