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Ivara: Teleport and other requests summary.


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This idea around Ivara's Navigator is here for a while, not my idea, but I want to force it.
Older proposal was to change the Navigator Augment for Teleportation to the projectile point. 

My proposal is just to improve the synergy between the Quiver and Navigator:

ANY quiver arrow is turned into a Teleportation arrow if controlled by Navigator at the moment of impact (if punch through - then only unpenetrable impact like ground).

Tap Navigator again - exit navigator and cancel teleportation (projectile continues to travel).

Tap quiver again - teleport to the projectile on the fly (like Wisp) and cancel the quiver arrow.


Other requests I found in this forum I completely agree with:

- Prowl - rework restrictions, please, they are no fun as they are, may be just make it a fast moving invisibility without any other benefits but let pickpocketing, headshot damage bonus and Infiltrate effects work only when we crouch/walk and slide (with some extra visuals as we crouch, tread slowly or slide during Prowl)?

- Energy drains - please, reduce it greatly, both prowl and navigator eat too much Ivara can hardly sustain her energy even as an "efficiency monster" with 175% and needs to fill up primed flow pretty often. That slows down the mission progress and frustrates in addition to 3 mod slots are being taken as a payment already.

- Navigator - speed slider, and the slowest speed should be muuuuch slower than it is now. And, please, (re)invert the duration scaling, it looks like a bug, not a feature.


- Artemis bow - would be nice to just hold fire to switch between horizontal/vertical modes

- Ability base range - Cloak arrow and Prowl pickpocketing could be x1.5-x2 wider

- Pickpocketing - either faster or all enemies at the same time from the moment they are in range, or both.

I'll gladly add some more nice ideas here.

And remember - Ivara is not OP and will not become even with all these changes, she does not wipe the entire map quickly, she is just a very functional and fun warframe, but her restrictions now are not like a tiny grain of salt in a nice delicate dish, they are like a full spoon of salt in a sweet cup of tea.

Edited by Scar.brother.help.me
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1 hour ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

it is possible but it costs too much in terms of sacrifices, both mod slots, behavior freedom and requirements to just make it ok, not OP, not really GOOD, just ok.

You don't need any vitality or armor because enemies will never see you, with a medium build you have 214 strength and 175 efficacy... You can't play her like the other frames in a pub squad because you will die and her biggest problems are the eximus parasites..

Or just use range and use concentrated arrow

or use duration and range  and give perma invisibility to everyone.

Edited by bibmobello
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2 hours ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

And remember - Ivara is not OP

You're kidding right? Ivara is is top tier, one of the most powerful frames we have.

Her only problem is that the dependency she has on permanent invis for survivability makes her extremely slow to use, which for some people ( me included ) feels off considering how fast paced the game is in general. This is ok for solo, not so much with squads.

2 hours ago, Scar.brother.help.me said:

ANY quiver arrow is turned into a Teleportation arrow

I actually like to use her arrows with Navigator .. it's pretty cool. I could see this making some sense with the dash wire, but not with the others.

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58 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

You're kidding right? Ivara is is top tier, one of the most powerful frames we have.

Her only problem is that the dependency she has on permanent invis for survivability makes her extremely slow to use, which for some people ( me included ) feels off considering how fast paced the game is in general. This is ok for solo, not so much with squads.

I actually like to use her arrows with Navigator .. it's pretty cool. I could see this making some sense with the dash wire, but not with the others.

Do you know you can use your operator to move faster than gauss and expert ivara players don't move at all but can kill  everything far away?

It's not considered OP because she can't nuke entire maps with low level enemies but when you are still alive after waves 40 disruption on lua while inaros starts to die every seconds, dealing 99% damage it's not considered OP...

Edited by bibmobello
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11 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

expert ivara players don't move at all but can kill  everything far away?

That's not the point I was trying to make. You definitely can. What I'm saying is that it feels out of place considering how fast paced the game is.

12 minutes ago, bibmobello said:

It's not considered OP because she can't nuke entire maps

Well, I guess it depends on what one considers OP. If for you OP is "nuke maps", sure.

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12 minutes ago, Vit0Corleone said:

That's not the point I was trying to make. You definitely can. What I'm saying is that it feels out of place considering how fast paced the game is.

Well, I guess it depends on what one considers OP. If for you OP is "nuke maps", sure.

On low levels under level 100 because i haven't seen a nuker survive more than 30 minutes on arbitration or dealing more damage than me.

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This 'flexing' thing you're doing is ridiculous @bibmobello. Saying it's alright in your personal build is literally meaningless because a hyperspecialised build cannot and should not be the metric for the overall design.

If it takes 75% efficiency to be reasonable in costs? It's probably a flawed design (see new Ember). If it takes Arcane Energise or restore pads to keep comfortable energy supply? That's not an accurate measure of balance, that's relying on a rare drop and/or crutch consumables. A proper design should be comfortable to play and viable without maxing efficiency, without Arcanes or consumable spam.

If we want to play anecdotes, half the time I go into a pub Sortie Defense mission using my lazy supporting loadout (duration Limbo with Vazarin focus for picking up friendlies) I still somehow manage to top the damage and even kill charts. With a riven-less bow and Sheev. So they're overpowered now, I suppose.


So let's have a think on this build you won't share. We know that there's no survivability mods - you pray not to be caught in crossfire or to have a Venomous Eximus creep near you, or you're probably dead in short order.

You're spending two mods on 175% efficiency and at least two regular slots on Strength to surpass 200% without Blind Rage. There's also at least one augment in there, if not both Empowered Quiver and Concentrated Arrow. That narrows the final 2 to 3 mods, one of which I imagine is Primed Flow (buffering between Energy Orb refills). This leaves us two unaccounted slots for taste (one if using dual augments).

I'm imagining FleetEx, Streamline, Transient Fortitude, Umbra Intensify, Empowered Quiver, Primed Flow, with possibly Concentrated Arrow + range mod in the last pairing or, more likely for the general usage, one mod for Duration to keep the Prowl channel minimised and one unaccounted for. Exilus holds Power Drift (as maxed TransiFort + U.Intensify + Power Drift = 214%) or possibly switched out with Cunning for the extra range in the Concentrated Arrow build.

Maybe the mystery mod is Infiltrate. You did extol the virtue of not needing to move, but also talking about running long Disruptions and void Survivals makes me feel that was probably just for the Concentrated approach and normally you'll be needing that speed back so you can find your targets/pickups and not get surprise Nullified.

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