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Ledge Grabbing


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please implement an option in the settings that allows you to turn off automatic ledge grabbing. Never once in my life have I unironically grabbed a ledge, it just always grabs random lamp posts, crates, sabotage reactors - whatever it can find and latch onto - and completely break momentum. No matter how much experience I amass in the game, it always inevitably happens somewhere and always makes me think about how much I wished it was gone. Someone out there might like it though, hence I guess a toggle option would be best.

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3 minutes ago, kapn655321 said:

Or a cancel. Once your frame decides it's going to flip up, there ain't no stoppin' it.

A cancel is a good solution, yes. Simply being able to hit crouch to cancel out of a grab and drop down would work wonders. With that said, I feel that a lot of the issue here is tileset design. A lot of the old tilesets aren't designed with Parkour 2.0 in mind, meaning there are a lot of dumb pointless ledges and edges everywhere for us to bump our heads on, knock us off of wall runs or grab onto when we meant to go under. Nearly every door has a ledge above it that you'll grab onto if you're jumping into it. Jupiter Remastered shows us what a tileset designed for Parkour 2.0 looks and acts like. Most of those "dumb ledges and edges" either don't exist, or have an invisible wall over them so we don't interact with them.

We'll see what Corpus Ship Remastered brings, but I expect more tilesets designed like this as we move forward.

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I have the issue no matter what tileset, especially if I am using a very long range operator dash because for some reason -- even though our operators are about as athletic as a brick in the water -- they can do a ledgegrab and a flip no sweat. When your void dash gets cancelled 1/10th of the way through because the top of a ledge happened to be within reach of the trajectory is really kind of meh. I am not sure a cancel option would fix this, as the bullet jump or void dash is still already interrupted the moment the ledge grab cancels their momentum, so I see a disable as a preventive measure as the only option. It's true what you say about the tilesets though @Steel_Rook

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1 hour ago, BlackCat500 said:

I am not sure a cancel option would fix this, as the bullet jump or void dash is still already interrupted the moment the ledge grab cancels their momentum, so I see a disable as a preventive measure as the only option.

Ledge grabs only happen if you collide with the ledge, though, which would already cancel your momentum. I've never seen a case where my character grabs a ledge without physically contacting it first.

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I cant say i ever really worried about ledge grabbing till it doesnt happen. *glares in corpus rescue prison* theres one specific ledge where the overhang is slightly too far out in one of the planet corpus tiles near a rescue prison where you jump down,  go through a small tunnel then jump up into the prison cells. That particular ledge doesnt let you grab it and is just far enough out that you bash your head on it a lot trying to jump out. Thats my only greivance personally. That its not an auto thing if youre actually trying to grab a ledge 

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Yes, please. Ledge grab has been useful to me like, one time. Most of the time I'm just trying to get under, not over, and when I do want to get over, a wall hop would be more than enough.

Edit: forgot to mention, it should definetely be changed for operator because it messes up void dash badly

Edited by LucMakai
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