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my main plight is finally over

(XBOX)Voltren Xytech

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an ode to the end of a dark and stressful era... ok enough pretentiousness, so over the past...3 years? me and my clan had been dealing with a very asinine traitor of a clan mate, actually a group of them to be honest, they did everything from making multiple accounts to infiltrate, kick and mega demote other members, through some weird glitch managed to steal a **** ton of resources, trophies and decorations, then proceeded to delete whole swaths of my dojo and as a coup de grace, they left and kicked all the members they could at the time [obviously during my burnt out break the past few months] so when i came back everything was in ruins... was i mad, a little, but all in all, they are gone, the rest of my clan doesn't have to deal with them, and if they ever manage to infiltrate again, i'll be displaying their corpses in the trophy room

but now that ive dealt with the majorly broken crap [rebuilt the labs, farmed new decorations and re-designed the trophy room], and now ive spent the required 350P to change the clan name and emblem [hopefully it gets accepted and a patch comes very soon after] , me and the last 7 members are starting over, hopefully without any further incident, and maybe, just maybe, we will be able to climb back to where we were and maybe even higher

though... i'll forever be pissed that they reset our hema research..... we were less than 2k away from getting the hema... now at ghost rank atleast it's only a 5k goal, but it's still annoying

figured i'd post this just incase there is another clan dealing with something similar, once you fully cull the disease, it will stay gone, a clan member should be nice and atleast mildly respect you, if they dont, well... what use are they then

i recently accidentally got a lich on me, and it's not nearly as frustrating as those old members, still dont like the difficulty though, luckily he's stuck on mars now, and ive never had to exclusively farm mars, and the occasional voice lines in my orbiter are amusing, still way too hard, it should have capped at lvl 60 for the enemies, but i digress

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45 minutes ago, (XB1)Voltren Xytech said:

 through some weird glitch managed to steal a **** ton of resources, trophies and decorations, then proceeded to delete whole swaths of my dojo

I believe you should report this glitch in the appropriate section, since I have never heard about something like this being possible or happening to clans.

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vor 3 Minuten schrieb Mr.Fluffins:

I believe you should report this glitch in the appropriate section, since I have never heard about something like this being possible or happening to clans.

it sounds a lot like someone had made them "admins" (whatever it's called in their clan) of the clan.. don't be aware that it is possible to do such things like kicking others and create/delete rooms and decorations without a higher rank....

but i know no methode to extract ressources out of the clan? (beside: building something for your own.. whats in fact actually should only be railjacks)

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5 minutes ago, (PS4)NewcastleDisease said:

it sounds a lot like someone had made them "admins" (whatever it's called in their clan) of the clan.. don't be aware that it is possible to do such things like kicking others and create/delete rooms and decorations without a higher rank....

but i know no methode to extract ressources out of the clan? (beside: building something for your own.. whats in fact actually should only be railjacks)

atleast one of them was an admin for the whole time, it took me until they left to realise that they had been helping the other two, but i have no idea how the hell they managed to steal resources and stuff, but my noggle set and a couple other trophies are gone and all our rare resources were gone as well, sooo.... i dont know

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The problems start when clans start randomly throwing out invites, seeking to fill their ranks with literally anyone who says yes. I'm happy this game doesn't punish small clans for staying, well, small.

Oh well. Fingers crossed the name and emblem change will stick and you won't have any further trouble with this.

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1 minute ago, Anduvriel said:

They could have joined an alliance and donated resources to an allied clan. Thats the only way i can think of that can be used to get resources out of the clan. 

HOLY ****, i just realised the clans not in an alliance anymore, if thats a thing that may be what happend, crap and i dont remember who the other clan was

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38 minutes ago, Berserkerkitten said:

The problems start when clans start randomly throwing out invites, seeking to fill their ranks with literally anyone who says yes. I'm happy this game doesn't punish small clans for staying, well, small.

Oh well. Fingers crossed the name and emblem change will stick and you won't have any further trouble with this.

i mean we've had problems i  the past with a few randoms, but these three were actually friends id had for years, it was psychologically stressful to cut them out of my life after i figured out just how horrible they really were, nowadays people seem to enjoy duping others for a massive payload of mental destruction.... you develop trust issues really quick after a couple times

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honestly the Hema was the biggest blow they dealt, we had almost 4k mutagen samples before i took my recovery vacation, but when i got back we had maybe 1.2k, im currently seeing if support can help me [fingers crossed they can]

...and i have to recruit new people, im very anti social.... so it's going to be an anxiety inducing event, and the trio didn't help with my trust issues, but ive also noticed that every time ive asked someone they immediately go to "what's your leaderboard rank" and "i want a leadership role or no go" or "i'll join for [insert random high number] Platinum" i feel like it's going to take awhile to atleast get a habitual grinder or even someone who would remember to donate their dyes, hopes not good, but better than it was, it will be awhile before my heads above water

what happened to joining a clan to make friends and bond?

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hurray, my clans transition is complete, everything is back to how it was before i took a break, minus 3500 mutagen samples, and a trio of backstabbing FusterClucking Hickdoles, oh and like 2 jade noggles and a clem noggle, but i can easily replace the clem noggle and who cares about 2 jade excalibur noggles

might need to look into making a recruitment page on here or something, id do reddit but i dont need another super sexist, racist, anti-LGBT, neo nazi, vulgar deck in my clan, just got rid of the last one,~ and to think i believed the canadian stereotypes LOL [that last part was a joke.... just to clarify]

everything is looking up [except its starting to look like support will be unable to help us get back the mutagen samples....not exactly easy to replace but if it comes to it, ill just grind it out myself so i dont have to torture the other members into doing derelict runs with me]

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Sounds like another league/clan/linkshell that went full recruit mode and started letting anyone in.


How about maybe not doing that?

Edit: although who am I to blame? Groups are way better for MMOs but I've seen this stuff too often.

I'd rather be a lone wolf that doesn't have to depend on anyone. I have my own problems with this way of life but its better than being a slave to some league that makes you run stuff whenever they want to.

Edited by (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu
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Just now, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

Sounds like another league/clan/linkshell that went full recruit mode and started letting anyone in.


How about maybe not doing that?

again, i full on knew these people, we had been friends for 6-7 years, things got out of hand and they showed their true colors, these were not randoms

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1 minute ago, (XB1)Voltren Xytech said:

again, i full on knew these people, we had been friends for 6-7 years, things got out of hand and they showed their true colors, these were not randoms

Yea....No problem with being trusting. But just like in real life: money changes people.

It's even worse in the gaming world because theres actually not really any consequences other than reputation and hoping people realize who these people are. I'd smear their names if I were you so people know to look out for them next time

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19 hours ago, (PS4)CrazyBeaTzu said:

Yea....No problem with being trusting. But just like in real life: money changes people.

It's even worse in the gaming world because there's actually not really any consequences other than reputation and hoping people realize who these people are. I'd smear their names if I were you so people know to look out for them next time

i mean i would, but it wouldn't do anything

ones the canadian i mentioned earlier, had some major problems with this wingstick: Aces of Anarchy

another is a contrarian who always takes the underdogs side, EVEN WHEN THEY ARE FLAT OUT WRONG, also has an ego problem that he always ALWAYS needs to sound like an MLG pro, and he will NEVER help you for free, it's always "i'll help you, but you'll need to pay me on a monthly basis to teach you how to get better", i have no idea what he calls his teaching crap, but its a program he uses to teach people how to get better, and by better i mean he teaches them the scummiest and sweatiest methods to make opponents rage quit, im pretty sure it's also illegal, but not entirely sure, this is a guy who i cant beat in destiny but i can trounce him in just about any other game, ive had the most problems with this guy: ExiledUNDERDOG

the last one is one ive had only a few problems with,he has an ego problem, but it's more like he's just super arrogant, he has some skill to back it up atleast, unlike the last guy, he was one of the first clan mates i had, and was a close friend, which made a devastating impact when he turn his back, this is the only one that i might just forget everything to make an alliance with his current clan, im 90% sure that while all three left at the same time they are not all in the same clan, but he will play his piano on the mic if you dont give him attention, and he was the admin that kept letting the other 2 back in to the clan, he also was the one that kicked most of the clan according to the logs, and dismantled quite a few things too, agian ive only had a few problems with this guy so he's not on the top of my kill list: Dark Libra25

i know all three of there real names and everything, but it would be unnecessarily cruel to throw that stuff out on the web, i mean after all, according to libra and underdog they are both dark web deep hackers hurdedurhur, so i highly doubt their black hats with the way they boast about it, the event is still a bleeding wound for me but atleast the metaphorical knife is out of it


Edited by (XB1)Voltren Xytech
something changed my wording, so i changed it back
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