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A suggestion for blocking


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While I enjoy the new melee changes, I don't think the removal of manual blocking was the right decision. Not only did it reduce interactivity, it also removed some nice utilities, like melee aim glide, and made some mods at least inconvenient to use (Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding). It also wastes energy when channeling is on.

My suggested change is to move blocking to alt fire and move channelling to reload button. Why like that? Channelling is now a toggle and will most likely stay a toggle after it is reworked, so there is no need to have it bound to alt fire. I know we will lose the ability to reload from melee, but I think it is worth it. 

Alt fire then will receive blocking and all gliding-related features, essentially everything RMB does but without weapon swap. I think alt fire is in a relatively comfortable position for blocking.

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13 minutes ago, ShichiseitenYasha said:

Prepare to be merged into the megathread where 90% of the people, including me, said the same thing. 


And people like us gets labelled as "complainers with no real issues" and according to that we should not give feedback or suggestions and refrain from posting. Prepare to meet them as well.

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14 minutes ago, ShichiseitenYasha said:

Prepare to be merged into the megathread where 90% of the people, including me, said the same thing. 


Sure, I'm prepared. I was hoping to get some attention and see what people might think about this idea before that happens; my post would get lost quickly in a megathread. And I can't really be bothered to go over 20+ pages to see if someone had the same idea.

What you suggested sounds like an entirely new keybind, you wrote that you'd like it usable at any time, which I assume would include while holding gun. I don't think we can afford any additional keybinds when we take controllers into consideration.

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11 minutes ago, Genitive said:

Sure, I'm prepared. I was hoping to get some attention and see what people might think about this idea before that happens; my post would get lost quickly in a megathread. And I can't really be bothered to go over 20+ pages to see if someone had the same idea.

What you suggested sounds like an entirely new keybind, you wrote that you'd like it usable at any time, which I assume would include while holding gun. I don't think we can afford any additional keybinds when we take controllers into consideration.

It really shouldn't matter if someone had the same suggestion, if anything it helps if they see more than one person has the same views.

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Am 21.3.2019 um 20:02 schrieb Genitive:

While I enjoy the new melee changes, I don't think the removal of manual blocking was the right decision. Not only did it reduce interactivity, it also removed some nice utilities, like melee aim glide, and made some mods at least inconvenient to use (Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding). It also wastes energy when channeling is on.

My suggested change is to move blocking to alt fire and move channelling to reload button. Why like that? Channelling is now a toggle and will most likely stay a toggle after it is reworked, so there is no need to have it bound to alt fire. I know we will lose the ability to reload from melee, but I think it is worth it. 

Alt fire then will receive blocking and all gliding-related features, essentially everything RMB does but without weapon swap. I think alt fire is in a relatively comfortable position for blocking.

I can't believe DE went with auto block.

It brought back the "stun of death", killed aim glide and enforces a workaround on 50% of the combos

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On 2019-03-21 at 8:02 PM, Genitive said:

While I enjoy the new melee changes, I don't think the removal of manual blocking was the right decision. Not only did it reduce interactivity, it also removed some nice utilities, like melee aim glide, and made some mods at least inconvenient to use (Guardian Derision and Electromagnetic Shielding). It also wastes energy when channeling is on.

My suggested change is to move blocking to alt fire and move channelling to reload button. Why like that? Channelling is now a toggle and will most likely stay a toggle after it is reworked, so there is no need to have it bound to alt fire. I know we will lose the ability to reload from melee, but I think it is worth it. 

Alt fire then will receive blocking and all gliding-related features, essentially everything RMB does but without weapon swap. I think alt fire is in a relatively comfortable position for blocking.

No, 2.9 should just be reverted on the weapon swap part/equip melee weapon keybind should return and work as it does, same for rmb block. It killed/removed true melee, nerfed quick attacks on some weapons and otherwise just made the melee slot a shiny trinket bonus to guns.

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