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How to scan drones in Grineer Sealab on Uranus?



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Yeah this quest is really Obscure for most new players,,, 

Anyway, This is what you're looking for.


Finding the Drone can be Tricky but If I remember correctly, You simple do a Non-Endless Mission on Uranus (I recommend Capture) and then play the mission Normally. Make sure you don't rush to the Objective, The Drone needs time to spawn and that may not happen if you go too quickly. Now... as you're doing the mission you will hear what sounds like a very loud Whale Mating Call... Once you hear this sound thats when you can start rushing forward as Fast as you can in search of the Drone, don't Bother with enemies or try to do the Objective, just look for the Drone, If you take too long it will Fly Away. Once you find the Drone make sure to Scan it befoe it flies off. Once its Scanned you just have to complete the mission (Succesfuly I think) and The Lotus will explain the rest... Or Maybe she won't... You never really know with her.

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keep replaying Missions on the Grineer Sealab Tileset until the encounter triggers in your Mission. the Chance starts out relatively low but increases the more Missions in the Tileset you play(up to 100%).

you'll know it has triggered when you get a screen flash followed by some strange noises, and then Lotus will say some Voice Lines you've never heard before.
they'll be around in the Mission, Scanning Enemies and Objects.
grab a few Scans of them for yourself, then walk directly in front of them and let them Scan you.

Edited by taiiat
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15 minutes ago, Lutesque said:

Yeah this quest is really Obscure for most new players,,, 

Anyway, This is what you're looking for.


Finding the Drone can be Tricky but If I remember correctly, You simple do a Non-Endless Mission on Uranus (I recommend Capture) and then play the mission Normally. Make sure you don't rush to the Objective, The Drone needs time to spawn and that may not happen if you go too quickly. Now... as you're doing the mission you will hear what sounds like a very loud Whale Mating Call... Once you hear this sound thats when you can start rushing forward as Fast as you can in search of the Drone, don't Bother with enemies or try to do the Objective, just look for the Drone, If you take too long it will Fly Away. Once you find the Drone make sure to Scan it befoe it flies off. Once its Scanned you just have to complete the mission (Succesfuly I think) and The Lotus will explain the rest... Or Maybe she won't... You never really know with her.

Oh awesome, thank you.   I've seen several of these now that I know what they look like... I wish I had known I need to scan them.  I would already be done.

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57 minutes ago, FurianStorm said:

Also made way more easier with a helios sentinal.
With its mod it will auto scan it.
(have to have a few scanners on you though since helios uses up your codex scanners)

You know, I'm glad you brought that up... Did you know Cephalon Simaris sells these things called "Widgets" ?

One Of Them is The Sol-Battery Widget 



"Recharges Synthesis Scanner charges.
(Scans no longer consume charges)"

"Helios'  Investigator and  Heliocor can consume Synthesis Scanners in place of Codex Scanners, but will not grant Simaris Standing.

If both are equipped Helios will consume the Codex Scanner charges first."- Warframe Wiki

If you're commited to using Helios then this will be Extremely Convenient...

Simaris has other Widgets and Thingamjigs on offer... be sure to Browse through them... and remind him about Personal Space:



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8 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Yeah this quest is really Obscure for most new players,,, 

Anyway, This is what you're looking for.


Finding the Drone can be Tricky but If I remember correctly, You simple do a Non-Endless Mission on Uranus (I recommend Capture) and then play the mission Normally. Make sure you don't rush to the Objective, The Drone needs time to spawn and that may not happen if you go too quickly. Now... as you're doing the mission you will hear what sounds like a very loud Whale Mating Call... Once you hear this sound thats when you can start rushing forward as Fast as you can in search of the Drone, don't Bother with enemies or try to do the Objective, just look for the Drone, If you take too long it will Fly Away. Once you find the Drone make sure to Scan it befoe it flies off. Once its Scanned you just have to complete the mission (Succesfuly I think) and The Lotus will explain the rest... Or Maybe she won't... You never really know with her.

All true though I think of a siren song myself more than whale 😋

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9 hours ago, Lutesque said:

Wow... you got it sooner than I did then... I didn't get mine until I reached Sedna, Same with Helios... never used it for so long.

Don't know if it was soon, been playing over a year and got it after around half a year.

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