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Nekros Prime Rewards 100% Distributed (Did Not Receive)


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My post was deleted earlier, I can only imagine why. How can this not be considered a bug?

  • Hey there VORTEC SMOKA,

    Thank you for contacting us and please note that we really do appreciate your patience. With time-sensitive, complex promotions like this; we do understand that it doesn't take much for something to cause a user to miss out on the rewards and we are constantly working at improving this system with Twitch/Mixer/Steam in order to simplify the process and to solidify the connection to prevent users from missing out.

    We can officially confirm that all drops have been sent out to all eligible accounts. If you find yourself missing the Nekros Prime drop, we can assist you in ensuring your connection is solid for future promotions; but unfortunately, we are not able to add this item to your account. It is possible a disconnect may have occurred due to overloaded twitch/mixer/steam servers, which could have lead users to only receive one of the drops before having to re-link their accounts. We're sorry for the inconvenience!

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    VORTEC SMOKAToday at 07:15


    First, thank you for getting back to me quickly, I really appreciate your quick and concise response.

    Now, the bad news; this marketing tactic, a wonderful one is essentially a mutual agreement that is offered by DE to entice me into watching your streaming broadcasts. This produces increased awareness and visibility of your product, and adds to the hype for future additions to Warframe.

    You extended an offer to me to view the Tennocon live stream for a minimum of 30 minutes, and in exchange I would be receiving Nekros Prime, a mutually beneficial arrangement .

    I kept up my end of the agreement, and you feel zero obligation to keep up yours? I am 100% positive you are able to do this, even if not by the Mixer / Twitch automated process.

    As I stated, I received the Lotus vanity item which absolutely indicates no problem with my account being linked. My Warframe and Mixer accounts are one and the same, and fully linked via Xbox.

    My Xbox Gamertag: Vortec Smoka

    There must be a way to resolve this, without me thinking that DE has completely undermined their stated promise to me for doing so. Please assist me with doing so.

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There were, but unfortunately they were deleted. I did in fact use the search function and found threads in general discussion and players helping players, but nothing in bugs. 

I posted in those forums threads, but they have become so convoluted with the false flags of needing to wait a week or challenging if they really watched the stream.

Thats the reason for the new thread, I didn't see one in this section anymore as they had all been deleted, and I feel this should continue to be discussed.

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I'm have the exact same problem and so is my friend, all linked perfectly fine as i alway get the drops normally. I then proceeded to watch the entire tennocon via twitch as usual like i do for Dev streams etc. After which about a hour or so logged into warframe and i got the lotus flower effect thingy in the mail as usual but no nekros. I gave a couple of days as usual for these kinda things can have hiccups and still no nekros. both on xbox also

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2 hours ago, (PS4)Versaiz said:

I also watched over an hour and no nekros, seems like they are trying to brush it under the rug and that's super disappointing. Just got back into the game after leaving for a year and kinda makes me not want to stick around. 

I agree 100%. Before May of this year, I had never played the game before, just kinda missed out on it without any good reason. A buddy that has been with it for the last 4-5 years finally got me into it.

Let me tell you, I absolutely fell in love and was mad at myself for waiting for so long. 

However, I have never been into streaming, just haven't. I forced myself a few months back to sign up for Twitch Prime purely for the loot as I am an Amazon Prime member and why miss on those benefits? I love the free swag given out in exchange for viewing time and numbers, its a great mutually beneficial arrangement. But to set aside the time to do something that typically doesn't appeal to me (undermining spoiler alert, TennoconLive was amazing!) only to not receive the compensation for doing so leaves a disgusting taste in my mouth about the game and developers. 

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I am having the same problem as well, as I started watching before the devs came up on stage to show off the new content. I watched the livestream for at least over 45 mins, and I received the Lotus Ephemera, but no Nekros Prime!!!!

Going by the response the OP received from tech support and the fact that other posts dealing with this issue are being deleted; to smooth things out with the fanbase they should just send Nekros Prime out to those who watched the livestream anyway. At the very least send them out to people who received the Ephemera. From my strongest opinion, it would not hurt them to do so, as it was their idea to give him out for free in the first place, and it will put them back in good standing with people like us who have acquired a bitter taste from the whole deal!!!!

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YES DE -- My Warframe Account ALSO is cleanly linked to my Twitch Account -- as I have received Trinity Prime and Ash Prime from previous promotions.  I have not changed the settings in either the Twitch or Warframe Accounts and I double checked that they were in fact connected prior to the Saturday July 6 Streams.  So DE in fact HAS NOT distributed 100% of anything.  Far from it.  I weatched nearly most of the Stream last Saturday -- I was only planning on showing up for the requisite 30 minutes but decided to stick around as much of it was entertaining.  Watched some streamers -- watched a mock game show that released various Redeem Codes (which I would not have known about or to look for without watching the show).  Then foudn it was nearly time for the Dev Stream and opted to simply continue watching until it ended -- well AFTER 7 PM.  Yes the dev stream ran longer than 1 hour.  I know this because I sat there watching the stream with Rebbeca rushing people along to end it almost a half hour later.

ALSO OF NOTE -- DE MEMBERS -- ON SATURDAY JULY 6 -- Specifically stated that they were aware of the flood of traffic and that it would take likely 1 week to distribute all of the rewards. But according to the OP of this thread their corespondance with Support (I assume) is now stating that by Mid day on Wednesday -- 4 days after the largest stream event in DE history -- which crashed the web server (not just the website) no less than 3 times -- somehow DE is stating that they were able to accommodate a significantly higher number increase in traffic than they were able to during the event where they gave away Ash Prime which again crashed the website to thje point that DE simply decided to distribute Ash Prime to everyone that logged in within a small window of time at that point.  I do believe that DE would be capable of making upgrades and adjustments in order to accommodate an increqase in traffic after the first event -- but seeing as hjow nearly everything accessible to the public by DE crashed for several hours last Saturday -- again the servers went down -- that is hardware crashes not software -- DE was somehow sophisticated enough this time around to double check in less than 4 days.

That's great.  And I have waited patiently for the past 4 days and not bothered support and checked my Account every day with no rewards added.  As I was going to wait the aforementioned week.  But since DE Support is claiming to have finished 100 % distribution of the rewards -- and I know definitively this is untrue -- I will submit my own direct query of it and be sure to make it a larger issue.

Twicth has an item baked into it's CONNECTION Settings (unlike Warframe/DE) that shows how long 2 accounts have been connected.  Mine has been connected for the past year (and as I said I have acquired Trinity Prime and Ash Prime through this method -- one of which was during an event as well.  I also have a Frost Prime from going through the Twitch / DE-Warframe connectivity.  And a Soma Prime / Vectis Prime / Fang Prime / Scindo Prime and Ankyros Prime from Twicth drops having my accounts connected.  Some were through Twitch Prime loot -- others were a result of Stream rewards.  The point is I WOULD NOT HAVE ANY OF IT IF MY ACCOUNTS WERE NOT PROPERLY CONNECTED.

In short -- either Support LIED to the OP and they have not completed distributing the rewards from Saturday -- which they have not as I watched the stream all day and have not yet received any rewards (and I know definitively my Twicth and Warframe Accounts were linked -- OR Support is claiming that Rebbeca and Megan and Steve and Scott and everyone else doing the Tennocon live stream weere lying on Saturday.

This kind of crap is now becoming a pattern with DE.  Previous commentors talked about DE getting a reputation for their ability to swindle a player or other person into watching a stream then to not distribute a reward -- This is the same exact bullsh*t DE pulled during the Nidus / Khora giveaway.  Where maybe like 5 people got rewarded after a week of hype and watching streams.  WTF DE.  You are cutting the edge very close to FALSE ADVERTISING.  I don't know about Canadian law but you are definitely focused on a US market and we do have laws pertaining to this sort of patterned behavior. If in fact Support has washed their hands of the Nekros Prime distribution from last Saturday -- someone better damned well go back and triple check their data. Because whoever responded to the OP of this thread must be a new hire and doesn't know what they're talking about.

Edited by fryh0le
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2 hours ago, (PS4)Kingsnightshade said:

I am having the same problem as well, as I started watching before the devs came up on stage to show off the new content. I watched the livestream for at least over 45 mins, and I received the Lotus Ephemera, but no Nekros Prime!!!!

Going by the response the OP received from tech support and the fact that other posts dealing with this issue are being deleted; to smooth things out with the fanbase they should just send Nekros Prime out to those who watched the livestream anyway. At the very least send them out to people who received the Ephemera. From my strongest opinion, it would not hurt them to do so, as it was their idea to give him out for free in the first place, and it will put them back in good standing with people like us who have acquired a bitter taste from the whole deal!!!!

ONLY distributing to those that ONLY received the Ephemera is NOT adequate.  I did not receive the Ephemera and I watched from the start at just before 11 A until a few minutes past 7.30 P when they ended the strream.  The short is I watched a hell of a lot longer than you did -- but somehow you get to receive full rewards and I get hosed ?  That is not a solution for everyone -- that is onlya  selfish solution so that you end up with what DE promised everyone -- who cares about other players - watchers - right ?

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13 minutes ago, fryh0le said:

ONLY distributing to those that ONLY received the Ephemera is NOT adequate.  I did not receive the Ephemera and I watched from the start at just before 11 A until a few minutes past 7.30 P when they ended the strream.  The short is I watched a hell of a lot longer than you did -- but somehow you get to receive full rewards and I get hosed ?  That is not a solution for everyone -- that is onlya  selfish solution so that you end up with what DE promised everyone -- who cares about other players - watchers - right ?

OK The first option I mentioned was sending out to “everyone” that watched the livestream both the Lotus Ephemera and Nekros Prime, so to avoid negative opinion about their practices pertaining to this giveaway and everyone gets what they want. The second option is so they could at least complete the transaction they started, and the Ephemera is proof that said person watched the live stream!

I did not post this to get into a negative back and forth posting match with anyone, nor did I post this as a selfish resolution to the problem. Just trying to come up with more than one solution, to the problem at hand constructively.  

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This year's TennoCon and Tenno Live was a great show!!! ...as always one might say.

I watched almost all the streams (except the cosplay contest - I was busy at the time). I even watched 30 minutes or so just before the Tenno live, while nothing was scheduled yet there were some partners-streamers playing warframe so I stayed and watched it.

I watched all the Tenno Live announcements, the videos, the discussions from the beginning to the end (ended up being more than 1 hour I think) despite the fact that in my region was several hours after midnight (was weekend so I could do that). I like watching tennocon shows so this was something I was planning to do. I got my ephemera almost immediately at the first stream (The Art of Warframe - very nice stream) but until now I am still waiting for the arrival of Nekros, I don't think I am going to get one to be honest because if everything was fine I should of got him immediately - as always - so I'm sure something went wrong while I was watching twitch this Tenno Live show.

I am not going to make a report to support or try to find my comments on the twitch chat during the show to deliver the proof that I was watching actively. Its too much of a hustle for me and I don't really care that much, because I already have Nekros Prime, multi-forma'd him and fully fashionframe'd to my liking, I think I even have the spare parts and tons of relics if I want to build him again. Yet I think there is a serious problem with this year's Nekros Prime drops and I don't think the fault is on the viewers side. So stop blaming those who say that the didn't received what they 've been promised.

Twitch live drops always have problems (remember last year with Ash prime?), especially if >300K watchers are live, a hiccup from the service or on our side (perhaps a mild internet issue for a split second) and those 30 consecutive minutes (instead of cumulative) are broken and might be the real reason why so many of us are excluded from this twitch drop. Perhaps those drop hamsters could check again their data sheets and check how many hours we all watched instead if we watched for 30 consecutive minutes. The fact is that ithey promised something to all their viewers, so they must find a way to deliver no matter what.

On the other hand, after all the work, those announcements, this great free game they are giving us, its not fair to bash DE for any misfortune with the twitch drops (...and the time tables for release ), even if they need to find a more secure way for the future.

Thank you.



Got my Nekros Prime delivered in my inbox after DE run the script announced here:


Edited by (PS4)Nek_Food
1st: spelling... 2nd: link with DEs announcement
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I must admit, that one should personally be on Warfram themselves. I wrote "!Nekrosprime and !Necrosprime" for 100% certainty. And still all rewards have been sent out. With thousands upon thousands who missed out? - I did get the Ephemera so that would be 50%

Does this clarify for bad marketing, scam or a so called glitch?


- I don't want this to sound like direct hate. Watched for a lot of hours got me Ephemera, and before I knew it stream was over. I don't know if I'll still get the Nekros since "it can take up to a week". Or all hours watched on stream just wasn't necessary.

Edited by WiFry
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I suspect many missing nekros watched an hour of the wrong stream. The ephemera and nekros were rewards for watching DIFFERENT times - one earlier in the day and one later.

That said, I'm sure some watched the appropriate stream and still missed out.  I got both  - one thing I _may_ have done differently is I closed twitch between the earlier ephemera stream and then restarted it to watch the nekros stream - I don't know if that helped my case and hurt others if they just left twitch running all day.

I also occasionally interacted with twitch to ensure there wasn't some AFK timer - very occasionally - most of the time I was actually afk.


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Just crurious but how is someone who barely uses twitch supposed to know that not commenting durjng the stream will tag u as afk and cause connection issues? Im mainly a lurker and was enjoying watching the stream. I got the ephemura but no nekros. I understand what de is saying about connection issues and how its not their fault but its also not ours and as a player who has spent a decent amount on thso game because i reslly enjoy it and felt like de cares about their fan base this kinda thing makes me feel like they just want to ignore it instead of doing something that in reality costs them nothing but would strengthen their player base relationship. It just seems saying "well tought sh** stinks to be you maybe make sure yoyr connected next time" is a horrible way to deal with the situation when thousands of people are reporting the same issue and wondering the same thing. Also how am i supposed to know that my connection would get disbled when i recieved the first drop perfectly fine? And yes i watched the first part and then i also reloaded the page to watch 45 min of the devstream on the warframe twitch but only got one out of two rewards when honestly all i wanted was nekros.

And to those saying its a free game and something u can trade for in game yes u are correct. But the fact is i took time out of my day to watch the stream which i would not have watched if i was not getting nekros btw, and im sorry but my time is worth something as is everyones, i doubt ud be ok with your boss saying the time card didnt work so your not getting paid sorry maybe next time check to see if its connected. An extreme example yes but you get my point. And as for trading yes u can get this item that way but to do so you must have plat because nekros is vaulted and the lowest price i could find for his set was 140p which my not be alot to some players but for the sporadic player qho enoys the game but doesnt have alot of plat or doesnt have physical money to buy plat this price can be a hard thing to buy so yes it may not be the end og the world but the way de is handling the situation makes alot of people feel like they are getting screwed out of something they earned and thats never a fun feeling so before anyone jumps down these plps backs cuz u got it fine so whats the big deal. Take a moment to understand the true situstion instead of thunking that we are all complaining about nothing and being annoying

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