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The Referral Program Misuse - Discussion


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The problem is that they keep making very similar mistakes. They are not learning and simply do the rinse and repeat technique hoping they can get by with a little more each time.


Well, to us players it's clear that the mistakes are simple because our numbers are high, and when someone from before doesn't pick up a new mistake for what it is, someone else will, time and time again.


On the other hand, people over at DE are the same (and they aren't evil, obvioulsy). They also aren't greedy, which is quite obvious when you compare Warframe to other F2P games and the game is getting content updates and growing at a steady rate ever since october, so overall things are great.


However they can't fall into the trap of thinking that they know what's best for us better than we know ourselves, and just count on us forgetting stuff. I've seen it happen before with another company and another game, and it wasn't pretty. And i don't think it will. Not a week has passed since the referal program was implemented, and it's not fair to them for us to bang the gavel before we hear from at least a few more people within DE.

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It's bad enough that we have to somehow find twenty-five other people in real life that'll be interested enough to help us out (seriously, do you even know five people that would be willing to help?), but it's worse that the "rewards" are referral-locked.


The mods are (mostly) worthless for their absurd price, but who knows when actual gameplay-affecting content will be added to the reward list?


I'm suggesting that both Slots and the Exclusive mods be earnable in-game via Mastery. You guys are always going on about how you want Mastery to have more impact yet never do anything about it, so you can start by implementing slots and these exclusives as Mastery rewards.

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If this mod was some sort of must have needed for gameplay it would suck but it isnt, therefore, i dont care. 

The world isnt going to end if i dont have it.


What the mod does is irrelevant.


I know reading a whole thread of 6 pages is a pain, even half of it, but you'll benefit from it.

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We are taking everything that is being said into consideration.


The referral program will stay how it is, but feedback for us moving forward is appreciated.


Are there different programs you wish us to implement?

What are your feelings towards exclusive mods? etc.


Why do you want feedback if you are only going to pretend caring about it?



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We are taking everything that is being said into consideration.


The referral program will stay how it is, but feedback for us moving forward is appreciated.


Are there different programs you wish us to implement?

What are your feelings towards exclusive mods? etc.


The biggest mistake you can make is to gate rewards in the manner you have.  Long time players who have ALREADY referred friends are blocked from getting some of this content because the friends who want to play Warframe have already been referred. 


You cannot, cannot CANNOT make moves that alienate veteran players.  You have to consider them.  Every time you implement a program, think to yourself, "Have people done this before?  Will they feel that this is unfair?  Have they already met the conditions to receive the rewards?  How can we make this accessible to ALL players, even the ones who've essentially done this already?'

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We are taking everything that is being said into consideration.


The referral program will stay how it is, but feedback for us moving forward is appreciated.


Are there different programs you wish us to implement?

What are your feelings towards exclusive mods? etc.

Exclusive mods, weapons ect if they remain one time or one method exclsuive(Not void only but referral only ect) or any ingame item that is not cosmetic is no different than pay2play and is just changing from cash to another method and in this case it is referral.


Beyond that you just manage to split and anger the community and drive away potential customers.

Edited by GSGregory
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I referred this game to 1 of my friend and he bought a founder package right after playing for 1 week. Most of my other friends (who also bought Founder Package) are my buddies from Mass Effect 3 who switched to Warframe after Biower stopped supporting the game.

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Exclusive mods are the absolute worst thing you could possibly do in this situation. I don't think anyone here minds the plat and slot bonuses, because they actually make sense, but completely locking very powerful mods behind a wall that is nearly impossible to conquer? That's the most rediculous thing I've ever heard. I honestly can't think of 25 friends that I'd be willing to try to convince to play Warframe. Maybe 1 or 2 of my very close friends, but anything past that is just an incredibly awkward situation. You're basically forcing players to create fake accounts, then telling them that they'll get banned for it.

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Are there different programs you wish us to implement?

What are your feelings towards exclusive mods? etc.

As this thread has already stated:

We'd like a reward program for hours played.

We are against exclusive content, even more so when it is hidden behind a wall and not obtainable to all players.

Edited by KingKeif
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your missing the point.

must you always defend DE when they do something wrong?


What is the point?

I explained my view... what does it have to do with DE?

I dont feel like doing this now and if i dont have this mod nothing will actually happen so i dont care.

That's all there is to it.



What the mod does is irrelevant.


I know reading a whole thread of 6 pages is a pain, even half of it, but you'll benefit from it.


If the mod is irrelevant why does anyone care?

It's like no one here ever lived in the real world.

Some times you cant get something because there is a hurdle. OK that sucks, move on.

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That too. I just think it needs to be earnable ingame just like shred, vigor and lethal torrent are and let the referral system be a 100% guaranteed way to get the mod just like you can get the other mods instantly by buying platinum.

it is "solution after" and "solution if".


problem is still here, for example i can use same system as many online-poker players use. such as proxy, sandboxes etc. and no one will trace these accounts to me directly.


referal system is, conceptually, a failure. again and again i see that DE fail to think things ahead. No only about these mods but they can't predict behavior of player base and its reaction.


I learned about this system from clan-chat. My first thought was: emails and fake accounts.

Edited by Althix
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What is the point?

I explained my view... what does it have to do with DE?

I dont feel like doing this now and if i dont have this mod nothing will actually happen so i dont care.

That's all there is to it.




If the mod is irrelevant why does anyone care?

It's like no one here ever lived in the real world.

Some times you cant get something because there is a hurdle. OK that sucks, move on.


You're on DE's payroll, aren't you?

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The person referring shouldn't really get anything for doing so beyond maybe some sort of in game badge showing off how many people they referred.


The people being referred to are the ones who should be getting nifty bonuses but not unique items that can only be gotten through being referred.

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Hello , as i saw this Referal system , i saw that i got screwed up and maybe many of old player probably realized how thing going on now.


For me i have refered 3-4 friend , so basicly ,I can't get those thing "legitly"... Also , this just make jealousy between player , it will end up in massive cheating of this system and like you said ban...


How the thing is going to be : 

Player A start to Ref people : but after a while those guys realize also what they couldnt get , and they will have to get ref again , but lets say many of them get difficult to get theire ref member , what they will do? Attempt to cheat the system since is really unfair , and the first thing anyone would think of

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If the mod is irrelevant why does anyone care?

It's like no one here ever lived in the real world.

Some times you cant get something because there is a hurdle. OK that sucks, move on.


You clearly haven't read the entire thread so I'll say this again.


The referral system rewards player for inviting other players, however, it shows no recognition for people who have already done so without the system.


What the mods do is of no importance, the fact is, content lies behind this wall in which you need 25 players using your referral link to do 10 missions, 99.999999999% of this community does not have that many friends left to invite as they already have invited them.


Please use at least a little common sense here instead of saying worthless crap such as the 'content is crap, it doesn't matter etc.' Because we both know you'd be annoyed to all hell if the braton, grakata, ignis and aklato were behind this wall, even if they are equally worthless.

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What is the point?


If DE can start putting "worthless" or "trivial" items as referral-exclusive, who knows when gameplay-affecting items will be added? I mean, it's already costing us to find 25 strangers for a single mod card, what'll it take for an entire Warframe or Weapon?

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