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DE refuses to help with Nekros Prime Drop, claims its USER FAULT!!!



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14 minutes ago, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy said:

"I didnt read the thing OP posted because reading is harrdd" 

I did, which is why I know you didn't link your account, which is neccessary to get stuff. if you had linked it, you would have gotten it. support even told you how to make sure you link properly. but reading is harrdd, amirite?

Edited by Rawbeard
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6 hours ago, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy said:



I honestly expected better from DE and support. Sat up all night watching the entire stream, got the ephemera drop aswell so its not a problem with my account being linked. Why cant DE just admit they f-ed up!

Let's get this sorted out,  if your account is linked and you watched the 30 minutes  of  the live stream and DE states that you're not eligible , first why not!? Second, if the error is on their side yes it's their fault because they are buying views with that and you should get paid (that's how the real world works). Third, stating that they are enable to reward the twitch drops them selves it's a LIE, they did it with ash prime. At this point it's not a matter if it's DE  or twitch or even mixer that has the blame, DE is accountable, stop making excuses and reward the player that did it's (job) pay up or just shut up.

Side note : i got the drops but i imagine the frustration of this, give the rewards to everyone like you did ash prime i won't  even mind, just stop this it's not our fault and we can't do anything, but thank you for the views, WE ALL LIFT TOGETHER except when you have to do the lifting.

snl fix it GIF

Thank you and good day.

Edited by (PS4)TONI__RIBEIRO
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55 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

I did, which is why I know you didn't link your account, which is neccessary to get stuff. if you had linked it, you would have gotten it. support even told you how to make sure you link properly. but reading is harrdd, amirite?

Indeed reading is hard. This whole thread is #*!%ed up. 

1. He got the lotus ephemera. So stop and agree that his account was and still is properly linked.

2. Then it only leaves one possibility and that is that the op is lying but i don't find any reason for him to do anyway. Even if he did, no point in ranting.

But what if he did watch the whole thing. Its not about "you can get it for free anyway". It is about banking on what DE promised for what we did in the first place. He did his part and he should be rewarded. Simple. 

I am a new player, and that drop is crucial because i don't seem to get any warframe slot no matter what. Farming plat?? To hell with that. On PS4 it is extremely hard and nobody really wants to buy anything. Or maybe i didn't find any buyers. But whatever. Its probably easier to wait 4 months for something you should have got anyeay.


Edit: i did watch the stream and still haven't got anything. I am waiting but considering op was denied the drops even after he did everything, it makes me quite uncomfortable.

Edited by (PS4)Leshleon
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54 minutes ago, Rawbeard said:

I did, which is why I know you didn't link your account, which is neccessary to get stuff. if you had linked it, you would have gotten it. support even told you how to make sure you link properly. but reading is harrdd, amirite?

Dude I got the ephemera what part of that didnt you understand!?!? Its linked ffs, I said this in my OP. Again, read the post. 

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2 minutes ago, (PS4)Bigboodyjuudy said:

Dude I got the ephemera what part of that didnt you understand!?!? Its linked ffs, I said this in my OP. Again, read the post. 

The only thing left to consider is, did the 30 minutes register or not, but even that should be stated in the support response, hope you and everyone else get this resolved.

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21 minutes ago, (PS4)TONI__RIBEIRO said:

Third, stating that they are enable to reward the twitch drops them selves it's a LIE, they did it with ash prime.

They only said support cannot added it. That more of a upper management rule than a limitation of the company. So the comment is not really a lie as much as drawing the line of where they stop helping. To who ever said you did not watch 30 mins is also reading really far into the text because it only said OP was ineligible. It does not say for what reason. Everyone need to stop added more context that doesn't exist. This is a typical response of someone reading a log and sending a generic response out feed by their management. 

OP should respond and apply more pressure to get the item. Sounds like an Error on DE and would hope they give in. At the end of the day it sucks but Nekros Prime + slot is not that hard to get. Sold two prime frames last night and could just buy both now. I would be more upset missing out on the other drop

Not sure if its a thing but can you contact Twitch and ask for activity logs? They should be able to know what each user was watching.

Otherwise this post is my worst thought when I watch these streams... I try to comment on streams every chance I get so it is saved in the twitch chat log as a second type of proof I was there. (Not that it would prove 30min.) Guess the only safe way is to live stream yourself watching the live stream haha. GL OP

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Considering the twitch drops may take up to 7 days to be issued (the list is long and it takes time for the script and APIs to work through nearly half a million accounts), it's possible that as the logs exist right now you're ineligible, because the API may not have yet issued the right requests/updates to fetch your eligibility because you may be lower down on the list, etc.

Moreover, DE stated on stream that it could take up to 7 days, and that you should only contact support if you did not receive the Twitch drops after those 7 days


Be patient. Wait a few days as advised by DE on stream. If you don't get it by Saturday then it may be the case that you were not eligible after all, or you can try contacting support again. However, if at that time support states you are ineligible to receive it, then you are ineligible to receive it, and coming to the forums to complain about it will not change things.

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