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Livestream #15 Is Not Going To Be Taking Up Questions From Standard Players?


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Oh this is gonna get good.

This is an art live stream, council isn't offering up suggestions (least I don't think we are), just asking questions. Any questions that anybody has tend to be answered during the stream based on what is seen on twitch chat.

Then again what I'm saying is most likely to be invalided just because of my master badge

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At the same time it's basically saying that you have to pay money to give an idea.


Imagine all of the brilliant minds being waisted because they don't want to pay money just to have the chance of being heard.


Although I do see very much where you're coming from.


I don't think that many great minds are being wasted when the subject is something as surface as concept art.  Likewise, I don't think that many novel ideas are going to come out of a Q&A about the art of the game.

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At the same time it's basically saying that you have to pay money to give an idea.

Imagine all of the brilliant minds being waisted because they don't want to pay money just to have the chance of being heard.

Although I do see very much where you're coming from.

Ideas will be heard to the same extent regardless of being in stream question. 95% of them aren't even answered.

I doubt the odds improve much even limiting input to the DC.

Also I don't think Boku no Pico is appropriate to a forum that censors words like ***

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I think the thing that perhaps subconsciously feels "not quite right", is the taking of questions from a very skewed sample. The whole design Council idea is slightly concerning, because it allows that same "skewed sample" a much higher proportion of influence in the games direction.

Now I know there are arguments like "they have paid and have the right", "they have loads of experience", "why should people who don't pay have any say", "big pay, means big say". However, if I were being Machiavellian, I could take the view that DE have these peoples money, they have shelled out for the big founders package. DE won't make much more off of them....BUT, if they could persuade some of these non paying players (many, many more of those than founders) to spend a few bucks, or those that spent a few bucks to spend a few more...well DE could make a lot of money. Using that logic, I'd be more interested in those peoples views than the ones who have already dropped 60-$250 on the game.

In reality of course, I need to be properly listening to both and having a design council composed of a wider spectrum of players!!

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Guys... chill out, stop being so reactionary... this isn't the first time they've asked the DC what they would ask x team and then picked a few of the better questions to address. They still answer some questions during the stream but there has been such a huge amount of people tuning in it's harder for them to answer questions on the fly.


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I don't mean to be snide, but I have to ask, are you experiencing any buyers remorse?

what we bought was some gold trim and a new forum to do little more than lurk in...  the amount of platnium we got was reasonable though.

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Art feels kinda like a dodging move from DE (kinda sorta) because now the people on the couch will only be asked art questions, instead of stuff Steve/Scott/etc could answer.


Then again, we've heard the same devs over and over, let's give them a break. They've been working hard on this game and have been put under a lot of pressure. I'd rather have them immersed in their to-do lists rather then give us a quick show.


There might be frustrating parts about this game but let's be honest, we still enjoy playing Warframe or we wouldn't be here any more. As long as that's true it means DE isn't doing so bad after all.


Give the art team their moment, give the council its moment. Also give DE some breathing room for one stream, don't they deserve some free expression themselves ? They have given us many hours of fun with this great game and that's just priceless.


I'm actually looking forward to hearing the art direction the game aims for. And as much as I would like to see many ideas implemented in this game, we all have to remember we don't own the game or even the original idea for it. We can merely make suggestions expressed to the best of our abilities and hope for the best ones to emerge in the game. This wouldn't be the first time it happened ...




Now go and equip your favourite gear and kick your favourite faction's space butts ; )

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I think the thing that perhaps subconsciously feels "not quite right", is the taking of questions from a very skewed sample. The whole design Council idea is slightly concerning, because it allows that same "skewed sample" a much higher proportion of influence in the games direction.

The problem is that statistically, the council is large enough that the sample isn't skewed.

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Then again, we've heard the same devs over and over, let's give them a break. They've been working hard on this game and have been put under a lot of pressure. I'd rather have them immersed in their to-do lists rather then give us a quick show.

And we haven't gotten answers we need from them yet (which is why they should be put back on trial do the couch stuff, but take it more seriously than they normally do.)


There might be frustrating parts about this game but let's be honest, we still enjoy playing Warframe or we wouldn't be here any more. As long as that's true it means DE isn't doing so bad after all.

Never said it wasn't, but just because whatever they're doing now isn't so bad, doesn't mean it won't hurt the game later.


Give the art team their moment, give the council its moment. Also give DE some breathing room for one stream, don't they deserve some free expression themselves ? They have given us many hours of fun with this great game and that's just priceless.

Eh, everything has its time and place, and right after the big outrage is PROBABLY a good time to do more with the core devs, and ask them more important questions (like "hey, where's the communication? Haven't heard from ya in awhile on the forums... Maybe we could get a few threads of who's doing what, and what it looks like right now [i.e. armor/damage 2.0]?"

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I don't mean to be snide, but I have to ask, are you experiencing any buyers remorse?


Not really, naw.  I bought my master pack for plat and I got the plat.  I'm a bit upset at how un-involved the DC is, but other than that I'm pretty happy and have been pretty happy.

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*looks for your design council badge*


...  so uh, how'd you get that information if you're not even on the council itself?  C'mon, son.

I can attest that a surprising amount of them are lurkers, hedonists, and less-than-savory individuals.

That said, I'm actually glad that it's an Art stream, rather than a development Stream. Hopefully it'll mean that Steve and Scott are working instead of drinking/combing each other's beards/whatever it is they do when they're not being scrutinized.

I'm seriously wondering when the next batch of reload animations are coming around.

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And we haven't gotten answers we need from them yet (which is why they should be put back on trial do the couch stuff, but take it more seriously than they normally do.)




Never said it wasn't, but just because whatever they're doing now isn't so bad, doesn't mean it won't hurt the game later.



Eh, everything has its time and place, and right after the big outrage is PROBABLY a good time to do more with the core devs, and ask them more important questions (like "hey, where's the communication? Haven't heard from ya in awhile on the forums... Maybe we could get a few threads of who's doing what, and what it looks like right now [i.e. armor/damage 2.0]?"




Things don't happen over-night. They already said the updates wouldn't stop after the launch. As hard as it is to us all, we have to be patient. But I agree on the "more seriously" part a lot. I don't mind a few lolz on the LS but when half of it is jokes and giggles it feels like a waste of time to watch it.


And? I never said I expected it to be over night, but armor/damage 2.0 HAS been in long enough for them to have a good idea of what it'll be like (one example of something they could have a topic on)


Wasn't meant for you personally. The game is fun as it is. I want to see it become even better just as much as you. But let's not only focus on the bad things and again let's give DE the time to add even more greatness to the game. Rushing things isn't good, no need to hurry ;)

Ah, ok. I do think we need to focus pretty well on the bad things though, that's what gets change, when a lot of people focus on the negatives (not saying we also shouldn't ever give credit to DE when something cool comes out)


Can't disagree with that although about the forma issue I find it has been graciously fixed by DE (drop% chances). Still, the dev's jobs isn't to read through tons of threads, it's to make a game. DErebecca and DEMegan are the link between the DeVs and us. They regularly peek in a thread but very few dialogues have taken place. The DEVs have been less present from the forums these past weeks. I don't care if you do it through the stream or on the forums, but stay in contact with us DE.

Yup, exactly, we need more contact from the devs.

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Art feels kinda like a dodging move from DE (kinda sorta) because now the people on the couch will only be asked art questions, instead of stuff Steve/Scott/etc could answer.




There has always been an art livestream. This isn't new. But the art livestream is only once in a while, and we haven't had one in a good long bit. This isn't a "ploy" people. I swear, why do everyone seem to think that everything DE does is a conspiracy.


As for everyone else crying about "not being answered", we are CONSTANTLY having our questions answered - both through livestreams that happen EVERY. OTHER. WEEK. and the forums themselves. Not too long ago DE_Steve himself came here and talked for pages in one particular thread. And DE_Scott has appeared here alot lately too, speaking to us and answering questions.


Let's not forget that Rebecca will be hosting another livestream THURSDAY EVENING. I mean, seriously people? Seriously? My desire to hate people rises every time I read posts and threads like this..

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