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What I Wish Warframe Would Become


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6 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

Power creep issue is easy to deal with without nerfing...

Clearly you are a game design master.

2 hours ago, (PS4)FriendSharkey said:

they start adding new monsters like eidolons, thumpers, orbs and keep expanding on them meant to challenge differing builds and specific team compositions not the meta...

They should start doing things that they are already doing, as per the list you wrote?

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14 hours ago, (XB1)Rust Plague said:

Something tells me you don't ask nicely. My guess is, you're mad and frustrated when you send a message "asking nicely"
 and those on the receiving end of your wrath, reply in kind.

Then communicate that to your squad or recruit one.... Oh wait, you say that doesn't work........ Unrealistic expectations, combined with arrogance (my way or else.) seems like jerkery to me.

As for other games that match based on skill, those games are primarily PvP focused this is PvE. Different beast. Competitive vs cooperative. High skill is meant to play with low skill to encourage cooperation. 

I'm not opposed to adding a match making option, but I think DE want's us to communicate via recruiting chat. Match make ourselves, ensuring we get the team mates we want. With a match maker you still run the risk of getting placed in a squad you have no synergy with. How mad will you be then, getting teamed up with all Syrans, Limbos or Mirage? Or worse yet, trolls looking to grief. Hey, they all match your MR. It's exactly what you're asking for.

But, that's not what I took issue with.

What the f? So, I can't use myself as an example, as it's me bragging about being, in your words a "kind god". You assume a lot about me. You really shouldn't judge. Don't presume to know my intentions or what constitutes fun for me. I don't nerf myself to feel sorry for my clan mates, I enjoy the challenge.  Oh crap, there I go being an egotistical kind god..... Facepalm.

The only ego I see is you beating your chest, "It's my way, my thread, now get in line. If you disagree you're boasting and we're not here to cater your ego". 

However, you did say this after all, which is what I took issue with:

This implies low MR and high MR should never be allowed to play together. Ever. Because of what ever you mean by, "power struggle". I'll venture a guess, you mean high MR has all the power and the struggle is that it's not fair for the low MR. This is utter bs. It's not a competition, it's cooperative.

You're effectively telling players like myself that we should never help any low MR player ingame, else we're cheating the player and hurting them... Tell that to the players I've helped. They'll tell you where to stick it. Their laughter and excitement playing the game using the skills they've learned, scream horror and suffering. Their hurt is unimaginable you vile high MRs....  .... ....

Yes, high MR has more power. Astute observation capt obvious. File that under duh. However, many high MR players teach, make videos and coach low MR players. And brace yourself.... They like doing it. It's not a power trip, it's a rewarding experience to those players. 

Also public is just that, you nor I have any right to demand anything from public players. Thems the breaks. Like I said,

If you can't play nice, don't play public with unrealistic expectations. Public doesn't care. Nor should they. Communication is key, but doesn't always work out if attitudes suck. If this is upsetting you, then it must be hitting home for you. 

You still have not added any value to the thread,
You are not making suggestions on how to make the game better at high level,
You are just complaining, causing fights and generally not giving an f... about the topic.

So please if you not willing to leave this as a place for people to give their suggestions, and
Let people dream of ways that they think will make the game better, then this is not the place for you. 
You're happy with the game as it is , and that makes you a special,
Because you are happy with the end game, whilst a lot of people are not..

If you want please start your own thread about how perfect end game is,
and how fulfilling it is to go into low level missions,
and destroy everything with the tap of 4... (or whatever it is on xbox)

So be happy, but don't stop other people from trying to make suggestions.
because DE might read over the post and find one or two ideas worth thinking about,
and maybe 1 of those ideas will make it through to the actual game,
and maybe that will make the game that tiny bit better....

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11 hours ago, peterc3 said:

Clearly you are a game design master.

They should start doing things that they are already doing, as per the list you wrote?

If they made enemies, that can only be killed with a head shot,
or enemies that only take melee damage, or enemies that require a bit more thought 
when killing, than just spamming 4, then there would not be a power creep issue..

Also, very few missions start at over level 80 enemies,
and the few that are there get repetitive and boring quite fast,
what about allowing people to up the rank on a specific node,
from level 40 to 80, and then up the chance of higher level drops..

They could up other weapons stats, in order to make them compete with guns that are currently "OP"
and thus people have more choices on weapons again, whilst not loosing the love they have for a specific weapon.
I'm sorry but catchmoon went from a weapon I would use, to something that is not even worth looking at,
and I don't think that destroying the viability of a weapon is "good" nerfing.

Its range is so miniscual at the moment, I would rather just use a melee,
A damage nerf would have been better.

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11 hours ago, peterc3 said:

They should start doing things that they are already doing, as per the list you wrote?

Btw he was not suggesting that they do this, he was busy saying that those were some good ideas.
His suggestion was to keep on going down that road, and increase the content in these aspects.

Which I do not whole heartedly agree with, as warframes current issue is that they are trying to keep up,
but every time they create some new big monster, we figure out how to destroy it 2 hours later and all the fun is gone...

Thus I am suggesting creating a way for us to have higher level content thoughout the entire game,
not just 1 or 2 missions.

There are things like

  • Let players/teams start missions at higher levels on each node,
    kind of like index where there is 3 tears on the one node,
    and with each tier make the drop rates better.
    1.   Tier 1 (lvl 5 - 15). Tier 2 (lvl 50 - 80), Tier 3 (Lvl 110-130) on Mars
    2.   Tier 1 (lvl 20 - 40), Tier 2 (lvl 100 - 120), Tier 3 (Lvl 130-160) on pluto
    3.   Tier 1 (lvl 40 - 60), Tier 2 (lvl 130 - 160), Tier 3 (Lvl 160 - 200) on void
  • Entice players to stay in mission longer, by doubling the reward rates with each cycle,
    (thus at wave 25, you getting 2*A rewards and at wave 45 you getting 3*A rewards)
    Thus if there is a mod/item with a 1% drop ratio, it would be smarter to go in and play as long as possible
    in order to increase the drop chance to 3% (1 * 3) or if youre good enough 8%...
    (If this is too much, make it AABC, AABC, (AABC)^2, (AABC)^2)
  • Make some of the content that is already there more attractive to end game, such as cryoptic runs,
    I don't know of anyone that goes and does the other cryoptic farms, as it gives you the same stuff as on earth...
  • Allow level matching, where people are put in to groups of other people with a similar MR
  • Before a match starts, put us into a 30 second lobby (kind of like with relics) where we can change our loadout, and chat to team mates,
    sure don't allow modding or equipping of different weapons, but allow us to see what the rest of the team is playing, communicate and
    change to one of our dedicated load out slots.
  • Change the whole dynamic of ever increasing armor, because now we just build a slash melee and they gone in seconds, even at rank 160,
    rather increase the AI, make their aim better, give them some more OP weapons, give them better smarts, give them abilities, make them faster,
    make more special requirements enemies. but make them spawn everywhere.
    (Which fair enough some enemies in the game do have, but lets see more of it, in more mission types, lets see that scale)
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15 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

Let players/teams start missions at higher levels on each node,
kind of like index where there is 3 tears on the one node,
and with each tier make the drop rates better.
1.   Tier 1 (lvl 5 - 15). Tier 2 (lvl 50 - 80), Tier 3 (Lvl 110-130) on Mars
2.   Tier 1 (lvl 20 - 40), Tier 2 (lvl 100 - 120), Tier 3 (Lvl 130-160) on pluto
3.   Tier 1 (lvl 40 - 60), Tier 2 (lvl 130 - 160), Tier 3 (Lvl 160 - 200) on void

This triples the number of nodes with already sparsely populated nodes. The increased level does not warrant better rewards. Increased levels functionally mean nothing to the existing gameplay.

15 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

Entice players to stay in mission longer, by doubling the reward rates with each cycle,
(thus at wave 25, you getting 2*A rewards and at wave 45 you getting 3*A rewards)
Thus if there is a mod/item with a 1% drop ratio, it would be smarter to go in and play as long as possible
in order to increase the drop chance to 3% (1 * 3) or if youre good enough 8%...
(If this is too much, make it AABC, AABC, (AABC)^2, (AABC)^2)

This exists in certain modes, but has explicitly been shut down for the rest of the game.

15 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

Before a match starts, put us into a 30 second lobby (kind of like with relics) where we can change our loadout, and chat to team mates,
sure don't allow modding or equipping of different weapons, but allow us to see what the rest of the team is playing, communicate and
change to one of our dedicated load out slots.

This is what recruiting is for. Playing a node in Public is you saying you don't care what everyone else is playing, you just want to play that node.

15 hours ago, Tetraneon said:

Change the whole dynamic of ever increasing armor, because now we just build a slash melee and they gone in seconds, even at rank 160,
rather increase the AI, make their aim better, give them some more OP weapons, give them better smarts, give them abilities, make them faster,
make more special requirements enemies. but make them spawn everywhere.
(Which fair enough some enemies in the game do have, but lets see more of it, in more mission types, lets see that scale)

If they are dead, any resources spent on them being smarter is wasted. A better AI won't save an enemy from the very setup you mentioned.

Edited by peterc3
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On 2019-11-18 at 6:11 AM, Gasau said:

This Power creep DE made is impossible to controll without massive nerfs. There will never be a balance. Most players want to press one button and kill everything with one hit.

Faster, stronger more intelligent enemies for dynamic conflict are what is needed.

And this requires an entirely new type of enemy (New War?) or an upgrade to the entirety of combat with existing enemies or both.

Nerfs, Crazy reworks and re-reworks, Excessive farming and RnG, gated damage and damage immunity, and guess-fail-die mechanics are NOT dynamic.

And Dynamic Programming...while being the thing that is needed...the RIGHT THING ...is also the hardest, most time-intensive, and skill-intensive choice DE could make.

I wonder if they have the skill and commitment and resources to do it and WOULD THEY?

...heck, COULD THEY?

This is my Hope.

[We] Don't need more non-combat-centric systems in Warframe (including the Parazon and it’s grind and guess-fail-die mechanics).

We need better enemies in the most basic game design/game engine and programming sense.


Edited by (PS4)Silverback73
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12 hours ago, (PS4)Silverback73 said:

Faster, stronger more intelligent enemies for dynamic conflict are what is needed.

And this requires an entirely new type of enemy (New War?) or an upgrade to the entirety of combat with existing enemies or both.

Nerfs, Crazy reworks and re-reworks, Excessive farming and RnG, gated damage and damage immunity, and guess-fail-die mechanics are NOT dynamic.

And Dynamic Programming...while being the thing that is needed...the RIGHT THING ...is also the hardest, most time-intensive, and skill-intensive choice DE could make.

I wonder if they have the skill and commitment and resources to do it and WOULD THEY?

...heck, COULD THEY?

This is my Hope.

[We] Don't need more non-combat-centric systems in Warframe (including the Parazon and it’s grind and guess-fail-die mechanics).

We need better enemies in the most basic game design/game engine and programming sense.


Check my profile for my other thread,

Which suggests a nerf of all base dmg mods,
and then increases Faction Specific damaged
and Status effects,

That way running in with the same build for every mission and winning would be almost impossible,
If an enemy is weak against slash, make him strong against impact and puncture.

Make it so that using the correct status types (Viral/Corrosive/Radiation/Gas......)
are amazing against the right faction, and almost useless against the wrong ones...

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1 hour ago, Tetraneon said:

Check my profile for my other thread,

Which suggests a nerf of all base dmg mods,
and then increases Faction Specific damaged
and Status effects,

That way running in with the same build for every mission and winning would be almost impossible,
If an enemy is weak against slash, make him strong against impact and puncture.

Make it so that using the correct status types (Viral/Corrosive/Radiation/Gas......)
are amazing against the right faction, and almost useless against the wrong ones...

A nice idea in conjunction with mine.

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