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Valkyr Rework "Idea" Suggestion


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Valkyr Rework: Hysteria efficiency made better, the percentage timers will no longer be an energy drain once it reaches 100% at this point it will become a de-buff/buff called hysterical fatigue. This is only active when exiting hysteria mode(This is because right now when exiting Hysteria mode Valkyr will take damage equal to that of what she absorbed during hysteria mode(before a past update this was not the case) and this seems very impractical especially as her name is derived from the word Valkyrie a norse mythology group of god tier war maidens)(In turn meaning shes not cat like due to the fact that only one of her heads has a collar whilst the rest are more like a neck bands or necklaces). Hysterical fatigue's buff will last half of the first de-buff stack, this buff is x4 the total armour including mods and base stats and does not stack. The de-buff will remove shields, and slow the player movement by 1/2 to a 1/4 base movement speed (whichever works), the de-buff will stack, however the penalty won't stack, only the time will stack.

Hysteria mode will now synergize with Valkyr's other powers, buffing and making them stronger, making them more furious and effective as the ability picks up power. After taking 10,000 damage Valkyr will let out an enraged scream, similar to entering hysteria (sounding more aggressive) this signifies entering the first state of three, Valkyr's fighting style will change slightly becoming slightly more aggressive, this will also grant a 10% damage increase to Rip-line. At 250,000 damage taken Valkyr will let out a furious shriek upon entering the second enraged state. In this second state, Rip-line will gain another 5% increase and Warcry will gain a 5% ability strength increase, Valkyr's fighting style changes rather dramatically, her attacks become slightly more feral. When 750,000 damage is taken, Valkyr will let out a berserk roaring scream, this will signify her entering her most frighteningly unpredictable state, becoming a vicious and berserk killer.

Valkyr's fighting style will alter once again, becoming fanatical, fuelled by blood-lust and changing, becoming EXTREMELY berserk. This will add a fluid state of combat for Valkyr, there will be no pauses between each attack (behaving somewhat like Ash's fourth). Enemies in a 2-10m radius around Valkyr become targets for Valkyr to pounce upon. Rip-line gains an 150% damage buff, and will now pull Valkyr towards the enemy, impaling them and ripping them apart, if the target is not initially killed, she will attack the target with a consistent flurry of attacks. Warcry will recieve a buff with duration increasing by 50%, range increases by x2.5 of its original  base max rank stat, targets will now slowly be pulled towards her in a frightened state of hysteria (pun time). Paralysis will now have a 360 degree radius around Valkyr, it will also gain a x3.5 ability range buff, only applying to this ability. Paralysis will now have 100% additional ability duration. Side note: the shouts and screams she makes when casting Warcry and Paralysis are more aggressive sounding in state 3. All of these suggestions and "Ideas" are so it is more in line with her original fighting style as well as her introductory sentence/description when acquiring her, "Forged in the labs of the Zanuka Project, The Original Valkyr was subject to cruel experiments leaving her scarred, "Angry" and "Frighteningly Adept" at "Killing", this is some of the reasoning behind the suggested "Idea".

This Valkyr rework "idea" was originally created and thought of by xGencellron (PSN) and addtions and editing was done by boi9985 (PSN). the Valkyr warframe and her ablilties are property of Digital Extremes, this rework is simply an idea and we by no means mean to infringe on DE's work. A re-work for Valkyr is needed and we hope this has prompted a discussion. We humbly acknowledge the work of Digital Extremes and mean no offence by this.

Changes may be included later on so this post is subject to additions and changes.

Ps if you dont like this idea and aren't going to be respectful about it then dont bother responding.

Edited by (PSN)xGencellron
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I do not think Hysteria needs changes, as it currently stands. If you mod the claws right, they can dish huge damage in a very short amount of time. The invulnerability also allows for cheesing many mechanics (especially in assassinations). 

Rip line, even if the damage of this skill increased by 10,000% it will still be useless. I can already one shoot a group of level 100 mobs with a melee weapon. Why would I bother using an awkward skill to kill one mob with risk of it missing and completely displacing my location? This skill must be removed or a buff attached to it that either increases Valkyr melee damage or suvivability (which is not needed).

Paralysis, I think if the range is doubled, so its 20 meter, and the slow is moved from Warcry to it, it will work great. 

Warycry, just reduce the cost to 50 energy, since the slow will be removed. Possibly also increase the duration to 20 sec base.

Overall, all Valkyr currently needs is a bit more melee damage, which is supposed to be her area of specialty. And that should be done through skill 1, either by removing the skill or attaching buffs to it. Shuffle some stuff between Warcry and Paralysis, and things should be great.

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" slow the player movement by 1/2 to a 1/4 base movement speed "  - terrible idea

"Valkyr's fighting style changes rather dramatically... etc etc"  And how exactly does it change? its just some colorful words with no gameplay backing, non-diea. Valkyr already attacks super fast with Berserk\ Warcry buffs(~30 attacks per second combos not even maxed, not sure what is max possible) and Hysteria augment lets you pounce on enemies for free while Warcry augment already extends duration for every kill

"damage increase to Rip-line" This is just funny, no one cares about ripline damage.

Honest question, how little have you played?

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Guys, its just an IDEA, yeah sure there are things that are tweaked and all that, but this is all just an idea. The numbers and how it functionally works would naturally be changed, accordingly, they're random number set as placeholders. As I said, its just an idea. Look, i haven't played Valkyr, but xGen is MR 27 with 6.5 years of play and likes Valkyr, its his suggestion and idea for a rework. we not here to start a fight, or an argument, im just here to say, "its an idea, its all good, because DE is in full power to do whatever they want with Valkyr." although a rework would be nice. 

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On 2020-01-14 at 9:01 AM, (PS4)thegarada said:

I do not think Hysteria needs changes, as it currently stands. If you mod the claws right, they can dish huge damage in a very short amount of time. The invulnerability also allows for cheesing many mechanics (especially in assassinations). 

Rip line, even if the damage of this skill increased by 10,000% it will still be useless. I can already one shoot a group of level 100 mobs with a melee weapon. Why would I bother using an awkward skill to kill one mob with risk of it missing and completely displacing my location? This skill must be removed or a buff attached to it that either increases Valkyr melee damage or suvivability (which is not needed).

Paralysis, I think if the range is doubled, so its 20 meter, and the slow is moved from Warcry to it, it will work great. 

Warycry, just reduce the cost to 50 energy, since the slow will be removed. Possibly also increase the duration to 20 sec base.

Overall, all Valkyr currently needs is a bit more melee damage, which is supposed to be her area of specialty. And that should be done through skill 1, either by removing the skill or attaching buffs to it. Shuffle some stuff between Warcry and Paralysis, and things should be great.

I don't think Ripline needs to go, just needs to be focused on one thing: utility. I think the ability needs to be focused on Valkyr and allowing her to Spider-Man around.

  • Take away the damage, reduce the energy cost to 5, speed up the self-pull.
  • Add an alt-cast where you hold 1 and target terrain, and she pulls herself all the way to the terrain, then latches on. Drains 1 energy per second of latch, press 1 to end.
  • When targeting an enemy, they need to come only to Valkyr, not get chucked 100 yards behind her. If more is needed, maybe also add a shield break/armor shred affect to it?
  • If even more is needed to make it useful, add an alt-fire where you hold 1 and target an enemy to tangle them up, adding a cc element to it. Maybe even allow for a repeating shield breakr/armor shred. Drains 1 energy per second of entangling, press 1 to end.

I like your other ideas for Paralysis and Warcry. Moving the CC out of Warcry and into Paralysis is 100% the way to go. Also reducing the energy cost of Warcry would be huge (I think they should also reduce the casting time and make it a one handed action). Give Paralysis a real range, some real CC, and suddenly Valkyr has a reason to push her 3 button! Get rid of the weird shield mechanic, too. Probably have to up the Energy cost to compensate, though.

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1 hour ago, waterboytkd said:

I don't think Ripline needs to go, just needs to be focused on one thing: utility. I think the ability needs to be focused on Valkyr and allowing her to Spider-Man around.

  • Take away the damage, reduce the energy cost to 5, speed up the self-pull.
  • Add an alt-cast where you hold 1 and target terrain, and she pulls herself all the way to the terrain, then latches on. Drains 1 energy per second of latch, press 1 to end.
  • When targeting an enemy, they need to come only to Valkyr, not get chucked 100 yards behind her. If more is needed, maybe also add a shield break/armor shred affect to it?
  • If even more is needed to make it useful, add an alt-fire where you hold 1 and target an enemy to tangle them up, adding a cc element to it. Maybe even allow for a repeating shield breakr/armor shred. Drains 1 energy per second of entangling, press 1 to end.

I like your other ideas for Paralysis and Warcry. Moving the CC out of Warcry and into Paralysis is 100% the way to go. Also reducing the energy cost of Warcry would be huge (I think they should also reduce the casting time and make it a one handed action). Give Paralysis a real range, some real CC, and suddenly Valkyr has a reason to push her 3 button! Get rid of the weird shield mechanic, too. Probably have to up the Energy cost to compensate, though.

The problem with ripline, as a parkour skill, is why do you need it and where are you going to use it? If you are playing Valkyr (beside style/fashion), you are playing her for the 700 base armor + warcry. She is a melee tank frame. Why do we need to inject spiderman into this?

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17 minutes ago, (PS4)thegarada said:

The problem with ripline, as a parkour skill, is why do you need it and where are you going to use it? If you are playing Valkyr (beside style/fashion), you are playing her for the 700 base armor + warcry. She is a melee tank frame. Why do we need to inject spiderman into this?

I currently like Ripline in any tileset where there's a lot of vertical movement.

But you're right that it doesn't fit the "norse berserker" theme of Valkyr, nor her melee tank side. But there's also the "crazy cat lady" side of her theme--the trait, the claws...the screaming? And though Spider-Man isn't on theme, mobility can be. 

Ultimately, though, if you look at her kit: Warcry = melee tank buff, Paralysis = CC (at least, it should), and Hysteria = burst of (invulnerability + heal to full + high melee damage). What else would her kit need besides a mobility tool? You said it yourself that she doesn't need another survivability buff nor a damage buff. So even if you cull Ripline, what gets put here?

Now, one suggestion I remember reading was kinda cool, an on theme: replace Ripline with the augment for her 4. So you leap up to 50m at an enemy and hit em with your Talons. I'd be cool with this, especially if it can also be cast without a target to just do a massive leap (maybe with a hold cast for that mode, so you aren't displaced if you happened to miss with your leap at an enemy). That way, you'd still have a mobility tool for both combat and parkour.

Edited by waterboytkd
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I would love for a Valkyr rework seeing as most of her abilities are dated. When I use to play her alot, I went with an Endless War build over Hysteria because once Warcry got rolling after its initial cast, you no longer need energy to maintain it. But thats me...

Now I really like waterboykd idea of removing ripline all together and replacing it with the augment. It can be used as a launch attack or just a super jump... even more so, you could have it be tap to jump to location, if there is an enemy there she will attack it with her claws, But if you press and hold the ability it will activate a channeling version of it and your melee will act similar to the way the old archwing melee attacks would work by leaping you from enemy to enemy when you go to attack an enemy out of range. This would maintain and solidify her role as a melee main, it also maintains her first ability being a movement based ability and circumvents the whole damage debate in that you would use your claws or your melee weapon. Not only that, but it really fits her theme of her be "cat like" It would be her pounce which seems all too fitting. I would offer no damage buff or boost, the ability alone would make this a very powerful tool in Valkyrs arsenal.

Her paralyze ability... I have no idea honestly. Perhaps if the range was increased a bit and with the combination of the first ability change that was proposed it could make this ability make more since. The thing is, when using melee you kinda want the enemies to run at you. It makes killing them all the more enjoyable... too much? But I feel that if she has something that pulled enemies to her it would kinda break the theme... so at its base I would keep it the same. In a since it would be a lioness roaring and causing a paralyzing fear which I think is what was intended. For the augment I would suggest instead of have this worthless slow pull have it force agro onto all enemies in range and under their own power run at her... maybe even disarming them. "dropping their weapons to use melee"

Warcry I like, i've always liked and with this ability. It's nice because it can buff your allies as well as yourself. Perhaps im bias but I don't know that i would really change this. With all the proposed changes thus far, this would round out everything nicely. She would have a modernized movement ability, an enemy debuff/CC, a team buff...

Hysteria... while going through all of this I kept wondering how I would change this ability. Me, myself really never liked using it because of its energy requirements. WIth that said, I think what I would like to see is this ability change in a way that would allow it to put icing on the cake, but still keep the other abilities useful. Thus, I would make this ability work similar to Baruuks ability, and it could be a gauge base, but more directly linked to damage to her health, or even allies. Then when activating it, it would work similar in fashion to the way it does now, lifesteal, attack speed and all until she was in a good position. I would like for this to work with all melee weapons, but I feel that would break her theme and could settle for her claws being the only way this ability would function. she is enrage and is dropping all sophistication and going to a more primal state.

This, This is how I'd like to see her change... I would definitely pick her back up. This proposal would make her entire kit useful and able to keep up with a lot of the newer frames. I don't think anything here is unreasonable. Maybe a little range here and there. No damage increase or buffs in general, just a few tweeks to the way her abilities work. It brings her more inline to her theme and better adapts her to what she is suited for, melee.

Edited by (XB1)DarkForceLegend
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