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The Soma Is Ridiculously Op.


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;) not very; Max citic chance, max critic dmg and most of serration i have. Then firerate maxed mod and Shred maxed; and it sucked corpus thin can &#!.


armor penetration maxed as well.

the reason it sucked is you DID mod it horribly. you realize that if you put too many fire rate mods on a high fire rate gun, you actually weaken it (see: twin vipers) because it fires MORE rounds but the game doesn't count all the shots you also need hammer shot, and multishot Edited by cyrus106
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the reason it sucked is you DID mod it horribly. you realize that if you put too many fire rate mods on a high fire rate gun, you actually weaken it (see: twin vipers) because it fires MORE rounds but the game doesn't count all the shots. You also didn't put Armor pierce or hammer shot, nor multishot

right with crit dmg and chance, hammershot,ap,seration, multishot and one fitting elemental u 1hit nearly all enemys under lv 70

and if u tapfire u have an 100% accuracy and never go out of ammo , without mutation mod

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Soma is going to have its rank req increased.

Imo Soma is OP, by far the only gun I know that doesnt need elemental mods.


it makes short work of those lvl 100+ fuglies. 

the accuracy is good and it does not have travel time like dera(psh)

It usually never misses a crit if you mod it properly.


(For those of you who says its not op then you mustv modded it wrong)

(if you still dont believe me then Im big foot)


(btw I love it, its my fav gun) but seriously its op no questions asked.

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It's got great dps, that said It eats ammo nearly as badly as my flux (still a bit more efficient) and I wasn't around for mutation mods. 
Maxed: Hammer shot, vital sense, point strike, serration, split chamber, cryo rounds, piercing hit, and shred (or wildfire if I feel like it, or stormbringer because corpus) and it gets pretty obscene, it's also hilarious in my clan's dojo duels. One of my clan-mates was talking about how badass his Loki was in pvp because of invisible kokage, when the duel started I emptied my entire clip randomly all over the room and eventually a couple bullets made contact and he died. We both laughed our butts off for a good 5 minutes.

Also, I'm a bit confused why they're taking so longer to change its mastery, they nerfed the straith within hours

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why noone wait till the new armor settings are out and start then with crying?maybe the change is the solution


I fail to see how an armor rework which, if anything, will buff the performance of non-AP/non-armor-ignoring weapons (like the Soma) and decrease the importance of elemental mods will in any way balance this gun. 

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Unless they have done a mastery rank change before in the past (I am relatively new so I don't know), changing that is going to be way more complicated than a crit rate change like on the Strun.


For the strun you just change the crit rate and your done.


For a mastery rank change you need to make sure the system knows how to handle:


1) people who have it equipped but no longer meet the requirements

2) people that have it in their inventory but no longer meet the requirements

3) People who have bought the blue print but not crafted it yet and no longer meet the requirements

4) people who have built it but not claimed it from the foundry and no longer meet the requirements.


These also tie into weird edge cases.  Example:  The change it and system decides that if you don't meet the requirement and its in your inventory, you can't equip it.  I have it slotted with my only split chamber, and it isn't max rank yet.  The Soma is at full mod capacity.  I put the split chamber in the Braton prime I am now using.  It has room so I want to level the split chamber.  I get the error saying I can't level it because it would violate the Soma's capacity, but I can't equip the Soma to remove it.  So now I need to sell the soma and recraft/level it when I hit the mastery rank?  Might not be a huge deal, but it is the kind of thing that needs to be addressed.


You need to decide how it will behave for each of those cases, and make sure the system does that properly because those might be new cases they haven't had to deal with before.  Also, it sounded like on the Strun they knew what the crit was supposed to be (though that could be false :P), with this change they just said they want to increase the rank.  There is a pretty big difference between going form rank 3 to rank 5 and going form rank 3 to rank 8, so they really need to nail that down.



As for Armor 2.0, you really should just wait to complain about weapons until that hits, we have no idea how far the changes are spreading, and they might be changing weapon stats as well, so its really all in the air.  Since they mentioned possibly tying elemental procs effects to crits, I wouldn;t be surprised if they change the crit rate on all the weapons with less than 5% since they would proc so infrequently.  It could end up being minor changes or they could re-do the whole damage system from the ground up so why bother worrying before that hits?

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A new standard of what? Completely trivializing content?

A new standard for weapon benchmarks. Soma was only made the way it is because many of the other guns are too weak early on or too weak later on. Soma is strong at all points of the game, so other primary assault rifles are going to be balanced around that level of power. After that, it's more than likely the Soma will eventually be toned down due to everything else being toned up. Same thing goes for the Galatine with other melee weapons.

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I fail to see how an armor rework which, if anything, will buff the performance of non-AP/non-armor-ignoring weapons (like the Soma) and decrease the importance of elemental mods will in any way balance this gun. 

noone knows how this rebalance will be, but the intention is to ,like it named, rebalance the game, so just wait and let u suprise, maybe it´s rly the solution , and there will be much more changes then only armor change. For example change of mastery lv etc. only wait and see

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Unless they have done a mastery rank change before in the past (I am relatively new so I don't know), changing that is going to be way more complicated than a crit rate change like on the Strun.


For the strun you just change the crit rate and your done.


For a mastery rank change you need to make sure the system knows how to handle:


1) people who have it equipped but no longer meet the requirements

2) people that have it in their inventory but no longer meet the requirements

3) People who have bought the blue print but not crafted it yet and no longer meet the requirements

4) people who have built it but not claimed it from the foundry and no longer meet the requirements.




Mastery rank only affects your ability to buy the blueprints (or the weapon directly if it happens to be credit purchasable) from the market.  It does not lock you out from actually using a higher mastery rank weapon.  Anything you buy with plat for example, you can use regardless of your mastery rank. 



Regarding this 'new standard' people seem to be quoting.  Could you provide links / proof? I know Scott said that he does not want to nerf the gun, not that it is going to be some sort of new standard.

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I currently own a soma and I can say this. It really does not matter what wep you have when your fighting lvl 100+ enemies. It still takes a really long time to kill them. It takes me a whole clip of my soma to take down some ancients in t3 def toward the end. This is with almost all of my mods maxed out. So in the long run your going to be doing almost no damage at all in the end game regardless of how op your wep is right now. It becomes pretty useless compared to using charge attacks on maxed out heavy melee weps.

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I currently own a soma and I can say this. It really does not matter what wep you have when your fighting lvl 100+ enemies. It still takes a really long time to kill them. It takes me a whole clip of my soma to take down some ancients in t3 def toward the end. This is with almost all of my mods maxed out. So in the long run your going to be doing almost no damage at all in the end game regardless of how op your wep is right now. It becomes pretty useless compared to using charge attacks on maxed out heavy melee weps.


wait so the soma become useless agains high levels. so if the soma > weapons, that really makes all other weapons poop at high levels.


also the only frames that can use heavy melee weapons are ones with cc or tanky, that restricts more than a 3rd of warframes to melee high level enemies.  toxics, stunlock, and point blank shots from enemy will drop you.

Edited by Pure
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Soma is quite OP. I consider it to do OP because of how much ridiculously better it is that the Grakata.


The Soma has a base crit damage of 3.0x, while the Grakata has 2.0x.


The Soma has a base crit chance of 35%, while the Grakata gets less than half of that, at 15%. (This is the really ridiculous stat.)


The Soma has one higher base damage than the Grakata (10 vs. 9) and base damage is a very important factor in dps. 


The Soma has a larger magazine (100 rounds vs. 60), and almost the same reload speed (3.0 seconds vs. 2.4)


They seem to be about the same accuracy (Soma might be a bit better), but the Grakata has much higher recoil. 


The Grakata does win with Firerate though, maxing out at 20.0 with no wind-up, with Soma @ 15.0 including a short wind-up. 


So then in conclusion, it is a direct and very significant upgrade over Grakata in all area's except for fire-rate. I don't like this sort of things, and it's nowhere near DE's statement that they would like all loadouts to be viable. The Grakata is currently not viable as a competitor to the Soma in any fashion. The Soma wins in every comparison and to add insult to injury comes with two V polarities, which give it a higher base mod capacity. 


Now, don't take this as a rage about the Soma, or think that I'm butthurt about the Grakata. I'm really just disappointed with the current state of the Grakata and the Soma. I think they need to be much closer to each other in their stats, rather than one being a direct and massive upgrade. I'd rather each rifle had its own strengths. 

The soma is the next tier of crit guns, it's that simple. when the next crit weapon comes after the soma, are you going to moan that the soma isn't op then ?


There is a tier system for a reason ... not sure why but there is one.

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The soma is the next tier of crit guns, it's that simple. when the next crit weapon comes after the soma, are you going to moan that the soma isn't op then ?


There is a tier system for a reason ... not sure why but there is one.

Once again, Soma does not have a single drawback.

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