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Kuva lich missions, a reason to quit Warframe?


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Kuva lich missions need a serious overhaul. RNG is too difficult to work around when shooting for a specific weapon. When grinding larvling kills, its also a mistake to be had that the "use" key is pressed and now you have a lich you don't want or need, and now have to grind out hours of play to get rid of it. The dev's should seriously consider a way to "pay off" the lich so we might go about what we set out to do in the first place. It is maddening to grind for hours, to receive useless weapons from useless and repetitive lich hunts. Its this type of design that has serious implications. My twitch community requests anything but Warframe now (after being my most requested streams for 2 years), due to the endless grinding for really nothing at all. Less and less people are playing lich hunts which makes the solo play the only option. The xp earned toward the lich relics is negligible at best in solo play. There needs to be a re-work here. I enjoyed the game up to this point. Ill be reaching for another game more often than not these days and I am sad to say it. I hope the dev's receive this message well and consider changing some things. 


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Il y a 8 heures, Diesel_Brews a dit :

 When grinding larvling kills, its also a mistake to be had that the "use" key is pressed and now you have a lich you don't want or need, and now have to grind out hours of play to get rid of it.

You right about this part.. and the fix is easy, they just need for us to complete the mission to validate the lich.. like that, if players did a mistake or wathever, they'll just have to quit the mission instead of finishing it.. when they changed  their system, i did that mistake 3 times on the first days after the rework xD

but, as someone said before, you're not forced to do liches, just do them 1 by 1 when you feel like you want to, just do other content during this time 😉

About the less and less people playing liches, you right too.. if i was in their shoes, i would've not done stuff this way.. why don't they fuse kuva siphon/flood with liches hunt.. like that u'll still have plenty of different mission on different planet, and you'll surely have players to play with, u'll be rewarded with kuva/etc even if your lich don't want to pop up..

But hey.. DE surely don't play their own game, so how can they know whats wrong ?... :'')

(sorry for typo, french dude here :D)

Edited by 1st-1
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16 hours ago, SenorClipClop said:

Quit if you want. Nobody's forcing you to play (or stream) Liches though.

Well I would say its good to have feedback on my comment, but this isn't feedback. My post isn't a threat, its an opinion (and a widely held one), about the state of things. So don't know why you wasted time commenting.

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9 hours ago, 1st-1 said:

You right about this part.. and the fix is easy, they just need for us to complete the mission to validate the lich.. like that, if players did a mistake or wathever, they'll just have to quit the mission instead of finishing it.. when they changed  their system, i did that mistake 3 times on the first days after the rework xD

but, as someone said before, you're not forced to do liches, just do them 1 by 1 when you feel like you want to, just do other content during this time 😉

About the less and less people playing liches, you right too.. if i was in their shoes, i would've not done stuff this way.. why don't they fuse kuva siphon/flood with liches hunt.. like that u'll still have plenty of different mission on different planet, and you'll surely have players to play with, u'll be rewarded with kuva/etc even if your lich don't want to pop up..

But hey.. DE surely don't play their own game, so how can they know whats wrong ?... :'')

(sorry for typo, french dude here :D)

Appreciate the comment. My post is more a state of things rather than just complaining. Of course you are not forced into them, but they do have some of the best weapons in the game, which aids in end game content. Which would bring the conclusion that its certainly beneficial to grind out some of those weapons. 

No worries, the english works well enough I think. 


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14 hours ago, Brynslustafir said:

Honestly after a month of Scarlet Spear I'm down for some Lich hunting. Anything that doesn't directly involve sentients. 

I agree, but after doing so much in them. Its become somewhat boring. More of a state of things statement. Sentients are rough though I agree. 

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6 hours ago, Diesel_Brews said:

Well I would say its good to have feedback on my comment, but this isn't feedback. My post isn't a threat, its an opinion (and a widely held one), about the state of things. So don't know why you wasted time commenting.

Hard to tell what kind of thread this is.

If you're looking for discussion and are open to even a remote possibility of changing your perspective, I can leave some feedback. If you're just looking for people to agree with you and "defeat" people you disagree with, I'll leave my two cents and call it at that.

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Trying to roll the kuva weapon you want is about the only problem I have.   Between just getting the weapons and sometimes accidently clicking on a larvaling it can get frustrating.  I offered plat and just baught kuva weapons from other people to level up my twin stubs and it worked great.  Others I have worked on myself.   I have clicked on larva by accident.   I tend to IMMEDIATELY go grab another lich after finishing one.   So im in berzerker kill and mercy everything mode when I go to hunt a Larva lol.   = bad lol.  

Just suck it up buttercup.  Deal with any accidental liches and convert them and trade to others for plat.  Sure you wasted hours but you were going to be lich hunting anyways lol.  You still got kuva and relics. 


I would prefer if murmur missions were all exterminates or for real endless missions.  Spy, intercept are horrible missions.   Mobile Defense/Defense can go wrong very easily, especially when your carrying trash players who cant do their part. Disruption is like super easy if you farm murmurs 1st and THEN do the keys but most people do both which is dumb.  Capture are worthless especially in a squad....

No just give us like 300-500 kill exterminates lol.  

I do like to manipulate my lich aggression and flip between solo and group as needed.  I like to run into my lich atleast once solo to level him up and expand his turf.  Then I like to group and just leech murmurs by letting everyone else do the mercy kills.  Then when I have the first 2 murmurs Im good to switch back to solo.   Try some combinations out on lich...  hopefully figure out the 1st and 2nd part of sequence.  Honestly by then im usually almost finished with third so I just start guessing at the mod while I solo and try to unlock the 3rd.  If guessing is a bad choice then I will hook back up with a squad. 

on ps4 murmur groups are in such super high demand I filter that crap out of my chat window.  

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Wow the forum dad replies...

I am in a similar space with the game right now, though just from trying to grind the Starchart and get to the Second Dream quest.

To be honest, I do not think the forums is a good, or productive place right now to give feedback like this.

The game is in a bad state, the developers know it is in a bad state, and it will take a significant and honest effort to get the game out of that state. The issue is, DE's past history where they work toward establishing good will with the community, and then just wait it out and go on to do more of the same. It is hard to see DE as being sincere about changing and doing things better. But an odd side thing happens, which is a part of the player base with a sense of loyalty to them, takes it as a personal quest to meet the 'bashers' on the forums offering their feedback, especially if it is done with any passion or use of hyperbole.

Dear Forum Dads, in a lot of ways, your partially responsible for the current state of the game. In short, your multi level marketing 'street team' PR. You're apologist, apologist for actions and direction that have gone continually toward the game not moving toward its potential. Like the community team, you're shielding people, who if I was to be honest, from either a shareholder's or executive position I'd have moved toward replacing a while ago. I am sure their intentions, and efforts are outstanding, but at the end of the day Warframe is not a passion project or charity, and they just aren't getting the job needed done.

Player retention is down, especially new players, part of why their recent posted career positions are what they are. But sadly, player retention, like all customer retention, isn't something you hire someone to do, its what you hire someone to investigate and find out what you need to do as a change. From DE's past history, this person will just be set up to fail, as those that should be listening to what they return with, will think they are entitled to flip it to 'Why aren't players liking what I told them to like? Why aren't you doing your job player retention specialist?' And the onion of excuses, shielding and protecting those ultimately responsible, will yet again expand at DE.

In all honesty, I think DE is beyond hope. It is refusing to go through a normal growth process for a business that wants to expand its achievements and capabilities. Its is buying into the whole 'always entrepreneurs' myth. Which is fine and all, unless it is perverted to 'we keep the same small core circle in place, and never expand decision making and responsibilities out.' Basically DE needs, like a mature company, an environment where one person with responsibilities and objectives, in conflict with another's responsibilities and objectives, says 'No, you and I are gonna hammer this out, and I'll get some of what I want, and you'll get some of what you want, and we'll both be responsible for it, and hopefully that will be better for our customers in the end.' From reading the Glass Door employee takes, yeah no, that is not who they are as a company. Don't think I am selling them short, coming up with an IP and game that has lasted to this point like Warframe has is an amazing accomplishment. That doesn't mean the people who did that, are the same to keep it growing, innovating, and improving, especially when they continually seem to be hostile to the critical feedback mechanisms which decision makers need to open themselves to, not put shields in front of them to deflect while they work on their 'the next great thing' ignoring their recent missteps and the consequences of them that go well beyond themselves.

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