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Missclicking kuva liches


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Hello, I may say it over again but I missclick liches a lot (50% of the time) and it's ruining the kuva lich experience for me, I'd like a way to solve it, either by having the ability to abort the lich or having a menu that will open when you kill a larvaling and it will make sure if you want to kill it, grinding 2-3 hours just because you pressed a button at the wrong time is not fair.

I'd like you to consider it, thanks.

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Before the obvous comments come in like "simple not click x", muscle memroy, people used to mercy kills or finishers, after grinding thralls you act on instinct aswell on it and at worse it happens automaticily, some melee combos activate finishers i think there, even casued me to finihs a lich twice in a row showing me both requiems even taht first one was wrong.

Make it a hold to kill or menu as OP said.

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Marine027 said it right, just make a menu that checks, I do it on instinct


Muscle memory, doing a menu that makes sure if you want to kill it isn't that hard and it will save people from lots of frustration


It would be easier if you hold x for that, it will solve it.

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2 hours ago, Obviousclone said:

I did it once on accident

learned from the consequence of my mistake (the hours spent clearing the lich)

and then never ever did it ever again for the following 60+ lich kills I have run.

Let me ask you, what changes for you if it is an option? 2 preciosu seconds wasted for you not workign fast enough? People do it on accident, it exists the reaoson not matters, people can be tired after a long day, cat steps on your keyboard, etc.

You are the same peopel not wanting a difficult setting for Dark Souls or so, it huts no one, you still can pretend to be an elite and play hard and convert lichs when you want here aswell.

I am guessing you also against safety messures in cars becasue it is to easy to avoid accidents and crashes also? Being a good driver won't protect you of events you can control. This is a mere exampel fo how this thigns are. We talk about a goddamn option, make it a toogle in the options for people if that satsifes peopel like you.

We not talk about chalalnge or reworking a weapon or frame, we talk about a goddamn mechanic that creates a gamemode for you, it not affects YOUR gameplay or choices!

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vor 4 Minuten schrieb (XB1)TyeGoo:

Oh my god 🙄 people arguing for the sake of arguing again..

Just make *abort mission* abort the Kuva lich creation, end of discussion.

You realize this not works.

Lich gets saved immidietly the first second the finisher got started.

Aborting or even Alt+F4 the game in a millisecond won't prevent the Lich.

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I'm sorry to say but it doesn't matter how "serious" you're trying to paint the whole situation that resulted on your brain shutdown... Lack of "menu" or "hold X for Mercy Kill"...? Stop ruining the Lich experience for everyone else.


Here's why:

... The Larvling has a big ass icon on top of its head when its down, including a big ass red hue, aura-like, emanating from its body.

2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

How do you manage to do that multiple times? One time, fair enough.

^ THIS ^ is an accidental moment. And even THAT, by my standards, is your fault entirely.



2 hours ago, WhiteMarker said:

50% of the time?

^ This ^?

That's not accidental. That's you trolling yourself to serve as an excuse for the system to have a useless gimmick that no one else, other than you and a small number of brainless players (with the optional brain shutdown for a myriad of reasons), wants.


A little side-on:

1 hour ago, Marine027 said:

what changes for you if it is an option?

Sorry, but I personally prefer to NOT have that option since it will introduce a myriad of bugs that no one else wants.


This isn't an improvement suggestion. This is clickbait and a call out for attention.

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2 minutes ago, Uhkretor said:

... The Larvling has a big ass icon on top of its head when its down, including a big ass red hue, aura-like, emanating from its body.

Took the words from me. This pretty much summarize it. Stabbing a larvling even when it pretty much stands out so much, is entirely your fault. Muscle memory is just an excuse to paint it as a serious thing.

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1 hour ago, Uhkretor said:


I'm sorry to say but it doesn't matter how "serious" you're trying to paint the whole situation that resulted on your brain shutdown... Lack of "menu" or "hold X for Mercy Kill"...? Stop ruining the Lich experience for everyone else.


Here's why:

... The Larvling has a big ass icon on top of its head when its down, including a big ass red hue, aura-like, emanating from its body.

^ THIS ^ is an accidental moment. And even THAT, by my standards, is your fault entirely.



^ This ^?

That's not accidental. That's you trolling yourself to serve as an excuse for the system to have a useless gimmick that no one else, other than you and a small number of brainless players (with the optional brain shutdown for a myriad of reasons), wants.


A little side-on:

Sorry, but I personally prefer to NOT have that option since it will introduce a myriad of bugs that no one else wants.


This isn't an improvement suggestion. This is clickbait and a call out for attention.

Uhm, no tihs is a problem, several peopel have it and it is not jsut the OP, i keep pay attnetion aswell but sometiems it happens to me aswell still, It can happen, something that is simply trolling from DE if you want to accuse someone of trolling, they made the Lich safe right on the spot instead of everything else saved if you extract, why do Thralls not save? Or Rotation drops?

Yes it is supposed ot be your "punishment" but this system is a joke since he/she not hunts you and you hunt this walking pinata for drops. It is more annoying then a real challange or good game design.

Guess while we at it we never should had made unuversal vaccuum or simply hotfixes to things that annyo people aswell because it can also cause more bugs?

Let us jsut never change the game ever again becuase it can cause bugs again, let us jsut ignore it and pretend it is some sort of elite skill to press a button not for 5 seconds! Give me a break, it is a optional tihng and as mentioned if it really annoys peopel make it a toogle in the options if you want that menu or button holdign or whatever. Same option you have to uneqip mods to increase the challange instead of screaming for more bulletsponges like others do.

Stop pretending people scream for attention here, if one does it is you as you dumb spoiler joke does apperently. Screaming for peopel ot laugh at it, you are the one asking for attention buddy.

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1 minute ago, Waifu_Is_Laifu said:

To end the discussion here, is the a way for someone stupid like me to avoid that?

Take 5 seconds to stop, and think: "This larvling is down, i should check what weapon it has before accidentally stabbing it"

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lul wut?


why are you auto clicking the downed larvling? its already down, it isnt going anywhere, it not gonna get back up and start shooting at you or running away. you already (presumably) chose a specific frame (to get the element you want), you already chose a proper map (cassini), you already are there solo (well you should be) so no one else will kill it.....you already listened to the clip and actively chased the thing down to kill it.....you already managed to do ALL those things, on purpose, without muscle memory,.....

but you cant take literally 1 single second to read what weapon youll get before doing a finisher kill on it?

wow....thats 100% on you.

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To sum it up here, most people assume all act the same and life the same lives apperently, no one ever does something accidently and lets pretend also then people not have disabilitys and enjoy the game anymore due changes not giving them options, lets pretend we all are not individuals and if i can do it others should goddman act the same, lets act like no one else experiences bugs if i never encoutnered them myself also.

Do you all listen to yourself with this? The OP asks for one simple trigger, option, toogle, whatever becasue it again not matters why it happened, it happened, people have different lifes and react different, stop acting liek you can program a human, mistakes happen and will keep repeating at times.

If you want to be that hypocritical people then bash on DE for keep making same update and patch mistakes bringing old bugs back also, will you? Go on bash on them like you do on the OP, wanna see how taht turns out. Becasue that is the exact same example.

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Not a lot of sympathy on this page, but I've done this too, albeit once out of 20 liches. It's why I got a Karak...

In my case, I rounded the corner and ran into (collided with) the lichling, and it was friggen mercy killed, and I KNOW that I did not hit 'X' in this case. Also, I got confirmation from another player, that sometime you don't have to hit X if you're shooting or sumsing-sumsing.

Anyway, the OP is not imagining a problem. I walk up to liches carefully now - don't want to get another accidental lich!

All I'm saying is - it DOES happen without the 'x' - and it shouldn't!


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3 minutes ago, Waifu_Is_Laifu said:

It isn't as easy as it sounds...

Sorry man, but if you cannot take even 1 second to see, read, and check, then is entirely on you, not your "muscle memory"

As unfortunate as it sounds, many people will keep using this as an excuse, and even when you "muscle memory" people get your UI or your Hold to Stab thing, you will still find a way to "accidentally" stab the larvling, and once again blame it on "muscle memory"


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3 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

To sum it up here, most people assume all act the same and life the same lives apperently, no one ever does sometihng accidently and lets pretend also then peopel not have disabilitys and enjyo the game anymore due changes not giving them options, lets pretend we all are not individuals and if i can do it others shoudl goddman act the same, lets act like no one else experiences bugs if i noever encoutnered them myself also.

You are taking it to the extreme with the Disability thing. This is no disability, is the mistake of someone for not paying attention.

I too, had this happen to me, and you know what i did? i sucked it up. I owned to my own screw up, and started to be more careful, and not blame it on the "muscle memory" This is not muscle memory, is just YOU NOT PAYING ATTENTION, SEVERAL TIMES IN A ROW, AND TRYING TO MASK IT AS MUSCLE MEMORY OR SOMETHING ELSE TO MAKE IT LOOK SERIOUS.

And as i said before, and just like you, i will take it to the extreme too: Say DE implements the "Hold X to stab" thing, or some safety measure. I go and do my mission to spawn a lich. The larvling is down, and i hold X to stab it. Oh no, is not the weapon i wanted. Ok, first time is ok. But i keep doing it, over and over, so i decide to blame it on the system, because i don't want to blame my own lack of attention.

With or without a safety measure to avoid "accidental" stabs, you can be sure, that people WILL FIND HOW TO ACCIDENTALLY STAB THE LARVLING, AND MANY MORE THINGS TO COMPLAIN ABOUT.

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15 minutes ago, Canach said:

All I'm saying is - it DOES happen without the 'x' - and it shouldn't!

If its acting like this, then its a bug and should be reported as one under the "Bug Reports" section by the OP...

However, what the OP is mentioning is accidental 'x' press on a Larvling, which is a different thing here. That's why the whole thing here flared up just like magnesium deposits after eating fire, especially because the Larvling has more beacons than a city that only has lighthouses for habitation purposes and active lights.

... Or Vegas at night, if you're more into practical examples...

23 minutes ago, Marine027 said:


... I'm really struggling to even understand half of what you're saying... but I'm not going to point out its because of the excessive language murder typos that you're committing...


... Oh wait...


... I just did.


... oops.

... Anyway...

23 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

Stop pretending people scream for attention here

They are, including you.

23 minutes ago, Marine027 said:

you are the one asking for attention buddy.

I'm not, since the Lich system is perfect with no braindead additions.


And my Spoiler tree secondary function worked perfectly as intented.


... Why?


... Because it annoyed the crap out of you.


... If it didn't annoy you, you wouldn't have said anything about it.


... And now...




6 minutes ago, Yakhul said:



Edited by Uhkretor
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Is it so hard for D.E just to add a little safety measure? it will save lots of people from frustration, any safety measures are good, pressing ''x'' for half a second without paying attention and now you're on a 2-3 hours grind, lots of accidents can stop if a little safety measure is added.

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I don't know any reason why a thread like this would get heated, but when I say I've got about 20 liches, I mean that I skipped over at least 50-60, and this only happened to me once, where I got one without the 'X'.

AND as Uhkretor pointed out, that was not the OP's issue, he was just leaping without looking.

BUT just yesterday I was duing murmurs with a PUG and one of the guys was 'amazed' to find out that they showed the weapons over their head - said he'd been wasting a ton of time because he didn't know  - I'm thinking "DOH!"  - To the OP, @Waifu_Is_Laifuyou just need to calm down. You can't accidently make a lich from 30m away. Walk up to them, read the sign from the side from 10m away if you need to. Be paranoid, but no more accidents!

EDIT:  It also helps approach with paranoid caution if you have Animal Instinct/Enemy Sense and are using it, and also, I kill everyone in the room before walking up to the lich, so no friggin Scorpion will toss me into one.

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