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Arbitration's, gift of the lotus missions and Hildryn


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Free-to-play games and frustration have a long love story to share, there's one solution though. Not caring.

If something is frustrating, don't do it, simple as that. I'm still wondering how old people who are posting such threads are to not be able to not do frustrating stuff. Are you some kind of masochist or anything ? There's no way you can entertain yourself except from playing Warframe ? Don't you have a life or a family to take care of instead of spending so much time writing about what you hate on a game's forum ?

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21 minutes ago, HexOmega111x said:

You already have it for free but you also want it faster. How fast exactly for you to make it acceptable? Comon.

I'm sure you were happy to sit in a low level survival, not even threatened by the enemies, for 15 minutes for a Paris skin.

You don't get to play this, "oh you're just mad you can't get it even easier," game with people saying 15 minute alerts are tedious. For crying out loud, DE lowered the time spent on sortie missions because they were tedious to get through.

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1 hour ago, Seosa said:

I work long shifts (10-12 hour) and yes 15 minutes is a lot to me.

Then you have the choice to not do it in the first place.

I've had long long days in my life but it has never stopped me from enjoying my hobby for atleast an hour per day.

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il y a 16 minutes, Chipputer a dit :

I'm sure you were happy to sit in a low level survival, not even threatened by the enemies, for 15 minutes for a Paris skin.

You don't get to play this, "oh you're just mad you can't get it even easier," game with people saying 15 minute alerts are tedious. For crying out loud, DE lowered the time spent on sortie missions because they were tedious to get through.

But if it's just a Paris skin, how is that so important? I did not do the mission because it was cool or fun. I did it because I chosed to get a useless skin and it's only about my own decision. For some players it will be an interesting skin and it will be the reason why they will play that mission. 

This is the problem with waframe, the whole game is accessible for every level of players so it means that we will have to found our own reasons to play some missions or alerts. Some of you just like to make a problem out of nothing simply because you see warframe as your own little personal toy. As I said before, those kind of complains are not about the game or DE anymore. 


Edit : for that kind of mission, I just like to use a test loadout or a twisted combination of weapons. I use those missions as an excuse to use everything this game has in stock. I simply create my own experience and suddenly, I can enjoy what some of you can't. 

Edited by HexOmega111x
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8 hours ago, Seosa said:

I work long shifts (10-12 hour) and yes 15 minutes is a lot to me.

This is the point Im making. Thank you for chiming in.

Just because you have the time to do something, doesnt mean that it applies to everyone. Some people only have an hour to play, some have 16. Many people are not the latter

Edited by SupernovaSymphony
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Am 12.5.2019 um 19:01 schrieb Seosa:

I work long shifts (10-12 hour) and yes 15 minutes is a lot to me.

I hate to brake it to you but Warframe works like this:

You have time -> Grind for a loooong time to get the good stuff.

You don’t have time -> Buy the good stuff from the Market or other players.

If you consider 15 min as a lot of time for a premium Item that the Gift of the Lotus Alerts are providing you with for free, than you should reconsider if Warframe is the right game for you.

As for the rest of this Thread:

Arbitrations: They aren’t hard or thrilling they are boring and time consuming and nothing else. If you find them hard your team isn’t using the right builds for them. Also the only reason to play them is that they generate Endo on a passable rate without other drops interfering much with the Endo ones. 

Hyldryn and other “Time Gates”: Those aren’t bad design choices or greedy tactics. They even told the community that it would take a week till Hildryn would be farmable. If you wanted her before that time was due you had to buy her. But as these Purchases are what keeps Warframe going I don’t see any problem with that kind of “gate”.

Some people also complained that they had to “grind” two Factions and participate in an event to just farm Hildryn.   And that Reputation grind imposed another “Time Gate”. As if these Factions aren’t offering other things...

The reputation system isn’t bad either as it lets you pick your rewards rather then the whole game being dependent on RNG. Sure newer players will have to wait a little longer till they progressed through the Ranks but that’s not bad either. These newer players have so much to do in the game that taking 5-10 min to reach the standing cap for a Faction isn’t interfering with their gaming experience at all.

The main Problem and probably the reason this thread was created is that some players want everything handed to them with “respect for the time they spend playing the game” which mostly means “it’s a new Weapon/Frame/Mod etc. I want I given to me as I login!” You ask for respect but where is your respect for the Time and Work DE is putting into creating new things and updates? 

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On 2019-05-12 at 1:52 PM, Seosa said:

Personally, I probably would've put it into next season's nightwave.


It's more like I just don't want to do a 15 minute mission JUST for a skin, see above. On another note I am not the OP.


1 hour ago, Darkuhn said:

I hate to brake it to you but Warframe works like this:

You have time -> Grind for a loooong time to get the good stuff.

You don’t have time -> Buy the good stuff from the Market or other players.

If you consider 15 min as a lot of time for a premium Item that the Gift of the Lotus Alerts are providing you with for free, than you should reconsider if Warframe is the right game for you.

I quoted myself because obviously you didn't read any post past the one you quoted. 15 minutes in a low level mission for a skin feels like time wasted. I don't want it at login just not presented in such a way that I could be doing countless other things that would be leagues more fun than sitting in a low level mission waiting 15 minutes for some limited time skin. In fact if anything I would consider the 15 minutes a hand out just as much as it just arriving in the mail on login.

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