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Be Part of the Next Community-Created Warframe


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Remember when you were an operator and could use transference into those orokin tunneler things in the war within quest? (Or second dream, I forget.)

Why not have a similar Orokin themed "warframe" that isn't really a warframe at all, but an ancient orokin device used for war?


Basically, the shiny golden centipede slithers around and has only its first ability: "leap," Which causes the centipede to latch on to an enemy, corrupt it, and make the enemy your own. Once latched on, the enemy comes under your control, and depending on the enemy type (grineer, corpus, infested, corrupted, and maybe sentient) the remaining abilities do different things. HOWEVER, because of lore and continuity and so on, the centipede can only stay latched onto a host for so long before getting kuva poisoning or something along those lines, (and also so I can't find a nox and live inside it forever.) Maybe the 4th ability can discharge built up kuva poison into a host for a massive power boost for a short time, or as an aoe kuva poison (toxin/rad) attack, idk. I can imagine a ton of synergy between leaping from host to host to build up attack power, or something. And it's not like it would be invincible, without a host, the stats would be squishy, but once it has a host, maybe it can have an ability that can drain health so it gains a temporary buff before finding a new host.

Maybe make it exclusively prime for flavor.

This is essentially a parasite warframe that gains control of enemies, sorry if this concept was already mentioned.

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A throwing weapon warframe.

Passive: all throwing weapons chain between enemies 2 times with 10% damage penalty for each chain (chains randomly/ based on proximity (your choice) and chain range is 12 meters). Cannot chain back at the previously damaged enemy.

1st ability: weakening throw that reduces the accuracy of enemies by 30% and reduces their action speed by 15%.Chains additional 2 times. Not modified by power strength. Debuffs last 15 seconds and are modified by power duration. +1 chain for each 35% power efficiency. While exalted weapon is active this ability gains +15% to action speed reduction.

2nd ability: damage boost depending on the range of the throw. +5% damage for each meter capped at +125%. Not modified by power strength. Ability lasts 15 seconds.

3rd ability: The next 10 throws explode when hitting an enemy (even when chaining). Each explosion deals 100% weapon damage and staggers all enemies within the explosion. Number of throws modified by power efficiency. Explosion radius is 5 meters and not modified by power range.

4th ability: Exalted throwing weapon draining 5 energy per second that deals 2 instances of damage(first one deals 100% damage on the contact with enemy the second one after 1.5 second dealing 75% damage). Each throw gains 15% damage (ignoring the passive damage penalty) with each chain endlessly. Can chain endlessly with 70% chain chance after the first 3 chains. At the end of chaining the weapon locks itself in the target and deals 70% damage (counting in the chaining buffs) per second for 3 seconds. Damage modified by power strength with the exception of chain damage boost. Energy drain modified only by power efficiency. Projectiles have 20%chance to ignore nullifier bubbles and go right through but without damaging them.


Suggestion on how it can look: The warframe has big shurikens on its shoulders and a belt of random throwing weapons around the hips (weapons have jiggle physics). Wears a long jacket that can be turned into a short jacket in the appearance customization (the jacket looks something like this: https://www.amazon.com/Cosnew-Halloween-Kakyoin-Earrings-Costume-Made/dp/B074TYW74S (sorry but couldn't think of a better way to show the jacket)) and some other details like veins of energy randomly around its body (minor but noticeable size).

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How about a liquid/goo formed Warframe an experiment by Balla’s (thought to have failed) and left in a vat locked away in an abandoned secret orokin lab. Waiting for a Tenno to free it from its containment and release hell on the ones that made it what it is today.


*ill try to find/draw an image of what I mean to help with a visualization of it.


this is just an image I found on google but it’s pretty much what I mean.

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Emilia, the lamia warframe

The basic concept for this Warframe would be for the Warframe to debuff enemies who are poisoned when it damages them with abilities or with melee attacks (with an exalted weapon possibly?) And to buff allies who are near debuffed enemies. When Emilia damages a poisoned enemy, they would have snakes wrapped around them and biting them, which would cause them to move slower and be weaker, while letting off a cloud of gas that emboldens allies, giving them a type of buff if they are in the radius.

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And ancient lost warframe thought to be destroyed, the elementalist, all abilities self explanatory. Fire ice water thunder, each element only obtainable by corresponding warframes completing missions on separate planets, hydroid frost volt ember. Story theme:- lotus recieves a distress call while player is in mission (random) a forced extraction is made, some cool extraction cinematics would go down well here, upon return to the orbiter the ship is suddenly being fired upon and for the first time we pilot the orbiter and are forced to make an emergency landing, while retrieving replacement parts our warframe falls and becomes damaged in a swamp like environment forcing the use of hydroid as his abilities could manipulate the environment, a extraction much like the capture mission extraction is made and as we ready to leave our tenno hears the distress call the distress call brings us to a maze type labyrinth riddled with traps, upon completion we find on a pedestal a warframe head [neuroptics] engulfed in a water sphere, this them would continue for each warframe part needed, suggested areas are frost, orb vallis volt,plains of eidolon during a violent thunder storm hydroid any earth node really with lots of greenery and water ember, mars, (well supposed to be the red planet so why not). After the warframes complete a message is hidden inside from a thought to be deceased npc, Teshins son Issah, Teshin was tricked he never killed his son, it was a false image placed in his mind to manipulate him which backfired, his son was taken by the kuva lich, reason to be determined, but the kuva lich put him in stasis he has for years been subconsciously calling for help until finally his thoughts were heard by the warframe that gaurded his cryotic chamber, the elementalist was a stolen warframe controlled by the lich made to gaurd Issah, over time he became aware of Issahs pleas for help and takes pity on Issah, In a desperate attempt to free Issah the elementalist takes on the entire kuva fortress using his elemental summons, element related pets or clones would be an amazing setup here i think, combination of summons creating radiation explosive summons would be cool. Inevitably the elementalist can hold off the hoards no longer surrounded from 4 sides he records the pleas made by Issah and begins to transmit the signal deep into space, knowing the kuva intend to rip him to pieces he places coordinates and instrustions in all his components and he commands his summons to rip him limb from limb and to flee, causing devastating damage to the kuva fortress by blasting through the hull and covering his reason for his mutiny. His summons are drawn to environments they can remain in most undetected till the time a tenno will hear the pleas and with that the rescue of Issah begins, with elements still locked the elementalist takes cotrol of the orbiters communication and asks Teshin to join him in an epic battle against the kuva the elementalist and Teshin head to the fortress to begin the final fight and rescue of Issah. 


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Might I suggest a warframe with shape-shifting powers.  I have had some concepts of some here on the forums.  I know the name may say Scylla on the thread, but I had the idea of Galatea (or Galatia to differentiate it from the mission node on Neptune, but she could be like Oberon and Titania in the respect of being named after nodes that are no longer their) and I have some lore ideas bouncing around my brain, but those may take to long to make as their are a lot of concepts for other things in the game as well (plus getting them from my head to a digestible medium on my own is something I'm ill-equipped to do in a timely manner at the moment).


here's the DA page with most of the information of the aforementioned link along with the initial concept that came out when I commissioned ChickenDrawsDogs to make his own take on the.

here (Part 1, Part 2) are the forms she can take when with her Anthropy ability.

it's a work in progress, but I really hope you'll consider the concept.

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ive got 2 themes in mind:

1- this one leave a lot for the imagination
*a warframe based on lasers imagine hildryns balefire but its 2 built in gammacors instead, they heal based on damage dealt to enemies and become stronger the more damage you take.
*other skills include a single phat lazer that is charged up by draining health to deal bigg aoe dmg and a few deployable companion drones who fly around and provide coverfire and absorb all damage taken by him and increase their damage as their health goes down
*obviousley this is another dps tank warframe but lasers are cool so who cares.
*i kinda think a more heavy machine like appearance would be fitting something like a combination of gauss  and the reapers from mass effect but with more human like proportions to make it easier to create tennogen for it.

2- this one is a more detailed design
*another stealth based warframe with ninja themes like ash(i mean honestly most warframes in this game are so far from being ninja like it hurts) so far the only warframes that actually feel like ninjas are ash loki and ivara.
*passive that makes you invisible while crouching/wall latching shooting/sliding/doing anything that is not crouching/wall latching will turn off invisibility(no wall running either)

*first skill: releases smoke that blinds enemies who get too close to u and opens em to finishers
*second skill: teleports to whatever surface the player is aiming at (only 10m base range)
*third skill: frame and his allies get a 5% increase in melee range for every enemy killed with melee attacks stacking up to 100% decays over time (drain based)

*forth skill:the blade mentioned in the first skill except its a dual wield sword now and it works like valkyrs talons but without the god mode, synergises with 3rd skill
*this frame is basically what would happen if excalibur traded some survivability for more stealth
*i want him to look like some sort of savage witch doctor assassin that has bony textures and a helmet(possibly alt)that has a frill like the angel of deat form Hellboy II

ive tried to keep the second one as balaced as possible without reducing the fun factor

i know both of these frames feature exalted weapons and not everybody is a fan of throwing exalted weapons on every frame but here is an equal amount of people who like exalted weapons and if those exalted weapons dont completely leave the other skills in their shadow but instead synergise with them i doubt anybody would complain about the playstyle of these frames. srry for long post i have a habit of getting too into typing stuff 😋


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1 hour ago, thanatos592 said:

Hi, definitely the new warframe should to be an alternative to rinho it should offered enough defense and damage like rinho (and betting for a basic easy but useless habilities but wt one thing more elaborated than rinho) and I think that could be so cool if it's based on a porcupine covered with spikes or spines that offer a big shield increased and u would lost all ur shield maybe shooting the spikes and making a big damage... 

So ... Rhino + Iron Shrapnel ?

But it passively inflicts all damage back using shield instead or iron skin ?

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