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For What The Soma Offers In Both Aesthetics And Dps, It Should Have More Recoil.


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Soma, Just got it today and yeah it's powerful!

It even sounds powerful. Along with High DPS.

The gun should have a kick to match.

If it's classed as an LMG, then it's amazing compared to supra, which recoils really hard with fire rate mods.

What do you think? It's not a stat nerf just something I feel the gun should come with.


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Soma, Just got it today and yeah it's powerful!

It even sounds powerful. Along with High DPS.

The gun should have a kick to match.

If it's classed as an LMG, then it's amazing compared to supra, which recoils really hard with fire rate mods.

What do you think? It's not a stat nerf just something I feel the gun should come with.


It's a drummed assault rifle, not an LMG.

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This gun, without some hefty mods, is a piece of crap. Once fully kitted with maxxed Serration, Point Strike, Hammer Shot and Vital sense? Hohohohohoooooo my gawwwwd. 


Because of this, I don't really have a problem with it existing. It takes a LONG time to max those mods (Serration is just... :(  ). By the time you do, almost any gun in the game is going to be wicked sick on the DPS. They just need higher crit rates in general, which I see on the horizon due to the new system coming out - DoT and other Elemental effects only triggering on crits? Bet your last dollar that crit rates are going to change on like, EVERYTHING.


I really must reserve full judgement until Damage 2.0 rolls around - any day now, Steve, we're more than ready to give you hell for all your hard work :D Sorry to say that, but it's kind of inevitable. I'm hoping it all works out for the better, but I predict TONS of fine tuning after the release. It certainly won't be the 'Magic Bullet' that some think it will.

Edited by psyanide
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I think, even if they raise the mastery requirement to 8 or something it would still need a small nerf, but personally I'd rather they reduced the DPS than the accuracy.


The soma is to primaries, what the acrid is to secondaries. I'm not against these weapons being the best of their categories, but the gap with the other weapons shouldn't be that huge

Edited by CubedOobleck
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i don't think so becuase SOMA be use a totally new tech of super recoil reduce stock, and with super weak point target tech



every weapon with these tech do nearly 100% crit and low recoil




look at all our new clan and market rilfe

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i don't think so becuase SOMA be use a totally new tech of super recoil reduce stock, and with super weak point target tech



every weapon with these tech do nearly 100% crit and low recoil




look at all our new clan and market rilfe

That barely makes sci fi sense ! XD

and no giving recoil does not mean a drop in recoil.

some people think recoil really affects your dps. not really.

I think the soma is a beast and I want to keep it that way. Just want it to have recoil, so that it can be even more pleasing..

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Just because a firearm is strong, doesn't mean it has to have a lot of recoil. If any of you have ever fired an AR-15 or an M16, you'd find that there's hardly any recoil or kick due a large spring in the stock that acts as a huge dampener. You can fire the gun with one hand without bracing the rifle against anything without any issues, though it's kinda heavy for that.

Now, this is modern tech. I imagine future tech in warframe would be literally centuries better.

You could also argue that the upward moving mag on the soma counteracts upward recoil (physics, every reaction there is an equal and opposite reaction), if you don't want to believe that the soma has good recoil dampening in its firing cycle.

Edited by CaveCricket48
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I do not like the idea of adding recoil to Soma.


To me the weapon seems to fire very small frangible/tumbling projectiles at high velocity, which account for it's low base damage, high RoF, high crit rate, and loud report, combined with light recoil.


The way I see it, low base damage implies small projectile, and small projectiles generally imply lesser recoil.


I'm certainly not against some sort of nerf, but recoil is one of the very last things I would touch.

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upwards recoil: yea

increased spread: nah. that's the part which makes the crit build actually viable at somewhat longer ranges


And why does it need to be viable at long range? My Soma is so accurate and has so little recoil at long range that there's no reason for me to even take a sniper - my un-potatoed Soma will outdamage them at any range and make such short work of targets that it may as well have been a sniper rifle. 



Indeed, Soma completely invalidates other assault rifles, performs the same role as the Latron and Latron Prime but infinitely better, and renders snipers even more obsolete than they already were. Why would you ever, in any scenario, take a primary that is not the Soma? 

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Considering I'm almost mastery 9 on casual play, that's going to be laughably easy to obtain. Considering how overpowered this gun is and how easily it renders everything else useless, that is sad. 

So people were using things other than acrid and despair before soma came out? Other weapons were already useless compared to secondary weapons. Soma isn't breaking news by making other primary weapons redundant because secondary have been doing this since u8.

Edited by LazyKnight
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So people were using things other than acrid and despair before soma came out? Other weapons were already useless compared to secondary weapons. Soma isn't breaking news by making other primary weapons redundant because secondary have been doing this since u8.

I suppose you're right on that note. And both primary and secondary weapons have been rendering melee weapons redundant since.... forever.

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And why does it need to be viable at long range? My Soma is so accurate and has so little recoil at long range that there's no reason for me to even take a sniper - my un-potatoed Soma will outdamage them at any range and make such short work of targets that it may as well have been a sniper rifle. 



Indeed, Soma completely invalidates other assault rifles, performs the same role as the Latron and Latron Prime but infinitely better, and renders snipers even more obsolete than they already were. Why would you ever, in any scenario, take a primary that is not the Soma? 


If the Latron Prime was buff to the same crit rate and same crit damage, it would make the soma look like a joke.

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