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Nightshade/Belladonna Female Plant Based Defence Warframe


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Health - 250

Armor - 100

Shields - 0

Energy - 300

Sprint Speed - 0.9

Passive Ability - [0.5 - 1.0] energy regeneration rate per sec from light sources depending on brightness strength including abilities. 

Couldn't decide on which abilities, so I put down 6 different types... opinions are highly appreciated!! 

Power 1 

Similar to Wisps ability being able to choose  between 1 of 3 physical defenses. 

1) Deadly Thorns - Protruding Thorns from herself causing slash damage as she drifts past enemies and puncture damage to those that attack her. 

2) Venomous Sting - Coating herself with  venomous stinging needles causing Corrosive damage to enemies who dare to come near. 

3) Euphorbia Sap - Releasing a sticky toxic sap anyone who attacks her will have movement and attack speed reduced meanwhile taking toxic damage. 

[All are affected by Strength/Duration/Efficiency] 

Power 2

Venus Deathtrap - Sprout large carnivorous plants something similar to Venus flytrap snatching up nearby enemies dealing puncture and slash damage with a certain percentage of dropping health/energy orbs. 

[Affected by Strength/Duration/Efficiency/Distance] 

Power 3

Tenacious Taproots - Spreading roots deep into the ground when not mobile gives a increase to armour and resistance to knockdown, the longer you stay still the higher the increase with a cap of course, also allies will gain the same buff when they come into range. 

[Affected by Strength/Duration/Distance/Efficiency] 

Power 4

Spiny Kudzu Creeper - Fast growing spiny vines deriving from within, spreading in all directions giving out slash damage as it passes, slowing down enemies and entwining them crushing them to their deaths. **Can also latch onto vines on walls for duration of the ability

Crush = impact and puncture damage  

[Affected by Strenght/Duration/Distance/Efficiency] 

Power 5

Natural Medicine - Providing increased immunity to viral and toxin status and increased max health to all allies within range. 

[Affected by Strength/Duration/Distance/Efficiency] 

Power 6

Insect Repellent - Emitting chemical pheromones into the air repelling enemies around her and attracting insect like bugs to fight for her side (something similar to fire ants and hornet wasps) dealing [fire/slash] and [electrical/puncture damage]. 

[Affected by Strength/Duration/Distance/Efficiency] 



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37 minutes ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Passive Ability - [0.5 - 1.0] energy regeneration rate per sec from light sources depending on brightness strength including abilities. 

This kind of thing is buggy enough that I don't know how well it would work. Just because an area appears to be bright doesn't mean it counts as bright. Mirage can show you. 

39 minutes ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Shields - 0

Is there a reason behind this? It makes a little sense for Nidus and Inaros. But I am not sure why it is the case here.


The idea does look good though. I would probably pick abilities 1, 2, 4 and 6. Or you know, we could just have 6 abilities and we get to pick the four to take. That seems like a way to make it more unique.

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I would make power 5 her passive and keep powers 1-4

Power 1:

All of your ideas for Power 1 are very interesting but i dont feel like it should be casted in a way thats simular to Wisp.

What i would do is combine all 3 of the abilities and make them condition based. For example, enemies that get to close to her take slash damage, enemies who attack her take toxin and puncture, and enemies that you attack are slowed with sap. Maybe the sap can eventually stop the enemies movement while only slowing the enemies attacks.

1 hour ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Venus Deathtrap - Sprout large carnivorous plants something similar to Venus flytrap snatching up nearby enemies dealing puncture and slash damage with a certain percentage of dropping health/energy orbs. 

Power 2

This sounds like an epic and entertaining ability. 

When it grabs an enemy, attacking the trap should damage the enemy, and when the enemy falls below 50% health the trap should consume the enemy. This should benefit you and perhaps nearby players by increasing all of your abilities duration, and dropping some health orbs at the plants loction for you and allies.

1 hour ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Tenacious Taproots - Spreading roots deep into the ground when not mobile gives a increase to armour and resistance to knockdown, the longer you stay still the higher the increase with a cap of course, also allies will gain the same buff when they come into range.

I also like this as i do not like to move much BUT i do like to move

So instead, what if after standing still or walking to cause this armor building material to grow on you, can be taken with you when you start back moving?

Im imagining the player being in 1 spot with tree bark growing from the ground onto the warframe, and the moment they move, the base of the bark breaks allowing the player to carry the tree bark armor with them.

1 hour ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Spiny Kudzu Creeper - Fast growing spiny vines deriving from within, spreading in all directions giving out slash damage as it passes, slowing down enemies and entwining them crushing them to their deaths. **Can also latch onto vines on walls for duration of the ability

Crush = impact and puncture damage

Sounds beautiful. Nice crowd control and it sounds good visually too.

I like the frame! And am all down for a better plant themed warframe

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Thanks for the ideas and feedback up to now making it more apt for gameplay...my reason for no shields is because plants normally dont have Shields but have a tought outer armour coating (e.g.bamboo which has a higher tensile strength than steel) protecting their longevity (health) and being to produce their own energy by photosynthesis...I was debating between generating energy per second and increasing max energy! 

Edited by Infiniteonvitae
Missing vital Information
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4 hours ago, Infiniteonvitae said:

Thanks for the ideas and feedback up to now making it more apt for gameplay...my reason for no shields is because plants normally dont have Shields but have a tought outer armour coating (e.g.bamboo which has a higher tensile strength than steel) protecting their longevity (health) and being to produce their own energy by photosynthesis...I was debating between generating energy per second and increasing max energy! 

Nice!! You know plants are able to get energy through another method too called respiration. Idk how youd go about adding it in though

Edited by (PS4)IIFrost_GhostII
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On 2020-05-11 at 3:47 PM, Infiniteonvitae said:

Loving your knowledge had a look into it its like two side of a coin, both photosynthesis and respiration create energy in different ways maybe gain 0.5 per sec in dark/night and 1.0 in light/day...the possibilities are endless! 

I’ve been in multiple plant frame concepts. Even made a couple myself. Each one so far haven’t survived without encountering a troll comparing them to an animated effect that DE added to one of Oberon’s abilities: Hallowed Ground. Which a plant/flower theme concept is not the same as a frame simply making grass grow. Stupid argument made by narrow minded trolls. Hope you don’t encounter them.

But for the concept itself, there is like hundreds of abilities for DE to choose from that are plant based. But also Synergy is important. Having the abilities be able to work together to sort of amplify each other, makes for the perfect set up. I’ll get to that later.

A concept I made once included a possibility that the frame has 2 forms thus creating 2 sets of abilities. A light form and a dark/shade form. The light form occurs while standing in lit areas. Causing flowers to bloom along with her abilities. While the dark/shade form becomes a deadly force of nature. Causing her to sprout thorns.

The ability sets for each are pretty simple. The blooming flower form she creates plants that primarily causes buffs or debuffs. Such as removing certain status effects, buffing power strength, and weakening enemies. Cause plants can heal you, cure you, even strengthen you. But some can cause hallucinations and such also. Imagine a field of flowers producing a gas that puts enemies into a daze. Or even sleep. Toxic too but we already have Saryn. Also imagine her creating a pheromone that lures enemies.

The shaded thorns form, her ability kit is based on inflicting damage or traps. Like creating a field of thorns where enemies who step in it become slower and suffer puncture status. Creating thorny vines to trap enemies, maybe cast again to cause the thorns to enlarge and deal sever puncture damage. With the release of Khora’s new deluxe coming, it has made the idea of carnivorous plants that much more clear. I’m talking like creating an army of vicious looking plant monsters/animals that will attack and even paralyze enemies. Khora’s kavat’s new skin is closer to what I pictured. 

We don’t have a frame that focuses on puncture damage. Garuda does heavy slash. This frame could be the idea for a puncture one. 

Now the synergy between these forms is basically while the blooming flower form provides great survivability, the shaded thorns form provides a balance of defense and offense. One combination is she creates the luring pheromones to draw in enemies to their daze/sleep. Or using both forms she can draw the enemies in, step into a shaded area and trap all the enemies into her thorny garden. Then she can buff herself and allies up and inflict sever puncture damage to the doomed enemies.

There is a lot of combos with other frames this could create. And I’m a team player. I use my Nidus to make frames like chroma become OP. Then combine them with rhino to create a 250k iron skin. 

Either way, there are many direction for DE to go with this kind of frame. And the name you chose definitely sounds fitting for the concept that I’ve been thinking of. Mainly cause in the Marvel series Luke Cage, Nightshade was a plant used to enhance a dude’s physical strength and toughen him up. 

Edited by (PS4)chris1pat8twins
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I like to be the support in the team that's why I was aiming for defence and help to allies... normally I would play Trinity, Wisp or Saryn with her spores and venom dose... I like your concept and I think some kind of fusion between both ideas would be great! 

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