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Galatine Is Seriously Op


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You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 

You can one shot alot of things if you mod it correctly. The charge speed is terrible unless you put a mod in it.

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why don't we just NERF everything to the ground for the sake of "balance" ??....

Sure. Nerf someone's Synapse with 6x formas and a butt-ton of grinding to the ground. I'll lead the angry mob to you. Seriously, this game rewards time spent on a weapon more than anything. Given enough time, even a MK1 can decimate lvl 40s. For all the people complaining that weapons are OP, take off a few mods from it and play. Simple. You can balance things yourself with those 8 mod slots. 

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 Given enough time, even a MK1 can decimate lvl 40s. 


Not nearly as well as a Soma could.  A 6 forma potatoed Mk1 Braton would pale to a Soma with a few formas.  In fact, I'm not sure it even needs that much; the Mk1 is that pitiful.


And, of course, the disparity when both have equal investment is just embarrassing.


Balance is important because it gives players more choice.  Choice is nice, don't you agree?

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i don't know, my frost can't one shot things once they get to 50+ .  my only guess is that since most of the population can't get to high levels they assume its op since it one shots everything.  honestly melee falls short at that level.

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I would be happy if either Gram were made stronger or Galatine were brought down to the same level as Gram, because I love the look of Gram so much more but there's almost no point in using Gram if you have a Galatine.  I hate toting a Galatine because it clips into the ground as I run and that spindly little needle blade looks like there's no way it should be hitting harder than my Gram with charge attacks, but if I'm playing any T3 void mission or similar then there's just no good excuse to not bring the Galatine, it's straight-up better in terms of numbers than any other melee option.

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I vote for all weapons OP, let's remove all weapons!! YAY!!


Seriously though, there are sposed to be a difference in weapons, otherwise what is the point in having more than 1 weapon?!



Personally I do not see melee weapons as a viable choice against lvl 50+ at all.

Edited by rudzen
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Funny how people are still posting on this Dead topic. The Original Poster, doesnt even play anymore.


Stop Necro-ing old posts. Seriously. Lock this thread or something Mods.

Lol, I don't get why people are against necroing threads. When someone posts something that has been talked about in the past, everyone goes: "OMG USE SEARCH!". When you use search to keep everything together on older threads, it's a necro.

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Lol, I don't get why people are against necroing threads. When someone posts something that has been talked about in the past, everyone goes: "OMG USE SEARCH!". When you use search to keep everything together on older threads, it's a necro.

Because the discussion is over. Reviving the discussion when everything is said and done, is beating an old horse.

There's a reason everyone's talking about Melee 2.0. Nearly all Melee weapons are garbage for high tier play (as in, just a simple T3 Survival or Defense), the ones that aren't are countable on one hand.

Now let this die.

Edited by Aishi
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I vote for all weapons OP, let's remove all weapons!! YAY!!


Seriously though, there are sposed to be a difference in weapons, otherwise what is the point in having more than 1 weapon?!



The difference can be achieved via being sidegrades; each weapon has a distinct strength and weakness.  Having weapons that are simply upgrades is lazy design; the inferior choices might as well not be in the game.


Because the discussion is over. Reviving the discussion when everything is said and done, is beating an old horse.

There's a reason everyone's talking about Melee 2.0. Nearly all Melee weapons are garbage for high tier play (as in, just a simple T3 Survival or Defense), the ones that aren't are countable on one hand.

Now let this die.


This discussion is not over until the Galatine is addressed.


That kind of reasoning is the same reasoning people used for balance concerns before Damage 2.0.  Nearly every thread had someone saying "This discussion is pointless, Damage 2.0 will fix everything!"


Did damage 2.0 fix the Bo?  Or the Vulkar?  No, they didn't.  In some ways they made the problem worse; the Bo at least had armor ignore going for it.


The time before a major overhaul is in fact the best time to highlight issues like these, so they can be addressed during the overhaul instead of ignored.  Even if the Galatine isn't nerfed now, it needs to be nerfed as a result of melee 2.0.  Otherwise it'll continue to be one of the best melee weapons in the game.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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The Galatine has a ridiculous charge time to coincide with its high damage.


Would you rather a weapon that has you sitting there playing "batter up" and getting mauled by everything until the animation completes for high damage or stun-lock an enemy with moderately high damage and faster charge time or attack.


In the last, roughly, 50 matches I've been Online for, I have seen only 1 person with the Galatine. Otherwise it's been the Fragor, Dual Zorens, or Mire from what I can recall.


Long charge time for high attack - I think it's balanced enough.

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What were you guys thinking? Did noone do the testing before releasing that?


1.It's cheap to make- 50k credits and some mats to make the best weap in the game is not too much, especially if you don't have to find the blueprints.


2. It's too fast- It's a giant sword, yet it swings pretty much at the same rate as longswords. Combine it with 35 normal attack damage and it renders normal longswords obsolete. Why would you choose a longsword if you can have Galatine?


3. Charge damage- 400 damage? TWICE as much as anything else? The charge time isn't even long enough to justify that. 



You can one-shot basically anything up to level 60 with fully modded Galatine. Shields or no shields. Except you don't have to sacrifice anything to do that, you have good attack speed, great charge damage, decent charge speed. 



Yes, I have it, yes, I potatoed it. Yes, it's OP and I think it needs a nerf, because there is no reason to use any other melee at the moment.




I don't like swords.  Please make the best melee weapon in the game MY favorite weapon.

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The Galatine has a ridiculous charge time to coincide with its high damage.


Would you rather a weapon that has you sitting there playing "batter up" and getting mauled by everything until the animation completes for high damage or stun-lock an enemy with moderately high damage and faster charge time or attack.


In the last, roughly, 50 matches I've been Online for, I have seen only 1 person with the Galatine. Otherwise it's been the Fragor, Dual Zorens, or Mire from what I can recall.


Long charge time for high attack - I think it's balanced enough.


It has a marginally longer charge time than the Gram for a longer range and twice the damage.  Actually, it has more than twice that, because its crit chance/damage and status chances are better on the charge attack.





I don't like swords.  Please make the best melee weapon in the game MY favorite weapon.


There's no valid basis in that claim, so this is just ad hominem at best.

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2. It's too fast- It's a giant sword, yet it swings pretty much at the same rate as longswords. Combine it with 35 normal attack damage and it renders normal longswords obsolete. Why would you choose a longsword if you can have Galatine?


3. Charge damage- 400 damage? TWICE as much as anything else? The charge time isn't even long enough to justify that. 



The thing charges slow as poopmuffins.  You must have forgotten how slow it is with no charge speed mods...

The charge damage is nice BECAUSE it isn't worth swinging a normal melee swing simply because the normal melee swings are sooooo sloooow.

Once again: You must have forgotten how slow it is with no charge speed mods...

Just my thoughts:  The Galatine is good, but no way in hell is it gunna one-shot a level 50+ unless ALL of the following are true:


1) Have it potatoed.

2) Have at least 1 forma on it.

3) Have specialized mods to one-shot whatever target you're dealing with.

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It has a marginally longer charge time than the Gram for a longer range and twice the damage.  Actually, it has more than twice that, because its crit chance/damage and status chances are better on the charge attack.

Gram Charge Time = .7 seconds

Galatine Charge Time = 1.2 seconds.


Nearly 70% longer charge time is now marginal. What an awesome thread.


(I mean, yeah, Galatine has the highest DPS out of any charge weapon, but that statement is still hilarious).

Edited by konfetarius
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This discussion is not over until the Galatine is addressed.

You mean until melee is overhauled because atm it's total crap?



Did damage 2.0 fix the Bo?  Or the Vulkar?  No, they didn't.  In some ways they made the problem worse; the Bo at least had armor ignore going for it.
you @(*()$ kidding me? Vulkar is MUCH better in Damage 2.0. Not top dog, but it's usable and no more total and utter trash like before. It's the Gorgon of sniper rifles.


Bo is melee and all melee system is due to be overhauled because it's total crap apart from a few select weapons like Galatine and Orthos Prime that stop being practical anyway beyond heavy enemies at level 40.

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Gram Charge Time = .7 seconds

Galatine Charge Time = 1.2 seconds.


Nearly 70% longer charge time is now marginal. What an awesome thread.


(I mean, yeah, Galatine has the highest DPS out of any charge weapon, but that statement is still hilarious).


.5 seconds is not very significant, especially when there are two mods that more than compensate for that weakness.  Saying it's 70% longer is like saying 2 is a far huger number than 1, because it's a 100% increase.


It's over twice the damage (factoring in status and crit bonuses to its charge, which are not represented in the arsenal) with less than twice the charge speed.  That's overpowered.



You mean until melee is overhauled because atm it's total crap?





you @(*()$ kidding me? Vulkar is MUCH better in Damage 2.0. Not top dog, but it's usable and no more total and utter trash like before. It's the Gorgon of sniper rifles.


Bo is melee and all melee system is due to be overhauled because it's total crap apart from a few select weapons like Galatine and Orthos Prime that stop being practical anyway beyond heavy enemies at level 40.


Impact damage is mediocre at best, and that still doesn't make it signiifcantly better than what it is now.  The Vectis has a healthy spread of damage types (which, for whatever reason, is slightly focused on Impact, so it easily outdoes the Vulkar) with far more DPS.  The Vulkar is still horribly underpowered.


And the fact melee will be overhauled has nothing to do with the Bo being underpowered.  It's underpowered now and it will probably still be overpowered unless something is changed.  Hence why we ask for the change now.


Again, it's like how weapons weren't buffed or nerfed at damage 2.0, when they should've been.  The "wait for damage 2.0" mindset was far too prevalent, and fallacious at that.

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why do people assume that everyone will use the weapon with the most damage all the time?


i maxed my Galatine and locked it up for my Obex, which i have continued to use, since i got it, as it is my preferred melee weapon by choice.


Don't speak for the Player Base that you do not represent.

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i got galatin 1 day ago...its really imbalanced weapon(400 damage on 0lvl) nice! Nerf it please, we dont need so strong free weapon :))



P.S.: i got Ortos prime it has got 200(!) base damage and its harder to make it than galatin(just buy in shop for 50000)


Nerf Galatin! I know that many players dont want it, but we should to nerf it :) make them &#! BOOOOM :)

Edited by Aquartos
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i got galatin 1 day ago...its really imbalanced weapon(400 damage on 0lvl) nice! Nerf it please, we dont need so strong free weapon :))



P.S.: i got Ortos prime it has got 200(!) base damage and its harder to make it than galatin(just buy in shop for 50000)


Nerf Galatin!

dont use it then. leave those who love using it alone.

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.5 seconds is not very significant, especially when there are two mods that more than compensate for that weakness.  Saying it's 70% longer is like saying 2 is a far huger number than 1, because it's a 100% increase.


It's over twice the damage (factoring in status and crit bonuses to its charge, which are not represented in the arsenal) with less than twice the charge speed.  That's overpowered.




Impact damage is mediocre at best, and that still doesn't make it signiifcantly better than what it is now.  The Vectis has a healthy spread of damage types (which, for whatever reason, is slightly focused on Impact, so it easily outdoes the Vulkar) with far more DPS.  The Vulkar is still horribly underpowered.


And the fact melee will be overhauled has nothing to do with the Bo being underpowered.  It's underpowered now and it will probably still be overpowered unless something is changed.  Hence why we ask for the change now.


Again, it's like how weapons weren't buffed or nerfed at damage 2.0, when they should've been.  The "wait for damage 2.0" mindset was far too prevalent, and fallacious at that.

My argument for the Gala is that it, unlike other charge oriented melee weapons requires at least two precious mod slots for charge/wind up speed, a Catalyst, and at least two Forma to get nearly the most out of building it. It's still slower to charge than almost every heavy melee in the game. The damage it deals represents this, as well as in the fact that it's a massive friggin great sword.


Wouldn't be much of a heavy great-sword if its true wind up swing only did a flat 250 like the much smaller, shorter Scythe (Hate) in the same melee class. 

The melee weapon is solely charge oriented, its standard swings are abysmal and modding it for such is a total waste. 


If Melee 2.0 lives up to the promises DE are making then it will fall short in the versatility other more flexible melees that have decent standard and charged bring to the table. As such a specialized weapon it deserves such a high charge damage, as this damage lets it scale to decent, yet not phenomenal levels as of now, and every other melee weapon save for the Kestrel and Orthos/Orthos Prime are lack-luster.

No point in bringing it down to weaker levels when DE can simply give the other melees substantial buffs that make many people reconsider equipping such a slow cumbersome sword. 


Right now, yes, it doesn't take much to get it off the market and build it, however it isn't a total God weapon straight out of the foundry, nor is the Soma, Penta, or the Vectis. 


These weapons require rare hard to get mods, some of which take ages to get maxed, the Soma has a Mastery 6 Requirement, and each will need at least 3 forma to start to get the most out of these weapons, and a Catalyst.

[Maybe not so much the Penta unless you want all the bells and whistles. Honestly I feel this should have been a Dojo weapon, even if DE wants the players to test all their new stuff ASAP]


They take work to make powerful and it's their effectiveness at Late Game that makes them better than everything else.


They don't need nerfs, we need more weapons that can hold their own against lvl 50+ enemies, be it a gun or a sword, then let player preference dilute the pool of popularity. 


We should be looking into constructive ways to do this rather than screaming to make the things that are good suck like everything else!

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