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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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How about ILLUMINATI Warframe???

(Like a pseudo religious, theorist, idealist, the one that thinks too much, you call it)


Design would be referenced from the "Pyramid Head" from Silent Hills and Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls






Potential abilities are (not final names):

               - head explosion (don't worry, it won't die from this no 4 ability -  thinking off blast or viral elemental damage)

               - enemy confusion (either enemies turn against each other OR their shields are completely ripped off (probably no 3 ability))

               - idea/theory bombs (2~4 types of damage effect - not considering elemental but huge slash, impact or puncture (no 2 ability))

               - the spread (start with one enemy and if it dies with the effect on, spreads to other enemies - boosts damage, movement, or whatever (no 1 ability)


Its passive ability options are:

               - more damage to head shots ('cause you know, theories and stuff)

               - once enemies engage, their shield would gradually deplete (like people being convinced of an idea)

               - automatic hacking (a genius?)


It seems that this idea reminds me of Harrow and Nyx but I'll throw this one in the mix!

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Hello! I apologize for possible errors, as I have problems with English! I will attach two versions of the text.
How do you like the idea for a frame that kills allies?
- Its passive property damages allies but gives an increase in strength or not.
- Active abilities that would be tied to borrowing the abilities of their allies.
- The fourth ability would take away all abilities from the selected ally (the frame turns into a terrible likeness of the ally with whom it was in contact)

A creature that so wanted to be a hero / warrior became a monster. His mind was poisoned, and his thoughts were corrupted. He grew stronger with every absorbed life (only allies like himself)

(Русский текст см ниже)

Всем привет! Прошу прощения за возможные ошибки, так как с английским у меня проблемы! Я приложу два варианта текста.
Как вам идея для фрейма который убивает союзников?
- Его пассивное свойство наносит урон союзникам но даёт прирост в силе или нет.
- Активные способности которые были бы завязаны на заимствовании способностей своих союзников.
- Четвертая способность забирала бы у выбранного союзника все способности (фрейм превращается в ужасное подобие того союзника с которым контактировал)

Существо которое так хотело быть героем \ воином, стало чудовищем. Его разум был отравлен, а мысли развращены. Он становился сильнее с каждой поглощенной жизнью (только союзников, себе подобных)

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how about a warframe based on magic, well not real magic but like a magician. who can manipulate enemies and kill them with his card tricks.

his third  ability would have his three amazing tricks which can kill enemies and trick the player itself, it would be like tossing a coin. it will an RNG type situation (but with fun, becoz ull never know what powerful trick he will unleash) whenever the ability will trigered, he will use one among the three set tricks. which are deadly. (i will think and come up with these set tricks after i get selected)

his first ability will be a flower trick, when used the magician then use a flower on his chest to throw off water. BUT its not ur normal drinking water its a potion of chemicals that blinds and confuses enemies, rendering them defenseless and now takes 50% more damage for 10 sec with a radius of 6m (if u dont like all the metrics, then worry not DE will figure it out)

his second ability will be somewhat same as all the famous magicians that do crazy dangerous tricks and dont take any damage afterwards, well similarily upon casting this ability allies will no longer take damage but like everything else in this world, u cant get  something for nothing. thats why the damage dealt by allies will be reduced by 10% and damge by u will get reduced by 40%. duration - 15 s 

for the grand finale aka fourth ability, the master chiefs final trick and final show which will devastate the whole map and will crush the will of all the enemies. grand master will seem to be able to control the force of gravity itself, all the enemies will be brought down to there knees and will be rag dolled, but bare with me my friend the show is not over yet.

GRAND MASTER now seems to have shown his sinister side, he floats above the ground with a evil laugh (anime style). he seems to have conjoured real evil as infinite amount fine shinny threads starts dancing around him DISINTEGRATING  every enemy in his way to fine peaces. HE LAUGHS! like all hell break lose. only u the tenno the space ninja can stop him by pressing  the 4 button again. 

well guys if u liked this concept then please support this becoz i think this warframe can rule all. altough its no way near complete that means improvements are to be made and they will. i will work on this concept more.


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Something about a Modulable Warframe through one main ability like Ivara's quiver or Vauban's traps.


Let's call it :

Modula, the "adaptater", technology themed around adapting, moduling and changing following what menace you're encountering


Passive : Adaptive protocols :

When hit : Add the status effect to the holded Tactical Module for X seconds.

Max 3 status effects.


Example : Hind (Grineer Lancer) hit you - Add Slash status to your Tactical module for X seconds.

                 Supra (Tech Corpus) hit you - Add Puncture status to your Tactical module for X seconds.


Ability 1 : Tactical Modules ( 3 Exalted Weapons )(hello Titania)

  • Cyclical Artillery Cannon (Corpus module)
    • Replace primary weapon
    • Opticor-like, each kill add a larger and larger AOE effect but Reduce damages done. (Laser ====> kaboom => diffuse energy)
  • Multi-vector missiles launcher (Grineer module)
    • Replace secondary weapon
    • Cyanex-like with a status effect focus. Why not something that force player to stop, charge it's shoot by targeting ennemies, and release a swarm of missiles with a HIGH status chance.
  • Infestation Defense Matrix (Infected module)
    • Replace melee weapon, Shield only melee weapon. (The 1st one !) Aka Captain America ability
    • Eat armor on each hit (aoe effect?), scale damage on how much armor it absorbed


  • Energy cost ? 


Ability 2 : Safe module /  Phase shift (Survival & Movment)

  • Temporary changing phase, like Limbo. Speed boost, Shield regen + overshield. Explodes at the end scaling on how much time spent in phase/overshield gained.
  • Timer + energy drain(?)
    • Synergy :
      • If Defensive Augmentation is activated, 


Ability 3 : Defensive Augmentation (Survival)

  • Spend energy to heal shield (self & team(augment mod?)). Overshield charge is possible.
  • 25 shield/second for 12 sec
    • Synergies :
      • While holding C.A.C (Cyclical Artillery Cannon)
        • +x% Electric damages & 0.5 radial range
      • While holding M.M.L (Multi-vector missiles launcher)
        • +50% status duration & explosion proc
      • While holding I.D.M (Infestaion Defense Matrix)
        • +x Life Regen


Ability 4 : Emergency Discharge (Team Buff)

  • Charging ability : 15energy/second 
  • On release : Amount of seconds + energy spent*math.formula = Self + team buff 
    • Inspired by Harrow's 4rth ability but oriented in pure damage or Status effect ? Following the last status changes, it could be nice to get a Satus team buff. Gas, Corrosive, viral, heat procs, everywhere.


An ulti-ability is hard to imagine. That's up to a lot of changes :x

Here are my thoughts.



Story : In the need to adapt to ennemies, when they're trying to find your secrets, Modula was created to change, modulate and finally adapt to every situation and ennemies. By modulating its armement, Modula can be the protector, the pacifier and the savior Orokins needed. + blablabla.




Farm :

Get that module from X grineer kuva missiles launchers.

Get that X Juggernaut armor shell from Juggernauts

Get that X Corpus Cannon Core from "something" in Orb Vallis

craft modules

i don't know


^ this was written by a french baguette man. I tried my best.

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Hello! A bunch of great ideas, here is one of mine. The theme I am thinking would be soap. It would be so cool to use soap powers to defeat enemies and have fun in the warframe universe. There are so many usages for soapy skills like to make enemies slip, create soap baloons to use to attack and defend, you can even create a tranpolin. And for better cleanse evil a nitroglycerin explosion, leaving the survivors blind with soap on their eyes.

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Wolion - (Król Natury) Jego zbroja jest zbudowana z twardej kory drzewa. Jego jedna ręką jest pnączem a druga jest normalna pokryta kolcami. Nogi wyglądają jak pnie drzew pokryte mchem. Jego klatka piersiowa jest pokryta liśćmi i kwiatami lotosu, które kwitną podczas gdy Wolion ma pełne życie a gniją podczas tracenia życia. Hełm wygląda jak hełm rycerza ale jest pokryty cały mchem i wystaje z niego pnącze.


1.Przyciąganie przeciwników

2.Kolczasta fala

3.Przywołanie dzikich zwierząt

4.Stworzenie drzewiastych copi 

Pasywna umiejętność:

Ziemia zwiększa obrażenia. Trawa daje więcej życia.

 Wolion - (King od Nature) His armor is made of hard bark of tree. His one hand is a creeper and The other is covered with spikes. The legs look like moss covered tree trunks. His chest is covered with leaves and flowers lotus that bloom. The helmet looks like a knight's helmet, but is covered with all moss and a creeper protrudes from it.


1.Attracting the opponent 

2.Spiky wave

3.Summoning wild animals

4.Creation of woody maples 

Passive Skill:

Ground deals more damage. Grass gives more life.

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For the longest time I have wanted a liquid metal bender in warframe. A character that can absorb incoming bullets, turn casings from solid projectile weapons into additional armor or projectiles among other things. Was really excited when khora was first announced but was disappointed with what she turned into.


Power ideas:

Passive: metal containment

50% of incoming ranged damage from non organic and energy weapons is absorbed to be used later by powers 


Metallic wall: 

When activated will absorb up to 100% of incoming damage and turn it into damage for phase 2 of the power

Phase 2 of metallic wall: when the button is pressed again or the duration expires you let forth a hail of iron spikes. The more damage absorbed the more spikes and the more damage they individually do. When in the air the spikes fly toward the ground if there is no enemy in front of the player. Pins enemy's to walls.


Weapon boost:

For melee weapons: increase range

For bows and non hitscan weapons: increase projectile flight speed

For non energy firearms: add 100% multishot

Weapon boost can be recast to refresh duration. Cost not reduced by passive


Liquid metal faint:

Create an amorphous veil of liquid metal that destracts enemies allowing you to move out of the way while they continue attacking that spot (basically making you break agro for the duration or until you attack again) also heals you as per regenerative molt


Shrapnel veil: every grenade you are hit with, every near miss from an energy weapon, and every direct hit you take is now a weapon. An aura of pain- death by 1000 lacerations. You unleash all of the metal stored by metal containment into an aura of slash damage that scales with damage absorbed.

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A cherry blossom flower themed warframe....

Could be called Hanami, which is what the japanese call the event of viewing of the cherry blossom. Other suitable names: Konohana, Sakura, Flora, Ostera (pretty much anything flower/spring related would fit)

The warframe could be tree like OR could just have cherry blossom flowers growing out the warframe armour. Maybe a large cherry blossom flower as a hat or dress/skirt.

Skill wise: use the cherry blossom flowers to swirl around the warframe as a protective shield that could cut into opponents. Shoot out a ''stream'' of cherry blossom flowers to punch or push an enemy. Make it rain cherry blossom flowers, could be some sort of heal over time or some kind of buff for the team.

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With the new Shield changes, how about a Corpus themed Warframe that, instead of being discovered, is created by the player (later you could introduce a Grineer, Infested, and Sentient themed ones all designed by the player)

It would use the Corpus Shields instead of Tenno ones, and all its powers would be based on Corpus abilities in game.
To make it even more appealing, perhaps it could be Kitgun style.  The main attacks from Shockwave, Railgun, or Fusion Moas being an example.

The player could have to do a quest to unlock a place to design their new warframe and then have to specially scan the creatures needed for each part.

Then you can kitbash together your Corpus Warframe and at a later date upgrade it for another faction type, then another.  

The thing is, each ability (except maybe your 4) would have to be stolen from an existing enemy in game, otherwise power creep would be super real with this style of Warframe.  Thus, the best balance would be to keep the different faction parts from mixing. No combinging Grineer and Corpus abilities.

I really like the idea of our character actually designing their own Warframe instead of finding the parts.  Something that is truly yours and this seems like the easiest and most balanced way to do it as the gameplay of each of the faction powers is already known.  

As mentioned before, maybe have whatever you 4 is be a unique ability for the Warframe though and perhaps not chooseable.  ie, when designing a Corpus Warframe, your 4 is <this> but your 1, 2, and 3 are determined by the parts you put in it.

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... 💗🕒☠️🔃...

Good Afternoon DE and comunity, i am Dylan and this is my own custom warframe, enjoy it:


  • Elyan🐴, a kabbalistic dual warframe, between a bloody predator, and a tormenting spectre.

His skills are a compilation since darkness and multidimensional powers, control of the mind and reality, 'till physical and psychological injuries.
He looks like a dark hooded figure, agile and misterious Stalker's Hunter, "the Adversary of the Nemesis... is free".

  • The birth of this warframe is in the Old War, through the chosen one, the Tenshi apprentice's sacrifice history like a symbol of peace and balance.

"An adversion idea from the chosen one to the Lotus creed carries a rebelion".
"Betrayed and fatal wounded, he imbuded his memories inside the warframe".

  • At the present time, a virtuous apprentice from Newloka's sindicate fight to learn, practicing the double militance among Exi and Red Veil sindicates.

"Exiled and forgotten for the Lotus, this hidden tenno found the warframe, and receive all the gnosis about the science of the void".
"An exiled one and his wrath returns... an arbiter, redeemer and punisher".
"Accuser to the wrong turn of the tenno, and a savage, carnage, violent and charismatic purifier, an orokin/sentient's killer".

  • The alternative hooded helmet with artiodactyl horns and seven eyes... or fhree*.
  • The weapons are a flaming and meandering sword... or a scythe and a bow.
  • A new passive chakra system, obtaining the umbral using the 1st skill and this acumulation amplifies the radio and strength of his ulti skill.
  • Another passive skill, if he receives lethal damage, he crosses into another dimension and can use another skill set to revive himself, control enemies and support allies from the afterlife, eluding the fate for a short time... till die.

 .. ⚠️♻️💞🐚🚫..

User: Dylan Johan Ocampo Morales
Nick: DarkMaster117
☯️Email: dylanmaster03@gmail.com
🍁Country: Bogotá, Colombia

... 🌀💡🗽🔝...


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Welcome, dear Tenno! I want to offer my own warframe concept . The point is, Canonier is an artillery warframe, wreaking havoc on Tenno's enemies with its guns.

Ability 1 - devastating fire from a heavy machine gun.

Ability 2-fire a salvo at captured targets from a rocket launcher.

Ability 3-the "lash" emitter draws energy from enemies, distributing them between the frame and allies .

Ability 4-Canonier collects around itself an exoskeleton increasing in size and deploying new weapons turning into a walking tank for a certain time.

Background Of The Canonier Warframe. When the mind-masters invaded the Source system, the Orokin defensively decided to reactivate the armories of past eras . In the hope that the old weapons that brought down the first rebel machines will cope with them. The archemedian historian Talestra found such a warehouse on Earth and brought them to the Council of seven for trial. Such armor was decided to equip the first warframes in order to improve their combat characteristics. Then follow the events specified in the main story.

P.S. Dear creators, I am very grateful to you for creating a unique and interesting world for all of us for the past 7 years. Dear Tenno players, thank you for the opportunityDy to play with you. I apologize in advance for my English and for my poor drawing. P P S I tried very hard😣https://vk.com/im?peers=18295208&sel=144869834&z=photo144869834_457246910%2Fmail417571

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Sorry for the bad image, I'm 14 and not the best artist.

Verdaye (gaseous crystal warframe)

Pronounciation :Ver Day é

She can go between gas and crystal form and can be defensive and offensive, she can remake or form and destroy parts of herself. I just decided to do some abilities even though right now its just for the idea but I thought it might help and I had fun doing it plus it give an idea of how she is. I couldn't really think if a good backstory but maybe she was found deep within the void and was apart of a dying star and once it exploded she was formed heince the gaseous part, she was revitalized to serve the tenno and bring a new light to the universe to guide them out of the darkness and into a new world. Feal free to change, nerf and add.


Passive: chosen colour determines elemental type and when in gaseous form gains 0,5 movement speed and 25% resistance against chosen type 

1St ability: Elemental Cloud

- Transform into a gas cloud of chosen colour dealing the elemental damage type.

- Drain: 30 energy

- Damage: base of 125 dmg. / second of the chosen element

- Duration: 15 seconds

2nd ability Re-arm

- Absorbs received damage and gradually increases armour by 25% of the original damage

- Drain: 5 energy every second

3rd ability Reform

- Explodes crystals dealing damage to nearby enemies stripping you of your crystals and shields, you form into a gas cloud which when hit converts 30% of damage into crystals. Once ability is used again Verdaye emits the amount of damage converted.

- Drain: 75 energy

- Damage: 175 impact and puncture

- Duration: 15 seconds

- Range: 10 metres

4th ability Crystalize

- Leaves a trail of crystals of your chosen colour’s element equal to the amount of armour you have if destroyed it shatters and shoots out crystals dealing damage to enemies in the surrounding area

- Drain: 1 metre/25 armour

- Radius: 5 metres

- Duration: permanent until destroyed



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23 hours ago, TherUray said:


Yeah a warframe summoner with more damage
Like a this 😮 ?


Important to Read I need you to read all you can before start, i appreciate a lot all your feedback and opinions, the more destructives the better so you can help me to improve. --------

1-I want to be clear, i perctly know this design its not like the base warframes.

2-I know better than anyone this warframe cant compete with any other warframe made by better artist than me and more apropiates desings for this contest. 2.1- I won't speak about the skills of this warframe just the concept.

3- I made it by the concept of a Wizard/Summoner, because there is no warframe that "live" of it.

3.1- With this i mean his principal source of damage to be his minions.(his summons), because the other warframes use their minions like flesh walls or for supp. For example: -I DONT underestimate them because i know they have strong roles.

Nidus:4: They dont make almost any damage and are more like flesh walls who take aggro, they are more worth it in defensive mode.

Nekros:4: they dont make any damage either and are more like flesh walls, again that takes aggro and are more worthit in defensive mode.

Atlas:4: Not too much damage (again they are flesh walls)

Equinox:1: duality (its limited by strengh and the build of duality go down really easy at high levels unless you uprgade it with 3 forms and 1 riven to the weapon)

4- And the list can keep going and going but what i mean there is no warframe that feels like a real summoner, i comprend to perfection this kind of sistems are caracteristics you all see it literally unestable in a meta game where everything is armor combined with strong shields. BUT
What about the mods like "Fast Mind" which sacrifice energy in exchange of life.
If you combine all this energy mods including the eximus and primed flow you get as result more than "1000" with a base of "300" of energy, making the warframe get more damage with his skills and get by himself constantly energy (not too much and with cost).

I know this is kinda weird and something shapeless but it can be something new and with a pretty mechanic for this style.

I will be happy if someday i find a warframe summoner with really strongs minions, even without the need of be flesh walls that takes aggro, just damage in his most magnificent form.
Clarification of desing:
Its dwarf because i wanted to be the most close as a warframe "Mage/Summoner" that hit up in my mind and because his dwarfism is conpensated by his power.

Meaning of the Name:
Abaddon: (The Destroyer) in the book of Revelations, is the angel or star of the bottomless abyss that chains Satan for a thousand years. It is said that he was the angel summoned by Moises to send the terrible rains that devastated Egypt. In many apocryphal books, Abaddon is considered a demonic entity, like an Angel of Death, like a demon from the Abyss.

I am very grateful that you have read this far, you do not know how much I appreciate that you criticize this and give your feedback, please never change the warframe community.

Thank for your time.

Oh f*** yes! As a summoner type of Warframe i always imagined one like Rexar from Warcraft 3.

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the theme is blank warframe, the new warframe will be the prototype of all warframe which will be created by combine the part of other warframe and can be put any warframe abilites which determined by parts such as neuropeutic of any warframe  will grant first ability of that warframe, the chasis of any warframe will the second ability of that warframe, system of any warframe will grant the third ability of that warframe. So in this warframe, players can design there own combo and abilities.  

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General concept: Something like a old master and young apprentice warframe pair, can't think of a name yet. Both male. The flavour will be a old, wizened master who's past his fighting prime going on missions with a physically stronger/muscular but less capable young apprentice. The master acting as a supporting guide and mentor and the apprentice is his loyal protector.

  • They spawn together into the mission like Khora and Venari.
  • The player can choose who they control initially by selecting the appropriate energy colours, similar to Equinox's passive.
  • The other frame not being controlled by the player is controlled by the AI like a specter.
  • To switch into the other frame, transference out, then transference in while aiming at the frame (see the Umbra quest mechanic when you're chasing and subduing him)
  • If one of the pair is downed and eventually dies, it isn't a complete failure, but the player will be at an disadvantage. Reviving the other half should cost the player, can brainstorm something, like master having his powers disabled temporarily, and apprentice having one weapon disabled temporarily etc.
  • One Orokin Reactor applies to both automatically.

Both the master and student have their own powers. The master focuses more on support, buffing and debuffing.

Old Master:

  • Has more base energy and shield capacity, and less health and armor than the apprentice to accentuate his more frail ranged support type role. His preferred role would be to hang back further away from fights like a sniper.
  • Should have a slight movement disadvantage compared to apprentice and other frames - slower run and sprint, slower roll and knockdown recovery, shorter bullet jumps etc. Lore and flavour wise, this is because he is physically less capable and old. Not too harsh a penalty as so not to overly clash with Warframe general gameplay.
  • Carries no weapons, all weapons in loadout are equipped by the apprentice.
  • Can summon an exalted sniper rifle as 4th ability. Powerful but slow, should be a situational last resort type thing when more firepower is needed. His apprentice can handle general enemies, while the master helps by locking down and eliminating tougher key targets like Nox etc. (AI wise specters can't really deal with enemies that have special weak points since they can't aim specifically. Lore wise this fits, as the apprentice has brute force and power, but lacks finesse and strategy) This is only so he isn't completely without any damage at all, which could be jarring to WF players used to other frames. Owing to his experience, striking enemies in weak points (head shots, boss weak points etc.) using this exalted weapon deals bonus damage.
  • Other powers should focus more on healing, damage mitigation, and CC/disabling enemies. Overall support role for the squad. Aesthetically, his powers could skew more towards the "void magic" fantasy like how the powers of other caster frames look given his mastery of the void/arcane.

The apprentice focuses more on increasing the damage and effectiveness of weapons (and crucially, not warframe powers) carried by him and his squad.


  • Has less energy and shields, but more health and armor than the master. His preferred place is on the front-line, where he can deal and take damage most effectively with his weapons. Due to his inexperience, his powers are less flashy and "wow" in general compared to master/other frames.
  • Has a slight bonus to all parkour and movement speed. Flavour wise he is more agile and physically adept than the master. His increased mobility also gives him a slight survivability advantage, especially when facing off against enemies in close range in the heat of battle.
  • Has access to both weapons and powers like other frames.
  • 4th ability summons animated versions of weapons you're carrying for a short time. As an example, if you activate this while holding your primary, you're locked to your primary for the duration of the ability. At the same time, one spectre clone of yourself holding your secondary, another holding your melee, and even one holding your archweapon (if those weapons are equipped initially) will appear. These AI specters will only use that weapon, and have no powers of their own. The specters will also benefit from any weapon buffs active as well.
  • Other powers could focus on increasing ally weapon effectiveness (more damage, faster fire rate, increased ammo drops from slain enemies, auto transmuting ammo etc. For the disruption role, could focus deploying fields/barriers or devices that jam and disable enemy firearms and perhaps even destroy incoming rockets/grenades and projectiles. (Weaoib lowering enemy accuracy and fire rate. Other abilities could include a field that absorbs enemy fire and turns it into ammo drops for the team.
  • Crazy idea - remove energy pool from apprentice, and make him spend ammo to cast abilities? Optional.
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Здравствуйте, может быть уже кто-то предлагал идею для фрейма выше, но всё же хочется чтобы вы создали повелителя времени, а не нову или лимбо. (Всмысле, чтобы фарфрейм не повторял их способности) 
В общем, идея состоит в путешественнике, потерявшемся во времени. Тут же можно и квест интересный сделать и чуть побольше дать информации о первой войне с владеющими разумом. Способности я не буду указывать, ибо у вас есть креативнее люди. Но хотелось бы, чтобы у него была способность для перемещения, для защиты, для контроля области. Хотелось бы ещё, чтобы он мог не только замедлять/останавливать время, но и ускорять его. Ускорять себя - замедлять остальных. А пассивная способность зависела от количества врагов. Чем больше противников, тем сильнее и дешевле были бы способности. P.s. хочется мужского фрейма.

Hello, maybe someone already suggested the idea for the frame above, but I still want you to create a time Lord, not Nova or limbo. (I mean to ferram did not repeat their ability).
In General, the idea is a traveler lost in time. Here you can also make an interesting quest and give a little more information about the first war with the mind owners. I will not specify your abilities, because you have more creative people. But I would like it to have the ability to move, to protect, to control the area. I would also like it to be able not only to slow down / stop time, but also to speed it up. To accelerate - to slow down the others. A passive ability depended on the number of enemies. The more opponents, the stronger and cheaper the abilities would be.
P. s. I want a male frame.


(written with the help of translate.yandex.ru)

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Warframe Ballista

Passive: Ballista has two passives first: she does not equip secondary weapons, the attributes of the secondary weapons that she equips, become the weapons of her wrists second: all sniper rifles take 45% damage when equipped

first skill: tactical silence: when activated, this ability decreases the enemy's chance of hearing and detecting it over a distance of 20 meters. duration: 15 seconds cost: 20 energy

second skill: through the wall: Ballista detects his enemies behind doors and walls at long range. duration: unlimited cost: 5 energy per second

third ability: smoke: Ballista leaves a smoke grenade on the ground, making it invisible for 5 seconds and dealing damage per second to enemies. duration: 3 seconds cost: 40 energy

fourth skill: Exalted sniper: Ballista summons a sniper rifle loaded with 10 bullets, dealing damage based on the enemy's life, the less life the more damage it deals. cost: 70 energy

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I've already thought about it. The warframe already has a warframe that represents the Sentients( Revenant), a warframe that represents the infected (Nidus), and even a warframe that represents DAX(Excalibur). Isn't it time to create a warframe that represents the orokin? I call it Goldarus. I know, I know...How could an orokin be turned into a warframe? But I imagined that if it was introduced into the game it would be the first warframe that was created after the Old war. I imagined that it would be created by the Arbiters of hexis...I would like to introduce story quests for syndicates...but that's not the point now. As I understand the Arbiters of hexis as if sticking their nose where it inappropriately and learn from the mistakes. And I decided that they might try to create a new warframe-Goldarus. But of course they failed and Goldarus became defective as a warframe. On the other hand, I just want to see real representatives of the orokin race in the game, and not enslaved. I imagine it as a warframe with a mind that can sometimes talk to the operator and comment on the situation.

First ability: Enslavement. Acts as a Dumbfounded Atlos Enslaving a group of enemies at once/ with which Goldarus can control them.

Second ability: the Turret. Goldarus Discards part of the armor from itself and turns it into one of three types of turrets(like deathballs and Sorokin turrets).

Third ability: mind Fog . Forces enemies and enemy equipment to perceive Goldarus as an ally.

Fourth ability: Transfer Link. Goldaros puts a ring on the enemy from his head and now when Goldarus will die he will resurrect from this enemy as an operator from a warframe. Passive ability: Goldarus does not respond to buttons-orokin traps and orokin turrets are not aimed at It. The whole point is that I dream that Goldarus will become like a warframe-Lich. When the Transfer Link is active and the evocation is ready and you use the operator, the transfer may fail and your warframe will become an enemy under the Transfer Link. Goldarus will gain control of his body and try to escape to the escape point, while using all his abilities. It is important that when creating Goldarus, its gender and even name will be randomly determined. It would be fun if there was a warfrey that can escape and become an enemy and return it will have to be about as Lich (only I imagined easier).Yes, I know that no one will do this and I wrote all this for nothing... But I just wanted to give you my idea. And here is the picture(in paint):2.png

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I would like to see an Instability themed Warframe. Basicly it would be a Warframe that reinforces itself only to self destruct and be more effective at killing enemies and or expose enemies.

It could even implement a mechanic that unlocks self damage (now where its gone it would be unique to that warframe) and use it. So basicly you would get rewarded for destroying yourself faster then enemies can destroy you.

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Warframe Name: Avalon 

Bio: Being the sheath of Excalibur, Avalon fights with fierce and gracefulness. As she leaves a trail of bodies behind her staining the ground in blood with every step. 

Passive: Everytime she fights alongside Excalibur she will grant both her and Excaliburs extra damage buffs. 

Ability 1 - Divine Blades: Avalon will conjure dual blades that will cause impact damage.

Ability 2 - Spear of the Heavens: Avalon will conjure a spear that will do impact and puncture damage 

Ability 3 - Wall of Retribution: Avalon will summon a wall of swords that will protect her or she can cast it on an Alli to protect them. The wall will do Slash damage to any and all coming enemies and when used again it will launch all swords at the enemy. This will do high impact and high slash 

Ability 4 - Hand of God: Avalon will summon a large beam of light from the heavens above and rain fire and poison from above.  

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My idea is a Partner frame for banshee. Something that would increase the story behind her and her new partner frame. Banshee could be the microphone and her friend could be the speaker. Something that would increase range/Damage. I see this Frame being able to setup pylons that could echo or repeat the ability last used next to them and if inactive possibly Working like the Ground pound orbs. 


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Okay so i apologize in advance I haven't read the 244 pages.

My Idea was a little taken from earlier post but I didn't see it really developed so I'll develop here.

A Tenno-crafted Warframe : Now that the Tenno have awaken from their second dream, now that they know how a Warframe is created. Now that the Tenno need more firepower than ever, it is time for the tenno to design and craft their own Warframe. (plus its kinda the point of this thread isn't it ?) This Warframe was designed by a specific Tenno who presented it to the Tenno faction and they all refused to "build" it for ethical reason.


So the look of the Warframe :

Would be dark Blue/dark purple as main color as it is the main color I see on all Tenno-stylised Weapons. Some curvy lines with ornaments just like orokin ones but more in light white instead of gold. And maybe a Lotus symbol somewhere but that would be under condition which I explain under the following section (spoiler from Apostasia Prologue)


The Lotus as a person is now a kind of a traitor cause she has join the sentients. But If the Tenno remake the Lotus as a force, an Army, fighting for the ones that can't, the original purpose of warframe (after they wake beacause of Vor) Then it could be intersting to have a warframe Having that symbol. Because they fight for the Good, the safety of civilian people of Origin System.


The following section is about the lore around this new frame yet it contains som spoilers on what is following The Sacrifice quest line.


But, the new war starts to claim its price. Friends are falling to the sentients threat. Tenno can't save them all. During a sabotage mission led by [Name a female character] , a Little Duck's protégée who was leading a Tenno squad (in which was the Tenno who designed and secretly produce the Warframe) through an enemy fleet was lethally injured. Refusing to let her die, the designer injected her the serum to turn her into a Warframe. The Squad forced the designer to extraction leaving the dead body to sentients which left her to rot. By the time she was turn into a Warframe and due to the recent death of the body, the warfram have a little conciousness yet no memory of her past lives. Just a huge rage against the sentients tha she use very well to help the Tenno forces during the war.

Note : The character used to make the warframe should be introduced through a New War quest line so we can be emottionally attached to her. The War Claims Its Price as I said 😢


PS : thought about the name Greta as gràta is scandinavian for grief or sorrow. and the ethymologia of "Regrets" : regrets of not saving people.


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