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Thread derailed gloriously!


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4 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Not to diss you or anything, but is creating a new thread on this already needed when we already have multiple threads going? 

I am free to create a post that I wanna discuss. It doesn't matter to me what others have discussed beforehand. For It's my thread and I want to make it for my purpose. Thank you for linking other threads. I have read them all. 

Edited by --C--Nehra
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1 minute ago, --C--Nehra said:

I am free to create a post that I wanna discuss. It doesn't matter to me what others have discussed. It's my discussion thread and I want to make it. Thank you for linking other threads. I have read them all. 

Yeah, just pointing out the (arguable) redundancy, and that it looks more like jumping on the forum farm count. Create popular hot-topic thread, grofit. 

Hope you get whatever it is you're looking for. 

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The community feels left out because they don’t want to play a game mode everyone has access to? Backwards right?

Long wait times? “If more people queue then that doesn’t happen”

”conclave is not what I want to do” - very cool then you don’t have to have access to the rewards. Conclave is accessible to everyone you may not like it nor want to do it but if you want the rewards then..... okay? 


“PvP is not meant for warframe” - personally the current state of PvP might not be for warframe but healthy PvP dosent hurt any game at all if done right

”delete conclave” - Libby to fix conclave if De made the decision to keep these rewards conclave exclusive then why not suggest ideas to improve upon the gamemode. Players love to use the excuse let DE make their game until it’s something they don’t like. Then DE is catering t x y z (I have been guilty of this as well) it’s stupid and your only upset cause it’s not what you wanted.

if you don’t like PvP great I understand but let DEs be final and stop complaining like you tell us to

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6 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

Yeah, just pointing out the (arguable) redundancy, and that it looks more like jumping on the forum farm count. Create popular hot-topic thread, grofit. 

Hope you get whatever it is you're looking for. 

It’s freedom of speech brother and while I see where your coming from maybe he just wants his own take of said topic at hand 

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1 minute ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

Well also in regards his forum post dosent violate any terms and agreements or rules on the forum to my knowledge 

Arguable spam due to the aforementioned redundancy, the question could be asked in any one of those other threads for the same result. Granted the line is blurred.

Just wanted to clarify that freedom of speech doesn't apply to a privately owned forum.

Just now, --C--Nehra said:

DE and mods decide what my freedom is, not random players. 

What's your point?

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6 minutes ago, (PS4)sweatshawp said:

It’s freedom of speech brother and while I see where your coming from maybe he just wants his own take of said topic at hand 

And if I want to call people out (not necessarily OP), on redundancy that is my freedom of speech right as well now isn't it?

4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

Not applicable here.

My opinion, is like, better than your opinion anyways. Therefore, your opinion does not apply, and I win the argument. 

Please give me upvotes before the big bad mod comes and locks the thread. kthxbai.  

^ typical lifespan of all forum 'discussions'

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Just now, DeMonkey said:

Arguable spam due to the aforementioned redundancy, the question could be asked in any one of those other threads for the same result. Granted the line is blurred.

Just wanted to clarify that freedom of speech doesn't apply to a privately owned forum.

What's your point?

What's your point talking random stuff, explaining freedom of speech on forums? I asked 3 hypothetical answers to a hypothetical question. You didn't answer those, but you are derailing my thread with other irrelevant stuff. 

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1 minute ago, sleepychewbacca said:

And if I want to call people out (not necessarily OP), on redundancy that is my freedom of speech right as well now isn't it?

My opinion, is like, better than your opinion anyways. Therefore, your opinion does not apply, and I win the argument. 

Please give me upvotes before the big bad mod comes and locks the thread. kthxbai.  

^ typical lifespan of all forum 'discussions'

Yes I never said you couldn’t......


and lol spot on

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1 minute ago, Aldain said:

The Switch version's conclave is likely deader than any other segment, but I had fun in the few matches I had that weren't lopsided.

Have you also noticed that’s it’s usually the same few of us in these threads late At night /in the morning lol we just need the cynical mango guy and the bands back together 

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vor 25 Minuten schrieb --C--Nehra:

3) Delete it

With the exception of a few dozen out of tens of thousands of Warframe players, DEs current customers are not intersted in conclave. DE should just outright remove it to finally stop people from discussing the issue.

DE reworks conclave several times already, they even tried to make an exclusive PvP game, nothing got any return in investment.


People who are still lokking for a PvP experience in Warframe should finally realise that they are simply plying the wrong game.

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1 minute ago, --C--Nehra said:

What's your point talking random stuff, explaining freedom of speech on forums?

Because it was brought up somewhere where it has no bearing? I see people talking about freedom of speech all too often here, it doesn't exist, my response was entirely relevant. That is all. There's no need to respond to me since my response wasn't aimed at you.

Since you did the only one derailing is you, Sunshine.

For the thread, I pick option 3.

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