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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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While finishing the final stages of completion this Warframe it was put in a dark matter state.

The complexities of the process required a massive amount of power and resources. Unfortunately due to the war there wasn't enough time to retrieve it from that state.

Now that it has finally been found and pulled from that dark matter state parts of it seem to slightly phase in and out due to the strong bond it now shares with dark matter.

The warframe is as beautiful as it is ominous. A futuristic tech magic vibe comes to mind when you look at it.

Parts of it almost look like living metal, probably  because It was made from some of the rarest materials known at the time.

It was build as a quantum warframe that could manipulate matter on a subatomic level. Because of this it's abilities can have powerful and far reaching effects.

A truly amazing feat of technology. If only they had more time this warframe perhaps could have turned the tide.

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How about nanomachine theme warframe? It would be support, on the field supplies constructor.

First ability would hit enemy with nanites that would deal small damage over time but it would be only bonus. Real purpose would be generating "raw material" as long as enemy lives. Picking up resources would also generate "raw material". Other abilities would use "raw material".

Creating ammo pickups.

Toggle skill that provide all warframes with something similar to Rhino Iron skin but constantly regenerating using "raw material".

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Lava based warframe that has good crowd control somewhat similar to oberons hallowed ground but with more range, heals team mates stepping in it, and does low damage but staggers the enemies then after pressing the button that activated the ability hardens the lava and turns it to stone trapping the enemies who were stepping in it, coating himself in lava that then hardens slowing him in the process but then creates a protective coating around him similar to rhinos iron skin but with a higher health pool that still recieves bonuses from things like steel fiber. It should be noted that this is because this new warframe will not have augment mods to increase the armor values of the ability. An ability that started heating the air around him and started to do low damage over time but its primary goal would stripping enemy armor. And a final ability that would be when lava would erupt from two holes in his hands this would have its own modding setup that used shotgun mods. It should be more focused on status chance since its literal lava. The passive ability would be focused on the ability similar to oberons hallowed ground. The warframes ability would cause low amounts of self damage but but the passive would be that taking heat damage causes a rise in his health, armor, and power strength. The reason for this is to mimic how unstoppable a volcanoe erupting can seem. 


          Hephaestus was designed as a core that connected to the orokin forges. (His story is left as more of a purpose so that the team can have much more creative freedom expanding on the idea of it just incase its accepted).

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Baal, the besieger.

Created for siege warfare, Baal allows steady and audacious conquest of fortified enemy positions and turning any area into vast and powerful fortresses.
Battle Core:

  • Gain X% additional armor per enemy within Baal radius.

Shattering Ram:

  • In one powerfull strike, Baal charges accross a short distance shattering ennemy Armor and Shields.
    • Charging the ability increase range and damage at the cost of efficiency.
    • Charging against a wall or Obelisk provoque a shockwave stunning ennemies.


  • Pridefully, Baal occupy a zone by planting his banner in the ground.
    • Allies within the zone deal additionnal damage.
    • Whenever an enemy perish with the zone, allied units are healed.
    • When is attacked Baal within the zone, ennemies are staggered.


  • Baal create a towering structure for his allies.
    • The obelisk can be used as a vantage point.
    • Using Shatering Ram on the Obelisk create a massive shockwave that stun enemies.

Imposing Parade:

  • Baal impose his authority by devastating his foes upon the battlefield.
    • Baal gains additional armor each time he is attacked.
    • Attacks gain Blast.
    • Whenever Baal slays an ennemy, adjacent ennemies surrender to Baal and turn against their former allies.
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I would love to see a nulcear-themed frame. i haven't decided his name yet, but im thinking of Pyryn ( πυρηνικός - pyrinikós // nuclear in greek)

Pyryn, wielder of nuclear energy, tipping the balance of the battle from atomical side.  


Are you ready to take the war to atomic level, Tenno?

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Carceris - a jailer warframe who is ages past was in charge of keeping the most dangerous individuals and enemies of the Tenno contained so that they couldn't do harm. Grineer attacked prison captured Carceris and tortured him infecting him with Kuva causing him to go mad (sentient enemies be the ones who attacked and radiating warframe with sentient energy to drive him mad). 

I know you said no abilities but just to expand on ideas 

passive: CC'd enemies take % of damage of the warframe

prison: binds enemy

warden: radial knockdown/ stun

madness: causes enemies do attack anyone and can be attacked by anyone

guillotine - throws a blade that cuts off enemies head(s)


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I think a more robotic warframe would be nice, with a more mechanical and synthetic, less organic style. It would be an interesting topic in my opinion, it would be quite different. I don't know if anyone has said something similar (sorry for my bad English)

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Overseer frame, basically a smaller weaker warframe who is specialized supporting and directing the flow of combat while controlling (a) Minion(s) and applying buffs to his teams. So far my best idea's are give him a big brute in a similar vein to khora's exalted kavat (Venari), but more lumbering and give him some abilities to direct the big beasty, ordering him to bellow and taunt nearby enemies before he tanks up gaining blocking similar to new melee, order him to charge a target or area dealing a big slam when he reaches and dealing enhanced damage. Give the warframe some enchantments he can fire off like he gains increased crit while his partner gains increased speed and health regen both based on damage the other is doing, and give the warframe an ability to "ride" his pet or a friend, effectively allowing him to hide away inside his pet assuming direct control to smash and crush like a savage monster, or direct in safety while piggybacking in an ally providing them some benefits.

But since you've said you're not considering abilities yet for a theme:
A small, slender, and mysterious Tacticion draped in cloths and robes creeping through the shadows tucked away behind the hordes issuing cold orders and directions as his "Soldiers" mop up the enemy

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[Placeholder] Flak

A big frame focused on artillery, mechanized warfare and trench warfare. His powers could revolve around the application of fire support (glorious artillery) in different ways. His style would be very mechanized and similar to that of a tank, with the use of cannons and stuff like that on his design

Passive Suggestion 1- Flak will fire an extra shot out of his Howizers for every tenno within an [insert range] range

Passive Suggestion 2: Flak is completely 100% immune to self knockdown

1st Ability- Fire Mission

Flak fires one of his cannons that can be used either directly to deal damage to the enemy in the form of a single shot or as a CC ability, by deploying a smoke that would blind the enemy. The Damage is affected by PS, the range of the AOE by Range

2nd Ability- Chemical Attack

Flak will unleash a cloud of deadly poisonous gas that deals corrosive and toxin damage to nearby enemies. The damage is affected by PS, the ability's duration by duration and the range of the ability by range. This may be a bit overpowered, so to balance it out, instead of a duration based ability, make it a channeled one. This ability synergizes with Fire Mission by applying these elemental damages to the smoke (if the CC version is used, making enemies both blind and have corrosive and toxin procs apply to then) and to the damage Flak does (if using the normal cannon)

3rd Ability- General's Order

Flak will apply to himself and his allies a buff. 

Charge: Allies recieve a boost in melee damage

They Shall Not Pass: Allies recieve damage reduction

Flers–Courcelette: Allies receive a weapon damage boost

4th Ability- Hell on Earth

Flak unleashes the whole potential of his arsenal, using his cannons as an exhalted weapon. Primary fire for machine gun fire, looking down sights for cannon fire and alt fire for deploying smoke. Synergies he had from his second ability apply for this ability as well



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A spirit twin frame. The frame has a spirit twin, one is corporeal, one is ethereal, and they can swap between. So corporeal twin will grab spirit twin, and spin them around for a kick, during which they swap forms. Or corporeal twin throws spirit twin to a high vantage point, and then they swap, and the spirit just flows to the corporeal. And for their 4th ability, they can BOTH become corporeal and use both secondary and primary guns.

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This is my idea of a frame.

When war is on the rise the four houses man ride in to battle (i know you can only give one so that's what i am doing i am just setting the mood.) the first horse man.

Sparta - the Veteran, king of the battle field

Passive - together we stand - each (specter's or player's) will give give Sparta will give him a 5% increase to strength and range to a max of 30%

First ability - javelin - throws a javelin that create's a (AOE) effect around the javelin with different elements heat,toxic,electricity,cold if two different javelin are in the same proximity the elements will create the respective combined element but if two of the same javelin's come together the element will be stronger like two cold javelin's will freeze enemy's etc. (Sparta has more the damage javelin's he has health recover javelin, shield boost javelin, and a nullifier bubble javelin that when collides with another nullifier bubble both cancel each other out and wont reactivate for a few seconds or the javelin duration is up. other javelin's are blunt, slash and puncture javelin's. javelin's can be switched out in the arsenal upgrade section at the bottom right javelin loadout.) (duration ability)

Second ability - Rally - pressing the the ability will place a flag on the ground that will increase health, armor, and damage as long as you are in the zone holding the button will place the flag on sparta's back giving a increase of shield, movement speed, reload speed. (duration ability)

Third ability - war horn - when active will summon two spartan warriors that are armed with a javelin as a primary and sword and shield as melee (if Rally is place on the ground the spartan's will stay there and spartan's can trigger his passive so solo player can use his ability.)

Forth ability - Aspect of war - Sparta transforms and wield's his exalted weapon a sword and shield that can turn in to a rifle (note player is locked from using there primary, secondary, and melee when ability is active. when firing with primary weapon's fire button it will become a rifle and using the quick melee button will go back to sword and shield. when in rifle mode it costs energy to reload the rifle and the amount is dependent how much ammo was used. when upgrading the exalted weapon the bottom right corner will have toggle weapon form for upgrading gun mode and melee mod so both can have mod's on both modes.)

I have be holding on to this idea for years and was vary nervous on sharing this idea but i decide to show you this and i hop every one likes my idea and if this is chosen i will work on the other reaming horse man i have all ready finished the second one which is death but i will hold off on telling till the Design Councidecide. and if my idea is not chosen i will think about telling about the second horse man Death even if am not selected and thank you for reading my idea.

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What about a seductress frame?

A femme fatale.

Seriously, something along the lines of a Jessica Rabbit type frame with a the ability to "seduce" enemy characters and make them attack their own forces.  

She blows a kiss and the target "falls in love" with her and attacks his fellows before falling over dead.

Frame enters a room and all the foes present freeze up for a moment allowing her, or a squad member, to attack them before they fully wake up.

She can act as a distraction, generating a low level SEP field, allowing her squad to surround foes.

Maybe she can even heal with a kiss, or stun with one as well.

Low armor, but high energy.

Her weapons would be short range for the most part, but maybe one monster of a sword she keeps hidden until she needs it.  "Where in the world were you keeping that?"

Just an idea I was tossing around.

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We have a Warframe with a Kavat (Khora) so could we have a Kubrow themed warframe. A beast master or animorph. An animal themed biped that has an ultimate ability to drop to all 4s transforming to an armoured kubrow changing to a pure melee beast. Other abilities could be to call a spectral kubrow to attack the target, passive could be to deal greater melee damage to enemies affected by slash applied from a bite ability. I like my kubrows 👍🏻

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A Kitsune or Ninetail Fox frame, both a summoner and sly spirit possession or Astral Traveler


Passive) uses energy to grow a tail ( 10 energy grows 1 tail up to 9 tails) she uses tails for abilities.(cost and stuff is just a place holder)


summon spirit animals (1st ability) she can cycle though animal spirits taping again makes the summon use a ability( also may change latter idk)

1 eagle or other large bird, picks up enemy units and tears them with beak and talons. ability call puts rad on enemies.
2)  wolf,  can make units bleed. ability howl) stuns units in range 

3) bear spirit, a tanky unit with high heath and armor little less dam.  ability  charge. charges and mauls a enemy 



Fox Fire( 2 ability) summons a fire on the ground  that burns any enemies that comes in within a area (duration and range mods increases with range)


 spirit possession(3 ability) she takes over 1 unit and can use they're weapons with your mods of course also can use other abilities                                                                            while in a enemy body is seen as a allie until seen killing or other unnatural behaviour



abilities may be over or under balanced, just wanted the concept out there for a fox frame XD

found this, maybe 1 of these


Love ICE

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Polimosh (the war warframe)

A warframe thet was designet to be a simple and a universal weapon om a battlefield. 
He powered by high efective explosive and fire power in addition to a high skill for tactical actions.


when Polimosh was created, the Orokin showed great hope for him in the war, but they were also afraid of his unsuspected action.
The great experement was their bigest failure.

In the beginning of the Tenno rebellion a single warrior manege to capture the Orokin ship and his Sectarus.
\Sectarus needed to interest people in the deeper lore of the warframe 😉
In the fight he managed to destroy the ship, but he was not able to leave it. 
A mysterious warframe "a free one" blocked his path, sacrificed his strength using the power of sentients sent him along with the ship to the abyss.
(Stalker lore extension)

There he was abandoned and forgotten, before Tenno and Caphalon Sai has met him on the outskirts of the abyss.


(pasive)  Squat tactical invisibility, enter invisibility while holding the squat for at least 5 seconds.

1. Radioactive/nuke hand-grenades.

2. Combat stance replacement, 1-obtaining increased armor and the number of shields when slowing down movement/ 2-increasing speed, chance to dodge damage.

3. First-aid kit with cooldown, heals over time a percentage of your health.

4. Exalted heavy weapon with a rotating barrel unit thet shot through the walls and
increasing armor per killed enemy.

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Kicker frame using hanging-scrolls with Taoistic theme. Haven't figure out a cool name for him. Unlike Wukong and Nezha, this is original concept and has no direct link to any characters originated from folklore or legends.

And for clarification, I'm not native English speaker, which means a mass of grammatical errors ahead of this.


For kicker aspect, his melee(passive exalted weapon like Garuda's Talons, available when not equipping melee weapon) is legs-actions-only or highly legs-centric. While his combos are mostly head-aiming kicks, sweeping kicks, flying and jumping kicks, mainly inspired by Taekwondo, his finishers may have some rooms for grappling, joint-lock, and knee-kicking from various martial arts like Judo, Muay Thai and street fight. And instead of usual ground slams, he can pinpoint dive-kick on enemy's face/head, similar to Valkyr's Hysterical Assault.

How there can be no leg-actions-only warframe? Gale Kick?! Are you joking to me?!

Jokes aside, I wanted a kicker frame for sure, but I thought there's more to be added than kicking to be a complete warframe.


For Taoistic/ability aspects, since he's no magician or a proper Taoist but a mere wandering fighter, he doesn't do magic with his own. Instead, he borrows various powers from hanging-scrolls. Abilities below have no certain order except his first.

Stretching Scroll

From his hand a scroll unrolls, extend to an enemy, then grab and pull them to him, make them vulnerable to his martial combos or a brutal finisher. Instead, holding ability button down causes a rather wider scroll unrolls on floor and then rolls back, which knockdown enemies hit once by the scroll, lift enemies hit twice on the route.

Phoenix (possibly fourth)

He somehow acquired a papyrus scroll during his journey, which has a ancient foreign drawing of a phoenix. When he spreads the papyrus, a phoenix comes out, knocks and huge damage to enemies front of him, then fly in circle around him. While keep circling, phoenix targets enemies on sight and breaths out flames that ignites enemies. When the ability duration is over, phoenix dives into him and vanishes, granting him invulnerability or rapid shield/health regeneration for a short time(likely less than 5s) or a buff resurrect him if he gets downed during it's duration.(pick one)

  • Rotation cycle and coverage of the phoenix can be modified by range mods.

I wanted to put Fenghuang into his ability set, but I found out Fenghuang doesn't involve themselves directly into battle almost at all, thus there is not much of description of their ability.(They are more likely a symbol or a sign/omen of auspiciousness, divine favor from entire heaven or an individual deities like Yuanchi Tianzun or Jade Emperor, or rightful throne) So I choose to give him a phoenix. Letting Fenghuang pass by him and pass something nice to him or sing near hidden objective or something nice could do maybe? Or voice pack stead of purple Lotus? But I couldn't figure much to flesh out from Fenghuang, and wasting resources on a bird that does almost nothing would be a bad idea I guess.


In this meta, every warframe must have at least a way to survive.(DE please help poor Banshee) Abilities below are some ideas for his survivability.

Incense Burner

He summons Incense Burner on the ground from one of his scrolls. A second after lit, thick incense surrounds the burner. A second after who enter incense, him and friendly units gets invisibility and regenerate shield/health but unable to attack while inside, and enemies who enter get to sleep. Lighter incense spreads more widely, slows enemies inside a bit.

Absorbing Scroll

He holds the absorbing scroll vertically, absorbs incoming enemy fire and projectiles front of scroll. Consumes energy per second while active. He can change direction and/or move, but can not perform other actions. After pushing the ability button again, the scroll vomits energy back, massive energy beam strikes linear area front of the scroll while enemies in close ranged cone area front of the scroll get hit and lifted.


It's not ability design phase, but I thought making a set of abilities a bit earlier would be better to deliver his concept and better than shouting 'make a kickerframe plz, DE!'

Even if my concept get dropped out, I hope a kicker-frame comes out someday!

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A warframe themed around rot, garbage, and contamination. Perhaps it's backstory could be that it's a failed experiment that Ballas literally threw away.

Visually, the warframe could resemble a living trash heap. It's body could feature a mixture of inorganic and organic refuse, such as scrap metal, dirt, decomposing fruit, and fish. Perhaps it could also have a swarm of insects crawling all over its body.

The warframe's associated damage type would be gas, to represent it's repulsive smell. Currently, no warframe abilities deal gas damage, so this will allow the new warframe to stand out from the crowd a bit. Theoretical ability concepts could include clouds of smog and puddles of sludge.

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A captain america frame based on a exalted shield

1 summon shield as a exalted weapon , hold 1 summon and front dash who stun and push like rhino charge

2 : shield throw hit 3-4 enemies deal decent dmg + break armor and come back

3 : make the shield turn around you, based on duration and gives a dmg reduction ( like gara 2 )

4 : a mass reflect it make you slow like nyx 4 with augment and reflect all incoming projectiles and add a % dmg to them to make it viable endgame

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How about a frame that changes shape into a a few different forms that others can pick up and use

1 Shield wall ( bigger stouter version of Volts shield)

2 Heavy gun ( a large gun to be carried around by other frames but is like an arc wing gun)

3 Transport  ( becomes something that hovers and moves that the other frames and get on and shoot from while under cover)

4 Turret mode ( as the name implies, become a slow moving turret)

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