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Open Call for Warframe Theme Ideas!


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vor 2 Stunden schrieb Abhainn:

A spirit Warframe that possesses enemies and gains varied abilities and stats based on the faction and type of enemy possessed. 

I actually came up with exactly something like this one year ago. At the time I was rather disheartened to release my concept though as the first tidbits of wisp were teased (at the time my concept was actually named Wisp and even had a Wil-o-Wisp ability xD). The kit was built as a stealth/fighter-frame, as in infiltrating enemy ranks, and breaking their lines from their midst. Possessing enemies is the first step, and the second utilizes a kind of ascended or etheral form with an exalted scythe -> reaper form. I even tried including some kind of snowball effect in this weapon, as in killed enemies turn into haunting ghosts, which don't remain long, but deal a low percentage damage.

Is this something that people would be interested in?


Note: Got a full concept (except artworks) with numbers, interactions, and even a small lore bit if people are interested... (btw i'm not english so please forgive me for mistakes :P)


Edit: By now the concept is named Canaima (from caribbean folklore, google for 'canaima mythology')

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I made this post a few weekn containing some of my Ideas for new frames, This is my favorite one, a Ghost like warframe, based on a poltergeist,

NAME: Geist, the ghost frame

APPEARANCE (Can't draw so I will describe how I see it).

A small, female bodied frame, which, like Wisp and Titanaia has a floating movement.

The frame is mostly covered in a tattered cloak (picture a standard wraith), and parts of the body seem to fade in and out of visibility. The body parts visible are skeletal in appearance.


1. Posession (Timed ability): Geist takes control of an enemy, and you end up playing as that enemy for a time, this make her undetecable until attacking (any attacks from her will do bonus stealth damage for x seconds). To make this more fun, she can gain access to any abilites that enemy might possess. Lasts until time runs out or the possesed enemy is killed. Can't be used on bosses.

2. Ecotoplasm (Like Embers fireball): Geist leaves a blob of ectoplasm on the ground, damaging and slowing enemies that touch it.

3. Unnerve: Geist makes various spooky sounds (coming from Lockers, containers etc, or seemingly from nowhere) distracting and unnerving enemies to the point there reactions are slowed, and even causing them to drop their weapons in fear.

4. Telekinesis (channel ability): Geist picks up everything in front of her (enemies, ammo drops etc, the more picked up the bigger the drain on energy) and can throw them around using the mouse, bouncing them off roofs and walls.

Passive: Intangibilty, pressing Shift makes her Intangible, unable to damage or be damaged as well as being able to pass through small barriers (Can drain energy to stop frame being able to cheese spy-type missions).

Idea behind the frame:

I wanted a poltergeist-like frame (hence the name) since Wisp came out, I think it would be fun to run around as an Intangible (Not having a phsical presance, can't be touched) ghost, taking direct control of  an enemy (differing from the ability from frames like Nyx and Revenant), and using that to sow destruction and confusion. Then, after confusing and traping enemies picking them up and ragdolling them around with her 4 ability, just to add insult and injury to more injury. This frame would primaraly be a kind of stealth/ CC type frame.

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Glitch frame (Mitnick)


Every enemy distorted gives Mitnick bonus damage to weapons and additional range to abilities

-1st ability (Override)

Similar to Nudis’ 1st ability, but instead of damaging enemies, it distorts them. Distorted enemies surge enemies with devastating energy and shocks enemies close by. When they die, distorted enemies explode violently, distorting any enemies caught in the blast. (AI would be similar to Wukong’s twin)

-2nd ability (Tactical stealth)

Becomes invisible. Can phase though some walls but distorts the invisibility. 

-3rd ability

(Empty space)

-4th ability (Peak Efficiency)

Sacrifices ALL distorted enemies to create a giant distorted abomination that you control (frame becomes invisible when this is activated)    any enemy the abomination kills becomes distorted. When it dies, it is similar to a distorted explosion except it is much more devastating and glitches reality itself. OR the frame absorbs the distorted enemies to become overclocked; gaining increased ability strength, weapon damage and fire rate for every distorted enemy absorbed. Also causes explosion/reality glitch when duration runs out.







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Arrachnos. Health: 85, Shield: 100, Armor: 30

Ability #1: Launch a line of web that allows you to traverse above the enemy. 

Ability #2: Utilize all 8 optical sensors and see enemies through walls. Higher threat level enemies will be marked red.

Ability #3: Deploy a net of webbing that traps and slowly kills enemies when they come into contact with it. Enemies who are killed by the web will turn into miniature spiders and attack. (These spiders do not do much damage, mostly used as a distraction. Up to 3 spiders can be spawned at once).

Ability #4: Activate the appendages on your back, allowing Arrachnos to traverse walls and ceilings without falling. While active, enemies are 50% more likely to not see you.

Passive: Invisible when motionless on a wall or tightrope.

DE, I have been thinking about this warframe for a while, and I hope you find it good. I think this warframe will make a great addition to the game because there are barely any true stealth frames other than Loki and Ash. Please feel free to let me know if you have any changes for it so I can modify it and submit it again next year.

Your #1 Tenno,



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How about a frame based on paper and traditional Japanese shrine maidens? I've had the idea for a while, although the shrine maiden theme is mostly an authentic thing. I had imagined it would be a part of her design, and her animations for abilities and such.

The frame is fragile but supports her team with blessings (buffs) and curses (debuffs). The frame would be similar to Trinity in her lack of offensive abilities but abundance of support and survival. To enhance her survivability, her roll has her momentarily transform into a swarm of sheets of paper (the color of which can be based on her current color scheme).

As for her abilities, her first ability can be a simple easy to execute debuff that reduces the damage, armor, and shields on enemies within a certain range in front of her. To counteract the amount of damage that she would likely receive while attempting to cast the ability she will be invulnerable during the cast, all of the accumulated damage is then split between each enemy affected.

The second ability should reflect her paper and ecclesiastical themes by having her inscribe a sheet of paper with a symbol from the tenno language. Powered by the void energy flowing through her, the symbol gains power and grants a buff in a massive area around the cast location, also effecting allies through walls. The buff can be different depending on how long you hold the ability, reflecting the time it would take to draw a more complicated symbol.

Her third ability can enhance her support by casting a healing radius around herself that heals a percentage of health each second. And to make it better, she and teammates who enter the range of the heal will also gain damage reduction in the form of a shield of swirling paper.

For the fourth and ultimate ability, she can grant herself and her team full damage immunity for a certain time. Damage types inflicted are recorded and at the end of the ability's duration everyone affected will perform a radial burst inflicting enemies hit with multiple status effects and blinding them. Allies will retain immunity to the most prominent damage type absorbed by them while they were immune for a short duration.

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Despite Gas not being at its best right now, which I'm sure will get fixed. I've always felt a warframe has been missing that was all about Gas, no pun intended. Believe most other elements have been used.


Abilities could be something along the lines of an active where the frame exudes gas in an aoe around itself.

A usual "simple" first ability that could later apply gas to used weapons with an augment. Maybe something along the lines of what Pox does, throwing something that places a small gas aoe on an enemy or on surfaces. Or something that leaves a gas trail behind.

A defensive ability that would make the frame harder to hit or something along those lines.

An ability that would explode all active gas AOEs, "as ult".

Passive that gives the frame health regen based on enemies around it being affected by gas procs.


Trying to think of this makes it clear that it's pretty tough to think of a whole package.

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hace 12 horas, [DE]Helen dijo:


We’re calling upon the Warframe community to create the next Warframe! You can stay up-to-date on the design phases in the official Community-Designed Warframe thread.

The theme is the foundation of every Warframe’s design. Over the years, we have seen countless fantastic ideas in the Fan Concepts subforum and across the Internet. That creativity is what we’ll need to breathe life into this Warframe! Share with us a Warframe theme you’d like to see inspire the next design.

How to submit:

In this thread, share a description of a Warframe theme that you would like to see in-game!

We aren’t considering Abilities during this design phase. First, it’s all about a strong theme! Expound your idea and make it the best it can be.


  • One submission per player.
  • Theme can’t be changed after it is submitted. You may edit your post to make small changes like fixing typos. "Reason for edit" will be reviewed.
  • If there are duplicate theme submissions, only the one that was first posted will be considered - we’ll be watching!
  • Theme idea must be original. Your submission can be from a post you made elsewhere as long as it’s your own!
  • Details like back stories might be altered by the Dev Team as needed to ensure consistency with Warframe’s overall design.
  • Concept art can be included in submissions but will not be considered in the final design or when selecting the final theme.
  • Do not reserve spots in this thread.
  • Only post submissions in this thread.
  • Submissions that do not follow these guidelines will not be considered.
  • Chosen submission becomes property of Digital Extremes.

We understand that we can’t avoid duplicate Warframe theme submissions, so please do your best to submit a theme that has yet to be presented, and we’ll do our best when sorting through to ensure there is a fair opportunity for all!

Selecting the Final Theme:

Call for submissions will close on Thursday, March 19 at 1:00pm ET.

After reviewing all theme submissions, the Warframe Team will choose a Top 10 to present to the Design Council!

The Design Council will then vote to determine the winning Warframe theme. Design Council voting will begin on Friday, March 20 at 1:00PM ET and run until Thursday, March 26 at 1:00PM ET.

After the Theme is Chosen:

Community artist, Eornheit will create the Warframe’s official design based on the chosen theme! Once the design is complete, we will make an open call to the community once again to design the Warframe’s Abilities. Follow each phase here!

The community-created Warframe’s name and final design will be revealed on Saturday, July 11th during the TennoCon 2020 Live Stream!


Let us hear your Warframe ideas, Tenno!

Make a jojo reference warframe with a stand or something idk but i prefer something like the spin in part 7 because i know that will have a pretty funny kit of skills i think

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Not sure if anyone's said anything similar to this yet, but I would love to see a time themed warframe. They could use abilities involving time to heal or boost teammates while debuffing enemies. He could maybe have spinning gears and stuff coming out of him like a clock. Maybe even put an hourglass somewhere in there too. I think giving him a moustache made of clock hands would be funny. Maybe he would attack with physicals clocks or swing a pendulum in one of his attacks. 


Lots of great ideas here everyone, can't wait to see which one gets added! 

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Seriously, this threat fills so fast, how am I supposed to make sure my suggestion has not been posted yet? Well, it did not come up on the first 20 pages, so I guess the chances are good.


Borma - The Survivor Frame

Borma was let loose in the Jungles of earth during the fall of the Orokin. A one-frame-army, his mission was to bind larger enemy forces and cause attrition until further orders, but no further orders came because his command was destroyed- Borma adapted and became an ultimate survivor, fighting on, without end. He learned to be self-reliant and -sustaining, he knows that to defeat an enemy is to outlast them.

Borma prefers to surprise the enemy, attack from an ambush, single out and destroy an enemy and vanish again. Nevertheless, he can stand the heat of battle if need be. To this goal, he has a multitude of defensive abilities that he chooses strategically to best counter the enemy attacks and depending on the situation he can be evasive as Limbo, solid as Rhino or resilient as Inaros.


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Name: Gaia

Theme: Gaia's power lies in creating and manipulating flora, especially carnivorous flora. Her greatest strength is her array of vicious plants, each eager to serve their gardener. However, despite her menacing blooms, Gaia is a gentle soul at heart, driven to war by the senseless destruction of the flora she calls her family.


Flavor text:  Devastating the enemy with vicious vines, she is the bringer of nature's wrath. This is Gaia, Cultivator of the Deadly.

Good luck to everyone!

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He could be an amalgamation of grineer and corpus engineering with a tenno pilot as a last resort for ending sentients. His play style could be described as reactionary to the environment mixed in having a massive impact with repercussions (Basically how you use him efficiently is being over extended). The design would of course integrate both factions aesthetics to create this "monster" to get the job done. 

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