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How Burnt-Out Are You?


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All in the title. [Disclaimer; this post is far, far longer than I intended] I once loved Warframe to pieces; it was something that I really enjoyed, despite the limited variety of content. But now, in all honesty, I'm beginning to regret buying my GM Founders pack.

I'm completely burnt-out over Warframe. I spent some money when U10 came out, but I haven't even played any missions because it's just more of the same. Sure, there's some variety, but that's just a drop of fruit juice in a bottle of seawater. Warframe, in the current direction that it's going, will not last long. When it loses it's novelty, it loses it very, very rapidly; a rather unfortunate facet of the Dungeon Crawler sub-genre.


In Conclusion

Warframe won't last until Christmas at this rate. There will still be people playing it, sure, but I suspect most of the player base would be semi-casual gamers. You won't feel burnt-out for quite a while, but it grows very rapidly once you've reached that onset.


So, what are your feelings on the burn-out? Are you feeling it? Do you wish Warframe had something that made you want to play again?


I have only played 10 hours less than you have (i.e. 202 hours) and in half the time, nowhere close to being burned out.Yes things are very similar but this is an FPS not an RPG, its always going to be similar.


In Conclusion

Warframe won't last until Christmas at this rate. There will still be people playing it, sure, but I suspect most of the player base would be semi-casual gamers. You won't feel burnt-out for quite a while, but it grows very rapidly once you've reached that onset.


So, what are your feelings on the burn-out? Are you feeling it? Do you wish Warframe had something that made you want to play again?


People will leave, people will join. F2P models suit casual gamers more than hardcore gamers, but there is a huge market of casual gamers out there.

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Personally I've only burned out once and it was for two days, the main thing I love about Warframe is that I feel like I'm collecting action figures and building all the parts for them, I don't really look at anything as grinding, also the gameplay has never really dulled out for me.

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for me its trying to get the new frames BPs thats caused me to start to burn out....


I think when vauban was released one of his BP was bugged and would hardly ever drop then there was the nova frame and the raptor boss wouldnt


drop anything or was still bugged for like a week after nova was released. And now we have nekros to farm for and im getting the impression the nekros


systems are bugged and never drop (well for me) i have 10 helmets and 2 chassis from 12 runs and now i hate the sight of golom or elephant boss


By the time I make the nekros i probly wont even wanna play

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burned to the point where there isnt any reason to craft and level weak or other weapons...

waiting in excitement for Lankita or J2K golem- like boss in the futures.

as for weapons, waiting for major armor balances... or some special features to make some other weapon stand out in some situations, where others shld be normal.

weapon grade ==> (normal/uncommon/unique/special/legendary) <---- shld follow

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I am constanly gettin smaller burn-outs from Warframe.

And hell I was deligent enough to wait-and-charge for the first few batches of Vauban.


Personally I dont have anything against the derelict Wall. It is not as hard a "Farm Wall" as People claim it to be.

1-2 Map Runs can give you, if you look around, between 6-10 Navs, which means you get at least 1-2 Keys per Map.

Same goes for the Golem Keys.


In my Opinion what Warframe currently needs is "Real Bosses". Golem 2k is allready a good Step in that Direction.

And an Event System similar to Phantasy Star Online 2 to mix things up and make Missions more intresting and "unexpectedly" rewarding. (Which includes mulit-miniboss spawns and other things) 

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I have only played 10 hours less than you have (i.e. 202 hours) and in half the time, nowhere close to being burned out.Yes things are very similar but this is an FPS not an RPG, its always going to be similar.



People will leave, people will join. F2P models suit casual gamers more than hardcore gamers, but there is a huge market of casual gamers out there.

The problem is that due to the hardcore grind nature of the game and needing to recognize what mods are useless, how not to play some frames (Ember as melee-heavy in high level Xini), is detrimental to the casual mindset. Despite what a lot of people think, this looks like one of those games you can just pick up and play, but it's not quite so easy to keep blundering through later planets like that. Not saying the game is challenging like Dark Souls because holy S#&amp;&#036; would that be one hell of a lie.
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For me Warframe has been quite a success in that no other game has gotten me to play over 600 hours logged in mission time. I'm usually very pro-Warframe and I actually can see myself playing even more, however there are some problems with the void that I have.

I must have played over 100-150 T3 Defenses and 50 or so T3 Captures and can't seem to get a Braton Prime Barrel. The diluted void loot table has turned the void into something that's supposed to be a treat into to something that I'm doubtful of. The common mods like ammo drum, ability mods, etc. that show up in the void are also a huge disappointment. For someone who paid through platinum to buy a 5 key pack or someone who played 10 defense missions at 20 mins a piece to get those same 5 keys, it's a slap in the face.

While we had a very vocal few players who had already maxed their serrations, hornet strikes and redirections with 6-8 million credits sitting around, a majority of players didn't have so much. Now even credits are nerfed.

If there's any particular consumable that I've spent my platinum on it would be void keys, but I'm not doing that anymore. Because it feels like I'll never get what I'm looking for and now I only get 1/3 of the credits from the mission as I would have gotten before and yet crafting costs of some of the newer items have gone up 3-4 fold.

The only thing I get excited about now are events where we'll get some kind of exclusive and useful mods/weapons like the Strun Wraith. The Boar Prime? Yeah it's beautiful I want one and have 2 parts already but I'm not even going to try to get the rest of the parts, because it's just healthier mentally to not expect anything from the void. I'm sure by the time I get the BP and receiver that I'll have 25 stocks and 33 barrels. Which is a great reminder of how many fruitless missions I've gone on.

Currently I see no value in spending my platinum on void keys, it's a waste of my money and the odds are so terrible. There's this very simple business idea of happy customers being repeat customers. The void is seriously messing with that.

Burnout? Well some people have life long hobbies/activities that they enjoy and will never get burnt out. Burnout happens when people feel that their efforts/time go wasted and when a negative stigma is attached to the activity that they're engaged in, thus causing them to get tired of it and want to stop.

I hope DE will consider changing the way some things work in this game.

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Mastery Rank 7, 413 hours approx.


I did enter a phase pre update 10 where I thought I would enter burnout; I have most - if not all - of the prime weapons, alt helms and frames I want (still don't have Ash, Mag Prime, Nekros, Nova or Nyx, though) and have left certain corners of the solar system unexplored ... so far, I still enjoy the game for its own sake. Playing solely for the grind is counter-productive (I learned that the hard way farming Saryn parts), so am avoiding making multiple visits to the new boss and spamming T3 in the hope of getting more Nekros, Mag or Dakka parts.

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Like any game I get bored I quit I play something else for a while and then I come back a few months later and play again. Just because vets are burning out in no way means " the game wont last till Christmas "

Games are fed by new people joining, not by old vets that have everything and don't buy anything anymore.

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I'm coming over from ME3MP.  While I don't have many hours into Warframe, I find it fills that little void left when Bioware abandoned ME3.  While I get the same frustrations from this RNG, its enjoyable enough for me to invest a few hours a day.


The only thing I am having trouble getting used is the inability of easily taking cover (the magic omni-key), and the power use mechanic.  I wish cooldowns were used as opposed to harvesting power balls.


And, soloing is a hell of a lot easier in this game...

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I kind of am. I hate to admit it but it's true. I've been playing less and less and I just got myself an affinity booster so I could forma some weapons.


To me there isn't enough mission variety. In endless defense you basically stand in 1 spot the entire time. In any other game mode you run from point A to point B, sometimes to point c then directly to point D but never to point E. Sure the maps themselves are randomly generated but you're still doing the same exact thing every single time.


There is a lot that can be done to address and make just playing the game feel less tedious but I doubt it will ever be done.

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I really do feel that if I spend platinum on anything other than weapon slots at this point, I'll get burnt out very quickly. I ran Phobos all night last night to get the Miter parts (Freakin' blade, man), and even though it was annoying and monotonous, it was still quite a bit of fun to play with so many different people all going for the same goal. If I had just bought it with money, I wouldn't have bothered with Phobos at all (and thus farming would just be defense missions...not so fun compared to the double death boss fight).

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im just getting the diablo 3 feeling all over \


like someone said not enough guaratees

im just not going to do it to hope that this time rng will smile in my favor

that's why I quit d3 a month after it came out

I got frost prime and necros to lvl up after than ill give pvp a shot but the game is getting close to the end for me

im not saying I didn't have fun

I had tons of it

I still do sometimes

Edited by syle
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Even though I admit that RNG is killing me sometimes, and that I'm charred around the edges, I've found that the best way to get weapons from the void seems to be just playing the void for the sake of playing the void. And one day, you'll find a full set of Frost Prime in your Foundry. At least, that's what happened to me. 

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I was burnt out after farming four warframes in a row, but that was my own fault. I'm a little burnt, but I still get that good feeling of awesomeness that I did when I first started. I'm 200+ hours in.

I'm glad I have multiple maxed frames and weapons that I can cycle through while doing defense. Otherwise I think I may have sold my Ogris.

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bored of the same mechanics of the game that I play other games and try warframe during patches or wait for a good patch.  namely grind and 2nd not that interesting after you've played it to death. but I wait to see updates in hopes of the potential to come out of it.

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