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Endless missions and early leavers


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So WF has these nice endless missions, particularly for relic runs, so you can hunker down and open a whole bunch of relics at once. So far, so nice. The biggest problem with that is early leavers. Somehow in well over 50% of runs there always has to be this one person thinking to join an endless mission just to then immediately leave after round 1, or maybe 2. I get it, sometimes life happens and someone needs to leave early, but that doesn't happen in over 50% of 4 player groups.
Since no one else can join from that point onward, and less people mean worse opening choices, this always hurts and always drags the run down in some way for the others.

So far, so bad. If this was all I could maybe roll my eyes in strong annoyance and move on, trying again and again to find 3 people that play an endless mission, actually because it is an endless mission. But it isn't all.
(And before anyone suggests making a group in the Recruiting channel, save your breath. I've tried it multiple times and it's a drag that simply doesn't work if you're not going for a radshare run.)
See, there is one thing that makes this particularly nasty. Sometimes the early leaver is the host.
And then sometimes WF really, REALLY doesn't take well to host migrations on endless missions when the others still decide to stay with only 3/2 people. The result then is that the early leaver not just goes home with all the loot, but actually completely ruins the game so hard for the others they end up only with the contents of opened relics because the game got stuck, which obviously also nukes the mission. And when it gets stuck it not only doesn't hand out the other loot anymore, no, just for good measure, weapons also don't get their post-mission extra affinity.
Thought you at least maxed your current weapons? Well, think again, early leaving host ruined that for you too.
So all in all early leavers totally ruin endless missions, and most particularly relic runs. And they ruin them all the time, and there's no good workaround either. It's praying or giving up currently.

Now aside from obviously fixing these migration issues, a serious fix for the early leaver issue would be to sign in for how many rounds people are willing to stay, so the early leavers play with other early leavers, while people who actually are looking to stay get other people to stay with. A bit complicated to implement but would greatly increase the QoL in WF. 4 people sign in for 5 rounds and then someone leaves after round 1? Well have him leave without the loot then.

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1. Dont go with randoms for long runs.

2. If you notice host leaving, leave too.

3. If someone other than host leaves, who cares?


You cant force people to play longer and taking their rewards away just because they need to leave is a bit harsh.

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"Early leavers" doesn't exist when people leave when there is an option to. I leave for a variety of different reasons:

  • Host is bad
  • Someone leeching affinity/resources and I'm not carrying a lazy player that is more than capable of playing.
  • I don't like a frame that's in the group, mainly speed Volt or it's someone with a Bramma and I'm not listening to that weapon for 20+ minutes

If I want to leave at 5 minutes or 5 waves then I will. Either deal with recruiting chat (despite what you said early but it's relevant), or deal with what you get in pubs.

This isn't a problem and there's nothing to fix.

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I had a similar idea about matching players who normally stay for doing long runs with players who do the same, it requires a more intelligent matchmaking though than what we currently have, even frequently matching you with people on your ignore list.

I support that part of your suggestion.

34 minutes ago, --Brandt-- said:
  • Host is bad
  • Someone leeching affinity/resources and I'm not carrying a lazy player that is more than capable of playing.
  • I don't like a frame that's in the group, mainly speed Volt or it's someone with a Bramma and I'm not listening to that weapon for 20+ minutes

Can relate to that, those are the kinds of things that usually annoy me the most too.

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When there's an Excavation, do type "H LONG Meso excavation 1/4" (replace Meso with whatever). It fills up within a minute of advertising. People like it because it's the fastest relics/time ( when you spawn several excavators at once).
What also works is "H LONG Meso Survival 1/4. LF Speedva/Nekros/Whatever-you-want-in-your-mission.". A lot of people like to hunker down and just grind for a while from time to time. Those will gladly join an organized run.

Here are 2 more reasons why someone would leave:

  • Some are there just to complete a Simaris or NW task while making a better use for their time. They'll leave at first rotation, too.
  • Completing a map node for the first time is even more worth it if there's a Fissure going on in it.

P.S.: When I see a Bramma messing up my aim, I leave as soon as I can. I wasn't mad at the old Limbo, but I'm mad at Bramma.

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As expected most replies completely miss the point.

11 hours ago, --Brandt-- said:

This isn't a problem and there's nothing to fix.

It's not a problem to you. Cool. It's a regular problem to me, and there's lots of other players who aren't ecstatic about being forced to leave early with a host either. The other two people I was with on the last glitching round weren't exactly what I'd call happy either.
If having to leave at the threat of the game going bonkers isn't something to fix, there's nothing to fix ever.


11 hours ago, kgabor said:

I had a similar idea about matching players who normally stay for doing long runs with players who do the same, it requires a more intelligent matchmaking though than what we currently have, even frequently matching you with people on your ignore list.

I support that part of your suggestion.

Yeah. I'd think asking for better than atrocious matchmaking wouldn't be controversial, but clearly it is.

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16 hours ago, --Brandt-- said:


This isn't a problem and there's nothing to fix.

you are wrong and need to think a bit more before posting

this is a problem and it needs a fix, even if you don't care about QoL changes in the game you like then at least host migration is a well known problem and needs fixing (no matter how much you want to defend every flaw of Warframe)

if your message is "just accept these flaws and carry on" - well thanks captn Obvious, we do it every time we play this game but should we stop complaining about issues that spoil the experience of such a nice game? (especially when some issue gets enough attention it eventually gets fixed, not all the time, but it works, as long as you keep silence and try to silent others by saying that there is no problem, DE thinks everything works great!)

About endless missions - I wish it was possible to see every squad in a given node and at least see their mission progress time (if not the wave/round, etc), number of group members, their gear, at least frames and be able to join any time, any wave, drop in - drop out and be able to choose which squad to join. And be able to use recruit chat for new members and invite them when someone needs to go. And most important for me (and I am sure lots of other players) is the ability to choose either to be a host only and wait for others to join or never host or both.

Edited by Scar.brother.help.me
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