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[The Outdated Parkour Thread] It Finally Happened! (Voice Your Opinion In The Poll!)


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How stubborn can you be to still want coptering out of this game ? how blind can you be to not see that's the best thing the game has to offer ?

Lets work with the idea that this is not going to effect coptering. At all. Lets just assume they're going to make some special program that'll keep copter exactly as broken as it is and the physics engine isn't enhanced. 

They improve your jump offs when sliding down a wall, they allow you to move slightly up or down a wall when doing horizontal wall runs, they fix the detection on jumping on the walls, they make different intensities for jumping off of walls, so that you don't catapult yourself away, and they fix vaults to maintain momentum. <--- That here is like 50% of what we're asking and none of it's going to hurt coptering. With just this added into the game, I'm pretty sure a good 3/4ths of us could die happy. 

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Warframe is more than a shooter and I'm not sure it's a shooter first.  If warframe is a shooter first then shouldn't the Tenno be able to shoot while sprinting, or doing anything really, even if you can't scope in, or even if you get an accuracy penalty?  What happened to the whole Space Ninja thing?






It's pure butchery.  Why pay for Mass Effect twice in a row?



This is what I'd like to know. This game's all over the place to the point where I can't tell if it wants to be a shooter, an RPG, a stealth game, or tower defense game.


I know that, and I agree with that. Always have. What baffles me is people thinking that improving a gameplay element that needs improving is somehow a bad thing. Improvement is never a bad thing. If it's bad then it's not improvement.

You guys speak the truth!

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watch this and eat your words



Hands down, the stupidest looking thing I've seen in Warframe.


DE please watch this.


This video exemplifies why people hate coptering.  It shows how awful it looks in slow motion.


Its not hard to do, it doesn't take skill, its a broken slide attack.  It's so obviously broken that you watch the character put the weapon back and start to walk in mid-air to the pace that it's flying.  Ugly as sin.

Edited by Thaumatos
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watch this and eat your words


There's a phenomenon in the human brain called "mirror neurons". Basically, when you look at someone doing some physical activity, your brain actually fires some of the same neurons involved in doing that action.

And watching this video, I can feel some of same neurons involved in pressing keyboard buttons to execute these parkour moves.

What I'm trying to say is, I can practically feel the clunkiness just by watching this video.


Also this looks nowhere near as smooth as Cloudbuilt. Or even Metal Gear Rising. Even some games made in the Source engine.

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Just like we got melee 2.0 and damage 2.0 we NEED parkour 2.0

The old mechanics feel old and unresponsive. I can't do a wall run and jump on a ledge that 1m to my left?? what is it 2010??

And the Idea of using timed and aimed combo jumps  like in "3) Make wallrun jumps more controllable" to string Sprint >jump>jump or vault>jump>jump is great. Same with doing a Jump to a wall and sticking and slowly sliding down. Directional wallrun and all the rest.


Ninjas in space, remember?


I'm only using directional melee, coptering and sprint >slide>jump(and the combo variant) because its the only thing that's reliable and responsive.

Parkour is not, sometime it works, sometime it doesn't or sometime it will fling you like your on a catapult. Its unresponsive and unreliable.

Edited by DraccoDoom
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Here's to hoping that Parkour2.0 is one of the first things that comes in the new year. 


Honestly, I'd rather it come out more polished rather than sooner. We'll still have weapons, frames and such coming out on a regular basis to keep the player base entertained. I'd let them sit on this for a while and get it working well rather than have them rush it out and be a big disappointment.

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I am sincerely hoping that parkour 2.0 will make parkour useful without melee, and that all testing is done without melee weapons equipped. I recently got a friend into the game, and he prefers to leave his melee weapon back in the liset and go guns only. I'll just say that void parkour rooms got SO much harder for him and me with the current state of the parkour system when I also decided to leave my melee weapon and Zephyr.


That is the key problem with the current parkour. It's so dependant on melee weapons and frame abilities to get where you actually want to get. Leaving them is literally locking your movement, a lot. As an example, horizontal wallruns can almost never get you where you want because when you jump off you either miss your mark by flying past it and into the nearest wall, staying there until your momentum stops and gravity responds or you just melee slam and hope that you land at the right spot. Vertical wallruns are easier to control, but the lack of control when jumping off a wall also makes it more annoying than it should be.


I would also like to know if DE intended for directional melee to be implemented this way. It has basically rendered Excalibro's, Zephyr's and Vauban's mobility abilities obsolete with the Galatine, flipping Galatine giving you more air time than Super Jump while coptering renders other movement abilites like Slash Dash, Rhino Charge, Ripline, Tidal Surge and Tailwind completely without any use except for meager damage and some cc.

Edited by Zirion_Bk
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Hmm, so coptoring looks aweful in slow motion but running a wall does not?  The reason why people hate coptoring is because they hate anything spectacular.  They want Dark Souls, a lame game.  After coptoring, parkour will be the next target, because "balance" and "looks awful" and because there is nothing sci-fantasy implied by the phrase Space Ninja.


And, who plays the game in slow motion anyway?  How is that done?

Edited by ThePresident777
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Hmm, so coptoring looks aweful in slow motion but running a wall does not?  The reason why people hate coptoring is because they hate anything spectacular.  They want Dark Souls, a lame game.  After coptoring, parkour will be the next target, because "balance" and "looks awful" and because there is nothing sci-fantasy implied by the phrase Space Ninja.


And, who plays the game in slow motion anyway?  How is that done?


Play on consoles ... *bod-um tsssss*

All they need to do is give coptering a real animation and that's it.

The haters major argument is all "its not pretty wah-wah" and that it makes parkour obsolete.

Give copters a true animation then make parkour 2.0 so its fun to actually use it in the levels.

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I agree that it needs animation work to resolve the primary expressed complaint against it.  It's really easy to justify coptoring in sci-fantasy, even easier for functional substitutes such as jump jets, super suits, etc.


Could parkour even work in a sci-fantasy setting without fantastic self propulsion in air?  Imagine if what makes coptoring work were taken out.  Would Space Ninjas be able to jump onto a wall let alone off a wall onto another?


I wonder if this topic would exist at all if DE had decided from the start that Space Ninjas would be able to somehow fantastically self propel themselves through the air to the extent that coptoring allows.

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Play on consoles ... *bod-um tsssss*

All they need to do is give coptering a real animation and that's it.

The haters major argument is all "its not pretty wah-wah" and that it makes parkour obsolete.

Give copters a true animation then make parkour 2.0 so its fun to actually use it in the levels.

Exactly, animation work is all that coptering needs.
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Parkour needs to be more effective than coptering.


Movement like that shouldn't be impossible, it should take skill.  Coptering is so skill-less you can macro it.


Copter argument is that they want to be able to move fast.  Put more skill into it and make it look nice and I guarantee you'd get people complaining.  They don't want skill-based gameplay.  They want a three-button map leaper.

Edited by Thaumatos
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I think this is the most agreeable post I've ever seen here. I love the parkour mechanics in this game but these suggestions (mainly for me the vaulting physics in my opinion) would make this game 10x better! I love parkour in any game but this is one of my favorites and if I were to see these in the game this would be amazing!!!


The physics in this game are very broken! (especially with Zyphyr...like really...you shouln't be able to turn around in mid-air ._.) Never understood why you were able to move so fast with the staff weapons in air melee. Always thought the dagger like weapons and smaller weapons would move faster than all the others in general.   


Overall I would love to see Digital Extremes work on this to put it in the game. Not even all of it. I really hope they see this soon and think about putting it in the game. Yes, I think everyone here should know that this will take a very long time to do!!!

Edited by (PS4)TSB_WhiteDeath
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How can parkour be more effective than coptoring when parkour requires a surface?  Effective in magnitude is easy to see.  One would be able to jump off a wall farther or run faster along it.  Which would be total fantasy anyway.  It would require wall magic, instead of air magic.  Is there something Space Ninja about wall magic but not air magic?


But, effective as a means of frequent fast travel?  How is that possible unless there are many many more parkour surfaces.  The availability of parkour surfaces is the problem with parkour, besides the quality of the mechanism.


The only reason why people care about coptoring is because it's the only means of fast movement in the game.  Yet, suggestions to remove coptoring do not come with suggestions to increase the sprint speed in compensation.  But, instead are made for the sake of the slower parkour.  It's like Warframe was not advertised as a Space Ninja game.


And what does skillful movement look like?  2 key presses?  3 key presses?  4 key presses?  Random key presses?  Guess which key is the movement key now? Only Space Ninjas need extra key presses to walk and chew bubble gum.  If this game is about Chris Farley, it should have been specified.


I forgot to add.  There isn't much skill possible in movement in Warframe because the camera and the direction of movement are not locked or do not have independent control, nor is there any indication that they are not aligned when they are not aligned.  As a result, there is a severe lack of control in movement when coptoring.  Coptoring has a large element of randomness.  If there is any lack of skill in coptoring, it's not the distance or speed it is capable of, it's the virtual random nature of it.


This effects parkour also, but, not as badly because it takes time for the camera to sync with the direction of movement and parkour isn't as fast as coptoring so the camera has time to align with direction of movement.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Overall I would love to see Digital Extremes work on this to put it in the game. Not even all of it. I really hope they see this soon and think about putting it in the game. Yes, I think everyone here should know that this will take a very long time to do!!!

This post was made 1 1/4 years ago. 

Parkour has been out and openly complained about since it came out. 


It's already been a very long time. Too long. Especially when people are openly giving ideas and it's been brought up many times in Devstreams as a joke. "Oh, haha. Parkour 2.0... Yeah, about that." No, it's not funny. Just freaking fix it. I want it to be a viable, fully working thing as to where I can hold the Jump button on a wall and not rub my face into it. Or get clipped on a wall because of misfitted mesh and fall through the map and die.


Edited by (PS4)theelix
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Somehow I think that the ultimate challenge in Warframe is currently completing Orokin Void Parkour Rooms without a melee or mobility frame equipped, just because of how reliant players are on their melee weapons and frame abilities to get around.


In my honest opinion, one should not be less mobile without a melee equipped than with a melee equipped. At all. That is something I hope that parkour/movement 2.0 fixes.

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Somehow I think that the ultimate challenge in Warframe is currently completing Orokin Void Parkour Rooms without a melee or mobility frame equipped, just because of how reliant players are on their melee weapons and frame abilities to get around.


In my honest opinion, one should not be less mobile without a melee equipped than with a melee equipped. At all. That is something I hope that parkour/movement 2.0 fixes.

Also, an additional obstacle course that's not just centered around jumping but rather actual parkour elements. THAT would be something I'd try for a good time on. 

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Mobility in Warframe has always been bothering me. All the time your movement is interrupted by animations that take away your control entirely.




- The already mentioned rolling which can oftentimes not be prevented and can even happen right after backflipping onto a ledge from a wallrun, instantly throwing you back down to where you started. You constantly have to trick with mid-air sliding or ground slams to be able to land accurately.


- Putting away your melee weapon. You don't have an animation to draw the weapon for quick melees, so why are we locked into one that puts it away again? This also randomly happens at other times when you e.g. jump into a group with a slam. Before you can keep using your melee weapon for consecutive melee attacks, you first have to wait for the animaton to put the melee weapon away even though it's the weapon you want to use next.


- Landing from a great height without moving in any direction causes your character to go into a crouch for a moment, also taking control away from you. If the game would allow for the character to go into crouch for a moment like the Overgrowth example shows, the character could instantly start walking (maybe a bit slower because of the initial crouch) and instantly shoot.




Another thing that keeps annoying me is that if you run away from your enemies and fire back while running, the character often shifts from looking back over his left side to the right and vice versa. The problem doesn't end with your character just looking left and right constantly, which is weird in its own, but his movement is also impeded, acting as if your character was actually turning around on the spot which makes the running contols feel terrible in this situation.



Something that is less related to animations themselves, but to precise movement, is that the game sometimes seems to fail to detect the camera angle and if you move in any direction, the character starts running into that direction from his own perspective.



Uneven ground seems to prevent you from using the frontflip out of sliding unless you happen to press the button in the exact moment where the character is detected as touching the ground.



Lastly, I also dislike how about everything seems to interrupt reloads. whenever you start about any animation, reloads stop, be it rolling, landing and whatnot.



All in all, there are way to many animations that may look fancy, but interrupt the game's flow.



I have no idea if everything I mentioned there fits in this thread, but I thought that since you cover so many topics, I'd rather compress it into one bigger post instead of failing at trying to put the individual things into the right thread.

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my only comment is that the 'catching yourself' animation from falling from great heights isn't so bad. i'm fine with it. i'd take that over forced rolling any day.

rolling is for realism anyways. Warframe doesn't even abide by Newton's Laws, why should we need to Roll to deflect impact force? just catch ourselves and walk it off.

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my only comment is that the 'catching yourself' animation from falling from great heights isn't so bad. i'm fine with it. i'd take that over forced rolling any day.

rolling is for realism anyways. Warframe doesn't even abide by Newton's Laws, why should we need to Roll to deflect impact force? just catch ourselves and walk it off.

The animation itself isn't the problem, it's that you're unable to do anything while it goes on. Just as you say I'd prefer to 'walk it off' quite literally. It's much less impeding than rolling and much more predictable, but I still felt that it's worth mentioning among things that take away the player's control.

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