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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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I'd love to see some sort of infested stealth frame that has a chameleon type stealth instead of the basic invisible that we have 

Maybe the infested turns into a puddle of flesh similar to hydroid but it blends into what's around it. 


The flesh puddle could crawl up walls and be goopy

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Concept Void-Forge frame
Name: Vulcan

●    Passive: any enemy killed by Vulcan’s 2nd. has a 15% chance of dropping an energy orb.

●    1st. Derelict Hammers: vulcan pulls two hammers out of the void which allow him to unleash devastating blows to his enemy. Charged ground attacks create a armor stripping AOE.        
●    2nd. Devouring Furnace: summon a void creature of fire under enemy targets to consume them. (Feeding the creature improve the attributes of the 3rd.& 4th. Ability.)

●    3rd. Molten Crucible: Holding this ability drains your energy and depletes shields in exchange for high armor (using your 2nd. Gives extra protection Eg. Infested=toxin resistance)

●    4th. Summons a melee weapon from your void creatures mouth. Weapon type is decided on how full the creature is and what he consumed. (Eg. Low=daggers  Med.=Sword  Lrg.=Hammer/HeavyBlade.)

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Attention! All text has been translated through a translator. Increased risk of eye bleeding.
Although no one will read anyway...

Warframe Star
For skills uses “
Twinkle”. It looks like a small bunch of light soaring next to a warframe.

Passive: Deceased enemies can leave behind "stardust." Used for the development of "Twinkle".
Stages of development: “
Twinkle” -> “Spark” -> “Star”
+ 50% Extra Power to Skills
+ 10% additional affected area
+ 5% additional energy efficiency
The required amount of "Stardust" - 1 000

+ 50% -> + 100% 
Extra Power to Skills
+ 10% -> + 25% of the additional affected area
+ 5% -> 10% of additional energy efficiency
The required amount of "Stardust" - 10 000

1 Ability
Warframe launches its
"Twinkle" in a straight line. Upon contact with the enemy -> Absorbs "Stardust", and also imposes a negative effect "Extinct".
Enemies affected by this effect will receive more amplified negative effects (overlay, cut, piercing, and status is also considered a negative effect). If the enemy died under the influence of “Extinct” -> this effect will be distributed to nearby enemies on which there was no this effect, and after their death will spread to the next ones and so on.
- ability is streaming
- Negative effects applied to enemies with "Extinct" remain forever

2 Ability
Has an effect on allies. The next positive effect that the allies will receive or put on another ally will be a little strengthened and last longer.
- A positive effect can “break” the restriction (2 Gara’s ability with this ability can give not 90%, but 95%, 99% - definitely NOT)
-Increase the positive effect is possible only 1

3 Ability
The ability is automatic. If your ally falls and the countdown begins before his death, the “
Twinkle” will fly to him and pick it up.
- While this ability is activated, you cannot use other skills.
- basing energy expenditure for ability = 45% of maximum health of an ally who dies
- if you do not have enough energy to raise an ally, the “
Twinkle” will not fly.
- if you press the button 3 Abilities, then cancel raising the ally.

4 Ability (Shooting Star)
The "Twinkle" starts up and after 3 seconds gives 1 random positive effect to you and your team. However, you can increase the receipt of one or another positive effect under certain conditions.
Unquenchable   (You and allies take health damage (Shields do not count)) --> Your Health cannot reach below 2 HP units for a certain time.
Unreachable      (You and allies make movement and smoke, without attacking anyone or taking damage) --> Increased movement speed. Shots of enemies that hit you can count as a miss in parkour.
Inspirational         (If your team has a damage leader (80-100%)) --> a mark is applied to this ally. The allies near him do more damage.

Conclusion: You have wasted your time.



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We know that Warframes can be shaped not only by the original Prime designs of the Orokin, but also emotions and situations that have wrought them to give new form e.g. Valkry's Rage and Eidolon capturing the Revenant. The idea behind this frame is one that had reformed from the trash pile of discard Warframes on a small incinerator moon. A green-eyed Warframe, that was all but destroyed, stitched itself together into a veritable Frankenstein's monster. This hodgepodge of parts had lived by instinct util it returned to civilization and began to covet Orokin society and its opulent siblings. Known for its thievery and Schadenfreude, it would gain power from taking from others and enjoy the sight of its fellow Frames inflicted with damage.

There are two other ways this frame's personality can be. Something like Legion where many different discarded Warframes find itself within its current vessel with a collective need to better itself at the cost of others. The other being rodent-like, since most rodents are known for hoarding food and stealing from others stashes like hamsters or squirrels.

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WARFRAME named Garrus ( I didn't think much about the name ) the frame is based on support , it's an engineer

1 the ability. shared hacking hacking MoA, turrets ( become allies ), break the weapon , opens the door without the decoder. it works in a certain zone.

2 the ability. increases the number of shields by 2 times (depends on the strength).

3 ability. increases the strength of all abilities several times (a LOT of POWER) but, these abilities after several casts become unavailable (recharged) as in the massacre . in short, warframes are running at their limit.

and finally, ult. I think, buffs enough, it is time to think about damag. in ult , garrus has 3 guns to choose from, the choice of weapons depends on the faction against which It is most useful, or on the player's preferences .

flamethrower against infected.

flying lasers against corpus .

missiles that are located in the chest (i.e., a compartment in the sternum opens and several missiles are fired)

так же в ульте даются баффы лично Гаррусу, второй слой щитов (не поверх щитов ) если используются лазеры, щиты если используются ракеты, и здоровье если используется огнемет

this is a processed image , I didn't copy it, I didn't steal it 🙂


here you can see flying lasers, with a flamethrower and missiles I think everything is clear. Do don't pay attention to the 3 skills, I used to want to make a hologram invizP0zvl4KCrR0.jpg

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name: AURUM

description: Aurum is a solid gold warframe, sleek design, very ornate, almost gaudy. 

basic idea: I have concepts for each of the abilities, but since that will be decided at another stage in the process, I will give the basic idea behind this frame. Aurum will be a warframe that can actually generate credits for players by turning enemies into gold and destroying them. A way to balance this ability would be for another of his powers to actually consume a small amount of credits to deal damage. Supplemental crowd control abilities could include the ability to blind enemies or to throw an object that would lure all enemies within a given range. 

background: the only known existing Aurum frame has been in the possession of Nef Anyo and has been his most guarded secret. In fact, he has used this frame in some capacity to have amassed most of his wealth and power covertly, behind the backs of the corpus elite, allowing him to gain the status he currently wields. 



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I think a warrior based warframe like spartacus, around the same size of atlas, the first ability could be a grenade that can switch between two different modes, first is a cold grenade with guaranteed cold procs that knock down the enemies or maybe freeze them solid, it can be switched for a fire grenade, both explode in proximity to the enemy, so throw one into a crowd and it’ll explode on contact or it can be throw on the floor like a landline, the switching will be similar to how we switch Ivara’s quiver.

second ability could be a ‘rushing’ ability that allows you to close gaps between enemies and allows you to block and store damage with an exalted shield that is tied to this ability; it could make enemies aggro to you and it can be a toggle ability, whenever using a melee attack you’ll leap towards an enemy within a certain range with a guaranteed impact proc on top of whatever the melee weapon is built to do, the leap will give immunity to damage. 

third Ability could be a weapon charging ability, enhancing the critical and status chance on all weapons, continuous attacks whilst the ability has been activated will boost the stats of the weapon until it caps at maybe 40% (additive like arcane avenger) 

last ability can be a ‘get stronger when damaged’ or ‘get stronger in the heat of battle’ ability, when enemies are targeting your frame or near your frame you’ll generate health per second and gain bonus armor the more damage you take or by the amount of fire you’re under. This could also be a cool passive. 

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Well, we have 2 warframes related with music at the moment, Banshee as soprano and Octavia as percusive and strings, but we need a wind one for the orchestra, and it could be male, (there are no music male btw u.u), overall im thinking in a pipe organ warframe theme.


Design: About his design he could be inspired in J.S. Bach with a baroque theme, the warframe would have some metallic pipes in his body inspired in the Lua pipe organ room and its pipes opens and close making music, also there are some piano keys design as decoration around his body for example in his arms. About his complexion he would be simmilar to limbo, slim and wearing an elegant suit.


. Abilities: The music flows through his metallic pipes, also he can "fire the music" through the pipes as an air cannon, hitting the enemies. In another ability he can summon a virtual keyboard and he plays music, while he plays his keyboard the music flow becomes stronger, powering his attacks; also you can compose your own music as Octavia  but more related with keyboard music design, (It could be great if you could attack with classic music, just imagine fighting with the Toccata and Fugue in d minor or another classical pieces)


Also i'm adding a concept design made by my sister , I thank her all her efforts to make it possible


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A dax, turned tenno, turned INTO a warframe, so basically a space samurai rather than a space ninja, who can use void based attacks, but to an extent (to not be op I guess). Probably no one will see this because I'm too late and was logged into an account I couldn't reply on. Also:


Thank you for making this beautiful game 🙂

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Oh, finally! Finally, I can share with my warframe idea, which I have been hatching for a very long time.

His name is Furus.

Keyword:spy, theif, ancient, tapes, control

When I forming the concept, I relied on the invasion of the Sentients to somehow link it to the story of the game. The fact is that this warframe was imprisoned with Sentients in the Tau system for a very long time(Since the Zariman expedition). 

He came back with Sentients to take revenge on the abyss demon for killing his family...

Its history formed with the game lore in mind and if you are interested then let me know.







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Don't know if anyone has suggested this but, to word it, a "gamer" themed warframe. 

My idea is that he would be centered around stereotypical gaming mechanics. Maybe swapping characters with an enemy, or controlling another character like his own player character. His 4th ability could be called "Battlestation" where he hops in a floating chair and computer with a turret.

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This might be dark, but here we go.  My original thought was to have two warframes in one.  Say a family (mother/father and child) get helminthed and sent off to war.  Now as warframes they're battling away and at some point find eachother on the battlefield, and mom/dad now carries the child around fighting together.  BUT I was like tenno can't mind meld two warframes at once so the story changes.  Option A) child gets helminthed and goes to war.  Memory kicks in and he/she misses mom/dad sooooo he/she creates like a proxy mom/dad and rides around on it's back.  Option B) Orokin come knocking on poor folks door, "We want YOU to fight in our war!"  The parent is all "What about my baby boy/girl?" Then the Orokin are like pew pew pew pew pew "What baby?" Parent gets helminthed, becomes a warframe, goes to battle, memories come, "MY BABY BOY/GIRL!"  Parent creates child like thing to carry around on its back to help murder stuff.  The end. 

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 A warframe born from the waste of grineer toxic waste factories

 This warframe will be smaller in stature than a standard warframe, it will not have a recognizable face because it will wear a mask that recalls that of the genres, therefore we will have a sort of warframe created with the manufacturing waste mixed with pieces of greener armor, therefore you will have  an original design but that inside will contain liquid that will pass through tubes that enter and leave from different parts of the body so as to give an impression that it is a composition assembled to stay alive.

 armor 50 (Max lv 100)
 Shield 0
 Waist 250 (max lv 350)
 Energy 1500 (Max 2500)

 When scrap is landed, it splits into pieces and as it happens for inaros it will have the possibility to revive itself in various ways (It will not go into the reanimation phase, that is, it cannot be landed and thus use the gun or secondary weapon)
 -1 mode: dying will lose its pieces and the player will have to perform a kind of minigame to recompose himself and thus come back to life
 -2 mode: the other players will be able to collect his pieces to reassemble him as happens with the mobile defense missions with the cip
 -3 by killing various targets in a certain area, scraps will collect their pieces and revive
 Skill 1) harpoon
 Cost 35 energy, infinite duration until death or harpoon detachment ...

 Scrap launches his harpoon on an enemy by disarming him (up to 3 harpoons with limited range can be launched) instead by launching the harpoon on a scrap ally he will connect to him giving him more speed of movement and energy over time ... ⚠️scrap will be towed  from the ally and at the right time, detaching from the rope will have a temporary speed boost given by the momentum while if a harpoon is connected to an enemy this would have damage over time and if while connected to the enemy he dies he revives using the enemy's body

 Skill 2) Corrosive Acid
 cost in energy 5x / s
 Shoot an acid rain that causes scrap to lose life per second and consequently damages the enemy's shield and armor to reduce it to 0. This ability has an applicable secondary effect or the corrosive that on the enemies melts them doing damage while if sprayed  on the allies they will be covered with acid which will fortify them giving more armor and mitigated damage by 20%

 Skill 3) collection
 energy cost 1x / s
 Scrap collects ranged resources and ammunition by drawing them to itself and any excess or unnecessary ammunition will become additional armor.
 Through the cable the ammunition will be distributed to the allies in equal parts, the cumulative ammunition will be seen in the stack, and will have a limit that cannot be overcome.
 (It would be very cool that in design it would have a magnet behind its back which allows it to collect them with a unique graphic effect)

 Skill 4) Parasite
 cost 500 energy
 scrap disintegrates but engages a target and enters its body and then takes possession of it, can use its abilities, equipment and this ability increases the maximum vitality of scrap by 10% or 15% or 20% based on the level of the target infested  .  If the target dies scrap it goes to resuscitation remaining in the body of the infested target and the allies will revive it as a normal warframe but will have a short resuscitation timer of 5 s.
 examples use of this ability:
 (if he enters a bombard he has the possibility to use the area stun and use the missile launcher so in fact it will be a 100% bombard,
 ditto if he were a nox he would have the ability to use the charge, if for example he was a simple soldier he could use grenades, if he were a bursa ditto he would use all his abilities but first he must possess it with an eximus the allies would have the ability of the eximus  owned)

 (Small tricks to remedy various defects)
 If you want to be in the form of a possessed enemy you can climb or parkurr only when it does, a transition effect will occur from the shape of the body possessed to that of the warframe to return to that of the corp

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Sorceress Sidis. With a companion ghost and the legendary weapon "eternity". A ghost is a dead companion warrior (like Venari), who continues to serve her even after death. Eternity is a legendary weapon. The staff is used as a melee and ranged weapon. The ranged battle of the staff allows you to open faults of chaos with tentacles in the selected area. The aiming button allows you to control tentacles, capture mobs and control the direction of blows.

Savepice.ru - бесплатный фотохостинг

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Sheep and Wolf frame, with plant elements as an homage to the mythical Vegetable Lamb of Tartary. A two-in-one playstyle, this frame starts off in the calmer, more intellectual Sheep form, its body coated in fluffy foliage. In this form, the frame has ranged skills that might set up leafy traps/turrets/what have you. The Sheep form is a bit slow and unathletic. By using a special skill, the frame can blow the foliage off itself, revealing a sleek and intimidating Wolf form underneath. In this state, the frame enjoys a great boost to mobility, with a focus on melee combat. The Wolf may have abilities that work in tandem with the Sheep's lingering plants, if that route is taken. After some time, the plants overtake the frame once more, forcing them back into the Sheep form. 

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- Aiza -

 The Eye of The Void

She has half of her body consumed by the Void Energy and Crystals,
Her left main hand has been replaced with a Big 3 Crystals Claw made of Crystals and Void Energy flowing around it, that can free transform at her will.

1st Ability - Abyss Rush (15 Energy to Cast)
( Aiza locks and dashes forward directly to enemy transforming her left main hand into Shield Crystal Form.
Staggering the enemy and dealing X amount of impact damage.)

2nd Ability - Abyss Pull  (25 Energy to Cast)
( Aiza locks into a enemy and launches her left main hand into him and crush the enemy with her claw.
Dealing X amount of puncture damage.)

3rd Ability - Abyss Cut (30 Energy to Cast, and 5 Energy used per Second while Active.)
( Aiza start channeling her powers though her hand and transform her left main hand into Crystal Scythe, 
and start a mass murder frenzy, Dealing X amount of slash damage. )

4th Ability - Abyss Watcher  (100 Energy to Cast)
( Aiza transform herself into a Crystal Golem for 20 seconds smashing the ground with Void Energy with RMB
Dealing X amount of radiation damage into a large area in front o her,
and punching Crystals with LMB Dealing X amount of puncture damage into a area around her. )


Passive Ability - Aiza Wrath
( Enemies within 15 meters of Aiza start taking X cold damage and if a enemie die from cold damage Aiza gets 25 energy with 10 seconds cooldown.) 

This concept has some base into Prototype The Game.


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The Concept of this Frame is "Man in the Wall" Void manipulating bounty hunter, using shadows and surreal darkness to drag targets into the void damage them and when that isn't enough, fuel his powers with the Void to overwhelm them. 

In DND terms this is Trickster Rouge/Shadow Mage,or a Lasombra from WOD

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Художник warframe, его способности будут основаны на чернилах или цвете. Он может создавать преграды, наносить урон чужой зоне, а также сможет подбирать союзников в зависимости от их цветовой энергии .

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A horror themed warframe, a nightmare, witchy goddess of death.

We have mummy/zombie Inaros, necromancer Nekros, cronenberg Nidus, bloody Garuda and the Revenant. Its time to add one more twisted lady to the thriller team.

I propose a warframe inspired by the Japanese goddess of death, Izanami-no-Mikoto, Lady Death, Shinigami, the personification of horror and nightmares. 

I imagine her to take most inspiration from Asian horror films and Slavic witches with that paranormal twitching as animation. Maybe she could also summon/spit/birth spiders-like creatures that could borrow animations from Raknoids (just to add that extra creepyness).  There was already one horror-like quest, maybe there could be another?

Being able to cast curses could make her original... maybe? Like messing with stats of the enemies. By casting 'the curse' she could decrease enemies accuracy or inflict self-damage on them or something.

Since Izanami is trapped in underworld (Yomi) and she be ugly af, so maybe she could borrow some inspiration from another ugly gurl, Medusa? Medusa and her gorgon sisters were like super ugly and with their gaze they were turning people into stone, so maybe her 'face' could be like hidden (just like Izanamis) and when an ability is activated she would reveal her face which would petrify enemies or something.

I mentioned Slavic witches, so maybe her story could take something from Baba Yaga? A frame who killed her Tenno and now is rotting somewhere in the void? 

Or maybe while she was still conscious she escaped the Orokin and now shes roaming the depths of the void? Idk DE know how to write good I just gave the theme idea :]

I dont really know what name would suit this twisted warframe so idk.

 ☠️ 💀 ☠️

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Warframe Theme:  Void Roses and Aura buffer

Name: Waridi


Skill 1: Reaping Kick

A jumping  cleaving attack that does 100 damage and knockdown enemies. If Blessed Rose is active the kick attack will chop down the plant leaving a seed behind. This seed saves the current  growth level and element type of the parent rose to be planted again. If that that is planted again it will start with full health with the last rose's growth level

Skill 2:  Blessed Rose

Waridi plants one of four void seeds to the ground. Each seed type is in line of one of the four base elemental types "Heat, Cold, Toxin, and Electric" in the game". How the seed type is the selected is via Vauban's Minelayer or Ivara's Quiver. Waridi can only plant one seed at a time. The Seed starts out as a sapling at level one and grows a level at five second intervals until at the maxed level of four. When it grows into a full bloom at maxed level  gives an aura effect that applies to you and your team. This  grants the corresponding elemental damage buff at added to you and your team in a form of a aura. This buff applies to your weapons and Warframe damage abilities, but it will not combine with other status mods or other Warframe abilities to create elemental combos. This plant does has health and needs to be protected from being shot or melee attacked down. Yes if a nullifier bubble has contact to it, the bubble will quickly drain it's health quickly. This seed's level  time is affected Power Efficiently to shorten it.

Skill 3: Vine lash

Waridi stomps on the ground summoning void vines to grab opponents  and  rooting them for 2 seconds. Flying will be pulled down to the ground if grabbed.  If Blessed Rose is active void vines will come from under that rose and cause that rose's elemental proc on affected enemies.

Skill 4:  Void Carnival 

Exalted light void energy Sabatons where Waridi performs kick attacks that resemble the Martal arts of Capoeira. Energy Rose Pedals comes out in a stream as he attacks expending his range. If Blessed Rose is active the range of his attacks doubles and gain a attack speed buff.


Arthur's note:  Waridi is the Swahili term for Rose. The inspiration of the theme is that I always wanted to attend Mari Gras and/or Brazilian Carnival but never get the chance too. Since it's the Seventh Anniversary of Warframe, I say why not a celebratory theme that is festive and fun. Bring an the party to the battlefield with bright vibrant colors and Void Rose Pedals. Waridi  "in my head" is a gender ambiguous design as he is a Effeminate frame coated in vibrant Energy Rose pedals. It also ok to go for this theme to an Masculine or a female design for this frame. Please enjoy this anniversary in the rose carnival of in the void where the virus will not get you.

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Name: Enchantress

aka the Runecaster

A warframe that draws its energy from the void to empower and shape the world around her using her staff and runes.

Ability 1: Place an elemental trap rune on target location to effect any enemy that walks through it with a status effect based on the rune. Fire to set them on fire. Frost to freeze them where they stand. Lightning to blind them.

Ability 2: Expend her shields to expand them into a protective sphere. Any damage the barrier takes adds power to her 4th ability. Similar to Baruuks mechanic.

Ability 3: Place an elemental rune on the ground to add elemental damage to all allies attacks and weapons while they are in the rune. Similar to Wisps Nodes. Fire, Frost, Electric and Toxic damage. Two runes can be cast at a time to combine elements into a new one.

Ability 4: Summon her staff to send forth waves of energy with every attack. Melee but with slight projectile. The element of the waves changes based on the element given by the runes.

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I was thinking about a warframe with half of his or her body normal , and the other half deformed or mutated. one of the arms would be giant , with a dragon head or something like that instead of a hand , a putrid or corrupted type wing in the same shoulder and a corrupted halo in the same half. The same with the head  a normal type warframe face in one half , and a corrupted strange in the other part, same with the chest , legs , etc.




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