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How to make Railjack better


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So I absolutely love flying around in my big spaceship called a rail jack.  I love the different roles and the idea of working together to accomplish a mission.  It is all I worry about right now in Warframe.  I am still in the gearing up process, but having ranks 8 7 7 7 I have noticed somethings that could easily make it better.

Can I adjust my rail-jack armament mods without going to the Dojo like in the rail jack in-between missions or something.

Problem 1: 90% of people don't know what they are doing when they enter my ship even on high levels and do either nothing or waste resources firing all of my armaments at nothing.
   possible solutions:  - add some kind of tutorial before being allowed on rail-jacks simply explaining what the stations are and what they do.
                                  - (I haven't verified this isn't already a thing but) allow people to spend enough intrinsic to do basic things like use the artillery so that I can do things like teach other random tenno the joys of using the rail jack. I often find it common that people can't even enter my artillery.
                                  - allow the ship owner the ability to turn off the use of armaments on the side guns.

Problem 2: Programmers need more time to fix them bugs like tether not doing damage for not pilot and other issues.  As a programmer myself I know these are generally time constraint issues brought on by the need to get the product out fast enough to make any sort of money and that this is calculated in the the general "Agile" approach of programing but can we please bump up the bug fixes for rail-jack, the bugs are pretty egregious.

In closing I absolutely love the new rail-jack system and after I got over the silly name and actually flew in one; I was instantly in love.  I would love more of this kind of content and would love a larger part of the community the simple ability to participate and feel like they are helping.

What do you guys that read this think am I right or should there be other changes that more experienced people would know about.

Edited by JydiLehi
proof reading. longer explaination of problem 2. added a closing.
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34 minutes ago, JydiLehi said:

Problem 1: 90% of people don't know what they are doing when they enter my ship even on high levels and do either nothing or waste resources firing all of my armaments at nothing.

exactly, my ship is barely ready to the vail but since everything good drops there I have to play that and I would not have any problem if someone would know that the forge or the slighshot exist. hell even the tactical menu.
Most people just sit in the side guns and shoot, never come out, out of energy and revolite one guy flying in archwing dieing a lot because he wants to board while he should have just slingshoted himself into it and would not deid 3 times in 2 minutes. And there would not be a million figthers if someone would use the forge so we can use the abilites.

40 minutes ago, JydiLehi said:

possible solutions:  - add some kind of tutorial before being allowed on rail-jacks simply explaining what the stations are and what they do.
                                  - (I haven't verified this isn't already a thing but) allow people to spend enough intrinsic to do basic things like use the artillery so that I can do things like teach other random tenno the joys of using the rail jack. I often find it common that people can't even enter my artillery.

Tactical menu... I finshied earth and saturn (pre revisted) before I know it exists. Then a partner made a video about reviseted and I saw them using it and I was like "what is that? how do I use that?"
I had to check the raijack key bindings to know it exist...

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I understand why they did it the way they did to encourage more people to get into the Railjack scene however things like Heavy Munitions and Artillery should be locked behind personal intrinsics it would cut down on wasted resources. And I do believe the ship's artillery is locked behind personal intrinsics if I remember correctly there was a time I had someone on my Railjack and they didn't have the rank 5 needed to fire it I'll need to confirm that however.

Since they're working on Railjack revised part 2 intrinsics are being looked at and hopefully a new game mode soon to draw more people in I personally had a lot of fun going through the process of building it and getting it out into space the first couple of missions were a little rocky but after I started getting upgrades it made it very smooth and streamlined experience. And I have been using it in conjunction with my normal gameplay.

Lore wise for a modifying things on the Railjack itself I mean we could have Ordis work with Cy using a landing craft to swap out engines ,weapons, and shield generators basically doing maintenance on the Railjack from the Orbiter but I still think that the initial Dry Dock should be required for construction.

Still good thoughts here. Make sure to add your feedback here in the combined thread: https://forums.warframe.com/forum/22-missions-levels/

Cheers o/

Edited by Magus_Tahir
Put incorrect link to feedback.
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more Bug fixes could help, I still occasionally get the glitch that prevents being able to use Side Turrets as a Client. that's fine if there's repairs or Crewships to deal with, but otherwise I'm left with nothing to do while the ship is under attack.

restrictions on Railjack functions will just invite even more toxicity when players argue about not being able to use Ordnance or whatever, which is why that hasn't and likely never will be implemented. I know many have issues with people using the Nav Console without permission, maybe that one is worth looking into. 

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1: Dry dock upgrade options avaliable on landing craft.

2: Different kind of missions 

3: Multiple abilities that doesnt require "resources" to use (energy would be OK). just imagine having to spend 10K credits for each "4" you used on a frame.

IMHO people like warframe because of the variety of frames and the different playstiles avaliable. In Railjack you lose that.

Just imagine being a gunner, and having the ability to  launch a mini black hole, slow enemies, chain lightning ships, etc

dunno, maybe making your chosen frame give the guns (or the ship) some kind of power?

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Would be cool if there was an index variant. Like an AI enemy player RJ with a crew that you duke it out with. That'd be fun.

And then maybe larger gaelons where playing with your frame comes in handy.

Also some nodes where there are 2 squads(1 RJ 1 ground) in the same mission. Not the Oplink scam we got but the actual oplink we deserve.

In a nut shell :

1 -  RJ vs RJ battles to make it more dynamic.

2 - Larger missions with 8 players. 1 squad duking it out against another ship while the other squad is taking down a galeon or something, but not limited by that.

3 - Implement it to the base game. Like there are AW nodes on all planets right ? We should have alternate RJ nodes on certain missions. 



Edited by White_Matter
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